171 resultados para grafisk profilering
Conqueror for Indigo is production treated with an active chemical to maximize the ink adhesion.ArjoWiggins has found that another chemical, the candidate compound, would improve the propertiesof the paper. ArjoWiggins therefore wish to replace the current compound. To strengthenthe patent requirements for ink adhesion needs to be determined. A theory is developed to whychemicals with certain properties maximize the ink adhesion. Experiments are performed but theresults are inaccurate. The reason for ink adhesion is still unknown.Paper treated with the candidate compound is produced in a production trial and the paper evaluated.The paper shows decreased ink adhesion compared to paper treated with current compoundbut gives higher whiteness, longer shelf life and the formulation is preferred by the milldue to health and safety reasons.
This Degree Project is a cooperativ work with the advertising agency PAX in Falun and the industrial companyRemote Control, who constructs and sells actuators for the global market.The assignment concerns bringing out a graphic profile, or with another expression a Design Management, forRemote Control AB graphic materials. Remote Control AB has a quality certification ISO 9000 and is workingwith, when this report was wrote, an environment certification ISO 14001.The Company has been paid attention to Internet and other media.The supervisors are familiar to that Design Management is a soon coming competition element, like quality andenvironment management.This Degree project contains research, analysis and the construction of graphic material. The research has beencommitted most of the time to trace the customer, the market and the competitor, because its the most importantphase. It’s also important looking at competitor’s way of working with marketing management, so you can separatethem from the own company.
AssiDomän Frövi board mill has in cooperation with students from Graphic Technologyat the University of Dalarna a degree project that involves developing package solutionsin carton material from AssiDomän Frövi. This year the basic condition was to use theweights 270g/m2, 300g/m2 and 330g/m2 and choose between Frövi Bright, Frövi Lightand Frövi Carry.The packages were supposed to be in the segments industrial products,chocolate/sweets and beauty products/cosmetics. Two packages were produced in thesegments industrial products and beauty products/cosmetics.The first package, produced in the industrial segment, contains textile color and templatesand the second package is a gift package and contains nail polish.The investigation part of the project deals with how the packages today are fit forrheumatics in opening purpose.
This project has been made in cooperation with Stora Enso Research Centre Falun (Research). Thebackground of the project is that Research has customers who demand a method to measure the quantityof varnish online in offset printing. The aim with the project is to investigate if any test method correlateswith the quantity of varnish and to improve the understanding of the variables in the varnishingunit. The goal with the project is to develop a functional method. Two printing trials have beenperformed. The aim with the first trial was to investigate how different factors in the printer influencedthe quantity of varnish using reduced factoranalysis. The aim of the second trial was to analyse onlya reduced numbers of factors in the varnishing unit. The methods that were used to measure the varnishingquantity are weighing, IR-analysis, gloss, whiteness and brightness. Results from the projectshow that the weighing method does not work in this study due to basis weight variations of the sheets.The results from weighing did not agree with the results from the other methods. On the other handthere is a strong correation between the IR- and the glossmethods.
There are two objectives of this study.The first one was to study the new instrument Deltack fromPrufbau, and with the new knowledge, study the interaction between blanket and paper.Deltack is a new instrument to measure the ink splitting force. Blankets from an earlier study doneby GATF have been montered on 12 different Deltack print forms and those have together with Deltackbeen the base for this project.This study together with information from GATF’s study shows that some of the blankets have ahigher capability to adsorb ink. Those blankets generate a sharper shape on the force curve, they havea lower dot gain, but they print not as good solid.
Adjustment to a neutral colour balance when printing was the starting point in this degree project. Onthis base ICC-profiles were evaluated and assessed. The survey was concentrated on the similarity betweenreproductions on different papers with various ICC-profiles. The colour balancing introduced aconsistent variable between four graphic papers. With raised uniformity the probability increased toreceive similarities between the various combinations of ICC-profiles and papers.Numerous of measurements and calculations have been carried out, mainly to confirm whether or notadjustment to a neutral colour balance is possible and repeatable. Further more this gained in comparablevalues corresponding to similarities and divergences between combinations of ICC-profiles andpaper.The research concluded in the fact that it was possible to reach a neutral colour balance. One ICCprofileused together with various papers and also one paper with several ICC-profiles resulted in similaritiesand formed groups of samples. Since equivalent results could be reached on different samples,it implicated that variations within one paper shouldn’t affect the ICC-profiles. This was valid when thevariations were less than the divergence between the papers.Certain predictions on the question of from which paper the ICC-profiles should be generated to createhighest quality in print hasn’t been able to assemble. It’s likely that equivalent results could begenerated on G-Print, Multi Art Matt and Multi Art Silk.
Advanced Building Energy Data Visualization is a way to detect performance problems in commercialbuildings. By placing sensors in a building that collects data from example, air temperature and electricalpower, then makes it possible to calculate the data in Data Visualization software. This softwaregenerates visual diagrams so the building manager or building operator can see if for example thepower consumption is to high.A first step (before sensors are installed in a building) to see how the energy consumption is in abuilding can be to use a Benchmarking Tool. There is a number of Benchmarking Tools that is availablefor free on the Internet. Each tool have a bit different approach, but they all show how much energyconsumption there is in a building compared to other similar buildings.In this study a new web design for the benchmarking tool CalARCH has been developed. CalARCHis developed at the Berkeley Lab in Berkeley, California, USA. CalARCH uses data collected only frombuildings in California, and is only for comparing buildings in California with other similar buildingsin the state.Five different versions of the web site were made. Then a web survey was done to determine whichversion would be the best for CalARCH. The results showed that Version 5 and Version 3 was the best.Then a new version was made, based on these two versions. This study was made at the LawrenceBerkeley Laboratory.
The print- and mailroom at Gefle Dagblad (GD-tyck) is handling an increasing amount of commercial jobsalong with the newspaper production. Investments have above all been done in the mailroom to be able tooffer commercial costumers a higher degree of finishing and there are plans to expand further in the commercialmarket. GD-tryck is of the opinion that they need to secure the quality of their production to be ableto do such expansion, which is the reason why a quality system of some kind may be appropriate. Howeverthere are no plans to certify such a quality system according to ISO 9001:2000.In this exam report the present methods of working have been analysed from a quality perspective.Suggestions on how GD-tryck should be working with quality development is presented in the fields whereshortage of quality has been discovered. The suggestions taken together do not form a quality system butcan be looked at as ideas of approach to quality fields that have to be developed if a working quality systemshall be accomplished.Many of the quality fields that have been discussed do not have anything to do with technical qualitydirectly but are in some degree requirements for a working quality system. It also feels urgent to illustratethese fields in this exam report when most people at GD seems to place quality as identical with technicalquality. Technical quality is also a quality field where GD-tryck has few concrete problems today and theyalready produce printed matters of a high quality. Afact that might make it difficult to adopt a quality systemas the benefits of such a system is not obvious.
The Degree Project is about ”creative packaging”, the group has in collaboration with AssiDomän Frövi planned, constructedand designed two packagingsolutions for chocolate creams.The group has worked with the cardboard Frövi Bright produced by the company itself, which together with differentaspects in marketing demands deep knowledge about the chosen material and productgroup.The knowledge wererecieved from education, litterature and personal contacts.The completed packagingsolutions will be exposed in connection with an exhibition this summer.The Degree Project has resulted in two new and completed packagingsolutions for chocolate creams. One is mainlycreative and the other one provides strenghtness with the chosen cardboard.Hopefully the result by the group represents AssiDomän Frövi in a pleasant way and increases the expectations forthe future.
The Lugnetgymnasium in Falun has a graphic education that supplies a color printer, which is availablefor the students in their hall. The printer is a Ricoh AFC 6513 and it is a model that can handlevariable data. It was bought in the autumn of 2002. The teachers of the graphic education want to makeuse of the variable data function and procure a variable data software. The purpose of this project is toevaluate variable data software’s, so that the most suitable choice of software can be made for the graphiceducation. To be able to make this choice, criterions has been made what the variable data softwarewill fulfil. Different software’s of variable data has been examined and a summary was made whichtells what software that fulfils all the criterions. The software’s that seemed appropriate for the graphiceducation were PrintShop Mail and Personalizer-X. Adecision which one of these software’s thatwill be purchase was made by the teachers on the graphic education. Tests and a more detailed studyon the software’s have been done. The information has later been presented for the teachers. They madea decision, which were Personalizer-X. After this decision, an easier manual for Personalizer-X wasmade. The purpose with the manual is that the students on the graphic education, quickly and easy canget started with the use of variable data.
Six different Digital Proofing Systems from three different techniques have been evaluated as totechnique, printing quality, economy and usability. Digital proof from two paper qualities, coatedand uncoated, has been compared with references printed in offset, to see how good they match eachother. Only two Proofing Systems manage to print on reference paper. The other Proofing Systemsuse special paper for digital proof.Measurements and visuell judgement show that the Digital Proofing Systems visualise referencepictures with quite good quality. Proof optimised for coated paper visualise the colours with goodresult. Proof optimised for uncoated paper shows higher quality than the references, which depends onthe surface of the proofing paper. Comparison between reference paper and proofing paper has takenplace as to differences in colour and paper quality.The Digital Proofing Systems are fully automatic, which demand a quite comprised education forcorrect handling. The purchase price and printing costs vary considerably between the ProofingSystems.
Detta examensarbete har utförts på papperstillverkaren Arjo Wiggins’ forskningscenter i Beaconsfield,England. Företaget har planer på att börja tillverka en ny papperskvalitet för bläckstråleskrivare, varförsyftet med arbetet har varit att testa och utvärdera olika sammansättningar av kemikalier som lämparsig för bestrykning av bläckstrålepapper.Ett stort antal bestrykningar har testats med varierande resultat. Det svåraste har visat sig vara attnå en tillräckligt hög grad av vattenhållfasthet. Resultaten förbättrades något då baspapperetbyttes från ett limmat och kalandrerat papper till ett olimmat, okalandrerat papper. I övrigt visade sigbindemedlen ha större påverkan på bestrykningens egenskaper än pigmenten. Utskriftskvaliteten haröverlag varit god.
A laboratory offset press has been developed over the last five years at PAPRO for testing print qualityon newsprint, as at present, there is no good way for the mills to test this issue. In this project a comparisonhas been made between a laboratory offset press and a commercial press to see if the laboratoryoffset press can be used as a reliable test method or if a further development is needed.To evaluate the method, similar papers have been printed in both presses and compared using imageanalysis techniques. All together eighteen samples were tested which is enough to give comparableresults. The print quality showed a high variation, the values from the laboratory offset press and thecommercial press were not following the same trends. At present time the laboratory offset press needsome further development before it can be used as a reliable test method for halftone prints. Even sosome conclusions were made.The newsprint that has been used came from Norske Skog Tasman Mill (Kawerau), since the otheraim of this project was to do a repeatability study of their three existing paper machines to distinguishpossible differences in the production. The paper samples were taken from each paper machine on sixdifferent dates to give a representative result. This also gave the opportunity to compare the machinesbetween themselves. Comparison between the machines shows that the wire side gives a better andmore even result than the topside on the prints from the laboratory offset press. According to the resultfrom the commercial press the wire side shows a higher degree of variability. Samples from papermachine 2 and 3 were less variable and had the lowest standard deviation of grey level for solid areas.This suggests that newsprints from PM 2 and PM 3 give a more even print quality with a better inkcoverage.
Color management has become more common now than ever in the graphic trade. Calibration andcharcterization are words that are mentioned very often when it comes to controlling colors andwhen you want a printed picture to look the same as an original photograph. The problem is thatthere are not so many people that has the knowlegde about this subject. Even if a printer supportscolor management it is not sure that the result is going to be satisfied and that a printed picture isgoing to look the same as the original.The printers which were used were Hp DeskJet 970 Cxi, Xerox Docu Color 12 and AgfaChromapress 50i. The theory of color, colour management and the equipment which were usedare described in the first stage. The second stage describes calibration and characterization ofmonitors, scanners and printers. Finally the result of created ICC-profiles is set by visual comparisionof a photographs original colours and a scanned and printed photograph.The results of calibration and characterization were varying a lot. Agfa Chromapress 50i was theonly printer which could produce a succesful calibration. Agfa Chromapress 50i and XeroxDocuColor 12 gave the best results when comparing original photographs with printed pictures ifthey were separated with ICC-profiles. ICC-profiles created for Hp DeskJet 970 Cxi achievedundesirable effects. This was the only printer that gave a bad result both with and without ICCprofiles.The reason for this miserable result can depend on the printers unability to fully supportcolor management.
Choosing a new plastic material for a container includes several different steps. In this case,the Finnish company Hackman needed a new type of packaging material for theircutlery- and kitchentool series »Hackman tools«. The project was carried out in cooperationwith the design agency Ytterborn & Fuentes, which has Hackman as a client.Several different demands were put on the material in order to fulfill as many of the clientswishes as possible. The most urgent problem with the existing container was the difficultysfor the customer to clearly see the contents in the container. Because of this problemthe customer tried to open the container in the shop. To avoid this from happening,Hackman wanted a more transparent plastic material that still fulfilled all other necessaryproperties such as strength, viscosity, printability, sealability and exhaustion strength.The final result and recommendation of a polypropylen-plastic (Evacast) was based ondetailed studies of packaging plastics and their properties as well as discussions with plasticconvertersand suppliers. The recommended plastic is avaliable in several different modelsthat fulfill all demands on material properties, environmental aspects, cost aspects and transparency.Apart from the material problem the project also included drafting some sketches and ideason new construction solutions for the container. The construction of the exsisting containerwas also a problem because of its complexity. As a result of the change of material it has beenpossible to simplify the construction.