990 resultados para gastric gas tonometry
A method involving bubbling of air through a fibrous filter immersed in water has recently been investigated (Agranovski et al. [1]). Experimental results showed that the removal efficiency for ultra-fine aerosols by such filters was greatly increased compared to dry filters. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) imaging was used to examine the wet filter and to determine the nature of the gas flow inside the filter (Agranovski et al. [2]). It was found that tortuous preferential pathways (or flow tubes) develop within the filter through which the air flows and the distribution of air and water inside the porous medium has been investigated. The aim of this paper is to investigate the geometry of the pathways and to make estimates of the flow velocities and particle removal efficiency in such pathways. A mathematical model of the flow of air along the preferred pathways has been developed and verified experimentally. Even for the highest realistic gas velocity the flow field was essentially laminar (Re approximate to 250). We solved Laplace's equation for stream function to map trajectories of particles and gas molecules to investigate the possibility of their removal from the carrier.
Various mesoporous catalysts with titanium loadings between 0.5 and 4 Ti wt. % and surface areas between 600 and 1,600 m(2)/g were synthesized using the molecular designed dispersion technique. These catalysts were tested using toluene oxidation in a fixed bed reactor at temperatures between 300 and 550degreesC. The reaction products were found to be CO2 and CO with selectivity towards CO2 above 80% for all catalysts. The catalytic activity of the catalysts increases with titanium loading. The total conversion at 550degreesC was not affected by the textural porosity, but increased textural porosity did significantly reduce the ignition temperature by up to 50degreesC. The Thiele modulus was calculated to be much less than one for all these materials indicating that the reaction rate is not diffusion, limited.
We develop a forward-looking version of the recursive dynamic MIT Emissions Prediction and Policy Analysis (EPPA) model, and apply it to examine the economic implications of proposals in the US Congress to limit greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. We find that shocks in the consumption path are smoothed out in the forward-looking model and that the lifetime welfare cost of GHG policy is lower than in the recursive model, since the forward-looking model can fully optimize over time. The forward-looking model allows us to explore issues for which it is uniquely well suited, including revenue-recycling and early action crediting. We find capital tax recycling to be more welfare-cost reducing than labor tax recycling because of its long-term effect on economic growth. Also, there are substantial incentives for early action credits; however, when spread over the full horizon of the policy they do not have a substantial effect on lifetime welfare costs.
Radical anions are present in several chemical processes, and understanding the reactivity of these species may be described by their thermodynamic properties. Over the last years, the formation of radical ions in the gas phase has been an important issue concerning electrospray ionization mass spectrometry studies. In this work, we report on the generation of radical anions of quinonoid compounds (Q) by electrospray ionization mass spectrometry. The balance between radical anion formation and the deprotonated molecule is also analyzed by influence of the experimental parameters (gas-phase acidity, electron affinity, and reduction potential) and solvent system employed. The gas-phase parameters for formation of radical species and deprotonated species were achieved on the basis of computational thermochemistry. The solution effects on the formation of radical anion (Q(center dot-)) and dianion (Q(2-)) were evaluated on the basis of cyclic voltammetry analysis and the reduction potentials compared with calculated electron affinities. The occurrence of unexpected ions [Q + 15](-) was described as being a reaction between the solvent system and the radical anion, Q(center dot-).The gas-phase chemistry of the electrosprayed radical anions was obtained by collisional-induced dissociation and compared to the relative energy calculations. These results are important for understanding the formation and reactivity of radical anions and to establish their correlation with the reducing properties by electrospray ionization analyses.
The knowledge of thermochemical parameters such as the enthalpy of formation, gas-phase basicity, and proton affinity may be the key to understanding molecular reactivity. The obtention of these thermochemical parameters by theoretical chemical models may be advantageous when experimental measurements are difficult to accomplish. The development of ab initio composite models represents a major advance in the obtention of these thermochemical parameters,. but these methods do not always lead to accurate values. Aiming at achieving a comparison between the ab initio models and the hybrid models based on the density functional theory (DFT), we have studied gamma-butyrolactone and 2-pyrrolidinone with a goal of obtaining high-quality thermochemical parameters using the composite chemical models G2, G2MP2, MP2, G3, CBS-Q, CBS-4, and CBS-QB3; the DFT methods B3LYP, B3P86, PW91PW91, mPW1PW, and B98; and the basis sets 6-31G(d), 6-31+G(d), 6-31G(d,p), 6-31+G(d,p), 6-31++G(d,p), 6-311G(d), 6-311+G(d), 6-311G(d,p), 6-311+G(d,p), 6-311++G(d,p), aug-cc-pVDZ, and aug-cc-pVTZ. Values obtained for the enthalpies of formation, proton affinity, and gas-phase basicity of the two target molecules were compared to the experimental data reported in the literature. The best results were achieved with the use of DFT models, and the B3LYP method led to the most accurate data.
Gas-phase dissociation pathways of deprotonated 1,4-naphthoquinone (NQ) derivatives have been investigated by electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry (ESI-MS/MS). The major decomposition routes have been elucidated on the basis of quantum chemical calculations at the B3LYP/6-31+G(d,p) level. Deprotonation sites have been indicated by analysis of natural charges and gas-phase acidity. NQ anions underwent an interesting reaction under collision-induced dissociation conditions, which resulted in the radical elimination of the lateral chain, in contrast with the even-electron rule. Possible pathways have been suggested, and their mechanisms have been elucidated on the basis of Gibbs energy and enthalpy values for the anions previously described at each pathway. Copyright (C) 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
We calculate the density profiles and density correlation functions of the one-dimensional Bose gas in a harmonic trap, using the exact finite-temperature solutions for the uniform case, and applying a local density approximation. The results are valid for a trapping potential that is slowly varying relative to a correlation length. They allow a direct experimental test of the transition from the weak-coupling Gross-Pitaevskii regime to the strong-coupling, fermionic Tonks-Girardeau regime. We also calculate the average two-particle correlation which characterizes the bulk properties of the sample, and find that it can be well approximated by the value of the local pair correlation in the trap center.
Background: One of the complications of laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding is intragastric erosion, leading to a revisional procedure to remove the band. Our aim was to present the procedure and results of endoscopic band removal in a 5-year multicenter experience from the Gastro Obeso Center and Universidade de Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, and Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Recite, Brazil. Methods: From 2003 to 2008, 82 patients were diagnosed with band erosion. The clinical data concerning the endoscopic procedure were prospectively recorded and retrospectively reviewed. Results: The average preoperative body mass index was 43.2 kg/m(2) (range 34-50). At the diagnosis of intragastric erosion, the body mass index was 24-41 kg/m(2) (average 31.8). The erosion occurred an average of 16.3 months (range 6-36) postoperatively. The symptoms included pain in 25 (31%), port infection in 21 patients (27%), and weight regain in 20 (25%), and 12 patients (15%) were asymptomatic. Endoscopic removal was possible for 78 patients (95%). In 85% of patients, the band was removed in the first session, with an average duration of 55 minutes (range 25-150). Five cases of pneumoperitoneum occurred after the procedure. Of these, 3 were treated conservatively, 1 was treated by laparoscopy, and I was treated by abdominal puncture using the Veress needle. Conclusion: Endoscopic removal of eroded laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding is safe and effective. It can be used as a first choice procedure in clinical practice. (Surg Obes Relat Dis 2010; 6:423-428.) (C) 2010 American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery. All rights reserved.
Gastric Palsy Following AF Vagal Ablation. We report a case of a 55-year-old man with vagal paroxysmal atrial fibrillation (AF) who was submitted to selective epicardial and endocardial atrial vagal denervation with the objective of treating AF. Radiofrequency pulses were applied on epicardial and endocardial surface of the left atrium close to right pulmonary veins (PVs) and also on epicardial surface close to left inferior PV. Following the procedure, patient presented with symptoms of gastroparesis, which was documented on CT scan and gastric emptying scintigraphy. Symptoms were transient and the patient recovered completely.
Background: Depth of tumor invasion (T-category) and the number of metastatic lymph nodes (N-category) are the most important prognostic factors in patients with gastric cancer. Recently, the ratio between metastatic and dissected lymph nodes (N-ratio) has been established as one. The aim of this study is to evaluate the impact of N-ratio and its interaction with N-category as a prognostic factor in gastric cancer. Methods: This was a retrospective study in which we reviewed clinical and pathological data of 165 patients who had undergone curative surgery at our institution through a 9-year period. The exclusion criteria included metastases, gastric stump tumors and gastrectomy with less than 15 lymph nodes dissected. Results: The median age of the patients was 63 years and most of them were male. Total gastrectomy was the most common procedure and 92.1% of the patients had a D2-lymphadenectomy. Their 5-year overall survival was 57.7%. T-category, N-category, extended gastrectomy, and N-ratio were prognostic factors in overall and disease-free survival in accordance with univariate analysis. In accordance with TNM staging, N1 patients who have had NR1 had 5-year survival in 75.5% whereas in the NR2 group only 33% of the cases had 5-year survival. In the multivariate analysis, the interaction between N-category and N-ratio was an independent prognostic factor. Conclusion: Our findings confirmed the role of N-ratio as prognostic factor of survival in patients with gastric cancer surgically treated with at least 15 lymph nodes dissected. The relationship between N-category and N-ratio is a better predictor than lymph node metastasis staging. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Gallstones have been frequently diagnosed after Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGBP). Gallbladder stasis associated with duodenal exclusion may play a role in their pathogenesis. Gallbladder emptying was studied before and on the 30th and 31st postoperative days (POD) after RYGBP in 20 morbidly obese patients. Gallbladder volume after fasting and every 15 min during a 2-h period following administration of a standard liquid meal was determined by sonography. On the 31st POD, the meal was administered through the gastrostomy in order to promote its transit through the duodenum. Fasting volume (FV), maximum ejection fraction (Max EF), and residual volume (RV) were determined. Biliary sludge and calculi were investigated after 1 and 6 months, respectively. FV was 39.4 +/- 20.2 ml, 50.1 +/- 22.7 ml, and 47.9 +/- 23.4 ml, respectively, for the preoperative and two postoperative assessments (P = 0.09). RV was 7.6 +/- 8.7 ml, 25.1 +/- 20.0 ml, and 24.6 +/- 20.9 ml; and Max EF was 80.5 +/- 20.9%, 54.3 +/- 21.4%, and 50.5 +/- 29.0%, respectively, for the pre-, postoral, and postgastrostomy infusion measurements. There was only a significant difference between the preoperative value and the two postoperative values (P < 0.001). Biliary sludge was detected in 65% of the patients and 46% of them subsequently developed gallstones. Gallbladder emptying became significantly compromised after RYGBP. This impairment was unrelated to duodenal exclusion but it was associated with biliary sludge and stone formation.
Obesity is associated with increased sympathetic activity and higher mortality. Treatment of this condition is often frustrating. Roux-en-Y gastric bypass is the most effective technique nowadays for treatment of obesity. The aim of the present study is to assess the effects of this surgery on the cardiac autonomic activity, including the influence of gender and age, through heart rate variability (HRV) analysis. The study group consisted of 71 obese patients undergoing gastric bypass. Time domain measures of HRV, obtained from 24-h Holter recordings, were evaluated before and 6 months after surgery, and the results were compared. Percentage of interval differences of successive normal sinus beats greater than 50 ms (pNN50) and square root of the mean squared differences of successive normal sinus beat intervals (rMSSD) was used to estimate the short-term components of HRV, related to the parasympathetic activity. Standard deviation of intervals between all normal sinus beats (SDNN) was related to overall HRV. SDNN, pNN50, and rMSSD showed significant increase 6 months after surgery (p < 0.001, p = 0.001 and p = 0.002, respectively). Men presented a greater increase of SDNN than women (p = 0.006) during the follow-up. There was a difference in rMSSD evolution for age groups (p = 0.002). Only younger patients presented significant increase of rMSSD. Overall HRV increased 6 months after surgery; this increase was more evident in men. Cardiac parasympathetic activity increased also, but in younger patients only.
Molecular dynamics simulations are used to study the interaction of low-energy Ar atoms with the Ni(001) surface, Angular scattering distributions, in and out of the plane of incidence, are investigated as a function of incident energy, angles of incidence, crystallographic orientation of the incident beam and surface temperature. The results show a clear transition to the structure scattering regime at around 2 eV. However, at lower energies, two sub-regimes are revealed by the simulations, Far energies up to 250 meV, scattering is mainly diffuse, and significant trapping on the surface is observed, At energies above this level, lobular patterns start to form and trapping decreases with the increase in energy, Generally, there is a weak temperature dependence, but variations in the angle of incidence and/or changes in the crystallographic direction, generate significant changes in the scattering patterns.
Background: Silastic rings are used in gastric bypass procedures for the treatment of obesity, but ring slippage may lead to gastric pouch outlet stenosis (GPOS). Conventional management has been ring removal through abdominal surgery. Objective: To describe a novel, safe, minimally invasive, endoscopic technique for the treatment of GPOS caused by ring slippage after gastric bypass. Design: Case series. Setting: Federal University of Pernambuco and sao Paulo University. Patients: This study involved 39 consecutive patients who-were screened for inclusion. Intervention: Endoscopic dilation with an achalasia balloon. Main Outcome Measurements: Technical success and safety of the procedure. Results: Among the 39 patients, 35 underwent endoscopic dilation at the ring slippage site for the relief of GPOS. The 4 patients who did not undergo endoscopic dilation underwent surgical removal of the ring, based on the exclusion criteria. The endoscopic approach was successful in 1 to 4 sessions in 100% of cases with radioscopic control (n = 12). The duration of the procedures ranged from 5 to 30 minutes, and the average internment was 14.4 hours. Dilation promoted either rupture (65.7%) or stretching (34.3%) of the thread within the ring, thereby increasing the luminal diameter of the GPOS. Complications included self-limited upper digestive tract hemorrhage (n = 1) and asymptomatic ring erosion (n = 4). There were no recurrences of obstructive symptoms during the follow-up period (mean of 33.3 months). Limitations: This was not a randomized, comparison study, and the number of patients was relatively small. Conclusion: The technique described promotes the relief of GPOS with low overall morbidity and avoids abdominal reoperation for ring removal. (Gastrointest Endosc 2010;72:44-9.)
Weight loss and nutritional status 5 or more years after Roux-en-Y gastric bypass was prospectively documented. The hypothesis was that even after clinical adaptation, imbalances might still occur. Seventy-five consecutive patients (age 49.3 +/- 10.6 years, 89.3% females) were recruited 83.4 +/- 14.3 months after the intervention. Weight loss and nutritional abnormalities were registered. Body mass index (BMI) was 56.5 +/- 10.0 preoperatively, 29.4 +/- 6. 2 by 24 months and 34.4 +/- 14.6 when last seen. Major current deficit occurred for magnesium (32.1% of the patients), hemoglobin (50.8%), iron (29.8%), ferritin (36.0%), zinc (40.5%), vitamin B(12) (61.8%), vitamin D(3) (60.5%), and beta-carotene (56.8%). Low preoperative measurements had already been unveiled for iron, transferrin, zinc, and vitamin B(12). Total drug consumption tended to decrease after operation, and present findings correlated with excess weight loss (EWL). Also presence of diabetes and BMI value were predictors of long-term EWL, along with biochemical profile by 2 years. Multivitamin supplementation and gastrointestinal complaints partially correlated with nutritional results. (1) Good initial weight loss with moderate late regain, anemia, and multiple nutrient deficits was the common pattern. (2) Massive weight loss, frequent vomiting, dumping syndrome, and women in reproductive age were risk factors for hemoglobin or vitamin deficits, whereas superobesity, diabetes, and use of multiple drugs were associated with EWL result. (3) Most laboratory tests became stable by 2 years and along with BMI correlated with late EWL. (4) Two-year nutritional investigation is especially recommended because of its long-term predictive value.