988 resultados para high electron mobility transistors


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AlGaN/GaN high electron mobility transistor (HEMT) structures were grown on 2 inch sapphire substrates by MOCVD, and 0.8-mu m gate length devices were fabricated and measured. It is shown by resistance mapping that the HEMT structures have an average sheet resistance of approximately 380 Omega/sq with a uniformity of more than 96%. The 1-mm gate width devices using the materials yielded a pulsed drain current of 784 mA/mm at V-gs=0.5 V and V-ds=7 V with an extrinsic transconductance of 200 mS/mm. A 20-GHz unity current gain cutoff frequency (f(T)) and a 28-GHz maximum oscillation frequency (f(max)) were obtained. The device with a 0.6-mm gate width yielded a total output power of 2.0 W/mm (power density of 3.33 W/mm) with 41% power added efficiency (PAE) at 4 GHz.


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The deep centers of high electron mobility transistor (HEMT) and pseudomorphic-HEMT (P-HEMT) functional materials of ultra-high-speed microstructures grown by MBE are investigated using deep level transient spectroscopy (DLTS) technique. DLTS spectra demonstrate that midgap states, having larger concentrations and capture cross sections, are measured in n-AlGaAs layers of HEMT and P-HEMT structures. These states may correlate strongly with oxygen content of n-AlGaAs layer. At the same time, one can observe that the movement of DX center is related to silicon impurity that is induced by the strain in AlGaAs layer of the mismatched AlGaAs/InGaAs/GaAs system of P-HEMT structure. The experimental results also show that DLTS technique may be a tool of optimization design of the practical devices.


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Improved electrical properties of AlxGa1-xN/GaN high electron mobility transistor (HEMT) structures grown by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) were achieved through increasing the Al mole fraction in the AlGaN barrier layers. An average sheet resistance of 326.6 Omega/sq and a good resistance uniformity of 98% were obtained for a 2-inch Al0.38Ga0 62N/GaN HEMT structure. The surface morphology of AlxGa1-xN/GaN HEMT structures strongly correlates with the Al content. More defects were formed with increasing Al content due to the increase of tensile strain, which limits further reduction of the sheet resistance. (c) 2006 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co KGaA, Weinheim.


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We propose and fabricate an A1GaN/GaN high electron mobility transistor (HEMT) on sapphire substrate using a new kind of electron beam (EB) lithography layout for the T-gate. Using this new layout,we can change the aspect ratio (ratio of top gate dimension to gate length) and modify the shape of the T-gate freely. Therefore, we obtain a 0.18μm gate-length AlGaN/GaN HEMT with a unity current gain cutoff frequency (f_T) of 65GHz. The aspect ratio of the T-gate is 10. These single finger devices also exhibit a peak extrinsic transconductance of 287mS/mm and a maximum drain current as high as 980mA/mm.


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In this communication we analyse current versus voltage data obtained using one carrier injection at metal/polymer/metal structures, The used polymer is a soluble blue-emitting alternating block copolymer, Our experimental results demonstrate that the electron current is limited by a large amount of traps with exponential energy distribution in the copolymer. The electron ;mobility of 5.1 x 10(-10) cm(2)/V s is directly determined by space-charge-limited current measurements. The electron mobility is at least three orders of magnitude smaller than that for holes in the copolymer. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Charge transfer properties of DNA depend strongly on the π stack conformation. In the present paper, we identify conformations of homogeneous poly-{G}-poly-{C} stacks that should exhibit high charge mobility. Two different computational approaches were applied. First, we calculated the electronic coupling squared, V2, between adjacent base pairs for all 1 ps snapshots extracted from 15 ns molecular dynamics trajectory of the duplex G15. The average value of the coupling squared 〈 V2 〉 is found to be 0.0065 eV2. Then we analyze the base-pair and step parameters of the configurations in which V2 is at least an order of magnitude larger than 〈 V2 〉. To obtain more consistent data, ∼65 000 configurations of the (G:C)2 stack were built using systematic screening of the step parameters shift, slide, and twist. We show that undertwisted structures (twist<20°) are of special interest, because the π stack conformations with strong electronic couplings are found for a wide range of slide and shift. Although effective hole transfer can also occur in configurations with twist=30° and 35°, large mutual displacements of neighboring base pairs are required for that. Overtwisted conformation (twist38°) seems to be of limited interest in the context of effective hole transfer. The results may be helpful in the search for DNA based elements for nanoelectronics


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Semiconductors technologies are rapidly evolving driven by the need for higher performance demanded by applications. Thanks to the numerous advantages that it offers, gallium nitride (GaN) is quickly becoming the technology of reference in the field of power amplification at high frequency. The RF power density of AlGaN/GaN HEMTs (High Electron Mobility Transistor) is an order of magnitude higher than the one of gallium arsenide (GaAs) transistors. The first demonstration of GaN devices dates back only to 1993. Although over the past few years some commercial products have started to be available, the development of a new technology is a long process. The technology of AlGaN/GaN HEMT is not yet fully mature, some issues related to dispersive phenomena and also to reliability are still present. Dispersive phenomena, also referred as long-term memory effects, have a detrimental impact on RF performances and are due both to the presence of traps in the device structure and to self-heating effects. A better understanding of these problems is needed to further improve the obtainable performances. Moreover, new models of devices that take into consideration these effects are necessary for accurate circuit designs. New characterization techniques are thus needed both to gain insight into these problems and improve the technology and to develop more accurate device models. This thesis presents the research conducted on the development of new charac- terization and modelling methodologies for GaN-based devices and on the use of this technology for high frequency power amplifier applications.


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Electronic noise has been investigated in AlxGa1−x N/GaN Modulation-Doped Field Effect Transistors (MODFETs) of submicron dimensions, grown for us by MBE (Molecular Beam Epitaxy) techniques at Virginia Commonwealth University by Dr. H. Morkoç and coworkers. Some 20 devices were grown on a GaN substrate, four of which have leads bonded to source (S), drain (D), and gate (G) pads, respectively. Conduction takes place in the quasi-2D layer of the junction (xy plane) which is perpendicular to the quantum well (z-direction) of average triangular width ∼3 nm. A non-doped intrinsic buffer layer of ∼5 nm separates the Si-doped donors in the AlxGa1−xN layer from the 2D-transistor plane, which affords a very high electron mobility, thus enabling high-speed devices. Since all contacts (S, D, and G) must reach through the AlxGa1−xN layer to connect internally to the 2D plane, parallel conduction through this layer is a feature of all modulation-doped devices. While the shunting effect may account for no more than a few percent of the current IDS, it is responsible for most excess noise, over and above thermal noise of the device. ^ The excess noise has been analyzed as a sum of Lorentzian spectra and 1/f noise. The Lorentzian noise has been ascribed to trapping of the carriers in the AlxGa1−xN layer. A detailed, multitrapping generation-recombination noise theory is presented, which shows that an exponential relationship exists for the time constants obtained from the spectral components as a function of 1/kT. The trap depths have been obtained from Arrhenius plots of log (τT2) vs. 1000/T. Comparison with previous noise results for GaAs devices shows that: (a) many more trapping levels are present in these nitride-based devices; (b) the traps are deeper (farther below the conduction band) than for GaAs. Furthermore, the magnitude of the noise is strongly dependent on the level of depletion of the AlxGa1−xN donor layer, which can be altered by a negative or positive gate bias VGS. ^ Altogether, these frontier nitride-based devices are promising for bluish light optoelectronic devices and lasers; however, the noise, though well understood, indicates that the purity of the constituent layers should be greatly improved for future technological applications. ^


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As silicon based devices in integrated circuits reach the fundamental limits of dimensional scaling there is growing research interest in the use of high electron mobility channel materials, such as indium gallium arsenide (InGaAs), in conjunction with high dielectric constant (high-k) gate oxides, for Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor (MOSFET) based devices. The motivation for employing high mobility channel materials is to reduce power dissipation in integrated circuits while also providing improved performance. One of the primary challenges to date in the field of III-V semiconductors has been the observation of high levels of defect densities at the high-k/III-V interface, which prevents surface inversion of the semiconductor. The work presented in this PhD thesis details the characterization of MOS devices incorporating high-k dielectrics on III-V semiconductors. The analysis examines the effect of modifying the semiconductor bandgap in MOS structures incorporating InxGa1-xAs (x: 0, 0.15. 0.3, 0.53) layers, the optimization of device passivation procedures designed to reduce interface defect densities, and analysis of such electrically active interface defect states for the high-k/InGaAs system. Devices are characterized primarily through capacitance-voltage (CV) and conductance-voltage (GV) measurements of MOS structures both as a function of frequency and temperature. In particular, the density of electrically active interface states was reduced to the level which allowed the observation of true surface inversion behavior in the In0.53Ga0.47As MOS system. This was achieved by developing an optimized (NH4)2S passivation, minimized air exposure, and atomic layer deposition of an Al2O3 gate oxide. An extraction of activation energies allows discrimination of the mechanisms responsible for the inversion response. Finally a new approach is described to determine the minority carrier generation lifetime and the oxide capacitance in MOS structures. The method is demonstrated for an In0.53Ga0.47As system, but is generally applicable to any MOS structure exhibiting a minority carrier response in inversion.


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This thesis investigates the emerging InAlN high electron mobility transistor (HEMT) technology with respect to its application in the space industry. The manufacturing processes and device performance of InAlN HEMTs were compared to AlGaN HEMTs, also produced as part of this work. RF gain up to 4 GHz was demonstrated in both InAlN and AlGaN HEMTs with gate lengths of 1 μm, with InAlN HEMTs generally showing higher channel currents (~150 c.f. 60 mA/mm) but also degraded leakage properties (~ 1 x 10-4 c.f. < 1 x 10-8 A/mm) with respect to AlGaN. An analysis of device reliability was undertaken using thermal stability, radiation hardness and off-state breakdown measurements. Both InAlN and AlGaN HEMTs showed excellent stability under space-like conditions, with electrical operation maintained after exposure to 9.2 Mrad of gamma radiation at a dose rate of 6.6 krad/hour over two months and after storage at 250°C for four weeks. Furthermore a link was established between the optimisation of device performance (RF gain, power handling capabilities and leakage properties) and reliability (radiation hardness, thermal stability and breakdown properties), particularly with respect to surface passivation. Following analysis of performance and reliability data, the InAlN HEMT device fabrication process was optimised by adjusting the metal Ohmic contact formation process (specifically metal stack thicknesses and anneal conditions) and surface passivation techniques (plasma power during dielectric layer deposition), based on an existing AlGaN HEMT process. This resulted in both a reduction of the contact resistivity to around 1 x 10-4 Ω.cm2 and the suppression of degrading trap-related effects, bringing the measured gate-lag close to zero. These discoveries fostered a greater understanding of the physical mechanisms involved in device operation and manufacture, which is elaborated upon in the final chapter.


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Graphene, one of the allotropes (diamond, carbon nanotube, and fullerene) of carbon, is a monolayer of honeycomb lattice of carbon atoms discovered in 2004. The Nobel Prize in Physics 2010 was awarded to Andre Geim and Konstantin Novoselov for their ground breaking experiments on the twodimensional graphene [1]. Since its discovery, the research communities have shown a lot of interest in this novel material owing to its unique properties. As shown in Figure 1, the number of publications on graphene has dramatically increased in recent years. It has been confirmed that graphene possesses very peculiar electrical properties such as anomalous quantum hall effect, and high electron mobility at room temperature (250000 cm2/Vs). Graphene is also one of the stiffest (modulus ~1 TPa) and strongest (strength ~100 GPa) materials. In addition, it has exceptional thermal conductivity (5000 Wm-1K-1). Based on these exceptional properties, graphene has found its applications in various fields such as field effect devices, sensors, electrodes, solar cells, energy storage devices and nanocomposites. Only adding 1 volume per cent graphene into polymer (e.g. polystyrene), the nanocomposite has a conductivity of ~0.1 Sm-1 [2], sufficient for many electrical applications. Significant improvement in strength, fracture toughness and fatigue strength has also been achieved in these nanocomposites [3-5]. Therefore, graphene-polymer nanocomposites have demonstrated a great potential to serve as next generation functional or structural materials.


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Graphene, one of the allotropes (diamond, carbon nanotube, and fullerene) of element carbon, is a monolayer of honeycomb lattice of carbon atoms, which was discovered in 2004. The Nobel Prize in Physics 2010 was awarded to Andre Geim and Konstantin Novoselov for their ground breaking work on the two-dimensional (2D) graphene [1]. Since its discovery, the research communities have shown a lot of interest in this novel material owing to its intriguing electrical, mechanical and thermal properties. It has been confirmed that grapheme possesses very peculiar electrical properties such as anomalous quantum hall effect, and high electron mobility at room temperature (250000 cm2/Vs). Graphene also has exceptional mechanical properties. It is one of the stiffest (modulus ~1 TPa) and strongest (strength ~100 GPa) materials. In addition, it has exceptional thermal conductivity (5000 Wm-1K-1). Due to these exceptional properties, graphene has demonstrated its potential for broad applications in micro and nano devices, various sensors, electrodes, solar cells and energy storage devices and nanocomposites. In particular, the excellent mechanical properties of graphene make it more attractive for development next generation nanocomposites and hybrid materials...


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The growth of graphene by chemical vapor deposition on metal foils is a promising technique to deliver large-area films with high electron mobility. Nowadays, the chemical vapor deposition of hydrocarbons on copper is the most investigated synthesis method, although many other carbon precursors and metal substrates are used too. Among these, ethanol is a safe and inexpensive precursor that seems to offer favorable synthesis kinetics. We explored the growth of graphene on copper from ethanol, focusing on processes of short duration (up to one min). We investigated the produced films by electron microscopy, Raman and X-ray photoemission spectroscopy. A graphene film with high crystalline quality was found to cover the entire copper catalyst substrate in just 20 s, making ethanol appear as a more efficient carbon feedstock than methane and other commonly used precursors.


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One-dimensional (1D) TiO2 nanostructures are very desirable for providing fascinating properties and features, such as high electron mobility, quantum confinement effects, and high specific surface area. Herein, 1D mesoporous TiO2 nanofibres were prepared using the electrospinning method to verify their potential for use as the photoelectrode of dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs). The 1D mesoporous nanofibres, 300 nm in diameter and 10-20 μm in length, were aggregated from anatase nanoparticles 20-30 nm in size. The employment of these novel 1D mesoporous nanofibres significantly improved dye loading and light scattering of the DSSC photoanode, and resulted in conversion cell efficiency of 8.14%, corresponding to an ∼35% enhancement over the Degussa P25 reference photoanode.


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Oriented, single-crystalline, one-dimensional (1D) TiO2 nanostructures would be most desirable for providing fascinating properties and features, such as high electron mobility or quantum confinement effects, high specific surface area, and even high mechanical strength, but achieving these structures has been limited by the availability of synthetic techniques. In this study, a concept for precisely controlling the morphology of 1D TiO2 nanostructures by tuning the hydrolysis rate of titanium precursors is proposed. Based on this innovation, oriented 1D rutile TiO2 nanostructure arrays with continually adjustable morphologies, from nanorods (NRODs) to nanoribbons (NRIBs), and then nanowires (NWs), as well as the transient state morphologies, were successfully synthesized. The proposed method is a significant finding in terms of controlling the morphology of the 1D TiO2 nano-architectures, which leads to significant changes in their band structures. It is worth noting that the synthesized rutile NRIBs and NWs have a comparable bandgap and conduction band edge height to those of the anatase phase, which in turn enhances their photochemical activity. In photovoltaic performance tests, the photoanode constructed from the oriented NRIB arrays possesses not only a high surface area for sufficient dye loading and better light scattering in the visible light range than for the other morphologies, but also a wider bandgap and higher conduction band edge, with more than 200% improvement in power conversion efficiency in dye-sensitized solar cells (DSCs) compared with NROD morphology.