982 resultados para heart muscle fibrosis
Background: There is increasing interest in non-pharmacological control of cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the plasma and diet-drug association represent an important area of studies. The objective of this study was to observe the hypocholesterolemic effect of soybean β-conglycinin (7S protein) alone and combined with fenofibrate and rosuvastatin, two hypolipidemic drugs. Methods. The protein and drugs were administered orally once a day to rats and the effects were evaluated after 28 days. Wistar rats were divided into six groups (n = 9): hypercholesterolemic diet (HC), HC+7S protein (300 mg.kg-1 day-1) (HC-7S), HC+fenofibrate (30 mg.kg-1 day-1)(HC-FF), HC+rosuvastatin (10 mg.kg-1 day-1)(HC-RO), HC+7S+fenofibrate (HC-7S-FF) and HC+7S+rosuvastatin (HC-7S-RO). Results: Animals in HC-7S, HC-FF and HC-RO exhibited reductions of 22.9, 35.8 and 18.8% in total plasma cholesterol, respectively. In HC-7S-FF, animals did not show significant alteration of the level in HC+FF while the group HC-7S-RO showed a negative effect in comparison with groups taking only protein (HC-7S) or drug (HC-RO). The administration of the protein, fenofibrate and rosuvastatin alone caused increases in the plasma HDL-C of the animals, while the protein-drug combinations led to an increase compared to HC-FF and HC-RO. The plasma concentration of triacylgycerides was significantly reduced in the groups without association, while HC-7S-FF showed no alteration and HC-7S-RO a little reduction. Conclusion: The results of our study indicate that conglycinin has effects comparable to fenofibrate and rosuvastatin on the control of plasma cholesterol, HDL-C and triacylglycerides, when given to hypercholesterolemic rats, and suggests that the association of this protein with rosuvastatin alters the action of drug in the homeostasis of cholesterol. © 2012 Ferreira et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.
Background: Fondaparinux is considered an agent with a well-established safety and efficacy profile in the treatment of non-ST segment elevation acute coronary syndromes, but when used alone, is associated to a higher incidence of thrombotic complications during invasive coronary procedures, requiring the supplementation of an anti-IIa agent. This study aimed to evaluate the efficacy and safety of percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) in patients with non-ST segment elevation acute coronary syndromes previously treated with fondaparinux. Methods: Prospective, controlled registry enrolling 127 consecutive patients submitted to an early invasive stratification during treatment with fondaparinux, with supplementation of intravenous unfractionated heparin at a dose of 85 U/kg at the time of PCI. Results: The rate of the composite primary endpoint including death, acute myocardial infarction, stroke, stent thrombosis or emergency myocardial revascularization was 3.2%. The cumulative incidence of major bleeding and vascular complications was 3.2%. There were no cases of guidecatheter thrombosis or abrupt vessel closure. Conclusions: PCI in patients with acute coronary syndromes receiving fondaparinux is associated with a low rate of major adverse cardiovascular ischemic events and severe hemorrhagic complications. Supplementation of unfractionated heparin during the invasive procedures eliminates the risk of catheter-related thrombosis.
Cardiac or ventricular remodeling is characterized by molecular, cellular, and interstitial alterations that lead to changes in heart size, mass, geometry and function in response to a given insult. Currently, tobacco smoke exposure is recognized as one of these insults. Indeed, tobacco smoke exposure induces the enlargement of the left-sided cardiac chambers, myocardial hypertrophy, and ventricular dysfunction. Potential mechanisms for these alterations include hemodynamic and neurohormonal changes, oxidative stress, inflammation, nitric oxide bioavailability, matrix metalloproteinases and mitogen-activated protein kinase activation. This review will focus on the concepts, relevance, and potential mechanisms of cardiac remodeling induced by tobacco smoke. © 2012 Bentham Science Publishers.
Introduction. The apical ballooning syndrome (ABS) is a single reversible cardiomyopathy often triggered by a stressful event. We aimed to present a case report regarding this disorder. Case presentation. Here we present the case of a 77-year-old female hypertensive patient, sedentary and non-smoker, diagnosed with apical ballooning syndrome. We describe the clinical signs and symptoms, changes in markers of myocardial necrosis and changes in the electrocardiogram and coronary angiography. Conclusion: The course of events patient showed clinical improvement with treatment and support was not necessary to administer specific medications or interventions to reverse the situation. After hemodynamic stabilization coronary angiography showed no obstructive lesions and left ventricle with akinesia of the apex and the middle portion of the left ventricle. © 2013 do Nascimento et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.
Background: Smoking is the most relevant environmental factor that affects the development of aortic aneurysm. Smokers have elevated levels of elastase activity in the arterial wall, which leads to weakening of the aorta. The aim of this study was to verify whether cigarette smoke exposure itself is capable of altering the aortic wall. Methods: Forty-eight Wistar rats were divided into 2-, 4-, and 6-month experimental periods and into 2 groups: smokers (submitted to smoke exposure at a rate of 40 cigarettes/day) and nonsmokers. At the end of the experimental periods, the aortas were removed and cross-sectioned to obtain histologic specimens for light microscopic and morphometric analyses. The remaining longitudinal segments were stretched to rupture and mechanical parameters were determined. Results: A degenerative process (i.e., a reduction in elastic fibers, the loss of lamellar arrangement, and a reduction of smooth muscle cells) was observed, and this effect was proportional in intensity to the period of tobacco exposure. We observed a progressive reduction in the yield point of the thoracic aorta over time (P < 0.05). There was a decrease in stiffness (P < 0.05) and in failure load (P < 0.05) at 6 months in the abdominal aorta of rats in the smoking group. Conclusions: Chronic exposure to tobacco smoke can affect the mechanical properties of the aorta and can also provoke substantial structural changes of the arterial wall. © 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Este estudo teve como objetivo analisar os efeitos dos mecanismos de injúria celular que produzem lesão no coração do macaco Cebus apella expostos durante 120 dias consecutivos com doses diárias de 1,5 mg de metilHg, através de alterações detectadas no marcador bioquímico de lesão miocárdica CK-MB, nos achados histopatológicos assim como pela técnica de imuno-marcação de células apoptóticas. Para tanto foram relacionados os perfis séricos da CK-MB, CK total, AST, ALT, uréia, creatinina e bilirrubina total com os achados histopatológicos e imunohistoquímicos no processo de acometimento do músculo cardíaco durante a exposição ao metilHg, comparando com o grupo controle. O método utilizado para dosagem e análise das substâncias bioquímicas séricas e para a dosagem de mercúrio no sangue foi o cinético ultravioleta e espectrometria de absorção atômica, respectivamente; para análise histopatológica utilizou-se a técnica de Hematoxilina Eosina e para detecção dos perfis apoptóticos o método APOPTAG. Foram obtidas consideráveis informações que permitem correlacionar as alterações bioquímicas, histopatológicas e os perfis apoptóticos ao mecanismo do acometimento cardíaco nos três animais expostos ao metilHg comparando-os com o grupo controle. Verificou-se que de todas as substâncias bioquímicas analisadas, houve apenas acentuado aumento sérico da enzima CK-MB, enquanto que na histopatologia observou-se lesão celular reversível por acúmulo de água nos três órgãos analisados (coração, fígado e rim). Destaca-se também a observação de uma nítida marcação células apoptóticas no tecido cardíaco, hepático e renal dos animais expostos, evidenciando-se maior número de células positivas nas células dos túbulos renais, ressaltando que não se observou infiltrado inflamatório em torno destes elementos descritos em nenhum dos tecidos analisados e ausência das referidas lesões nos tecidos dos três animais controle. Concluiu-se que a enzima CK-MB, a degeneração hidrópica e o mecanismo de apoptose podem ser indicadores de lesão miocárdica na exposição aguda ao metilHg, cuja etiopatogenia pode estar relacionada a descompensação mitocondrial pelo comprometimento maciço na bomba de Na+ / K+ e Ca++. Fazendo-se necessário um maior aporte de estudos experimentais que venham esclarecer com precisão a etiopatogenia, o mecanismo de agressão e injúria celular em indivíduos expostos a doses tóxicas de metilHg.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Introduction: Aortic insufficiency (AoI), a volume overload, is characterized by the diastolic reflux of blood from the regurgitating aorta to the left ventricle. This effect results from malfunctioning aortic cusps. The main cause of AoI in developing countries is rheumatic fever, including Brazil, and valvar degeneration in developed countries. There is a strong association between cardiovascular diseases and depression. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI) are one of the most prescribed antidepressants in the world. Previous studies of our laboratory showed that the utilization of a SSRI, paroxetine, improved cardiac function in rats with sub-chronic AoI and reduced the daily ingestion of hypertonic sodium (NaCl 0,3M). Cardiovascular diseases can determine behavior changes like increase of anxiety, and it is yet unknown if AoI would determine anxiety or anhedonia, incapacity of obtaining pleasure through physical or sensorial experiences. A possible target for SSRI action could be a change in the expression of enzyme isoforms that collaborate in the contractile function of the heart muscle, like the heavy chains of myosine, the sarcoplasmatic reticulum Ca2+/ATPase (SERCA) and its regulator protein, phospholamban (PLB). Objectives: Evaluation of behavior parameters for anxiety and anhedonia state and genic expression of a-myosine, b-myosine, SERCA2a and PLB in the heart tissue of rats with subchronic AoI that received treatment with an SSRI (paroxetine) for 4 weeks. Methods: Surgery to induce AoI was performed on male Wistar rats, anxiety was evaluated by the elevated plus-maze (EPM) and state of anhedonia was tested by ingestion of 2% sucrose solution. After euthanasia the heart tissue was collected and total RNA was extracted to be analyzed by the RT-qPCR method. Results: Heart fractional shortening was preserved in rats with AoI that were treated compared to rats with AoI that were not treated. There was no statistically ...
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Elétrica - FEIS
Hyperkalemia is a common electrolyte imbalance in cats with obstructive feline lower urinary tract disease (FLUTD). The effects of serum potassium elevation in heart rhythm are serious and potentially lethal. The clinical manifestations reflect changes in the excitability of the cell membrane. Increased potassium levels lead to a reduction of the resting membrane potential of heart muscle cells, making them less excitable and resulting in cardiac arrhythmias. The sinoventricular rhythm with atrial arrest is among the types of arrhythmias caused by hyperkalemia. The purpose of this report was to highlight the importance of electrocardiographic monitoring for the early detection of potentially lethal arrhythmias in cats with obstructive FLUTD. We hereby describe the occurrence of three cases treated at the Small Animal Clinic of FMVZ/Unesp, Botucatu Campus.
DA SILVA, N. D. JR, T. FERNANDES, U. P. R. SOCI, A. W. A. MONTEIRO, M. I. PHILLIPS, and E. M. DE OLIVEIRA. Swimming Training in Rats Increases Cardiac MicroRNA-126 Expression and Angiogenesis. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc., Vol. 44, No. 8, pp. 1453-1462, 2012. Purpose: MicroRNA (miRNA)-126 is angiogenic and has two validated targets: Sprouty-related protein 1 (Spred-1) and phosphoinositol-3 kinase regulatory subunit 2 (PI3KR2), negative regulators of angiogenesis by VEGF pathway inhibition. We investigated the role of swimming training on cardiac miRNA-126 expression related to angiogenesis. Methods: Female Wistar rats were assigned to three groups: sedentary (S), training 1 (T1, moderate volume), and training 2 (T2, high volume). T1 consisted of 60 min.d(-1) of swimming, five times per week for 10 wk with 5% body overload. T2 consisted of the same protocol of T1 until the eighth week; in the ninth week, rats trained for two times a day, and in the 10th week, rats trained for three times a day. MiRNA and PI3KR2 gene expression analysis was performed by real-time polymerase chain reaction in heart muscle. We assessed markers of training, the cardiac capillary-fiber ratio, cardiac protein expression of VEGF, Spred-1, Raf-1/ERK 1/2, and PI3K/Akt/eNOS. Results: The cardiac capillary-fiber ratio increased in T1 (58%) and T2 (101%) compared with S. VEGF protein expression was increased 42% in T1 and 108% in T2. Cardiac miRNA-126 expression increased 26% (T1) and 42% (T2) compared with S, correlated with angiogenesis. The miRNA-126 target Spred-1 protein level decreased 41% (T1) and 39% (T2), which consequently favored an increase in angiogenic signaling pathway Raf-1/ERK 1/2. On the other hand, the gene expression of PI3KR2, the other miRNA-126 target, was reduced 39% (T1) and 78% (T2), and there was an increase in protein expression of components of the PI3K/Akt/eNOS signaling pathway in the trained groups. Conclusions: This study showed that aerobic training promotes an increase in the expression of miRNA-126 and that this may be related to exercise-induced cardiac angiogenesis, by indirect regulation of the VEGF pathway and direct regulation of its targets that converged in an increase in angiogenic pathways, such as MAPK and PI3K/Akt/eNOS.
CRF has powerful receptor-mediated cardiovascular actions. To evaluate the precise distribution of CRF receptors, in vitro CRF receptor autoradiography with (125)I-[Tyr(0), Glu(1), Nle(17)]-sauvagine or [(125)I]-antisauvagine-30 was performed in the rodent and human cardiovascular system. An extremely high density of CRF(2) receptors was detected with both tracers in vessels of rodent lung, intestine, pancreas, mesenterium, kidney, urinary bladder, testis, heart, brain, and in heart muscle. In humans, CRF(2) receptors were detected with (125)I- antisauvagine-30 at low levels in vessels of kidneys, intestine, urinary bladder, testis, heart and in heart muscle, while only heart vessels were detected with (125)I-[Tyr(0), Glu(1), Nle(17)]-sauvagine. This is the first extensive morphological study reporting the extremely wide distribution of CRF(2) receptors in the rodent cardiovascular system and a more limited expression in man, suggesting a species-selective CRF receptor expression.