501 resultados para hacker ethic
Com o crescente aumento de utilizadores e da importância no quotidiano de uma grande parte da população mundial, a Internet disponibiliza hoje às empresas, um conjunto de oportunidades que devidamente aproveitadas, se poderão traduzir na captação de novos clientes e no aumento da notoriedade da marca. Tem-se assistido nos últimos anos a um crescimento considerável do investimento das empresas em Marketing Digital, fazendo uso das mais variadas ferramentas que potenciam e aumentam a sua presença online. Decorrente do aumento de competividade no meio digital, têm surgido diversos casos de startups que desenvolveram e aplicaram técnicas e acções de marketing digital inovadoras, que se traduziram num crescimento exponencial do seu número de clientes/utilizadores. Desta forma, o presente trabalho tem como principais objetivos identificar o conceito de Growth Hacking, principais tácticas e ferramentas utilizadas, e avaliar qual impacto que o mesmo poderá ter para o sucesso de uma organização no meio online. Recorrendo ao estudo de dois casos de sucesso é feita uma análise das estratégias adotadas pelas empresas Uber e Dropbox e apresentadas as principais caraterísticas que as diferenciam e que permitiram o seu sucesso no meio digital.
The object of this dissertation is focused on the study of the home banking service and how the allocation of losses due to computer fraud is processed in the scope of this service. When considering the questions raised by the allocation of losses associated with fraudulent operations, it is important to consider, mainly, the behaviour of the user of the home banking service. In our opinion, courts have been too demanding towards the user when judging his action in the use of this service. In this study, we have concluded that, when the user “falls” into a computer fraud scheme, he should not be liable for gross negligent behaviour, even if, due to the fraud, the user revealed all his access codes to a hacker on a page similar to that of his bank. In general, such facts will not be sufficient to qualify the user’s action as grossly negligent. Therefore, the user, under the terms of the Payment Services’ System, must bear the loss up to a maximum of €150, and the bank will face the remainder of the losses. However, if the user, victim of a fraudulent technique, ignored the safety warnings issued by the bank, one must consider, given the specific case, that he contributed to gross negligence in unauthorised payment transactions. Thus, the user must bear all the losses up to the moment when he notifies the bank about the unauthorised transactions. It is the bank’s responsibility to, given the specific case, adduce evidence of the client’s contribution to the identified losses.
Tese de Doutoramento em Ciências da Educação (área de especialização em Desenvolvimento Curricular).
Hactivismo: Definições na indefinição da era digital; Projeto 1: Imagem social e cultural do hacker; Projeto 2: Desobediência civil e new media; Projeto 3: Hactivismo em Portugal; Projeto 4: Hactivismo e Feminismo; Projeto 5: O vocabulário social do Hactivismo; Estatísticas do Hactivismo (2013); Projeto 6: O discurso do Hactivismo; Projeto 7: A filosofia do Hactivismo; Esfera pública; Movimentos sociais nos Países centrais e periféricos; Ativismo global; Projeto 8: A cultura do Hactivismo; As fronteiras do Hactivismo. Ciberterrorismo: sistemas de segurança; Vigilância; Terrorismo convencional e digital; Ameaças à cidadania.
Dissertação de mestrado em Direito e Informática
Dissertação de mestrado em Ciências da Comunicação (área de especialização em Informação e Jornalismo)
Relatamos um caso de paciente com Síndrome do Olho de Gato (Cat Eye Syndrome-CES) e interrupção do arco aórtico tipo B, um achado típico na síndrome da deleção 22q11.2. A análise cromossômica e a técnica de hibridização fluorescente in situ (FISH) mostraram um cromossomo marcador isodicêntrico supranumerário com bi-satélite derivado do cromossomo 22. O segmento de 22pter a 22q11.2 no cromossomo supranumerário encontrado em nosso paciente não estava em sobreposição com a região deletada em pacientes com a síndrome da deleção 22q11.2. Entretanto, o achado de interrupção do arco aórtico tipo B não é usual na CES, mas é um defeito cardíaco freqüente na síndrome da deleção 22q11.
Aquesta tesina, amb el títol "La poètica del desig. amor i bogeria a l'Orlando furioso", proposa una nova lectura del poema de Ludovico Ariosto, prenent com a objectiu l'anàlisi de la bogeria del seu protagonista, el Comte Orlando, "che per amor venne in furore e matto / d'uom che sì saggio era stimato prima". Així doncs, pretenem esbrinar per què davant de la constatació de Matteo Maria Boiardo d'un "Orlando innmorato", Ariosto va respondre amb un "Orlando furioso", narrant així "cosa non detta in prosa mai né in rima". Per arribar fins al fons de la qüestió, ens hem preguntat quins són l'origen, la manifestació textual, la dimensió i el significat del concepte de "furor" en el text; interrogants que ens han conduït cap a una bogeria amorosa que és manifestació externa d'un desig insatisfet. Un concepte que, a més a més d'evocar l"Hercules furens" d'Eurípides i Sèneca, ens remet a la teoria dels humors de Galè, al concepte de 'melancholia' d'Aristòtil i a l'eròtica platònica, al mateix temps que reprodueix els models del que Cesare Segre anomena la 'follie littéraire' característica de l'època medieval. A partir d'aquesta anàlisi s'ha interpretat el text com una apologia de les passions en la que es destrona al savi com a paradigma i model ètic, acabant així amb la imatge de l'home com a "animal rationale", situant per contra la seva "humanitas" ja no en la racionalitat (tampoc en la irracionalitat), sinó en la passionalitat, oferint així un retrat de l'ésser humà com a "animal passionalis" , una criatura intermitja en la que haurien de confluir idealment raó i passió.
In the celebration of the Oswaldo Cruz Institute centenary, we wanted to stress our concern with the relationship between two of its missions: research and education. What are the educational bases required for science and technology activities on health sciences for the future years? How can scientists collaborate to promote the popularization of academic knowledge and to improve a basic education for citizenship in an ethic and humanistic view? In this article we pointed out to need of commitment, even in the biomedical post-graduation level, of a more integrated philosophy that would be centered on health education, assuming health as a dynamic biological and social equilibrium and emphasizing the need of scientific popularization of science in a cooperative construction way, instead of direct transfer of knowledge, preserving also macro views of health problems in the development of very specific studies. The contemporary explosion of knowledge, particularly biological knowledge, imposes a need of continuous education to face the growing illiteracy. In order to face this challenge, we think that the Oswaldo Cruz Institute honors his dialectic profile of tradition and transformation, always creating new perspectives to disseminate scientific culture in innovated forms.
Introduction Lesion detection in multiple sclerosis (MS) is an essential part of its clinical diagnosis. In addition, radiological characterisation of MS lesions is an important research field that aims at distinguishing different MS types, monitoring drug response and prognosis. To date, various MR protocols have been proposed to obtain optimal lesion contrast for early and comprehensive diagnosis of the MS disease. In this study, we compare the sensitivity of five different MR contrasts for lesion detection: (i) the DIR sequence (Double Inversion Recovery, [4]), (ii) the Dark-fluid SPACE acquisition schemes, a 3D variant of a 2D FLAIR sequence [1], (iii) the MP2RAGE [2], an MP-RAGE variant that provides homogeneous T1 contrast and quantitative T1-values, and the sequences currently used for clinical MS diagnosis (2D FLAIR, MP-RAGE). Furthermore, we investigate the T1 relaxation times of cortical and sub-cortical regions in the brain hemispheres and the cerebellum at 3T. Methods 10 early-stage female MS patients (age: 31.64.7y; disease duration: 3.81.9y; disability score, EDSS: 1.80.4) and 10 healthy controls (age and gender-matched: 31.25.8y) were included in the study after obtaining informed written consent according to the local ethic protocol. All experiments were performed at 3T (Magnetom Trio a Tim System, Siemens, Germany) using a 32-channel head coil [5]. The imaging protocol included the following sequences, (all except for axial FLAIR 2D with 1x1x1.2 mm3 voxel and 256x256x160 matrix): DIR (TI1/TI2/TR XX/3652/10000 ms, iPAT=2, TA 12:02 min), MP-RAGE (TI/TR 900/2300 ms, iPAT=3, TA 3:47 min); MP2RAGE (TI1/TI2/TR 700/2500/5000 ms, iPAT=3, TA 8:22 min, cf. [2]); 3D FLAIR SPACE (only for patient 4-6, TI/TR 1800/5000 ms, iPAT=2, TA=5;52 min, cf. [1]); Axial FLAIR (0.9x0.9x2.5 mm3, 256x256x44 matrix, TI/TR 2500/9000 ms, iPAT=2, TA 4:05 min). Lesions were identified by two experienced neurologist and radiologist, manually contoured and assigned to regional locations (s. table 1). Regional lesion masks (RLM) from each contrast were compared for number and volumes of lesions. In addition, RLM were merged in a single "master" mask, which represented the sum of the lesions of all contrasts. T1 values were derived for each location from this mask for patients 5-10 (3D FLAIR contrast was missing for patient 1-4). Results & Discussion The DIR sequence appears the most sensitive for total lesions count, followed by the MP2RAGE (table 1). The 3D FLAIR SPACE sequence turns out to be more sensitive than the 2D FLAIR, presumably due to reduced partial volume effects. Looking for sub-cortical hemispheric lesions, the DIR contrast appears to be equally sensitive to the MP2RAGE and SPACE, but most sensitive for cerebellar MS plaques. The DIR sequence is also the one that reveals cortical hemispheric lesions best. T1 relaxation times at 3T in the WM and GM of the hemispheres and the cerebellum, as obtained with the MP2RAGE sequence, are shown in table 2. Extending previous studies, we confirm overall longer T1-values in lesion tissue and higher standard deviations compared to the non-lesion tissue and control tissue in healthy controls. We hypothesize a biological (different degree of axonal loss and demyelination) rather than technical origin. Conclusion In this study, we applied 5 MR contrasts including two novel sequences to investigate the contrast of highest sensitivity for early MS diagnosis. In addition, we characterized for the first time the T1 relaxation time in cortical and sub-cortical regions of the hemispheres and the cerebellum. Results are in agreement with previous publications and meaningful biological interpretation of the data.
Sera from infected injection drug users (IDU) have shown to have antibodies against synthetic human immunodeficiency virus-1 (HIV-1) envelope peptides more frequently. In this study, reactivity of 48 IDU plasma were compared to 60 plasmas obtained from sexually infected individuals (S). The overall reactivity of plasma from IDU compared to S was higher, and the reactivity titers were much higher for IDU plasma than S. IDU plasma also showed a broader antibody response. The higher reactivity titers were observed mainly for the gp41 immunodominant epitope and V3 peptides corresponding to the consensus sequences of HIV-1 subtypes/variants prevalent in Brazil (B, F, C) indicating the specificity in the higher immune response of IDU.
Expression of two important glucose transporter proteins, GLUT 2 (which is the typical glucose transporter in hepatocytes of adult liver) and the erythroid/brain type glucose transporter GLUT 1 (representing the typical glucose transporter in fetal liver parenchyma), was studied immunocytochemically during hepatocarcinogenesis in rats at different time points between 7 and 65 wk after cessation of 7-wk administration of 12 mg/kg of body weight of N-nitrosomorpholine p.o. (stop model). Foci of altered hepatocytes excessively storing glycogen (GSF) and mixed cell foci (MCF) composed of both glycogenotic and glycogen-poor cells were present at all time points studied. Seven wk after withdrawal of the carcinogen, GSF were the predominant type of focus of altered hepatocytes. Morphometrical evaluation of the focal lesions revealed that the number and volume fraction of GSF increased steadily until Wk 65. MCF were rare at 7 wk, increased slightly in number and size until Wk 37, but showed a pronounced elevation in their number and volume fraction from Wk 37 to Wk 65. In both GSF and MCF, GLUT 2 was generally decreased or partially absent at all time points. Consequently, foci of decreased GLUT 2 expression showed a steady increase in number and volume fraction from Wk 7 to Wk 65. GLUT 1 was lacking in GSF but occurred in some MCF from Wk 50 onward. The liver type glucose transporter GLUT 2 was decreased in all adenomas and hepatocellular carcinomas (HCC). In three of seven adenomas and 10 of 12 carcinomas, expression of GLUT 1 was increased compared with normal liver parenchyma. In two cases of adenoid HCC, cells of ductular formations coexpressed GLUT 2 and GLUT 1. In contrast, normal bile ducts, bile duct proliferations, and cystic cholangiomas expressed only GLUT 1. Seven of 12 HCC contained many microvessels intensely stained for GLUT 1, a phenomenon never observed in normal liver. Whenever adenoid tumor formations occurred, GLUT 1-positive microvessels were located in the immediate vicinity of these formations. Only in one HCC were such microvessels found in the absence of adenoid formations. Our studies indicate that a reduction of GLUT 2 expression occurs already in early preneoplastic hepatic foci and is maintained throughout hepatocarcinogenesis, including benign and malignant neoplasms. Reexpression of GLUT 1, however, appears in a few MCF and in the majority of adenomas and carcinomas.
We briefly review findings from Brazilian settings where the human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS) epidemic among injection drug users (IDUs) seems to be decreasing, highlighting recent findings from Rio de Janeiro and discussing methodological alternatives. Former analyses using serologic testing algorithm for recent HIV seroconversion have shown that HIV incidence has been low in IDUs recruited by two different surveys carried out in Rio, where low injection frequencies and infection rates have been found among new injectors. The proportion of AIDS cases among IDUs in Rio has been fairly modest, compared to São Paulo and especially to the southernmost states. Notwithstanding, the interpretation of findings from serial surveys constitutes a challenge, magnified in the assessment of HIV spread among IDUs due to the dynamic nature of the drug scenes and limitations of sampling strategies targeting hard-to-reach populations. Assessment of epidemic trends may profit from the triangulation of data, but cannot avert biases associated with sampling errors. Efforts should be made to triangulate data from different sources, besides exploring specific studies from different perspectives. In an attempt to further assess the observed trends, we carried out original analyses using data from Brazilian AIDS databank.
DNA sequence variation has been associated with quantitative changes in molecular phenotypes such as gene expression, but its impact on chromatin states is poorly characterized. To understand the interplay between chromatin and genetic control of gene regulation, we quantified allelic variability in transcription factor binding, histone modifications, and gene expression within humans. We found abundant allelic specificity in chromatin and extensive local, short-range, and long-range allelic coordination among the studied molecular phenotypes. We observed genetic influence on most of these phenotypes, with histone modifications exhibiting strong context-dependent behavior. Our results implicate transcription factors as primary mediators of sequence-specific regulation of gene expression programs, with histone modifications frequently reflecting the primary regulatory event.
A protein from Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. showing homology to animal proteins of the NaPi-1 family, involved in the transport of inorganic phosphate, chloride, glutamate and sialic acid, has been characterized. This protein, named ANTR2 (for anion transporters) was shown by chloroplast subfractionation to be localized to the plastid inner envelope in both A. thaliana and Spinacia oleracea (L.). Immunolocalization revealed that ANTR2 was expressed in the leaf mesophyll cells as well as in the developing embryo at the upturned-U stage. Five additional homologues of ANTR2 are found in the Arabidopsis genome, of which one was shown by green fluorescent protein (GFP) fusion to be also located in the chloroplast. All ANTR proteins share homology to the animal NaPi-1 family, as well as to other organic-anion transporters that are members of the Anion:Cation Symporter (ACS) family, and share the main features of transporters from this family, including the presence of 12 putative transmembrane domains and of a 7-amino acid motif in the fourth putative transmembrane domain. ANTR2 thus represent a novel protein of the plastid inner envelope that is likely to be involved in anion transport.