937 resultados para free radical scavenging effect


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The metabolic vasodilator mediating postexercise hypotension (PEH) is poorly understood. Recent evidence suggests an exercise-induced reliance on pro-oxidant-stimulated vasodilation in normotensive young human subjects, but the role in the prehypertensive state is not known.


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This study investigated the effect of ethanolic sesame cake extract on oxidative stabilization of olein based butter. Fractionation of cream was performed by the dry fractionation technique at 10 °C, ethanolic sesame cake extract (SCE) was incorporated into olein butter at three different concentrations; 50, 100, 150 ppm (T1, T2, T3) and compared with a control. The total phenolic content of SCE was 1.72 (mg gallic acid equivalent g−1 dry weight). The HPLC characterization of ethanolic sesame cake revealed the presence of antioxidant substances viz. sesamol, sesamin and sesamolin in higher extents. The DPPH free radical scavenging activity of SCE was 83 % as compared to 64 and 75 % in BHA and BHT. Fractionation of milk fat at 10 °C significantly (p < 0.05) influenced the fatty acid profile of olein and stearin fractions from the parent milk fat. Concentration of oleic acid and linoleic acid in olein fraction was 29.62 and 33.46 % greater than the parent milk fat. The loss of C18:1 in 90 days stored control and T3 was 24.37 and 3.58 %, respectively, 58 % C18:2 was broken down into oxidation products over 8.55 % loss in T3. The peroxide value of control, T1, T2, BHT and T3 in the Schaal oven test was 8.59, 8.12, 5.34, 4.52 and 2.49 (mequiv O2/kg). The peroxide value and anisidine value of 3 months stored control and T3 were 1.21, 0.42 (mequiv O2/kg) and 27.25, 13.25, respectively. The concentration of conjugated dienes in T3 was substantially less than the control. The induction period of T3 was considerably higher than BHT with no difference in sensory characteristics (p > 0.05). Ethanolic SCE can be used for the long-term preservation of olein butter, with acceptable sensory characteristics.


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A new pathway to (+)-inthomycin C is reported that exploits an O-directed free radical hydrostannation reaction on (−)-12 and a Stille cross-coupling as key steps. Significantly, the latter process was effected on 19 where a gauche-pentane repulsive interaction could interfere. Our stereochemical studies on the alkynol (−)-12 and the enyne (+)-7 confirm that Ryu and Hatakeyama’s (3S)-stereochemical revision of (+)-inthomycin C is invalid and that Zeeck and Taylor’s original (3R)-stereostructure for (+)-inthomycin C is correct.


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Abstract Image

Herein a new double O-directed free radical hydrostannation reaction is reported on the structurally complex dialkyldiyne 11. Through our use of a conformation-restraining acetal to help prevent stereocenter-compromising 1,5-H-atom abstraction reactions by vinyl radical intermediates, the two vinylstannanes of 10 were concurrently constructed with high stereocontrol using Ph3SnH/Et3B/O2. Distannane 10 was thereafter elaborated into the bis-vinyl iodide 9 via O-silylation and double I–Sn exchange; double Stille coupling of 9, O-desilylation, and oxidation thereafter furnished 8.


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Os compostos polifenólicos constituem uma classe de metabolitos secundários de plantas, mas existe também uma enorme quantidade de derivados sintéticos ou semi-sintéticos contendo múltiplas unidades fenólicas. Estes compostos apresentam importantes características biológicas, que dependem das suas estruturas básicas. Certos derivados desta família de compostos, tais como flavonoides, cromonas e cumarinas contribuem para os benefícios da dieta humana, e partilham o núcleo de benzopiran-(2 e 4)-ona ou benzofuran-3-ona. A presente dissertação inclui uma introdução geral e três capítulos que descrevem as novas rotas sintéticas estabelecidas para a preparação de novos híbridos de diversos compostos polifenólicos, assim como a sua elucidação estrutural e termina com a presentação dos resultados da avaliação biológica desses mesmos compostos. No segundo capítulo discute-se a preparação de híbridos de pirimidina- e imidazolidina-polifenóis, especialmente a síntese diastereoseletiva de novos híbridos benzofuran-3-ona-hidantoína e derivados de uracilo. A rota sintética envolve a ação de carbodiimidas sobre os ácidos cromona-(2- e 3)-carboxílicos num só passo ou em dois passos sequenciais, catalisada por uma base orgânica ou inorgânica. O terceiro capítulo descreve reações do tipo adições conjugadas 1,4 - hetero-ciclisações em cascata de compostos 1,3-dicarbonílicos em ácido cromona-3-carboxílico catalisadas por uma base orgânica, que originaram novas cromonas, cromanonas e flavonas polissubstituídas. As bispiranonas [bispiran-2 e 4)-onas] foram elaboradas numa reacção de acoplamento da 4-hidroxicumarina ou da lactona do ácido triacético com o ácido cromona-3-carboxílico ou precursores formil-funcionalizados (ω-formil-2’-hydroxy acetofenonas e cromona-3-carbaldeídos) utilizando organocatálise básica. Finalmente, alargou-se o estudo das adições conjugadas 1,4 para uma variedade de 4-hidroxipiran-2-onas e cetonas α,β-insaturadas para originar novos análogos de warfarina. Obteve-se uma variedade de estruturas complexas por hibridação das unidades de 4-hidroxicumarina ou da lactona do ácido triacético com os novos derivados de cromonas polissubstituídas. Todos as reações foram executadas em condições suaves e ambientalmente favoráveis, utilizando a 4-pirrolidinopiridina como organocatalisador básico. As estruturas dos novos híbridos polifenólicos foram caracterizados por técnicas espectroscópicas de alta resolução, incluindo espectroscopia de ressonância magnética nuclear (1D e 2D) e por difractometria de raios-X, que nos permitiram resolver o complexidade estrutural dos compostos sintetizados. O quarto capítulo apresenta os resultados da avaliação biológica obtidos com os híbridos polifenólicos sintetizados neste trabalho, mostrando a possibilidade de seu envolvimento na terapia do cancro. A maioria dos compostos foram avaliados quanto ao seu efeito sobre a citotoxicidade e proliferação de células leucémicas e ao seu envolvimento na regulação de via pró-inflamatória NF-kB, na qual, os híbridos de biscumarinas exibiram actividades elevadas (IC50 = 6-19 μM para inibição de NF-kB depois de 8 horas de incubação e IC50 = 15-39 μM para efeitos citotóxicos em células cancerosas, após 24 horas de incubação). Uma inibição moderada das enzimas HDAC e Cdc25 foi induzida pelos derivados de benzofuran-3-ona-hidantoína. Catorze dos novos derivados polifenólicos polissubstituídos, tendo como estrutura básica a benzopiran-4-ona, foram avaliados pela sua actividade quimiopreventiva do cancro mediada pela indução de sinalização citoprotectora Nrf2 (fator 2 relacionado com o fator nuclear da proteína E2) e capacidade para inibir a proliferação das células de cancro da mama. Os derivados da classe das cromanonas foram identificados como os indutores mais potentes da actividade Nrf2. As concentrações necessárias para aumentar a actividade de luciferase em 10 vezes (C10) foram de 2,8-21,3 μM. Todos os novos híbridos polifenólicos que apresentam atividade citotóxica e anti-proliferativa não afectam o crescimento de células saudáveis periféricas do sangue (PBMC) (IC50 > 50 μM), indicando a sua seletividade para as células cancerosas e sugerindo que alguns deles são estruturalmente interessantes para posteriores análises. A avaliação da atividade antioxidante utilizando os testes do radical livre DPPH e o poder redutor do ião férrico FRAP foram realizados em algumas estruturas híbridas polifenólicas.


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This paper examines an experiment to determine if impairment of antioxident protective agents resulted in elevated ROS levels in mice.


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Puff-by-puff resolved gas phase free radicals were measured in mainstream smoke from Kentucky 2R4F reference cigarettes using ESR spectroscopy. Three spin-trapping reagents were evaluated: PBN, DMPO and DEPMPO. Two procedures were used to collect gas phase smoke on a puff-resolved basis: i) the accumulative mode, in which all the gas phase smoke up to a particular puff was bubbled into the trap (i.e., the 5th puff corresponded to the total smoke from the 1st to 5th puffs). In this case, after a specified puff, an aliquot of the spin trap was taken and analysed; or, ii) the individual mode, in which the spin trap was analysed and then replaced after each puff. Spin concentrations were determined by double-integration of the first derivative of the ESR signal. This was compared with the integrals of known standards using the TEMPO free radical. The radicals trapped with PBN were mainly carbon-centred, whilst the oxygen-centred radicals were identified with DMPO and DEPMPO. With each spin trap, the puff-resolved radical concentrations showed a characteristic pattern as a function of the puff number. Based on the spin concentrations, the DMPO and DEPMPO spin traps showed better trapping efficiencies than PBN. The implication for gas phase free radical analysis is that a range of different spin traps should be used to probe complex free radical reactions in cigarette smoke.


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In the scope of our ongoing researchers on antioxidant compounds, twenty four extracts and fractions obtained from Piper arboreum Aublet and Piper tuberculatum Jacq. (Piperaceae) were screened for radical scavenging capacity (RSC) by using DPPH colorimetric assay. The strongest activity was found in ethyl acetate fractions from the leaves of P. arboreum IC(50) = 5.70 mu g/mL) and P. tuberculatum IC(50) = 8.40 mu g/mL). Hydromethanol fractions of the leaves of P. tuberculatum and P. arboreum showed moderate RSC, with values of IC(50) (mu g/mL) of 11.9 and 19.2, respectively. Additionally, a brief phytochemical study of the ethyl acetate fraction of P. arboreum leaves affording quercetin (1) and quercitrin (2), two flavonols with antioxidant activity previously described in the literature.


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A significant challenge facing free-radical chemists is in the area of stereocontrol, specifically the ability to control the direction of reagent attack at a prochiral radical. While significant inroads have been made in the area of diastereoselective radical chemistry, less successful have been attempts to provide truly enantioselective processes. This article highlights recent efforts in the area of enantioselective free-radical reduction chemistry and describes how single-enantiomer outcomes are possible when simple enantiopure stannanes are used in conjunction with large, sterically-demanding Lewis acids. Selectivities in excess of 90% are now possible, with one example in excess of 99.5% ee provided.


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Additions of one to two equivalents of Lewis acids that include magnesium salts to free-radical reduction reactions involving ester functionalized radicals and (1R,2S,5R)-menthyldiphenyltin hydride 4, bis((1R,2S,5R)-menthyl)phenyltin hydride 5, tris((1R,2S,5R)-menthyl)tin hydride 6, bis((1R,2S,5R)-menthyl)-[8-(N,N-dimethylamino)naphthyl]tin hydride 12, bis((1R,2S,5R)-menthyl)-[1-((S)-N,N-dimethylaminoethyl)phenyl]tin hydride 13 or 3α-dimethylstannyl-5α-cholestane 14 result in remarkable enantioselectivities. Examples include (S)-naproxen ethyl ester 16, produced in 74% yield and greater than 99% ee at −78°C from the bromide and 5 in the presence of MgBr2, and ethyl (R)-N-trifluoroacetyl-D-phenylglycinate 18, obtained in 78% yield and 99% ee under identical conditions. Kinetic and computational studies provide insight into the origins of these observations.


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(1R,2S,5R)-Menthyldiphenylgermane and its enantiomer have been prepared in a few steps from germanium tetrachloride. The initial step in this sequence, namely the reaction between germanium tetrachloride and menthylmagnesium chloride, produces menthylgermanium trichloride, which is the exclusive product of this Grignard reaction, presumably due to the bulk of the menthyl group. When used at a low temperature (−78 °C) and in conjunction with Lewis acids, such as magnesium salts, these chiral germanes are capable of reducing ester functionalized radicals in high enantioselectivity, but in low-moderate yield. For example, (R)-naproxen ethyl ester was obtained in 15% yield and 99% ee by reaction in toluene of 2-bromonaproxen ethyl ester with (1R,2S,5R)-menthyldiphenylgermane in toluene at −78 °C in the presence of magnesium bromide. At 80 °C, (1R,2S,5R)-menthyldiphenylgermane reacted with primary alkyl radicals with a rate constant of 1.02 × 106 M−1 s−1. Kinetic studies reveal the Arrhenius expression for this reaction to be: log(k/M−1 s−1) = (11.1 ± 0.4) − (34.6 ± 3.1)/θ where θ=2.3RT kJ mol−1.


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Investigates the viability of selectively preparing molecules demonstrating the property of left or right "handedness" via free radical reactions. Experimental investigations suggested that a subtle interaction exists between the substituents of an organotin hydride and a target carbon radical during hydrogen atom transfer reactions.