190 resultados para gateways


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Este ensayo sintetiza varias aristas teóricas prácticas dirigidas a una de las decisiones personales más importantes en todo ser humano, el camino del autoconocimiento. Siempre y cuando se reflejen esas necesidades intrínsecas del ser, el hombre contemporáneo está descubriendo que en la satisfacción de los requerimientos materiales, finalmente no se encuentra ni la felicidad, ni la paz verdadera. En medio de este imaginario, el rol del Orientador está en su capacidad de guía fundamentado en unos principios y valores que garanticen que ese camino sea hallado, puesto que su gran compromiso consigo mismo y con los demás es precisamente acompañar en el descubrimiento de los talentos y potencialidades de ese sujeto para aprovechar su genialidad e innatas formas de normal crecimiento hacia la felicidad y armonía. Entre los caminos están los estudiados por un sinnúmero de teóricos expertos en la existencia humana como Ortega y Gasset, Sabater, Jung, Heidegger, Gadamer, Luckmann, Habermas, Bauman, Binswanger. Es un apasionante recorrido por estos análisis motivantes y sobre todo retadores


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Este ensayo sintetiza varias aristas teóricas prácticas dirigidas a una de las decisiones personales más importantes en todo ser humano, el camino del autoconocimiento. Siempre y cuando se reflejen esas necesidades intrínsecas del ser, el hombre contemporáneo está descubriendo que en la satisfacción de los requerimientos materiales, finalmente no se encuentra ni la felicidad, ni la paz verdadera. En medio de este imaginario, el rol del Orientador está en su capacidad de guía fundamentado en unos principios y valores que garanticen que ese camino sea hallado, puesto que su gran compromiso consigo mismo y con los demás es precisamente acompañar en el descubrimiento de los talentos y potencialidades de ese sujeto para aprovechar su genialidad e innatas formas de normal crecimiento hacia la felicidad y armonía. Entre los caminos están los estudiados por un sinnúmero de teóricos expertos en la existencia humana como Ortega y Gasset, Sabater, Jung, Heidegger, Gadamer, Luckmann, Habermas, Bauman, Binswanger. Es un apasionante recorrido por estos análisis motivantes y sobre todo retadores


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ODP Site 1124, located 600 km east of the North Island of New Zealand, records post-middle Oligocene variations in the Pacific Deep Western Boundary Current (DWBC) and New Zealand's climatic and tectonic evolution. Sediment parameters, such as terrigenous grain size, flux, magnetic fabric, and non-depositional episodes, are used to interpret DWBC intensity and Antarctic climate. Interpretations of DWBC velocities indicate that the Antarctic Circumpolar Current reached modern intensities at ~23 Ma, as the tectonic seaways expanded, completing the thermal isolation of Antarctica. Periods of more intense bottom water formation are suggested by the presence of hiatuses formed under the DWBC at 22.5-17.6, 16.5-15, and 14-11 Ma. The oldest interval of high current intensity occurs within a climatically warm period during which the intensity of thermohaline circulation around Antarctica increased as a result of recent opening of circum-Antarctic gateways. The younger hiatuses represent glacial periods on Antarctica and major fluctuations in the East Antarctic Ice Sheet, whereas intervals around the hiatuses represent times of relative warmth, but with continued current activity. The period between 11 to 9 Ma is characterized by conditions surrounding a high velocity DWBC around the time of the formation and stabilization of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet. The increased terrigenous input may result from either changing Antarctic conditions or more direct sediment transport from New Zealand. The Pacific DWBC did not exert a major influence on sedimentation at Site 1124 from 9 Ma to the present; the late Miocene to Pleistocene sequence is more influenced by the climatic and tectonic history of New Zealand. Despite the apparent potential for increased sediment supply to this site from changes in sediment channeling, increasing rates of mountain uplift, and volcanic activity, terrigenous fluxes remain low and constant throughout this younger period.


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Este ensayo sintetiza varias aristas teóricas prácticas dirigidas a una de las decisiones personales más importantes en todo ser humano, el camino del autoconocimiento. Siempre y cuando se reflejen esas necesidades intrínsecas del ser, el hombre contemporáneo está descubriendo que en la satisfacción de los requerimientos materiales, finalmente no se encuentra ni la felicidad, ni la paz verdadera. En medio de este imaginario, el rol del Orientador está en su capacidad de guía fundamentado en unos principios y valores que garanticen que ese camino sea hallado, puesto que su gran compromiso consigo mismo y con los demás es precisamente acompañar en el descubrimiento de los talentos y potencialidades de ese sujeto para aprovechar su genialidad e innatas formas de normal crecimiento hacia la felicidad y armonía. Entre los caminos están los estudiados por un sinnúmero de teóricos expertos en la existencia humana como Ortega y Gasset, Sabater, Jung, Heidegger, Gadamer, Luckmann, Habermas, Bauman, Binswanger. Es un apasionante recorrido por estos análisis motivantes y sobre todo retadores


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This thesis examines the closure history of the Central American Seaway (CAS) and its effect on changes in ocean circulation and climate during the time interval from ~6 - 2.5 Ma. It was accomplished within the DFG Research Unit "Impact of Gateways on Ocean Circulation, Climate and Evolution" at the University of Kiel. Proxy records from Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Sites 999 and 1000 (Caribbean), and from ODP Sites 1237, 1239 and 1241 (low-latitude east Pacific) are developed and examined. In addition, previously established proxy data from Atlantic Sites 925/926 (Ceara Rise) and 1006 (western Great Bahama Bank) and from two east Pacific sites (851, 1236) are included for interpretations. The main objectives of this study are (1) to acquire a consistent stratigraphic framework for all sites, (2) to reconstruct Pliocene changes in Caribbean and tropical east Pacific upper ocean water masses (i.e. temperature, salinity, thermocline depth), and (3) to identify potential underlying forcing mechanisms.


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The Cenozoic volcanic activity on Iceland has been recorded in North Atlantic sediments drilled during several Ocean Drilling Program (ODP)/Deep Sea Drilling Project legs (Legs 104, 151, 152, 162, and 163). Leg 162 (North Atlantic-Arctic Gateways II) recovered ash layers at Sites 982, 985, and 907 (Jansen, Raymo, Blum, et al., 1996, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.ir.162.1996). The revisited Site 907 was first drilled during Leg 151, and the ash from this site has been described in detail by Lacasse et al. (1996, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.sr.151.122.1996) and Werner et al. (1996, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.sr.151.123.1996). Site 982 is located within the Hatton-Rockall Basin on the Rockall Plateau, which is situated west of the British Isles. Site 985 is located northeast of Iceland at the foot of the eastern slope of the Iceland Plateau, adjacent to the Norwegian Basin. Here we report chemical analyses of Neogene tephra layers from Holes 982A, 983B, 982C, 985A, and 985B. The sedimentary sequence at Site 982 spans the lower Miocene-Holocene; Site 985 recovered sediments spanning the upper Oligocene-Holocene. Twenty-two distinct ash layers and ash-bearing sediments were sampled in Holes 982A-982C (Cores 162-982A-16H through 24H, 162-982B-14H through 56X, and 162-982C-15H through 27H), and 59 ash layers were sampled in Holes 985A and 985B (Cores 162-985A-11H through 59X, and 162-985B-11H through 14H). Almost 50% of the sampled ash is strongly altered (predominantly from Site 985). A cluster of altered thin layers in the lower Pliocene of Site 985 (top of Unit III) is remarkable.


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Recent drilling on the Kerguelen Plateau (Ocean Drilling Program Leg 183) has provided a unique and exciting high latitude record of palaeoceanographic change during the Cenomanian-Turonian in the Southern Ocean. The benthic foraminiferal succession at Site 1138 records the evolution of the Kerguelen Plateau from a subaerially exposed platform in the Cenomanian to a bathyal, pelagic environment in the early Turonian, following a major transgressive pulse and increased thermal subsidence of the Kerguelen Plateau, which led to a sea-level rise of possibly several hundred metres. Diversified benthic foraminiferal assemblages indicate an upper bathyal, mesotrophic setting after the peak of the transgression. The assemblages exhibit strong similarities to temperate, shelf and slope assemblages in the Northern Hemisphere. This bimodal distribution reflects the existence of open oceanic gateways and a dynamic trans-hemispheric global circulation. Equatorial assemblages are characterized by a low-diversity, high carbon flux biofacies. Assemblages from Alaska demonstrate high organic productivity and low oxygen conditions and the prevalence of elevated temperatures on the flooded shelf of the North Slope. Our results show that the distribution of upper bathyal benthic foraminifera was strongly modulated by carbon flux and oxygenation fluctuations, and not by physical migration barriers.


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A core transect across the southwestern Greenland Sea reveals coeval events of extremely negative planktic and benthic delta13C excursions between 40 and 87 ka. The most pronounced event, event 1, began at peak Dansgaard-Oeschger stadial 22 (85 ka) with a duration of 18 k.y. During this episode, incursions of Atlantic Intermediate Water caused a bottom-water warming of up to 8 °C. The amplitude, timing, and geographic pattern of the delta13C events suggest that this bottom-water warming triggered clathrate instability along the East Greenland slope and a methane-induced depletion of delta13CDIC (DIC- dissolved inorganic carbon). Since delta13C event 1 matches a major peak in atmospheric CH4 concentration, this clathrate destabilization may have contributed to the rise in atmospheric CH4 and thus to climate warming over marine isotope stage 5.1.


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The Denmark Strait Overflow (DSO) today compensates for the northward flowing Norwegian and Irminger branches of the North Atlantic Current that drive the Nordic heat pump. During the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), ice sheets constricted the Denmark Strait aperture in addition to ice eustatic/isostatic effects which reduced its depth (today ~630 m) by ~130 m. These factors, combined with a reduced north-south density gradient of the water-masses, are expected to have restricted or even reversed the LGM DSO intensity. To better constrain these boundary conditions, we present a first reconstruction of the glacial DSO, using four new and four published epibenthic and planktic stable-isotope records from sites to the north and south of the Denmark Strait. The spatial and temporal distribution of epibenthic delta18O and delta13C maxima reveals a north-south density gradient at intermediate water depths from sigma0 ~28.7 to 28.4/28.1 and suggests that dense and highly ventilated water was convected in the Nordic Seas during the LGM. However, extremely high epibenthic delta13C values on top of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge document a further convection cell of Glacial North Atlantic Intermediate Water to the south of Iceland, which, however, was marked by much lower density (sigma0 ~28.1). The north-south gradient of water density possibly implied that the glacial DSO was directed to the south like today and fed Glacial North Atlantic Deep Water that has underthrusted the Glacial North Atlantic Intermediate Water in the Irminger Basin.