368 resultados para herbaceous peony


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Secondary growth of the vasculature results in the thickening of plant structures and continuously produces xylem tissue, the major biological carbon sink. Little is known about the developmental control of this quantitative trait, which displays two distinct phases in Arabidopsis thaliana hypocotyls. The later phase of accelerated xylem expansion resembles the secondary growth of trees and is triggered upon flowering by an unknown, shoot-derived signal. We found that flowering-dependent hypocotyl xylem expansion is a general feature of herbaceous plants with a rosette growth habit. Flowering induction is sufficient to trigger xylem expansion in Arabidopsis. By contrast, neither flower formation nor elongation of the main inflorescence is required. Xylem expansion also does not depend on any particular flowering time pathway or absolute age. Through analyses of natural genetic variation, we found that ERECTA acts locally to restrict xylem expansion downstream of the gibberellin (GA) pathway. Investigations of mutant and transgenic plants indicate that GA and its signaling pathway are both necessary and sufficient to directly trigger enhanced xylogenesis. Impaired GA signaling did not affect xylem expansion systemically, suggesting that it acts downstream of the mobile cue. By contrast, the GA effect was graft transmissible, suggesting that GA itself is the mobile shoot-derived signal.


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The evolution of organic matter sources in soil is related to climate and vegetation dynamics in the past recorded in paleoenvironmental Quaternary deposits such as peatlands. For this reason, a Histosol of the mineralotrophic peatland from the Pau-de-Fruta Special Protection Area - SPA, Espinhaço Meridional, State of Minas Gerais, was described and characterized to evidence the soil constituent materials and properties as related to changes in environmental conditions, supported by the isotopic and elementary characterization of soil C and N and 14C ages. Samples were collected in a depression at 1,350 m asl, where Histosols are possibly more developed due to the great thickness (505 cm). Nowadays, the area is colonized by vegetation physiognomies of the Cerrado Biome, mainly rocky and wet fields (Campo Rupestre and Campo Úmido), aside from fragments of Semidecidual Seasonal Forest, called Capões forests. The results this study showed that early the genesis of the analyzed soil profile showed a high initial contribution of mostly herbaceous organic matter before 8,090 ± 30 years BP (14C age). In the lower-mid Holocene, between 8,090 ± 30 years AP (14C age) to ± 4,100 years BP (interpolated age), the vegetation gradually became more woody, with forest expansion, possibly due to increased humidity, suggesting the existence of a more woody Cerrado in the past than at present. Drier climate conditions than the current were concluded ± 2,500 years BP (interpolated age) and that after 430 years BP (14C age) the forest gave way to grassland, predominantly. After the dry season, humidity increased to the current conditions. Due to these climate fluctuations during the Holocene, three decomposition stages of organic matter were observed in the Histosols of this study, with prevalence of the most advanced (sapric), typical of a deposit in a highly advanced stage of pedogenetic evolution.


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Artemisio annuae-Conietum maculati ass. nova is described from the lower valley of Llobregat and Besòs rivers. Communities of this association, which is included into the Silybo-Urticion Sissingh 1950 alliance, are hygronitrophilous meadows up to 3 m high and more than 80% of vegetation cover. They are commonly restricted to the river bed and are made up almost exclussively by therophytes and hemicryptophytes. However, the mostcharacteristic trend of these herbaceous communities is the abundance of neophytes, which stand for 20% of the species but close to 50% of vegetation cover. Several widespread neophytes such as Aster squamatus, Conyza spp., Xanthium spp. are commonly found in these communities, and other rare aliens such as Artemisia annua, Rumex cristatus and R. palustris have recently been recorded. Ecological implications of the neophyte abundance in these communities are discussed in relation to the role of human disturbance and population biology of alien species in general.


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M. myotis and M. blythii are two sibling species of bats that live sympatrically over wide areas of the Western Palearctic region, and which often coexist intimately in their nursery roosts. According to the principle of <<limiting similarity>> this cohabitation should imply an interspecific ecological differentiation. The hypothesis of a niche separation at the trophic level is tested here. The fecal analysis of 300 droppings collected from a zone of sympatry shows a clear interspecific differentiation in diets : M. myotis eats mostly Carabidae (Coleoptera), whereas M. blythii captures essentially Tettigoniidae, Gryllidae and Acrididae (Orthoptera). Because they consume exclusively terrestrial arthropods, M. myotis and M. blythii are typical ground and/or grass gleaning bats. However, despite their narrow niches they are probably not specialized in the predation of only some definite categories of prey. The narrow diets probably reflect the high specialization of their modes of resource exploitation: M. myotis and M. blythii prey upon ground arthropods and they are likely to select for different foraging;g habitats. M. myotis probably prefers wooded feeding grounds (Carabidae) whereas M. blythii exploits herbaceous habitats (Orthoptera). The strong trophic segregation observed in sympatry between M. myotis and M. blythii shows that the interspecific competition is distinctly much weaker than the intraspecific one. This would explain the stable, intimate co-existence of these two virtual competitors.


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El projecte es centra en analitzar les transformacions en els usos i cobertes del sòl al municipi de Sant Pere de Vilamajor, com a conseqüència d’un conjunt de forces inductores de canvi global. Primerament, s’ha realitzat la caracterització social, econòmica, demogràfica i ambiental de la zona d’estudi des de mitjans del segle passat fins a l’actualitat. Posteriorment, l’estudi es centra en l’anàlisi cartogràfica de la zona, realitzat a través de Sistemes d’Informació Geogràfica (SIG), utilitzant el programa MiraMon, per tal de comparar els usos i cobertes del sòl entre 1956 i 2010. Les principals transformacions experimentades són la transició dels estatges de vegetació herbacis i matollars a bosc i la transformació dels cultius en sòl urbà. L’abandonament de les pràctiques agràries conjuntament amb el desenvolupament de les urbanitzacions a l’àmbit d’estudi són els principals agents de canvi, fruit del procés de la industrialització i terciarització de l’economia.


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The continuous production of vascular tissues through secondary growth results in radial thickening of plant organs and is pivotal for various aspects of plant growth and physiology, such as water transport capacity or resistance to mechanical stress. It is driven by the vascular cambium, which produces inward secondary xylem and outward secondary phloem. In the herbaceous plant Arabidopsis thaliana (Arabidopsis), secondary growth occurs in stems, in roots and in the hypocotyl. In the latter, radial growth is most prominent and not obscured by parallel ongoing elongation growth. Moreover, its progression is reminiscent of the secondary growth mode of tree trunks. Thus, the Arabidopsis hypocotyl is a very good model to study basic molecular mechanisms of secondary growth. Genetic approaches have succeeded in the identification of various factors, including peptides, receptors, transcription factors and hormones, which appear to participate in a complex network that controls radial growth. Many of these players are conserved between herbaceous and woody plants. In this review, we will focus on what is known about molecular mechanisms and regulators of vascular secondary growth in the Arabidopsis hypocotyl.


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In this study, we used faecal analysis to determine the diet of the alpine mouse Apodemus alpicola in the field for the first time. This species consumes mainly insects in spring and fruits and seeds of small herbaceous dicotyledons in summer and autumn. Compared to the two congeneric species A. flavicollis and A. sylvaticus, which also occur in the Alps, the diet of A. alpicola is rich in contrasts, with a very pronounced difference between spring and summer. The absence of tree seeds also suggests a mostly terrestrial behaviour. We explain these facts by the specificity of the habitat of A. alpicola: the extreme weather conditions produce great seasonal changes in the vegetation, and the rocky ground favours the adaptation to rock climbing rather than to arboreal Living. (c) 2005 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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The secondary thickening of plant organs in extant dicotyledons is a massive growth process that constitutes the major carbon sink in perennial, woody plants. Yet, our understanding of its molecular genetic control has been mostly obtained by its analysis in an herbaceous annual model, Arabidopsis. Recent years have seen increased interest in this somewhat under-researched topic, and various (non-)cell autonomous factors that guide the extent and vascular patterning of secondary growth have been identified. Concomitantly, a more detailed understanding of vascular differentiation processes has been obtained through analyses of primary growth, mostly in the root meristem. A future challenge will be the integration of these patterning and differentiation modules together with cambial activity into the 4-dimensional frame of secondary thickening.


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Two amides, piperovatine and isopiperlonguminine, were isolated from the roots of Ottonia martiana Miq., a herbaceous shrub commonly used in folk medicine in the treatment of toothache. The crude extract (CE) and isolated compounds were submitted to bioautography and allelopathic assay. The bioautograms allowed the detection of compounds with antibacterial activity and the identification of the bioactive substance piperovatine. The CE and amides exhibited an allelopathic effect on Lactuca sativa (lettuce) seedling growth but did not affect the seeds' germinability.


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A citrus tatter leaf isolate (CTLV-Cl) of Apple stem grooving virus (ASGV) has been found to be associated with a fruit rind intumescence in Cleopatra mandarin (Citrus reshni) in Limeira (SP). The CTLV-Cl was mechanically transmitted to the main experimental herbaceous hosts of CTLV. Chenopodium quinoa and C. amaranticolor reacted with local lesions and systemic symptoms while other test plants reacted somewhat differently than what is reported for CTLV. A pair of primers designed for specific detection of ASGV and CTLV amplified the expected 801 bp fragment from the CTLV-Cl-infected plants. Typical capillovirus-like particles were observed by the electron microscope in experimentally infected C. quinoa and C. amaranticolor leaves.


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The time required to regrowth a forest in degraded areas depends on how the forest is removed and on the type of land use following removal. Natural regeneration was studied in abandoned old fields after intensive agricultural land use in areas originally covered by Brazilian Atlantic Forests of the Anchieta Island, Brazil in order to understand how plant communities reassemble following human disturbances as well as to determine suitable strategies of forest restoration. The fields were classified into three vegetation types according to the dominant plant species in: 1) Miconia albicans (Sw.) Triana (Melastomataceae) fields, 2) Dicranopteris flexuosa (Schrader) Underw. (Gleicheniaceae) thickets, and 3) Gleichenella pectinata (Willd.) Ching. (Gleicheniaceae) thickets. Both composition and structure of natural regeneration were compared among the three dominant vegetation types by establishing randomly three plots of 1 x 3 m in five sites of the island. A gradient in composition and abundance of species in natural regeneration could be observed along vegetation types from Dicranopteris fern thickets to Miconia fields. The gradient did not accurately follow the pattern of spatial distribution of the three dominant vegetation types in the island regarding their proximity of the remnant forests. A complex association of biotic and abiotic factors seems to be affecting the seedling recruitment and establishment in the study plots. The lowest plant regeneration found in Dicranopteris and Gleichenella thickets suggests that the ferns inhibit the recruitment of woody and herbaceous species. Otherwise, we could not distinguish different patterns of tree regeneration among the three vegetation types. Our results showed that forest recovery following severe anthropogenic disturbances is not direct, predictable or even achievable on its own. Appropriated actions and methods such as fern removal, planting ground covers, and enrichment planting with tree species were suggested in order to restore the natural forest regeneration process in the abandoned old fields.


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This study evaluated the contribution of agroforestry (AFS) and traditional systems to carbon sequestration and nutrient reserves in plants, litter and soil. The study was carried out in the semiarid region of Brazil in a long-term experiment on an experimental farm of the goat and sheep section of the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (Embrapa). Two agroforestry systems were investigated: agrosilvopastoral (ASP) and forest-pasture areas (SP) as well as traditional agriculture management (TM), two areas left fallow after TM (six fallow years - F6 and nine fallow years - F9) and one area of preserved Caatinga vegetation (CAT). Soil, litter and plants were sampled from all areas and the contents of C, N, P, K, Ca and Mg per compartment determined. The AFS (ASP and SP) had higher nutrient stocks than the traditional and intermediate stocks compared to the preserved Caatinga. In the ASP, a relevant part of the nutrients extracted by crops is returned to the system by constant inputs of litter, weeding of herbaceous vegetation and cutting of the legume crops. After fallow periods of six and nine years, carbon and nutrient stocks in the compartments soil, litter and herbaceous plants were similar to those of the preserved Caatinga (CAT), but still lower than under natural conditions in the woody vegetation.


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This study evaluated establishment methods for a mixture of herbaceous forage legumes [Centrosema acutifolium, Clitoria ternatea, Pueraria phaseoloides, Stylosanthes Campo Grande (Stylosanthes capitata + S. macrocephala), Calopogonium mucunoides, Lablab purpureus, Arachis pintoi, and Aeschynomene villosa] under the shade of an Eucalyptus grandis plantation submitted to thinning (40%) 8 years after planting in Anhembi, São Paulo (22°40'S, 48°10'W, altitude of 455 m). The experiment started in December 2008 and consisted of the comparison of the following four types of seed incorporation by light disc harrowing: (1) broadcast sowing without seed incorporation; disc harrowing before (2) or after (3) planting, and (4) disc harrowing before and after planting. Ninety days after planting, the number of legume plants/m2 and the percentage of ground cover by the plants varied between the treatments tested; however, the treatments had no effect on the dry matter accumulation of forage legumes. Disc harrowing before planting yielded superior results compared to the treatments without disc harrowing and disc harrowing after planting. At the end of the experimental period, the plots contained Arachis, Centrosema, Stylosanthes, and Pueraria. The dry matter accumulated by Centrosema corresponded to 73% of total dry matter yield of the plots. The participation of Arachis, Centrosema and Stylosanthes in final dry matter composition of the plots varied according to establishment method. The advantages of the use of species mixtures rather than monocultures in the understory of forest plantations were discussed.


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ABSTRACT The ecological restoration of degraded areas using seeds collected in forest remnants has shown significant results. This study was developed to verify the potential of seed rain to regenerate forest fragments of a Permanent Preservation Area (PPA) in the Apa River Basin which is located in the southwestern portion of the Mato Grosso do Sul state, Brazil. To develop the study, we installed 25 collectors measuring 1 m2 each, which were systematically distributed on an area of 1.5ha. Seed gathering was conducted in a monthly basis throughout the year of 2013. A total of 26.411 propagules were identified and distributed among 50 species, 45 genera and 32 families. In terms of the propagules distribution, 70.51% were identified as trees, 22.8% as lianas, 6.5% as shrubs, 0.1 as herbaceous, 0.05% as palm and 0.05% could not be classified. The value for the Shannon Diversity Index was (H') = 1.67 and the Pielou Evenness index was (J) = 0.42. These results indicate that the seeds rain has low species diversity with the abundance of a few species. The overall results suggest that seed rain can be a potential technique for restoration of the PPAs and other forested areas. However, it is necessary to enhance the diversity of tree species.


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A phyto-sociological survey is the first step to implement integrated weed management in crops. In this study, weed occurrence was evaluated in cassava plantations in the savannah of Roraima in northern Brazil. Harvest was performed randomly 80 times in 10 crops over four seasons (January, February, March, and April 2012). The harvested plants were cut at ground level, sorted out per species, identified, quantified, and weighed on a 0.01 g precision scale. A descriptive analysis was conducted of the phyto-sociological parameters (frequency, density, abundance, total number of individuals per species, relative frequency, relative density, relative abundance and importance value index) for the collected species. A description was also made of the botanical classes, families, species, type of propagation, life cycle, growth habit, total number of species and dry weight ha-1. The community in the surveyed area was considered to have a heterogeneous composition, comprising 27 species. The species presenting the highest density per hectare were Digitaria sanguinalis (210,500), Brachiaria brizantha (111,000), Brachiaria decumbens (86,500) and Brachiaria humidicola (69,000). Digitaria sanguinalis had the highest relative density (28.08), relative abundance (26.16) and importance value index (65,34). Most weeds had herbaceous growth habit.