1000 resultados para headways distribution
Clock signal distribution in telecommunication commercial systems usually adopts a master-slave architecture, with a precise time basis generator as a master and phase-locked loops (PLLs) as slaves. In the majority of the networks, second-order PLLs are adopted due to their simplicity and stability. Nevertheless, in some applications better transient responses are necessary and, consequently, greater order PLLs need to be used, in spite of the possibility of bifurcations and chaotic attractors. Here a master-slave network with third-order PLLs is analyzed and conditions for the stability of the synchronous state are derived, providing design constraints for the node parameters, in order to guarantee stability and reachability of the synchronous state for the whole network. Numerical simulations are carried out in order to confirm the analytical results. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
An algorithm inspired on ant behavior is developed in order to find out the topology of an electric energy distribution network with minimum power loss. The algorithm performance is investigated in hypothetical and actual circuits. When applied in an actual distribution system of a region of the State of Sao Paulo (Brazil), the solution found by the algorithm presents loss lower than the topology built by the concessionary company.
The distribution of clock signals throughout the nodes of a network is essential for several applications. in control and communication with the phase-locked loop (PLL) being the component for electronic synchronization process. In systems with master-slave (MS) strategies, the PLLs are the slave nodes responsible for providing reliable clocks in all nodes of the network. As PLLs have nonlinear phase detection, double-frequency terms appear and filtering becomes necessary. Imperfections in filtering process cause oscillations around the synchronous state worsening the performance of the clock distribution process. The behavior of one-way master-slave (OWMS) clock distribution networks is studied and performances of first- and second-order filter processes are compared, concerning lock-in ranges and responses to perturbations of the synchronous state. (c) 2007 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
In this paper we proposed a new two-parameters lifetime distribution with increasing failure rate. The new distribution arises on a latent complementary risk problem base. The properties of the proposed distribution are discussed, including a formal proof of its probability density function and explicit algebraic formulae for its reliability and failure rate functions, quantiles and moments, including the mean and variance. A simple EM-type algorithm for iteratively computing maximum likelihood estimates is presented. The Fisher information matrix is derived analytically in order to obtaining the asymptotic covariance matrix. The methodology is illustrated on a real data set. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Isotretinoin is the drug of choice for the management of severe recalcitrant nodular acne. Nevertheless, some of its physical-chemical properties are still poorly known. Hence, the aim of our study consisted to comparatively evaluate the particle size distribution (PSD) and characterize the thermal behavior of the three encapsulated isotretinoin products in oil suspension (one reference and two generics) commercialized in Brazil. Here, we show that the PSD, estimated by laser diffraction and by polarized light microscopy, differed between the generics and the reference product. However, the thermal behavior of the three products, determined by thermogravimetry (TGA), differential thermal (DTA) analyses and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), displayed no significant changes and were more thermostable than the isotretinoin standard used as internal control. Thus, our study suggests that PSD analyses in isotretinoin lipid-based formulations should be routinely performed in order to improve their quality and bioavailability. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Background: The presence of the periodontal ligament (PDL) makes it possible to absorb and distribute loads produced during masticatory function and other tooth contacts into the alveolar process via the alveolar bone proper. However, several factors affect the integrity of periodontal structures causing the destruction of the connective matrix and cells, the loss of fibrous attachment, and the resorption of alveolar bone. Methods: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the stress distribution by finite element analysis in a PDL in three-dimensional models of the upper central incisor under three different load conditions: 100 N occlusal loading at 45 degrees (model 1: masticatory load); 500 N at the incisal edge at 45 degrees (model 2: parafunctional habit); and 800 N at the buccal surface at 90 degrees (model 3: trauma case). The models were built from computed tomography scans. Results: The stress distribution was quite different among the models. The most significant values (harmful) of tensile and compressive stresses were observed in models 2 and 3, with similarly distinct patterns of stress distributions along the PDL. Tensile stresses were observed along the internal and external aspects of the PDL, mostly at the cervical and middle thirds. Conclusions: The stress generation in these models may affect the integrity of periodontal structures. A better understanding of the biomechanical behavior of the PDL under physiologic and traumatic loading conditions might enhance the understanding of the biologic reaction of the PDL in health and disease. J Periodontol 2009;80:1859-1867.
A deterministic mathematical model for steady-state unidirectional solidification is proposed to predict the columnar-to-equiaxed transition. In the model, which is an extension to the classic model proposed by Hunt [Hunt JD. Mater Sci Eng 1984;65:75], equiaxed grains nucleate according to either a normal or a log-normal distribution of nucleation undercoolings. Growth maps are constructed, indicating either columnar or equiaxed solidification as a function of the velocity of isotherms and temperature gradient. The fields A columnar and equiaxed growth change significantly with the spread of the nucleation undercooling distribution. Increasing the spread Favors columnar solidification if the dimensionless velocity of the isotherms is larger than 1. For a velocity less than 1, however, equiaxed solidification is initially favored, but columnar solidification is enhanced for a larger increase in the spread. This behavior was confirmed by a stochastic model, which showed that an increase in the distribution spread Could change the grain structure from completely columnar to 50% columnar grains. (c) 2008 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
American Museum of Natural History
Riparian forests are protected by Brazilian law to preserve rivers and their margins. A sugar cane field adjacent to a strip of young riparian forest bordering an older riparian forest along a stream was used to study the riparian forest as a buffer zone to prevent pesticides pollution. Concentrations of the herbicides diuron, hexazinone and tebuthiuron were determined in different soil layers of a Red Yellow Oxisol during 2003 and 2004. The determination was done by High Performance Liquid Chromatography with reverse phase C-18 column, through two mobile phases. Diuron and hexazinone concentration diminished between the sugar cane and riparian forest as buffer strip demonstrating a protective effect. However, tebuthiuron had about four times higher concentrations in the old riparian forest compared to the other areas. Concentrations were higher in the surface and decreased in deeper soil layers in the old riparian forest suggesting that this herbicide probably was introduced by air pollution. This pesticide concentrated in the canopy could be washed by rain to the soil adjacent to the stream. Our data suggest that climate conditions were responsible for enhanced volatilization exposing the old riparian forest to more air pollution that was captured by the higher canopy. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The inverse Weibull distribution has the ability to model failure rates which are quite common in reliability and biological studies. A three-parameter generalized inverse Weibull distribution with decreasing and unimodal failure rate is introduced and studied. We provide a comprehensive treatment of the mathematical properties of the new distribution including expressions for the moment generating function and the rth generalized moment. The mixture model of two generalized inverse Weibull distributions is investigated. The identifiability property of the mixture model is demonstrated. For the first time, we propose a location-scale regression model based on the log-generalized inverse Weibull distribution for modeling lifetime data. In addition, we develop some diagnostic tools for sensitivity analysis. Two applications of real data are given to illustrate the potentiality of the proposed regression model.
For the first time, we introduce and study some mathematical properties of the Kumaraswamy Weibull distribution that is a quite flexible model in analyzing positive data. It contains as special sub-models the exponentiated Weibull, exponentiated Rayleigh, exponentiated exponential, Weibull and also the new Kumaraswamy exponential distribution. We provide explicit expressions for the moments and moment generating function. We examine the asymptotic distributions of the extreme values. Explicit expressions are derived for the mean deviations, Bonferroni and Lorenz curves, reliability and Renyi entropy. The moments of the order statistics are calculated. We also discuss the estimation of the parameters by maximum likelihood. We obtain the expected information matrix. We provide applications involving two real data sets on failure times. Finally, some multivariate generalizations of the Kumaraswamy Weibull distribution are discussed. (C) 2010 The Franklin Institute. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A five-parameter distribution so-called the beta modified Weibull distribution is defined and studied. The new distribution contains, as special submodels, several important distributions discussed in the literature, such as the generalized modified Weibull, beta Weibull, exponentiated Weibull, beta exponential, modified Weibull and Weibull distributions, among others. The new distribution can be used effectively in the analysis of survival data since it accommodates monotone, unimodal and bathtub-shaped hazard functions. We derive the moments and examine the order statistics and their moments. We propose the method of maximum likelihood for estimating the model parameters and obtain the observed information matrix. A real data set is used to illustrate the importance and flexibility of the new distribution.
A four parameter generalization of the Weibull distribution capable of modeling a bathtub-shaped hazard rate function is defined and studied. The beauty and importance of this distribution lies in its ability to model monotone as well as non-monotone failure rates, which are quite common in lifetime problems and reliability. The new distribution has a number of well-known lifetime special sub-models, such as the Weibull, extreme value, exponentiated Weibull, generalized Rayleigh and modified Weibull distributions, among others. We derive two infinite sum representations for its moments. The density of the order statistics is obtained. The method of maximum likelihood is used for estimating the model parameters. Also, the observed information matrix is obtained. Two applications are presented to illustrate the proposed distribution. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
We study in detail the so-called beta-modified Weibull distribution, motivated by the wide use of the Weibull distribution in practice, and also for the fact that the generalization provides a continuous crossover towards cases with different shapes. The new distribution is important since it contains as special sub-models some widely-known distributions, such as the generalized modified Weibull, beta Weibull, exponentiated Weibull, beta exponential, modified Weibull and Weibull distributions, among several others. It also provides more flexibility to analyse complex real data. Various mathematical properties of this distribution are derived, including its moments and moment generating function. We examine the asymptotic distributions of the extreme values. Explicit expressions are also derived for the chf, mean deviations, Bonferroni and Lorenz curves, reliability and entropies. The estimation of parameters is approached by two methods: moments and maximum likelihood. We compare by simulation the performances of the estimates from these methods. We obtain the expected information matrix. Two applications are presented to illustrate the proposed distribution.
A four-parameter extension of the generalized gamma distribution capable of modelling a bathtub-shaped hazard rate function is defined and studied. The beauty and importance of this distribution lies in its ability to model monotone and non-monotone failure rate functions, which are quite common in lifetime data analysis and reliability. The new distribution has a number of well-known lifetime special sub-models, such as the exponentiated Weibull, exponentiated generalized half-normal, exponentiated gamma and generalized Rayleigh, among others. We derive two infinite sum representations for its moments. We calculate the density of the order statistics and two expansions for their moments. The method of maximum likelihood is used for estimating the model parameters and the observed information matrix is obtained. Finally, a real data set from the medical area is analysed.