962 resultados para inclination to buy
The study assessed the operational feasibility and acceptability of insecticide-treated mosquito nets (ITNs) in one Primary Health Centre (PHC) in a falciparum malaria endemic district in the state of Orissa, India, where 74% of the people are tribes and DDT indoor residual spraying had been withdrawn and ITNs introduced by the National Vector Borne Disease Control Programme. To a population of 63,920, 24,442 ITNs were distributed free of charge through 101 treatment centers during July-August 2002. Interview of 1,130, 1,012 and 126 respondents showed that the net use rates were 80%, 74% and 55% in the cold, rainy and summer seasons, respectively. Since using ITNs, 74.5-76.6% of the respondents observed reduction of mosquito bites and 7.2-32.1% reduction of malaria incidence; 37% expressed willingness to buy ITNs if the cost was lower and they were affordable. Up to ten months post-treatment, almost 100% mortality of vector mosquitoes was recorded on unwashed and washed nets (once or twice). Health workers re-treated the nets at the treatment centers eight months after distribution on a cost-recovery basis. The coverage reported by the PHC was only 4.2%, mainly because of unwillingness of the people to pay for re-treatment and to go to the treatment centers from their villages. When the re-treatment was continued at the villages involving personnel from several departments, the coverage improved to about 90%.Interview of 126 respondents showed that among those who got their nets re-treated, 81.4% paid cash for the re-treatment and the remainder were reluctant to pay. Majority of those who paid said that they did so due to the fear that if they did not do so they would lose benefits from other government welfare schemes. The 2nd re-treatment was therefore carried out free of charge nine months after the 1st re-treatment and thus achieved coverage of 70.4%. The study showed community acceptance to use ITNs as they perceived the benefit. Distribution and re-treatment of nets was thus possible through the PHC system, if done free of charge and when personnel from different departments, especially those at village level, were involved.
ABSTRACT This study aims to contribute towards understanding the multiple factors, which influence firm's governance decisions. To identify some of these factors, three cases in the Brazilian wine industry were analyzed: Miolo located in Vale dos Vinhedos (South of Brazil) and in Vale do Rio São Francisco (Northeast of Brazil); Don Laurindo located in Vale dos Vinhedos; and ViniBrasil located in Vale do Rio São Francisco. For the most part, all three firms procure the grapes they use for their wine production in-house. Only Miolo purchases an insignificant amount of grapes outside of its production. By Brazilian standards, these regions have a long tradition of grape production and it is not difficult to purchase sufficient quantity of grapes to produce wine. However, the wineries are concerned also about the quality of the grapes they use and purchasing high-quality grapes might be critical issue. On the other hand, the quality of grapes is easily measured and the cost to buy in the market is cheaper than producing in-house. Furthermore, also the level of asset specificity present in the grape-grower-wine-producer transaction seems, by itself, insufficient to justify the use of hierarchical governance forms. Then, the aim of the article is to analyze the reasons why these wineries largely rely on hierarchy governance forms to procure their grape-inputs. What explains their use of hierarchy governance, given that both asset specificity and measurement problems appear to be relatively low?
Abstract The neo-liberal capitalist ideology has come under heavy fire with anecdotal evidence indicating a link between these same values and unethical behavior. Academic institutions reflect social values and act as socializing agents for the young. Can this explain the high and increasing rates of cheating that currently prevail in education? Our first chapter examines the question of whether self-enhancement values of power and açhievement, the individual level equivalent of neo-liberal capitalist values, predict positive attitudes towards cheating. Furthermore, we explore the mediating role of motivational factors. Results of four studies reveal that self-enhancement value endorsement predicts the adoption of performance-approach goals, a relationship mediated by introjected regulation, namely desire for social approval and that self-enhancement value endorsement also predicts the condoning of cheating, a relationship mediated by performance-approach goal adoption. However, self-transcendence values prescribed by a normatively salient source have the potential to reduce the link between self-enhancement value endorsément and attitudes towards cheating. Normative assessment constitutes a key tool used by academic institutions to socialize young people to accept the competitive, meritocratic nature of a sociéty driven by a neo-liberal capitalist ideology. As such, the manifest function of grades is to motivate students to work hard and to buy into the competing ethos. Does normative assessment fulfill these functions? Our second chapter explores the reward-intrinsic motivation question in the context of grading, arguably a high-stakes reward. In two experiments, the relative capacity of graded high performance as compared to the task autonomy experienced in an ungraded task to predict post-task intrinsic motivation is assessed. Results show that whilst the graded task performance predicts post-task appreciation, it fails to predict ongoing motivation. However, perceived autonomy experienced in non-graded condition, predicts both post-task appreciation and ongoing motivation. Our third chapter asks whether normative assessment inspires the spirit of competition in students. Results of three experimental studies reveal that expectation of a grade for a task, compared to no grade, induces greater adoption of performance-avoidance, but not performance-approach, goals. Experiment 3 provides an explanatory mechanism for this, showing that reduced autonomous motivation experienced in previous graded tasks mediates the relationship between grading and adoption of performance avoidance goals in a subsequent task. The above results, when combined, provide evidence as to the deleterious effects of self enhancement values and the associated practice of normative assessment in school on student motivation, goals and ethics. We conclude by using value and motivation theory to explore solutions to this problem.
Since the mid 90's, international actors as well as governmental actors have raised their interest into the development of irrigation's potential that is still largely unexploited in Niger. It seems all the more interesting as it could answer the needs of a fast growing population (3.3% per year). However, if everyone agrees on the need to development this system, the current implementation triggers questions on the process itself and its side effects. National and international policies on this matter were build upon an historical process through colonial, post-colonial and then the late 1980's neoliberal structures, leading to a business model that reveals a discrepancy between the state logic and the farming one. This business model asks for a high capacity of mobilization of resources unachievable for many, especially when they want to address small-scale irrigation (area
This paper presents a detailed report of the representative farm analysis (summarized in FAPRI Policy Working Paper #01-00). At the request of several members of the Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry of the U.S. Senate, we have continued to analyze the impacts of the Farmers’ Risk Management Act of 1999 (S. 1666) and the Risk Management for the 21st Century Act (S. 1580). Earlier analysis reported in FAPRI Policy Working Paper #04-99 concentrated on the aggregate net farm income and government outlay impacts. The representative farm analysis is conducted for several types of farms, including both irrigated and non-irrigated cotton farms in Tom Green County, Texas; dryland wheat farms in Morton County, North Dakota and Sumner County, Kansas; and a corn farm in Webster County, Iowa. We consider additional factors that may shed light on the differential impacts of the two plans. 1. Farm-level income impacts under alternative weather scenarios. 2. Additional indirect impacts, such as a change in ability to obtain financing. 3. Implications of within-year price shocks. Our results indicate that farmers who buy crop insurance will increase their coverage levels under S. 1580. Farmers with high yield risk find that the 65 percent coverage level maximizes expected returns, but some who feel that they obtain other benefits from higher coverage will find that the S. 1580 subsidy schedule significantly lowers the cost of obtaining the additional coverage. Farmers with lower yield risk find that the increased indemnities from additional coverage will more than offset the increase in producer premium. In addition, because S. 1580 extends its increased premium subsidy percentages to revenue insurance products, farmers will have an increased incentive to buy revenue insurance. Differences in the ancillary benefits from crop insurance under the baseline and S. 1580 would be driven by the increase in insurance participation and buy-up. Given the same levels of insurance participation and buy-up, the ancillary benefits under the two scenarios would be the same.
Amb l’objectiu d’analitzar i comprendre d’una manera més adequada els mecanismes pels quals els potencials turistes que venen d’Anglaterra prenen la decisió de viatjar fins la Costa Daurada, en el context de la introducció de les línies aèries de baix cost a Espanya i la creació de noves rutes, s’ha dut a terme una enquesta a l’aeroport de Reus a un total de 445 turistes que estaven a punt de tornar de les seves vacances cap a Anglaterra tenint l'aeroport d'East Midlands (EMA) com a destinació i viatjant amb la companyia aèria de baix cost RyanAir. Amb el mètode utilitzat en aquest projecte s'ha mesurat, per mitjà de l'enquesta esmentada, el pes de la causalitat entre la presència de vols barats des de EMA fins a Reus amb la decisió dels turistes de passar les seves vacances en una regió turística de primer ordre a Catalunya com és la Costa Daurada. Segons els resultats de les dues preguntes causals que formen part de l’enquesta (pregunta 18 i pregunta 19), gairebé un 30% de l'impacte econòmic turístic total és degut a la disponibilitat de vols barats mitjançant RyanAir. Tanmateix, al voltant d’un 60% de l'impacte estaria relacionat amb el fet que els turistes visitarien la Costa Daurada independentment de la disponibilitat de vols de RyanAir. Això indicaria que tot i que els vols de Ryanair són innegablement atractius pels turistes, hi ha un desig important de visitar la Costa Daurada que podria ser satisfet per altres mitjans.
Before firms decide whether to enter a new market or not, they havethe opportunity to buy information about several variables that might affectthe profitability of this market. Our model differs from the existing literatureon endogenous information acquisition in two respects: (1) there is uncertaintyabout more than one variable, and (2) information is acquired secretly. Whenthe cost of acquiring information is small, entry decisions will be as ifthere was perfect information. Equilibria where each firm acquires only asmall amount of information are more robust than the socially undesirableequilibria where all firms gather all information. Examples illustrate theimportance of assumptions (1) and (2).
This paper argues that the strategic use of debt favours the revelationof information in dynamic adverse selection problems. Our argument is basedon the idea that debt is a credible commitment to end long term relationships.Consequently, debt encourages a privately informed party to disclose itsinformation at early stages of a relationship. We illustrate our pointwith the financing decision of a monopolist selling a good to a buyerwhose valuation is private information. A high level of (renegotiable)debt, by increasing the scope for liquidation, may induce the highvaluation buyer to buy early at a high price and thus increase themonopolist's expected payoff. By affecting the buyer's strategy, it mayreduce the probability of excessive liquidation. We investigate theconsequences of good durability and we examine the way debt mayalleviate the ratchet effect.
Esta investigação insere-se na temática do Empreendedorismo Imigrante e do Comércio Étnico. Trata-se de uma pesquisa que se debruça sobre a imigração para Cabo Verde, com destaque para a análise da imigração chinesa, sobretudo dedicada ao comércio na ilha de São Vicente. O objectivo geral deste trabalho prende-se com a identificação do contributo da comunidade imigrante supracitada no processo de desenvolvimento de São Vicente, através da instalação e da prática de actividades comerciais. Para concretização deste objectivo foi desenvolvido, durante 5 meses, um trabalho de terreno em Cabo Verde (Santiago e São Vicente). O trabalho empírico socorreu-se de entrevistas formais à presidente da Câmara Municipal de São Vicente e a personalidades da Embaixada de China em Cabo Verde , e informais efectuadas aos comerciantes chineses e seus funcionários, bem como aos comerciantes locais. Foram ainda aplicados inquéritos a todos os comerciantes chineses na ilha de São Vicente, processo que permitiu obter a informação necessária para a caracterização da comunidade chinesa e das actividades comerciais por ela aqui desenvolvidas. Os resultados destes questionários foram armazenados numa base de dados informática, com recurso ao SPSS- Statistical Package for Social Sciences, também utilizado como instrumento de tratamento da informação, assim como a folha de cálculo Excel. Dos resultados da nossa investigação, ressalta que o comércio chinês tem dinamizado muito o tecido comercial sãovicentino, contribuindo para a criação de novos postos de trabalho, diversificando as ofertas e estabilizando ou levando mesmo à redução do preço dos produtos, o que vem generalizar as possibilidades de consumo a segmentos da população menos solventes, que até então tinham muita dificuldade em comprar bens como brinquedos ou certos artigos para o lar. De realçar também que, entre o comércio chinês e o comércio local, existe para além da concorrência como é óbvio, uma certa complementaridade. Esta relação recíproca é estabelecida através de aquisição e revenda de produtos diversificados adquiridos aos comerciantes locas, permitindo assim oferecer assim mais produtos e de melhor qualidade aos seus clientes. Todavia, conclui-se que o comércio chinês, com todas as implicações que trás, ainda não constitui um vector central do desenvolvimento da ilha, designadamente se entendermos o desenvolvimento numa perspectiva abrangente e integral, que incorpora dimensões culturais, sociais e ecológicas que ultrapassam a esfera económica. Contudo, pode-se dizer que a presença do comércio chinês na ilha tem sido bastante positiva, uma vez que coloca no mercado uma diversidade de produtos a preços razoavelmente acessíveis, contribuindo para melhorar a qualidade de vida dos São Vicentinos.
This school in the course of Marketing Business Management and specifically Entrepr This school in the course of Marketing Business Management and specifically Entrepreneurship in the discipline of Simulation - Games Marketing year was accordingly for the creation of a company in the computer business in business online simulator called Marketplace, in order to put into practice all the theoretical knowledge acquired during all previous semesters. This platform we were confronted with decisions in eight quarters corresponding 4 every year , in order to encourage learning in a practical way, a virtual and dynamic environment. Every quarter acareados with well organized tasks taking as a reference point defined strategies such as market research analysis, branding , store management after its creation , development of the policy of the 4Ps , identifying opportunities , monitoring of finances and invest heavily . All quarters were subjected decisions and are then given the results , such as: market performance , financial performance, investments in the future , the "health" of the company 's marketing efficiency then analyzed by our company , teaching and also by competition Balanced Scorecard ie , semi-annual and cumulative . For the start of activities it was awarded the 1st year a total of 2,000,000, corresponding to 500,000 out of 4 first quarter , and 5,000,000 in the fifth quarter in a total of 7,000,000 . The capital invested was used to buy market research, opening sales offices , create brands , contract sales force , advertise products created and perform activity R & D in order to make a profit and become self- sufficient to guarantee the payment of principal invested to headquarters ( Corporate Headquarters ) .
Aquest projecte està pensat per ajudar en la implantació de la tecnologia de virtualització dintre de la sala de servidors d'una empresa concreta on el projectista ha estat treballant. Aquesta tecnologia aporta certs avantatges tecnològics que cal estudiar i aplicar correctament. L'empresa ja tenia pensada la compra de nous servidors i s'ha cregut convenient, abans de seguir amb la infraestructura tradicional, de posar en pràctica aquesta tecnologia que com més avança el temps, més imprescindible s'està tornant.
Amb la situació econòmica actual pot ser interessant poder vendre objectes que ja no s’utilitzen i també poder-ne comprar de segona mà. Amb aquesta idea sorgeix el projecte de crear una pàgina de subhastes online on la gent pugui comerciar amb les coses que ja no necessita. Tenint en compte el concepte inicial, el propietari de la pàgina no rebrà cap retribució ni percentatge de cada subhasta, tot l’import serà pel venedor. L’objectiu principal és el de poder oferir un lloc on després de registrar-se, els usuaris puguin veure i pujar per els articles que altres persones estan subhastant i també la possibilitat de crear les seves pròpies subhastes. Cada usuari disposarà d’un espai personal on veure les subhastes amb les que ha interactuat i així no perdre-les de vista i també on poder veure en cada moment l’estat de les subhastes que ha creat. La vista d’una subhasta s’actualitzarà automàticament sense haver de recarregar la pàgina i si algú puja durant l’últim minut la subhasta s’allargarà un minut més per evitar puges a l’últim moment i així maximitzar el preu final. Hi haurà un administrador que serà l’encarregat de gestionar el bon funcionament de la pàgina amb permís per afegir, editar, consultar i eliminar tota la informació disponible. Per portar a terme el projecte s’ha utilitzat PHP per la part de programació i MySQL com a sistema gestor de bases de dades.
In this report, the authors present two cases of accidental death in children of addicted parents. In the first case, the child was left unattended at home while the mother went out to buy cocaine. She was arrested and detained with no mention of the unsupervised child. The cause of death in this case was determined to be starvation and dehydration. In the second case, a child mistakenly received a methadone suppository by her father instead of an antipyretic suppository. Toxicological analysis of the femoral blood revealed methadone at a concentration of 1.2 mg/L. The cause of death was determined to be methadone intoxication. The literature is reviewed and discussed. We report these cases to illustrate the risk of harm to children from illicit drugs and prescription medications at home and because there is no mention of accidental death in children following a methadone suppository administration in the current literature.
Risky single-occasion drinking (RSOD) is more common in late adolescence and early adulthood (approximately between the ages of 16 and 30) than in any other period in life. This is also the age when young people in Switzerland and many other European countries are legally allowed to buy and drink alcohol, but they usually do not yet have adult responsibilities. This paper reviews evidence from the international literature and provides examples of studies conducted in Switzerland demonstrating that (a) RSOD is by far most prevalent on Saturday evenings followed by Friday evenings, usually because young people go out and do not have any work or study responsibilities the next day; (b) RSOD results from drinking in private before going out ("predrinking") and accelerating the pace of drinking (i.e. increasing the number of drinks consumed per hour); (c) RSOD is often not accidental but purposeful,. to seek excitement, to have fun and to feel the effects of alcohol; (d) RSOD occurs predominantly outside the home, mostly in bars, pubs, discos or at special events and festivals; (e) RSOD often results in intended and unintended injuries and other acute consequences, which are leading risk factors for mortality and morbidity in this age group. Effective prevention strategies should include attempts to reduce opportunities to engage in heavy drinking as well as strategies to reduce its harmful consequences.
Educaworks Oy on toiminut viisi vuotta oppimistehtaana, jonka omistajia ovat olleet yritykset ja oppilaitokset. Yrityksen pääasiallisia työntekijöitä ovat tähän mennessä olleet ammattiopiston työssäoppijat ja parina viimeisenä vuotena on yrityksellä ollut palkkalistoillaan omia työntekijöitä. Tässä työssä luotiin vaihtoehtoja Educaworks Oy:n tulevalle toiminnalle lähtien siitä, että tämä nykyinen toimintamalli on tullut tiensä päähän ja tarvitaan uusi malli toiminnan jatkamiselle.Työssä haettiin hyviä käytäntöjä Suomesta benchmarkingin avulla. Näiden mallienvahvuuksia hyödyntämällä pystyttiin kehittämään vaihtoehto Educaworks Oy:n tulevalle toiminnalle. Tämä malli, oppimistehdas osana osaamiskeskittymää, valittiin toteutettavaksi kolmesta eri vaihtoehdosta, joista kaksi muuta olivat oppimistehdas yrityksenä ja oppimistehdas osana koulutusorganisaatiota. Valitussa vaihtoehdossa hyödynnetään Savonia-ammattikorkeakoulun suunnitteilla olevaa EducaTech Center-hanketta, jossa on tarkoitus luoda Iisalmeen teknologiateollisuuden osaamiskeskittymä seuraavan EU-kauden 2007-2013 aikana. Valitussa mallissa Educaworks Oy hyödyntää tulevassa toiminnassaan tämän osaamiskeskittymän uutta kone- ja laitekantaa sekä tekee yhteistyötä keskittymän tutkimus- ja tuotekehityshenkilökunnan kanssa. Yritykset pääsevät parhaiten osallisiksi Educa Tech Center osaamiskeskittymän tuottamista palveluista hankkimalla Educaworks Oy:n osakkeita ja pääsemällä täten keskittymän ytimeen sen tuotannollisen toimijan, Educaworks Oy:n, avulla. Educaworks Oy toimii tässä keskittymässä komponenttitoimittajan roolissa ollen malli komponenttitoimittajasta muillealueella oleville vastaaville verkostoissa toimiville yrityksille. Educaworks Oy:n toiminnan toisena periaatteena tulee olemaan työssäoppiminen. Työssäoppiminen on tänä päivänä osa ammatillista koulutusta ja sen merkityskorostuu yhä enemmän, koska oppilaat tulevat opiskelemaan tänä päivänä monesti lähtökohdista, joissa heillä ei ole ollut mahdollisuutta harjoittaa käytännön taitojaan ennen ammatillisten opiskelujen aloittamista. Työpaikoilla ei ole vielä kovin hyvää valmiutta toteuttaa sitä opetushallituksen tavoitetta, että oppilaatoppisivat työssäoppimisjaksoilla uusia asioita ohjatusti. Työpaikoilta puuttuu työssäoppimisen ohjaajat ja oppilaiden tekemät harjoitteet ovat liian monta kertaa ammatillisesti kovin vaatimattomia jäysteenpoisto- tai kappaleenvaihtotöitä koneistuksesta puhuttaessa. Tässä työssä luodaan mallia oppilaiden ohjatulle työssäoppimiselle tehtyjen tieteellisten tutkimusten pohjalta. Tavoitteena on, että Educaworks Oy:ssä pystyttäisiin jatkossa kouluttamaan myös muiden alueen teknologiateollisuuden yritysten työntekijöitä toimimaan työssäoppimisen ohjaajina.