986 resultados para historical novel


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Letras - FCLAS


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Pós-graduação em Letras - FCLAS


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Pós-graduação em Letras - FCLAS


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This work presents intricacies of "truth" in the historical novel Confessions of Nat Turner, by William Styron, considering the point-of-view of the novel's narrator. When speaking about the black, Styron somehow keeps the white's perspective, and also perpetuates the distance created by the slavery and segregationist system of the United States of America.


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The objective of this work is to analyze the novel Maquis, of the Spanish novelist Alfons Cervera, detaching the present hibridism of sorts in the work: historical novel, memories, testimonial story, besides the ethical dimension present in the collective memory claims of the maquis.


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This paper presents a comparative study concerning the novel The queen Margot (1845), by Alexandre Dumas father, and the homonymous movie (1994), by Patrice Chéreau, mainly considering its historical character, the production conditions of each “discourse” and the personages’ performances in both narratives. The novel has been originally published in the form of feuilleton in the French newspaper La presse, during the years 1844 and 1845, what explains its long extension and the correlation among the chapters. It constitutes a trilogy, the action of which takes place during the religion wars, affording to the text the classification of a traditional historical novel, having the episode of St. Bartholomew carnage as its most striking event. Regarding the movie, which has been awarded five Cesar prizes, two rewards in Cannes Festival and an indication to the Oscar for the best costume design, it also counts with Isabelle Adjani as the protagonist actress. With a few relevant differences regarding the novel, it is remarkable that the action in the movie happens in august 1572 in a Paris that is the center of conflicts among Catholics and Protestants. In this scenery, the comparison between the two artistic manifestations is based strictly on the analysis of the personages’ profiles, the circumstances in which they have been produced and the historical aspects surrounding the two works.


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We can notice in Brazilian literature —both past and contemporary— the presence of the historical novel in its several modalities which include traditional models but also contemporary formulations that break old models with irreverence. Among them are the historiographical metafictions (Hutcheon, 1991), which propose the rereading not only of history but also of literature itself. Therefore, in the large number of historical characters which are fictionalized by contemporary Brazilian historical novel in the last decades, this essay intends to discuss how Ana Miranda engages in reading the history of Brazilian literature through fiction in three of her novels. The first is Boca do inferno (1989), whose protagonists are two of the main representatives of Brazilian colonial barroque, Father Antônio Vieira and poet Gregório de Matos. Following the chronological order of protagonist writers, the next novel to be discussed is Dias & dias (2002), whose action is centered in Gonçalves Dias, a well known poet of national Romanticism. The third is A última quimera (1995), which makes an outline of Brazilian literature at the beginning of the 20th century, dealing with Augusto dos Anjos and Olavo Bilac. By inverting some traditional viewpoints, Ana Miranda proposes, as in a palimpsest, the rereading and discussion of the national literary cânon and its construction.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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[FR]Dans cet article, la notion de réalisme magique est appliquée à la littérature québécoise. D’abord l’auteure présente le concept afin de bien préciser ses traits caractéristiques. Ensuite, elle analyse le roman historique La tribu de l’écrivain québécois François Barceloen essayant de mettre en lumière son appartenance à cette tendance latino-américaine. Cet examen permet d’enrichir de nouveaux aspectsl’analyse des lettres du Québec.


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La tesi si occupa di analizzare la produzione narrativa della scrittrice messicana di frontiera Cristina Rivera Garza. In particolare, si pone l'accento sull'uso della strategia dell'intertestualità. A partire dalle fondamentali teorie classiche di Julia Kristeva, Gérard Genette e molti altri, lo scopo è quello di proporre un nuovo modello interpretativo che possa considerare la peculiarità della letteratura ispano-americana e inglobare la particolarità della proposta narrativa della scrittrice in oggetto. Attraverso l'innovativo studio di Roberto González Echevarría, l'obiettivo è quello di analizzare non solo i rapporti che si stabiliscono tra opere che appartengono al sistema della letteratura, ma anche i produttivi rapporti che si stabiliscono fra testi letterari e testi che non appartengono al sistema della letteratura. In particolare si analizza: a) le relazioni tra Storia e narrazione nel romanzo storico messicano tra XX e XXI secolo; b) le relazioni tra cronaca (considerata come genere tout court e come insieme di notizie giornalistiche) e narrazione nel romanzo poliziesco messicano contemporaneo.


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Il lavoro si propone come un’indagine sulla letteratura italiana del primo decennio del XXI secolo, in una prospettiva non di semplice ricognizione ma di individuazione di linee interpretative capaci di ripercorrere un archivio di materiali molto vasto e non ancora chiuso. La prima parte affronta questioni relative a condizioni produttive, ricezione e valutazione critica della letteratura contemporanea. Il primo capitolo è dedicato alla discussione di problemi relativi allo studio della narrativa italiana del XXI secolo a partire dalla definizione utilizzata per riferirsi ad essa, quella di “anni zero”. Il secondo capitolo situa la narrativa contemporanea nelle linee di sviluppo della letteratura italiana degli ultimi trent’anni, a partire da un mutamento del rapporto dello scrittore con la tradizione umanistica che risale all’inizio degli anni ottanta. Il terzo capitolo approfondisce uno dei generi maggiormente praticati: il romanzo storico. Considerato negli anni ottanta e novanta un genere d'evasione e intrattenimento, negli anni zero è divenuto veicolo di punti di vista critici nei confronti delle narrazioni dominanti. La seconda parte è dedicata all’approfondimento di romanzi che raccontano, da un’ottica non testimoniale, gli anni settanta italiani, periodo complesso non solo sul piano evenemenziale, ma anche su quello della rielaborazione artistica. I romanzi su cui si concentra l’indagine offrono un racconto degli anni settanta italiani a partire da un’idea di storia plurale, ricostruita attraverso una molteplicità di voci, che muta a seconda della prospettiva da cui viene affrontata. Le storie false dei romanzi sugli anni settanta non chiedono di essere lette come vere, ma dicono comunque qualcosa di vero sulle modalità attraverso le quali si va costruendo il rapporto con il passato recente, nel più ampio contesto dei percorsi della letteratura italiana di inizio millennio, tra spinte che vanno nella direzione del mantenimento dell’autonomia da parte degli autori e pressioni del mercato editoriale.


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This dissertation deals with the translation into Italian of selected passages from the Young Adult historical novel Apache – Girl Warrior by English author Tanya Landman. The book was chosen after contacting Italian publisher Settenove, dedicated to preventing gender-based violence through children's books and essays. The novel, set in the second half of the Nineteenth Century, tells the story of Siki, a fourteen years old Native American girl who decides to become a warrior in order to avenge her family, killed by the Mexicans. The story also deals with the contact and conflict between Native Americans and white settlers during the so-called Apache Wars. Chapter I deals with Apache's genre; it consists in an overview of the historical novel form and its diffusion, both in Italy and in the English-speaking world. Typical features and themes are also dealt with in this chapter. Chapter II is dedicated to Apache's author. Landman's other works and her mission as a writer are taken into account, as well as the inspirations that led her to writing the novel and the process of research on American history it involved. This chapter also includes a comparison between Tanya Landman's and Louise Erdrich's works. In chapter III, Apache is compared to two well-known novels for children and young adults, The little house on the prairie and Caddie Woodlawn; the aim of this is to demonstrate how widespread misrepresentations about Native Americans are in mainstream literature. Chapter IV analyzes the novel and serves as an introduction to its translation, focusing on its plot, themes, characters and language, while chapter V presents the passages I've chosen to translate; their translation can be found later in the same chapter. In chapter VI, I comment on the choices made during the translation process; translation problems are divided into culture-specific, stylistic, semantic and linguistic.


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A través del presente trabajo se pretende demostrar que el espacio, en la narrativa histórica de Abelardo Arias (como así también en el resto de su obra), desempeña un papel preponderante para la cabal comprensión de la obra. En efecto, en la novela Polvo y espanto este ámbito no se limita a esbozar el “aire de época" propio de toda novela histórica, sino que está trabajado con una clara conciencia de su poder significante. Nuestro estudio propone, por lo tanto, dos posibles lecturas del espacio: una primera, centrada en los elementos descriptivos como fieles representantes de sus referentes históricos (espacio de corte costumbrista); y una lectura más profunda, atenta a la función simbólica del espacio, como revelador de los procesos psíquicos de los protagonistas, así como también del sentido total de la novela.