103 resultados para haloperidol


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Therapeutisches Drug Monitoring (TDM) ist eine Maßnahme, bei der durch Messung der Medikamentenspiegel im Blut die Dosis ermittelt wird, bei der mit höchster Wahrscheinlichkeit mit Therapieansprechen gerechnet werden kann. Dabei wird angenommen, dass die Konzentrationen im Blut mit denen im Wirkkompartiment korrelieren. Für Antipsychotika wurde gezeigt, dass die Konzentrationen im Blut direkt mit denen im Gehirn korrelieren, die Verteilung zwischen den beiden Kompartimenten ist jedoch für die verschiedenen Antipsychotika sehr unterschiedlich. Die Distribution von Arzneistoffen zwischen Blut und Gehirn wird durch Effluxtransporter in der Blut-Hirn-Schranke kontrolliert. Welche Rolle dabei P-Glykoprotein (P-gp) für die Verteilung von atypischen Antipsychotika spielt und wie die Pharmakokinetik und –dynamik durch diesen Transporter beeinflusst werden, sollte in dieser Arbeit untersucht werden. Für die Messung des neu eingeführten Antipsychotikums Aripiprazol, sowie für seinen aktiven Metaboliten Dehydroaripiprazol, wurde eine hochleistungsflüssigchromatographische (HPLC) Methode mit Säulenschaltung und spektrophotometrischer Detektion etabliert. Die Methode wurde für die Messung von Serumproben schizophrener Patienten eingesetzt, um einen therapeutischen Bereich für Aripiprazol zu ermitteln. Aus der Analyse von 523 Patientenproben wurde herausgefunden, dass Aripiprazol-Serumkonzentrationen von 150 bis 300 ng/ml mit gutem klinischen Ansprechen und einem geringen Risiko für Nebenwirkungen einhergingen. Weiterhin wurde festgestellt, dass die Serumspiegel bei gleichzeitiger Gabe von Inhibitoren und Induktoren der Cytochrom P450 (CYP) Isoenzyme CYP2D6 und CYP3A4 erhöht bzw. gesenkt wurden. Am Modell der P-gp Knockout Maus im Vergleich zu FVB Wildtyp Mäusen wurden Konzentrationsverläufe von Antipsychotika nach i.p. Gabe von Amisulprid, Aripiprazol, Dehydroaripiprazol, Clozapin, Desmethylclozapin, Haloperidol, Olanzapin, Quetiapin, Risperidon und 9-Hydroxyrisperidon sowie der Kontrollsubstanz Domperidon im Gehirn und Blut über 24 Stunden mittels HPLC-Methoden gemessen. Welchen Einfluss eine verminderte Expression von P-gp auf die Pharmakodynamik hat, wurde in zwei Verhaltenstests untersucht. Mit Hilfe des Rotarods wurden motorische Effekte der Arzneistoffe erfasst und mittels Radial Arm Water Maze kognitive Fähigkeiten. Risperidon und sein aktiver Metabolit 9-Hydroxyrisperidon waren die stärksten Substrate von P-gp. 10-fach höhere Konzentrationen im Gehirn der P-gp Knockout Mäuse führten zu 10-fach stärkeren Beeinträchtigungen in den pharmakodynamischen Untersuchungen im Vergleich zu Wildtyp Tieren. Amisulprid, Aripiprazol, Dehydroaripiprazol, Desmethylclozapin und Quetiapin konnten ebenfalls als Substrate von P-gp identifiziert werden. Olanzapin, Haloperidol und Clozapin wurden durch P-gp wenig bzw. nicht in ihrer Pharmakokinetik und –dynamik beeinflusst. Da P-gp von Nagern und Menschen nach derzeitiger Kenntnis in ihren Substrateigenschaften weitgehend übereinstimmen, muss bei einer Behandlung von schizophrenen Patienten mit Antipsychotika, die als Substrate von P-gp identifiziert wurden, davon ausgegangen werden, dass eine Veränderung der Expression oder Aktivität von P-gp, genetisch verursacht oder durch Medikamente bedingt, für das Therapieansprechen oder das Auftreten von Nebenwirkungen bedeutsam sind.


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Der Erfolg einer Schizophrenie-Behandlung ist zum größten Teil abhängig vom Ansprechen des Patienten auf seine antipsychotische Medikation. Welches Medikament und welche Dosis bei einem individuellen Patienten wirksam sind, kann derzeit erst nach mehrwöchiger Behandlung beurteilt werden. Ein Grund für variierendes Therapieansprechen sind variable Plasmakonzentrationen der Antipsychotika. Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, zu untersuchen, in wieweit der Therapieerfolg zu einem frühen Zeitpunkt der Behandlung durch objektive Symptomerfassung vorhersagbar ist und welche Faktoren die hohe Variabilität der Antipsychotikaspiegel im Blut beeinflussen. rnEine 18-monatige naturalistische klinische Studie an schizophrenen Patienten wurde durchgeführt, um folgende Fragen zu beantworten: Kann man das Therapieansprechen prädizieren und welche Instrumente sind dafür geeignet? Die Psychopathologie wurde anhand zweier Messskalen (Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale, BPRS und Clinical Global Impressions, CGI) wöchentlich ermittelt, um die Besserung der Krankheitssymptome im Verlauf von 8 Wochen zu bewerten. Therapiebegleitend wurden noch die Serum-Konzentrationen der Antipsychotika gemessen. Objektive Symptomerfassung durch BPRS oder CGI waren als Messinstrumente geeignet, Therapieansprechen vorherzusagen. Bezogen auf den Behandlungsbeginn war eine Verminderung der Symptome hoch prädiktiv für späteres Therapieversagen oder -ansprechen. Eine Verminderung um mehr als 36,5% auf der BPRS Skala in Woche 2 wurde als signifikanter Schwellenwert für Nichtansprechen ermittelt. Patienten, deren Symptombesserung unterhalb des Schwellenwertes lag, hatten eine 11,2-fach höhere Wahrscheinlichkeit, am Ende der Studie nicht auf ihre medikamentöse Therapie anzusprechen als die Patienten, die sich um mindestens 36,5% verbesserten. Andere Faktoren, wie Alter, Geschlecht, Dauer der Erkrankung oder Anzahl der stationären Aufenthalte hatten keinen Einfluss auf die Prädiktion des Therapieansprechens. Therapeutische Antipsychotika-Spiegel übten einen positiven Einfluss auf die Ansprechrate aus. Bei Patienten mit therapeutischen Spiegeln war das Ansprechen rascher und die Ansprechrate größer als unter denjenigen deren Spiegel außerhalb der therapeutisch üblichen Bereiche lag. rnEine wichtige Voraussetzung für den Einsatz von TDM ist das Vorhandensein einer präzisen, reproduzierbaren, zeit- und kostensparenden analytischen Methode zur quantitativen Bestimmung der untersuchten Substanzen. Die Entwicklung und Validierung einer solchen geeigneten Methode wurde für den Nachweis von Haloperidol vorgenommen. Eine HPLC-Methode mit Säulenschaltung erwies sich für TDM geeignet. rnBasierend auf den Ergebnissen der eigenen klinischen Studie zur Response Prädiktion wurde untersucht, welche Faktoren die Variabilität der Pharmakokinetik von Antipsychotika beeinflussen. Die Variabilität der Pharmakokinetik ist ein Grund für fehlendes oder unzureichendes Ansprechen. Es wurde zum einen der Einfluss der galenischen Formulierung auf die Freisetzung und zum anderen der Einfluss von entzündlichen Prozessen auf die Metabolisierung eines Antipsychotikums untersucht. Dazu wurden Patientendaten retrospektiv ausgewertet.rnDie Analyse von 247 Serumspiegeln von Patienten, die mit Paliperidon in OROS®Formulierung, einer neu eingeführten Retardform, behandelt wurden, zeigte, dass die intraindividuelle Variabilität der Talspiegel (Vk) von Paliperidon 35% betrug. Er war damit vergleichbar wie für nicht retardiertes Risperidon 32% (p=n.s.). Die Retardierung hatte demnach keinen Varianz mindernden Effekt auf die Talspiegel des Antipsychotikums. Der Wirkstoff-Konzentrations-Bereich lag bei 21-55 ng/ml und entsprach ebenfalls nahezu dem therapeutischen Bereich von Risperidon (20-60 ng/ml). rnEntzündliche Prozesse können die Metabolisierung von Medikamenten verändern. Dies wurde bisher für Medikamente nachgewiesen, die über CYP1A2 abgebaut werden. Durch die eigene Analyse von 84 Patienten-Serumspiegeln konnte festgestellt werden, dass die Metabolisierung von Quetiapin während eines entzündlichen Prozesses beeinträchtigt war, wahrscheinlich durch Hemmung von CYP3A4. Dies sprach dafür, dass auch Wirkstoffe, die über CYP3A4 abgebaut werden, während eines entzündlichen Prozesses im Körper in ihrer Pharmakokinetik beeinträchtigt sein können. Aus diesem Grund sollte während einer Infektion unter der Therapie mit Quetiapin besonders auf die Nebenwirkungen geachtet werden und der Serumspiegel sollte in dieser Zeit überwacht werden, um den Patienten vor eventuellen Nebenwirkungen oder sogar Intoxikationen zu schützen. rnDie Befunde dieser Arbeit zeigen, dass bei einer Behandlung schizophrener Patienten mit Antipsychotika die Messung der Psychopathologie zur Vorhersage des Therapieansprechens und die Messung der Blutspiegel zur Identifizierung von Faktoren, die die pharmakokinetische Variabilität bedingen, geeignet sind. Objektive Symptomerfassung und Therapeutisches Drug Monitoring sind demnach Instrumente, die für die Steuerung der antipsychotischen Pharmakotherapie genutzt werden sollten.rn


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P-Glykoprotein (P-gp) ist ein ATP-verbrauchender Transporter, der in Organschranken exprimiert wird, um Fremdstoffe auszuschleusen, darunter auch Psychopharmaka. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde im Tiermodell der Maus untersucht, welche pharmakokinetischen und pharmakodynamischen Konsequenzen sich bei Verabreichung von Risperidon als P-gp Modellsubstrat ergeben, wenn die Expression von P-gp induziert wird. Als potenzielle Induktoren wurden Dexamethason, Rifampicin, Quercetin, 5-Pregnen-3ß-ol-20-on-16α-Carbonitril (PCN) und Acitretin geprüft. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass alle Substanzen die Verteilung von Risperidon und seinem aktiven Metaboliten 9-Hydroxyrisperidon beeinflussten. Während sich für Quercetin und Acitretin leichte P-gp inhibitorische Eigenschaften ergaben, die an Hand von erhöhten Konzentrationen von Risperidon und 9-Hydroxyrisperidon gezeigt werden konnten, führten die bekannten P-gp Induktoren Rifampicin, Dexamethason und PCN zu verringerten Konzentrationen im Vergleich zur Kontrollgruppe. Durch Western Blot Untersuchungen wurde bestätigt, dass die Induktoren die P-gp Expression im Hirngewebe tendenziell steigerten. Dies sprach dafür, dass bei Verabreichung einer Komedikation, die P-gp induziert, mit einer veränderten Verteilung von P-gp Substraten zu rechnen ist. Darüber hinaus konnte nachgewiesen werden, dass durch eine Hemmung bzw. Induktion von P-gp nicht nur die Pharmakokinetik, sondern auch die Pharmakodynamik von Risperidon und 9-Hydroxyrisperidon verändert wird. Dies wurde durch verhaltenspharmakologische Untersuchungen gezeigt. Durch Risperidon induzierte motorische Effekte auf dem RotaRod waren nach Induktion von P-gp abgeschwächt. Dies zeigte sich auch für Haloperidol, welches kein Substrat ist. Da P-gp abhängige Effekte in diesem Fall keine bedeutende Rolle spielen, ist davon auszugehen, dass neben der Induktion von P-gp an der Blut-Hirn Schranke auch andere Mechanismen wie z.B. eine Induktion von Enzymen der CYP-Familie an den beobachteten Effekten beteiligt sind. Bei Untersuchungen von kognitiven Leistungen in der Barnes Maze konnte gezeigt werden, dass Haloperidol im Gegensatz zu Risperidon das Lernverhalten negativ beeinflussen kann. Eine P-gp Induktion schien jedoch keinen deutlichen Einfluss auf das Lernverhalten unter Antipsychotika-Gabe zu haben und sprach vielmehr für substanzabhängige Effekte der einzelnen Antipsychotika bzw. P-gp Modulatoren. Zusatzuntersuchungen zur Hirngängigkeit von Acitretin, einem synthetischen Retinoid, welches derzeit als potenzielles Antidementivum geprüft wird, konnten belegen, dass es die Blut-Hirn Schranke überwindet. Bereits 1h nach Injektion war Acitretin in hoher Konzentration im Gehirn nachweisbar. Durch die Analyse zur Verteilung von Acitretin in Hirngewebe und Serum von P-gp Wildtyp und P-gp doppel knockout Mäusen konnte belegt werden, dass Acitretin nicht P-gp abhängig transportiert wird. Die Daten insgesamt betrachtet, lassen den Schluss zu, dass durch Verabreichung von Medikamenten, die P-gp Modulatoren sind, bei Antipsychotika mit pharmakokinetischen Interaktionen zu rechnen ist, welche die Wirksamkeit der Medikamente einschränken können.


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RATIONALE: Both psychotropic drugs and mental disorders have typical signatures in quantitative electroencephalography (EEG). Previous studies found that some psychotropic drugs had EEG effects opposite to the EEG effects of the mental disorders treated with these drugs (key-lock principle). OBJECTIVES: We performed a placebo-controlled pharmaco-EEG study on two conventional antipsychotics (chlorpromazine and haloperidol) and four atypical antipsychotics (olanzapine, perospirone, quetiapine, and risperidone) in healthy volunteers. We investigated differences between conventional and atypical drug effects and whether the drug effects were compatible with the key-lock principle. METHODS: Fourteen subjects underwent seven EEG recording sessions, one for each drug (dosage equivalent of 1 mg haloperidol). In a time-domain analysis, we quantified the EEG by identifying clusters of transiently stable EEG topographies (microstates). Frequency-domain analysis used absolute power across electrodes and the location of the center of gravity (centroid) of the spatial distribution of power in different frequency bands. RESULTS: Perospirone increased duration of a microstate class typically shortened in schizophrenics. Haloperidol increased mean microstate duration of all classes, increased alpha 1 and beta 1 power, and tended to shift the beta 1 centroid posterior. Quetiapine decreased alpha 1 power and shifted the centroid anterior in both alpha bands. Olanzapine shifted the centroid anterior in alpha 2 and beta 1. CONCLUSIONS: The increased microstate duration under perospirone and haloperidol was opposite to effects previously reported in schizophrenic patients, suggesting a key-lock mechanism. The opposite centroid changes induced by olanzapine and quetiapine compared to haloperidol might characterize the difference between conventional and atypical antipsychotics.


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OBJECTIVE: Cardiac surgery is frequently followed by postoperative delirium, which is associated with increased 1-year mortality, late cognitive deficits, and higher costs. Currently, there are no recommendations for pharmacologic prevention of postoperative delirium. Impaired cholinergic transmission is believed to play an important role in the development of delirium. We tested the hypothesis that prophylactic short-term administration of oral rivastigmine, a cholinesterase inhibitor, reduces the incidence of delirium in elderly patients during the first 6 days after elective cardiac surgery. DESIGN:: Double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial. SETTING: One Swiss University Hospital. PATIENTS: One hundred twenty patients aged 65 or older undergoing elective cardiac surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass. INTERVENTION: Patients were randomly assigned to receive either placebo or 3 doses of 1.5 mg of oral rivastigmine per day starting the evening before surgery and continuing until the evening of the sixth postoperative day. MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: The primary predefined outcome was delirium diagnosed with the Confusion Assessment Method within 6 days postoperatively. Secondary outcome measures were the results of daily Mini-Mental State Examinations and clock drawing tests, and the use of a rescue treatment consisting of haloperidol and/or lorazepam in patients with delirium. Delirium developed in 17 of 57 (30%) and 18 of 56 (32%) patients in the placebo and rivastigmine groups, respectively (p = 0.8). There was no treatment effect on the time course of Mini-Mental State Examinations and clock drawing tests (p = 0.4 and p = 0.8, respectively). There was no significant difference in the number of patients receiving haloperidol (18 of 57 and 17 of 56, p = 0.9) or lorazepam (38 of 57 and 35 of 56, p = 0.6) in the placebo and rivastigmine groups, respectively. CONCLUSION: This negative or, because of methodologic issues, possibly failed trial does not support short-term prophylactic administration of oral rivastigmine to prevent postoperative delirium in elderly patients undergoing elective cardiac surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass.


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The cytochromes P450 (P450) comprise a superfamily of hemoproteins that function in concert with NADPH-cytochrome P450 reductase (P450-reductase) to metabolize both endogenous and exogenous compounds. Many pharmacological agents undergo phase I metabolism by this P450 and P450-reductase monooxygenase system. Phase I metabolism ensures that these highly hydrophobic xenobiotics are made more hydrophilic, and hence easier to extrude from the body. While the majority of phase I metabolism occurs in the liver, metabolism in extrahepatic organ-systems like the intestine, kidney, and brain can have important roles in drug metabolism and/or efficacy. ^ While P450-mediated phase I metabolism has been well studied, investigators have only recently begun to elucidate what physiological roles P450 may have. One way to approach this question is to study P450s that are highly or specifically expressed in extrahepatic tissues. In this project I have studied the role of a recently cloned P450 family member, P450 2D18, that was previously shown to be expressed in the rat brain and kidney, but not in the liver. To this end, I have used the baculovirus expression system to over-express recombinant P450 2D18 and purified the functional enzyme using nickel and hydroxylapatite chromatography. SDS-PAGE analysis indicated that the enzyme was purified to electrophoretic homogeneity and Western analysis showed cross-reactivity with rabbit anti-human P450 2D6. Carbon monoxide difference spectra indicated that the purified protein contained no denatured P450 enzyme; this allowed for further characterization of the substrates and metabolites formed by P450 2D18-mediated metabolism. ^ Because P450 2D18 is expressed in brain, we characterized the activity toward several psychoactive drugs including the antidepressants imipramine and desipramine, and the anti-psychotic drugs chlorpromazine and haloperidol. P450 2D18 preferentially catalyzed the N-demethylation of imipramine, desipramine, and chlorpromazine. This is interesting given the fact that other P450 isoforms form multiple metabolites from such compounds. This limited metabolic profile might suggest that P450 2D18 has some unique function, or perhaps a role in endobiotic metabolism. ^ Further analysis of possible endogenous substrates for P450 2D18 led to the identification of dopamine and arachidonic acid as substrates. It was shown that P450 2D18 catalyzes the oxidation of dopamine to aminochrome, and that the enzyme binds dopamine with an apparent KS value of 678 μM, a value well within reported dopamine concentration in brain dopaminergic systems. Further, it was shown that P450 2D18 binds arachidonic acid with an apparent KS value of 148 μM, and catalyzes both the ω-hydroxylation and epoxygenation of arachidonic acid to metabolites that have been shown to have vasoactive properties in brain, kidney, and heart tissues. These data provide clues for endogenous roles of P450 within the brain, and possible involvement in the pathogenesis of Parkinson's disease. ^


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Importance In treatment-resistant schizophrenia, clozapine is considered the standard treatment. However, clozapine use has restrictions owing to its many adverse effects. Moreover, an increasing number of randomized clinical trials (RCTs) of other antipsychotics have been published. Objective To integrate all the randomized evidence from the available antipsychotics used for treatment-resistant schizophrenia by performing a network meta-analysis. Data Sources MEDLINE, EMBASE, Biosis, PsycINFO, PubMed, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, World Health Organization International Trial Registry, and clinicaltrials.gov were searched up to June 30, 2014. Study Selection At least 2 independent reviewers selected published and unpublished single- and double-blind RCTs in treatment-resistant schizophrenia (any study-defined criterion) that compared any antipsychotic (at any dose and in any form of administration) with another antipsychotic or placebo. Data Extraction and Synthesis At least 2 independent reviewers extracted all data into standard forms and assessed the quality of all included trials with the Cochrane Collaboration's risk-of-bias tool. Data were pooled using a random-effects model in a Bayesian setting. Main Outcomes and Measures The primary outcome was efficacy as measured by overall change in symptoms of schizophrenia. Secondary outcomes included change in positive and negative symptoms of schizophrenia, categorical response to treatment, dropouts for any reason and for inefficacy of treatment, and important adverse events. Results Forty blinded RCTs with 5172 unique participants (71.5% men; mean [SD] age, 38.8 [3.7] years) were included in the analysis. Few significant differences were found in all outcomes. In the primary outcome (reported as standardized mean difference; 95% credible interval), olanzapine was more effective than quetiapine (-0.29; -0.56 to -0.02), haloperidol (-0. 29; -0.44 to -0.13), and sertindole (-0.46; -0.80 to -0.06); clozapine was more effective than haloperidol (-0.22; -0.38 to -0.07) and sertindole (-0.40; -0.74 to -0.04); and risperidone was more effective than sertindole (-0.32; -0.63 to -0.01). A pattern of superiority for olanzapine, clozapine, and risperidone was seen in other efficacy outcomes, but results were not consistent and effect sizes were usually small. In addition, relatively few RCTs were available for antipsychotics other than clozapine, haloperidol, olanzapine, and risperidone. The most surprising finding was that clozapine was not significantly better than most other drugs. Conclusions and Relevance Insufficient evidence exists on which antipsychotic is more efficacious for patients with treatment-resistant schizophrenia, and blinded RCTs-in contrast to unblinded, randomized effectiveness studies-provide little evidence of the superiority of clozapine compared with other second-generation antipsychotics. Future clozapine studies with high doses and patients with extremely treatment-refractory schizophrenia might be most promising to change the current evidence.


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Schizophrenia is the most prevalent mental disorder in the world, affecting approximately one percent of the population. Antipsychotic medications have successfully treated schizophrenic psychotic symptoms for years, however their positive effects on cognitive dysfunction, a core feature of schizophrenia, are inconclusive. Recent studies have shown that improved cognitive functioning is most often associated with the best long-term prognosis. Thus, clarifying the cognitive effects of commonly prescribed antipsychotic medications is pivotal to improving quality of life and long-term care of schizophrenic patients.^ Previous studies on cognitive dysfunction in schizophrenia utilized complex neuropsychological tasks requiring many intact areas of the brain for proper completion. These complexities make interpretation of acquired data difficult. Recently, eye movements have been identified as a more effective surrogate for investigating cognitive functioning. Eye movements are easily measured, require known discrete areas of the brain for processing, and are ubiquitous. They influence what we attend to and process in the brain; thus they are a pivotal aspect of cognitive functioning. This study sought to examine the effects of antipsychotic medications on eye movements in forty-two schizophrenic patients. These patients were divided equally into the three tested medication groups: haloperidol, olanzapine, and aripiprazole. To the extent possible, these groups were further separated into task-impaired and task-nonimpaired subgroups, and again analyzed. Clinical and neuropsychological scales were administered to assess clinical and eye movement changes.^ The results of this study found the olanzapine-treated group exhibited superior cognitive effects to the aripiprazole-treated group, who was superior to the haloperidol-treated group. Furthermore, upon subdivision into cognitively impaired and nonimpaired subgroups, both olanzapine-treated subgroups continued to show improvement, while only the aripiprazole-treated impaired subgroup showed cognitive benefit. The haloperidol-treated nonimpaired subgroup actually demonstrated worsening effects. Interestingly, despite the cognitive decline of some subgroups, the clinical assessment results indicated virtually all subgroups exhibited significant clinical improvement. Hence, careful selection of an antipsychotic medication is crucial, as this study shows some treatments may help whereas others may hinder cognitive functioning in schizophrenia. ^ The results of this study are extremely important given the relationship between cognitive improvement and long-term prognosis in schizophrenia. Finally, and perhaps most importantly, these results indicate that clinical improvement is not necessarily indicative of cognitive improvement. ^


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Stimulation of dopamine D1 receptors has profound effects on addictive behavior, movement control, and working memory. Many of these functions depend on dopaminergic systems in the striatum and D1–D2 dopamine receptor synergies have been implicated as well. We show here that deletion of the D1 dopamine receptor produces a neural phenotype in which amphetamine and cocaine, two addictive psychomotor stimulants, can no longer stimulate neurons in the striatum to express cFos or JunB or to regulate dynorphin. By contrast, haloperidol, a typical neuroleptic that acts preferentially at D2-class receptors, remains effective in inducing catalepsy and striatal Fos/Jun expression in the D1 mutants, and these behavioral and neural effects can be blocked by D2 dopamine receptor agonists. These findings demonstrate that D2 dopamine receptors can function without the enabling role of D1 receptors but that D1 dopamine receptors are essential for the control of gene expression and motor behavior by psychomotor stimulants.


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The A2AR is largely coexpressed with D2Rs and enkephalin mRNA in the striatum where it modulates dopaminergic activity. Activation of the A2AR antagonizes D2R-mediated behavioral and neurochemical effects in the basal ganglia through a mechanism that may involve direct A2AR–D2R interaction. However, whether the D2R is required for the A2AR to exert its neural function is an open question. In this study, we examined the role of D2Rs in A2AR-induced behavioral and cellular responses, by using genetic knockout (KO) models (mice deficient in A2ARs or D2Rs or both). Behavioral analysis shows that the A2AR agonist 2–4-(2-carboxyethyl)phenethylamino-5′-N-ethylcarboxamidoadenosine reduced spontaneous as well as amphetamine-induced locomotion in both D2 KO and wild-type mice. Conversely, the nonselective adenosine antagonist caffeine and the A2AR antagonist 8-(3-chlorostyryl)caffeine produced motor stimulation in mice lacking the D2R, although the stimulation was significantly attentuated. At the cellular level, A2AR inactivation counteracted the increase in enkephalin expression in striatopallidal neurons caused by D2R deficiency. Consistent with the D2 KO phenotype, A2AR inactivation partially reversed both acute D2R antagonist (haloperidol)-induced catalepsy and chronic haloperidol-induced enkephalin mRNA expression. Together, these results demonstrate that A2ARs elicit behavioral and cellular responses despite either the genetic deficiency or pharmacological blockade of D2Rs. Thus, A2AR-mediated neural functions are partially independent of D2Rs. Moreover, endogenous adenosine acting at striatal A2ARs may be most accurately viewed as a facilitative modulator of striatal neuronal activity rather than simply as an inhibitory modulator of D2R neurotransmission.


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Dopamine receptor genes are under complex transcription control, determining their unique regional distribution in the brain. We describe here a zinc finger type transcription factor, designated dopamine receptor regulating factor (DRRF), which binds to GC and GT boxes in the D1A and D2 dopamine receptor promoters and effectively displaces Sp1 and Sp3 from these sequences. Consequently, DRRF can modulate the activity of these dopamine receptor promoters. Highest DRRF mRNA levels are found in brain with a specific regional distribution including olfactory bulb and tubercle, nucleus accumbens, striatum, hippocampus, amygdala, and frontal cortex. Many of these brain regions also express abundant levels of various dopamine receptors. In vivo, DRRF itself can be regulated by manipulations of dopaminergic transmission. Mice treated with drugs that increase extracellular striatal dopamine levels (cocaine), block dopamine receptors (haloperidol), or destroy dopamine terminals (1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine) show significant alterations in DRRF mRNA. The latter observations provide a basis for dopamine receptor regulation after these manipulations. We conclude that DRRF is important for modulating dopaminergic transmission in the brain.


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The peptide transmitter neurotensin (NT) exerts diverse neurochemical effects that resemble those seen after acute administration of antipsychotic drugs (APDs). These drugs also induce NT expression in the striatum; this and other convergent findings have led to the suggestion that NT may mediate some APD effects. Here, we demonstrate that the ability of the typical APD haloperidol to induce Fos expression in the dorsolateral striatum is markedly attenuated in NT-null mutant mice. The induction of Fos and NT in the dorsolateral striatum in response to typical, but not atypical, APDs has led to the hypothesis that the increased expression of these proteins is mechanistically related to the production of extrapyramidal side effects (EPS). However, we found that catalepsy, which is thought to reflect the EPS of typical APDs, is unaffected in NT-null mutant mice, suggesting that NT does not contribute to the generation of EPS. We conclude that NT is required for haloperidol-elicited activation of a specific population of striatal neurons but not haloperidol-induced catalepsy. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that endogenous NT mediates a specific subset of APD actions.


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Sigma-ligands comprise several chemically unrelated drugs such as haloperidol, pentazocine, and ditolylguanidine, which bind to a family of low molecular mass proteins in the endoplasmic reticulum. These so-called sigma-receptors are believed to mediate various pharmacological effects of sigma-ligands by as yet unknown mechanisms. Based on their opposite enantioselectivity for benzomorphans and different molecular masses, two subtypes are differentiated. We purified the sigma1-binding site as a single 30-kDa protein from guinea pig liver employing the benzomorphan(+)[3H]pentazocine and the arylazide (-)[3H]azidopamil as specific probes. The purified (+)[3H]pentazocine-binding protein retained its high affinity for haloperidol, pentazocine, and ditolylguanidine. Partial amino acid sequence obtained after trypsinolysis revealed no homology to known proteins. Radiation inactivation of the pentazocine-labeled sigma1-binding site yielded a molecular mass of 24 +/- 2 kDa. The corresponding cDNA was cloned using degenerate oligonucleotides and cDNA library screening. Its open reading frame encoded a 25.3-kDa protein with at least one putative transmembrane segment. The protein expressed in yeast cells transformed with the cDNA showed the pharmacological characteristics of the brain and liver sigma1-binding site. The deduced amino acid sequence was structurally unrelated to known mammalian proteins but it shared homology with fungal proteins involved in sterol synthesis. Northern blots showed high densities of the sigma1-binding site mRNA in sterol-producing tissues. This is also in agreement with the known ability of sigma1-binding sites to interact with steroids, such as progesterone.


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The selective activation of the prefrontal cortical dopamine system by mild stress can be mimicked by anxiogenic beta-carbolines such as FG7142. To investigate the functional relevance of elevated levels of dopamine turnover in the prefrontal cortex, the current study examined the effects of FG7142 on the performance of spatial working memory tasks in the rat and monkey. FG7142 selectively increased prefrontal cortical dopamine turnover in rats and significantly impaired performance on spatial working memory tasks in both rats and monkeys. Spatial discrimination, a task with similar motor and motivational demands (rats), or delayed response performance following zero-second delays (monkeys) was unaffected by FG7142. Further, biochemical analysis in rats revealed a significant positive correlation between dopamine turnover in the prefrontal cortex and cognitive impairment on the delayed alternation task. The cognitive deficits in both rats and monkeys were prevented by pretreatment with the benzodiazepine receptor antagonist, RO15-1788, which blocked the increase in dopamine turnover and by the dopamine receptor antagonists, haloperidol, clozapine, and SCH23390. These findings indicate that excessive dopamine activity in the prefrontal cortex is detrimental to cognitive functions mediated by the prefrontal cortex.


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N-Methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA, 200 microM) evokes the release of [3H]norepinephrine ([3H]NE) from preloaded hippocampal slices. This effect is potentiated by dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEA S), whereas it is inhibited by pregnenolone sulfate (PREG S) and the high-affinity sigma inverse agonist 1,3-di(2-tolyl)guanidine, at concentrations of > or = 100 nM. Neither 3 alpha-hydroxy-5 alpha-pregnan-20-one nor its sulfate ester modified NMDA-evoked [3H]NE overflow. The sigma antagonists haloperidol and 1-[2-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-ethyl]-4-methylpiperazine, although inactive by themselves, completely prevented the effects of DHEA S, PREG S, and 1,3-di(2-tolyl)guanidine on NMDA-evoked [3H]NE release. Progesterone (100 nM) mimicked the antagonistic effect of haloperidol and 1-[2-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)ethyl]-4-methyl-piperazine. These results indicate that the tested steroid sulfate esters differentially affected the NMDA response in vitro and suggest that DHEA S acts as a sigma agonist, that PREG S acts as a sigma inverse agonist, and that progesterone may act as a sigma antagonist. Pertussis toxin, which inactivates the Gi/o types of guanine nucleotide-binding protein (Gi/o protein) function, suppresses both effects of DHEA S and PREG S. Since sigma 1 but not sigma 2 receptors are coupled to Gi/o proteins, the present results suggest that DHEA S and PREG S control the NMDA response via sigma 1 receptors.