983 resultados para harvest time


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The objective of this work was to evaluate the energy and economic efficiency indexes per unit of cotton agro-ecosystem area in family production systems of Paraguay and Brazil; and, to establish a relationship between the energy and economic. Typologies presented by the Program to Support Small Cotton Holdings (Paraguay), and by the National Program for Strengthening Family Agriculture (Brazil). Family systems of the two countries were identified; these are located from Paraguay (San Juan–CA) and from Brazil (Leme–SP). To construct the energy expenditure structure of the cotton agro-ecosystem, as well as to assess the economic efficiency, the mean values obtained were considered, when they presented similarities in production systems and they were within the typology proposed in this study. From the technical itinerary observed the Paraguayan agro-ecosystem depended (fossil fuel 56.76%) and industrial source (35.99%). Thus, the energy balance of the agricultural stage was established, which attained a value of 17,740.69 MJ ha-1; an energy efficiency of 5.28, and a cultural efficiency of 3.04. The Brazilian agro-ecosystem depended on energy from industrial source (insecticides 39.82%) and from fossil fuel (33.59%); it reached an energy balance of 19,547.88 MJ ha-1; an energy efficiency of 2.12, and a cultural efficiency index of 0.71. In the economic and energy indicator ratio, with regard to the months referring to the harvest time, that is to say, March, April, and May, the maximum economic efficiency indicator of paraguay was attained in the month of May (1,00), and from Brazil in the month of May (1,71). Both production systems analyzed were presented efficient, however, dependent of external circumstances and non-renewable energy sources.


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The ripening stage of apple fruits at harvest is the main factor influencing fruit quality during the cold storage period that lasts several months and give rise to physiological disorders in fruits of susceptible cultivars. In particular, superficial scald is connected to α-farnesene oxidation, leading to fruit browning. Therefore, the assessment of the optimal ripening stage at harvest is considered to be crucial to control the overall quality, the length of storage life and the scald incidence. However, the maturity indexes traditionally used in the horticultural practice do not strictly correlate with fruit maturity, and do not account for the variability occurring in the field. Hence, the present work focused on the determination of apple fruit ripening with the use of an innovative, non-destructive device, the DA-meter. The study was conducted on ‘Granny Smith’ and ‘Pink Lady’ cultivars, which differ in scald susceptibility. Pre- and post- harvest ripening behavior of the fruits was studied, and the influence of ripening stage and treatments with 1-MCP were evaluated in relation to scald development and related metabolites. IAD was shown to be a reliable indicator of apple ripening, allowing cultivar-specific predictions of the optimal harvest time in different growing seasons. IAD may also be employed to segregate apple fruits in maturity classes, requiring different storage conditions to control flesh firmness reduction and scald incidence. Moreover, 1-MCP application is extremely effective in reducing superficial scald, and its effect is influenced by fruit ripening stage reached at harvest. However, the relation between ethylene and α-farnesene was not entirely elucidated. Thus, ethylene can be involved in other oxidative processes associated with scald besides α-farnesene regulation.


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As part of the ESA-funded MELiSSA program, the suitability, the growth and the development of four bread wheat cultivars were investigated in hydroponic culture with the aim to incorporate such a cultivation system in an Environmental Control and Life Support System (ECLSS). Wheat plants can fulfill three major functions in space: (a) fixation of CO2 and production of O2, (b) production of grains for human nutrition and (c) production of cleaned water after condensation of the water vapor released from the plants by transpiration. Four spring wheat cultivars (Aletsch, Fiorina, Greina and CH Rubli) were grown hydroponically and compared with respect to growth and grain maturation properties. The height of the plants, the culture duration from germination to harvest, the quantity of water used, the number of fertile and non-fertile tillers as well as the quantity and quality of the grains harvested were considered. Mature grains could be harvested after around 160 days depending on the varieties. It became evident that the nutrient supply is crucial in this context and strongly affects leaf senescence and grain maturation. After a first experiment, the culture conditions were improved for the second experiment (stepwise decrease of EC after flowering, pH adjusted twice a week, less plants per m2) leading to a more favorable harvest (higher grain yield and harvest index). Considerably less green tillers without mature grains were present at harvest time in experiment 2 than in experiment 1. The harvest index for dry matter (including roots) ranged from 0.13 to 0.35 in experiment 1 and from 0.23 to 0.41 in experiment 2 with modified culture conditions. The thousand-grain weight for the four varieties ranged from 30.4 to 36.7 g in experiment 1 and from 33.2 to 39.1 g in experiment 2, while market samples were in the range of 39.4–46.9 g. Calcium levels in grains of the hydroponically grown wheat were similar to those from field-grown wheat, while potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, copper, manganese and nickel levels tended to be higher in the grains of experimental plants. It remains a challenge for future experiments to further adapt the nutrient supply in order to improve senescence of vegetative plant parts, harvest index and the composition of bread wheat grains.


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En el Alto Valle del Río Negro y Neuquén, Argentina (latitud 38° 55´ Sur) se realizó un estudio en árboles cv. Red Delicious, conducidos en espaldera, de 4 m de altura, distanciamiento de 4 x 3 m y una orientación de la plantación Este - Oeste. Durante diciembre los árboles se podaron, eliminando 2/3 de cada crecimiento del año o fueron dejados sin podar (testigo). En la cosecha, en cada árbol y a ambos lados de la fila se determinaron tres alturas sobre el nivel del suelo (1.0 m, 2.5 m y 3.8 m) para la medición de la Radiación Fotosintéticamente Activa (PAR) y muestreo de frutos y hojas de dardos. En el fruto se evaluó: peso, contenido de sólidos solubles, firmeza de pulpa y porcentaje de color rojo de la piel. También se midió el Peso Específico de Hoja (PEH). La utilización de la poda de verano actúa en forma directa sobre el aumento del color rojo de la piel de los frutos y sobre la pérdida de la firmeza de la pulpa. El PAR afecta en un 50 % los parámetros de calidad y madurez de la fruta y en un 63 % el PEH; a su vez el PAR es afectado significativamente por la poda sólo en la parte superior del lado sur y en la parte media e inferior del lado norte. De esta manera se logrará ahorrar aproximadamente un 50 % del costo de la mano de obra de la poda estival total.


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La creciente demanda, en los últimos años, a nivel mundial y nacional de los productos deshidratados hace que esta actividad se perfile como promisoria en la región cuyana. Prácticamente el 100 % de la deshidratación de cebolla (Allium cepa L.) del país se realiza en Mendoza, habiendose hecho sólo producciones aisladas y de escaso volúmen en otras plantas del país. Las estimaciones preveen que se seguirá abasteciendo el mercado local y se incrementaránlas exportaciones de cebolla deshidratada. El objetivo general del presente trabajo fue establecer la influencia de la fertilización y el riego sobre la productividad y calidad de un cultivar mejorado de cebolla de importancia económica para la industria del deshidratado. En el Campo Experimental del INTA La Consulta se llevaron a cabo durante los años 1994-´95 y 1995-´96, dos ciclos de ensayos, con una línea de cebolla para deshidratar derivada del cultivar Southport White Globe. El suelo es de origen aluvial, profundo y de textura franca (Torrifluvente típico). Se determinaron los principales parámetros físicos, químicos e hídricos de la fracción fina del suelo. Para determinar el efecto de la fertilización sobre componentes de crecimiento y calidad y estudiar la variación de la concentración y ritmo de absorción de nutrimentos se ensayaron diferentes tratamientos. En el primer ciclo se ensayaron nueve tratamientos con tres niveles de N (0, 100, 200 kg N ha-1 ) aplicado como urea y tres niveles de P (0, 30, 60 kg P ha-1 ) como superfosfato. En el segundo ciclo se probaron ocho tratamientos con los siguientes niveles de N, P y K, respectivamente: (0 y 100 kg N ha-1), (0 y 40 kg P ha-1) y (0 y 60 kg K ha-1), éste último como sulfato de potasio. Para evaluar el efecto de diferentes regímenes de riego al final del ciclo de cultivo sobre la produccción cuantitativa y cualitativa de cebolla para la industria del deshidratado se programaron cortes anticipados de riegos, según diferentes fechas anteriores a la cosecha. Estas fueron para el primero y segundo ciclo de ensayo, respectivamente: (33, 27, 21, 8) y (21,14, 7) días anteriores a la fecha de cosecha estimada. Las principales conclusiones fueron: A) Con respecto a la fertilización: i) En todos los casos, e independientemente del tratamiento ensayado el mayor incremento relativo de sustancia seca aérea se evidencia durante la II fase de viii desarrollo que tiene lugar entre los primeros días de noviembre y mediados de diciembre ii) En dicha II fase se comienzan a manifestar incrementos absolutos de peso seco aéreo y área foliar atribuibles a la fertilización iii) También en todos los tratamientos se verifica que al finalizar la II fase el peso de los bulbos alcanza el 20 % de su peso de cosecha. En ese momento, los valores determinados para el porcentaje de sólidos totales (% ST) oscilan entre 13 % y 14 % iv) La mayor tasa de crecimiento del bulbo se constató en la III fase en la que se logra el 80% restante de su peso final v) En la III fase el % ST del bulbo sigue en aumento hasta casi el momento de cosecha y alcanzó valores promedios de 20 % y 21 %. La fertilización con diferentes dosis de N, P y K no influyó en el contenido de materia seca de los bulbos aunque sí lo hizo positivamente sobre su peso fresco vi) Los máximos rendimientos de bulbos (37.3 Mg ha-1) y de materia seca (7.92 Mg ha-1) se obtuvieron, en el segundo ciclo de ensayo, con las dosis de 100 kg N ha-1 y 40 kg P ha-1 vii) Los parámetros tisulares aéreos de valor diagnóstico asociados a máximosrendimientos, y al final de la II fase, correspondieron a una Alimentación Global (N, P, K) de 4.96 g % g s. seca y concentraciones de N, P y K respectivamente de: 2.56 g %, 0.22 g % y 2.18 g %. En cuanto a los tenores de Ca y Mg los porcentajes respectivos fueron: 2.10 g % y 0.16 g %. Los valores medios de equilibrios nutricionales fueron: N - P - K: 52 % - 4% - 44%. Con respecto a los micronutrimentos sus concentraciones fueron, en mg kg-1, Fe: 400, Zn: 55, Mn: 35 y Cu:19 y los valores de equilibrios nutricionales : 78.5 % - 11 % - 7 % - 3.5 %, respectivamente viii) La extracción total efectuada por el cultivo para esas máximas producciones, en kg ha-1, de N - P - K - Ca - Mg fueron: 214 - 40 -187 - 184 -19 B) Con respecto a los regímenes de riego: i) El rendimiento máximo obtenido -38.9 Mg ha-1- en el ensayo de cortes anticipados de riego correspondió al tratamiento R7 del ciclo 1995-‘96 ii) El mismo perteneció al tratamiento, que además de la fertilización básica con 100 kg N ha-1, aseguró durante los meses de noviembre, diciembre y enero, ix hasta siete días antes de cosecha, una humedad edáfica mínima (umbral de riego) correspondiente al 50 % del agua disponible. Este tratamiento se caracterizó por un total de 18 riegos y una incorporación de agua de 6120 m3 ha-1. iii) Los rendimientos totales de materia seca fueron afectados detrimentalmente por los otros regímenes de riego de cortes más anticipados iv) Se constató una relación lineal positiva altamente ignificativa entre el rendimiento y la lámina total de agua aplicada al cultivo.


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El presente ensayo fue establecido en el Alto Valle del Río Negro, Argentina (38°55´ Sur), sobre durazneros cv. Elegant Lady conducidos en vaso, de 5 m de altura, con un distanciamiento de 4 m entre plantas y 4,8 m entre filas. Se realizaron tres tratamientos en un diseño totalmente aleatorizado, simulando diferentes intensidades de luz: restricción lumínica con mallas de sombreo del 80%, poda en verde y un control sin intervención. En cada una de las plantas se diferenciaron 4 sectores orientados hacia los 4 puntos cardinales y 3 alturas distintas de la copa del árbol. La radiación fotosintéticamente activa (RFA) fue medida en cada sector 25, 15 y 6 días antes de la cosecha. La RFA interceptada estuvo influenciada por la restricción lumínica y por la altura. Las variables vegetativas y de producción se relacionaron entre sí linealmente, y ambas dependieron principalmente de la RFA interceptada. Los modelos que explican el comportamiento entre la RFA y las variables de calidad son de tipo asintóticos. A partir de los 25 días anteriores a la cosecha, la RFA necesaria para alcanzar frutos con un peso y color adecuados para su comercialización debe ser del 30%. En el rango de 0 a 15% de RFA interceptada, pequeñas variaciones de RFA dan como resultado grandes cambios en las variables de peso, color de cobertura e intensidad de color del fruto.


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Se realizó un seguimiento de la maduración de kiwis (Actinidia celiciosa (A. Chev.) Liang et Ferguson cv. Hayward) en una plantación comercial del sudeste de la provincia de Buenos Aires (Argentina), con la finalidad de definir índices de madurez y calidad y compararlos con los estándares vigentes en Nueva Zelanda y Chile. A intervalo semanal, desde las 13 semanas después de plena floración, se tomaron muestras de frutos para evaluar las siguientes variables: peso fresco, volumen, porcentaje de semillas negras, contenido de materia seca, acidez titulable y pH. De acuerdo con los mismos, el valor mínimo de sólidos solubles y el porcentaje de semillas negras exigido se alcanzaron durante la semana 21 después de plena floración y la firmeza de pulpa presentaba aún valores superiores al umbral recomendado. El momento óptimo de cosecha correspondió a plena temporada. Los resultados sugieren que la acidez titulable podría constituir otro índice de madurez. El porcentaje de materia seca no sería útil en fruta de plena temporada dado que los incrementos significativos se registran tempranamente. Sin embargo, puede ser útil como índice de calidad. Se plantea la posibilidad de utilizar la relación MS/AT como índice de calidad y de cosecha.


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La productividad del orégano (Origanum vulgare L.) está determinada por la conjunción entre cantidad de biomasa acumulada y contenido de aceite esencial hasta el momento de su cosecha. Numerosos autores han constatado que dicho contenido es máximo al momento de floración pero los procesos que determinan la ocurrencia de la misma son poco claros en esta especie. A través de la prolongación artificial del fotoperíodo, se evaluó la sensibilidad fotoperiódica de dos subespecies tradicionales de orégano (Compacto: Origanum vulgare ssp. vulgare y Criollo: Origanum vulgare ssp. hirtum Ietsw.) y su incidencia en el desarrollo, duración de fases fenológicas y en la dinámica de crecimiento. Se encontró que ambas responden al aumento del fotoperíodo reduciendo la longitud de su ciclo. Ante estas condiciones, las mismas difirieron en la magnitud de su respuesta, siendo la subespecie Criollo más sensible que Compacto. Esto sugiere que el umbral fotoperiódico de inducción a floración es menor en el orégano Criollo que en el orégano Compacto. El acortamiento de la fase de desarrollo vegetativo en ambas subespecies generó menor número de nudos y longitud de ramas finales (disminución más notoria en la subespecie Criollo). El fotoperíodo extendido generó un cambio en el modelo de crecimiento de la longitud de ramas de lineal a lineal con meseta o cuadrático.


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We investigated optimal conditions for characterization of bioactivity of lytic compound(s) excreted by Alexandrium tamarense based on a cell-bioassay system. Allelochemical response of the cryptophyte Rhodomonas salina indicated the presence oflytic compound(s) in a reliable and reproducible way and allows for quantification of this lytic effect. The parameters tested were the incubation time of putatively lytic extracts or fractions with the target organism R. salina, different techniques for cell harvest from A. tamarense cultures and the optimal harvest time. A three hour incubation time was found to be optimal to yield a rapid response while accurately estimating effective concentration (ECso) values. Harvest of A. tamarense cultures by filtration resulted in loss of lytic activity in most cases and centrifugation was most efficient in terms of recovery of lytic activity. Maximum yield of extracellular lytic activity of A. tamarense cultures was achieved in the stationary phase. Such optimized bioassay guided fractionation techniques are a valuable asset in the isolation and eventual stmctural elucidation of the unknown lytic substances.


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In hot Spanish climate, Toledo, Syrah and Sauvignon blanc Vineyard were treated in pre veraison with yeast derivatives RD-LM and RD- LA to stimulate phenolic and aromatic maturity respectively (application of yeast derivatives specifically designed to be used with the patent foliar application technology WO/2014/024039, Lallemand Inc. Canada). For studied effects in berry and wine composition three harvest time had been done. Experimented yeast derivatives had no significant effects on yield components and vegetative growth in both varieties. The Syrah RD-LM variety presented higher total and extractable anthocyanins and also more amount of tannins, although this last ones are not evident in the sensory analysis. The sensory analysis of wine has given very similar results in both varieties but with significant results in favored by phenols and tannins derived RD- LM and RD-LA respectively.


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Different species and genotypes of Miscanthus were analysed to determine the influence of genotypic variation and harvest time on cell wall composition and the products which may be refined via pyrolysis. Wet chemical, thermo-gravimetric (TGA) and pyrolysis-gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (Py-GC–MS) methods were used to identify the main pyrolysis products and determine the extent to which genotypic differences in cell wall composition influence the range and yield of pyrolysis products. Significant genotypic variation in composition was identified between species and genotypes, and a clear relationship was observed between the biomass composition, yields of pyrolysis products, and the composition of the volatile fraction. Results indicated that genotypes other than the commercially cultivated Miscanthus x giganteus may have greater potential for use in bio-refining of fuels and chemicals and several genotypes were identified as excellent candidates for the generation of genetic mapping families and the breeding of new genotypes with improved conversion quality characteristics.


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In this study the impact of senescence and harvest time in Miscanthus on the quality of fast pyrolysis liquid (bio-oil) was investigated. Bio-oil was produced using a 1kgh fast pyrolysis reactor to obtain a quantity of bio-oil comparable with existing industrial reactors. Bio-oil stability was measured using viscosity, water content, pH and heating value changes under specific conditions. Plant developmental characteristics were significantly different (P=0.05) between all harvest points. The stage of crop senescence was correlated with nutrient remobilisation (N, P, K; r=0.9043, r=0.9920, r=0.9977 respectively) and affected bio-oil quality. Harvest time and senescence impacted bio-oil quality and stability. For fast pyrolysis processing of Miscanthus, the harvest time of Miscanthus can be extended to cover a wider harvest window whilst still maintaining bio-oil quality but this may impact mineral depletion in, and long term sustainability of, the crop unless these minerals can be recycled. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd.


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Residents of certain areas of Tanzania are exposed to mycotoxins through the consumption of contaminated maize based foods. In this study, 101 maize based porridge samples were collected from villages of Nyabula, Kikelelwa and Kigwa located in different agro-ecological zones of Tanzania. The samples were collected at three time points (time point 1, during maize harvest; time point 2, 6 months after harvest; time point 3, 12 months after harvest) over a 1-year period. Ultra-performance liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (UPLC-MS/MS) was used to detect and quantify 9 mycotoxins: aflatoxin B1 (AFB1), aflatoxin B2 (AFB2), aflatoxin G1 (AFG1), aflatoxin G2 (AFG2), fumonisin B1 (FB1), fumonisin B2 (FB2), deoxynivalenol (DON), ochratoxin A (OTA) and zearaleneone (ZEN) in the samples following a QuEChERS extraction method. Eighty two percent of samples were co-contaminated with more than one group of mycotoxins. Fumonisins (FB1 + FB2) had the highest percentage occurrence in all 101 samples (100%) whereas OTA had the lowest (5%). For all three villages the mean concentration of FB1 was lowest in samples taken from time point 2. Conversely, In Kigwa village there was a distinct trend that AFB1 mean concentration was highest in samples taken from time point 2. DON concentration did not differ greatly between time points but the percentage occurrence varied between villages, most notably in Kigwa where 0% of samples tested positive. ZEN occurrence and mean concentration was highest in Kikelelwa. The results suggest that mycotoxin contamination in maize can vary based on season and agro-ecological zones. The high occurrence of multiple mycotoxins found in maize porridge, a common weaning food in Tanzania, presents a potential increase in the risk of exposure and significant health implications in children.


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Cauliflower (Brassica oleracea var. botrytis) is a vernalization-responsive crop. High ambient temperatures delay harvest time. The elucidation of the genetic regulation of floral transition is highly interesting for a precise harvest scheduling and to ensure stable market supply. This study aims at genetic dissection of temperature-dependent curd induction in cauliflower by genome-wide association studies and gene expression analysis. To assess temperature dependent curd induction, two greenhouse trials under distinct temperature regimes were conducted on a diversity panel consisting of 111 cauliflower commercial parent lines, genotyped with 14,385 SNPs. Broad phenotypic variation and high heritability (0.93) were observed for temperature-related curd induction within the cauliflower population. GWA mapping identified a total of 18 QTL localized on chromosomes O1, O2, O3, O4, O6, O8, and O9 for curding time under two distinct temperature regimes. Among those, several QTL are localized within regions of promising candidate flowering genes. Inferring population structure and genetic relatedness among the diversity set assigned three main genetic clusters. Linkage disequilibrium (LD) patterns estimated global LD extent of r(2) = 0.06 and a maximum physical distance of 400 kb for genetic linkage. Transcriptional profiling of flowering genes FLOWERING LOCUS C (BoFLC) and VERNALIZATION 2 (BoVRN2) was performed, showing increased expression levels of BoVRN2 in genotypes with faster curding. However, functional relevance of BoVRN2 and BoFLC2 could not consistently be supported, which probably suggests to act facultative and/or might evidence for BoVRN2/BoFLC-independent mechanisms in temperature regulated floral transition in cauliflower. Genetic insights in temperature-regulated curd induction can underpin genetically informed phenology models and benefit molecular breeding strategies toward the development of thermo-tolerant cultivars.


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde, Departamento de Nutrição, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Nutrição Humana, 2015.