887 resultados para four-pi detectors


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The PHENIX experiment presents results from the RHIC 2006 run with polarized p + p collisions at root s = 62.4 GeV, for inclusive pi(0) production at midrapidity. Unpolarized cross section results are measured for transverse momenta p(T) = 0.5 to 7 GeV/c. Next-to-leading order perturbative quantum chromodynamics calculations are compared with the data, and while the calculations are consistent with the measurements, next-to-leading logarithmic corrections improve the agreement. Double helicity asymmetries A(LL) are presented for p(T) = 1 to 4 GeV/c and probe the higher range of Bjorken x of the gluon (x(g)) with better statistical precision than our previous measurements at root s = 200 GeV. These measurements are sensitive to the gluon polarization in the proton for 0.06 < x(g) < 0.4.


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A combined and sequential use of Monte Carlo simulations and quantum mechanical calculations is made to analyze the spectral shift of the lowest pi-pi* transition of phenol in water. The solute polarization is included using electrostatic embedded calculations at the MP2/aug-cc-pVDZ level giving a dipole moment of 2.25 D, corresponding to an increase of 76% compared to the calculated gas-phase value. Using statistically uncorrelated configurations sampled from the MC simulation,first-principle size-extensive calculations are performed to obtain the solvatochromic shift. Analysis is then made of the origin of the blue shift. Results both at the optimized geometry and in room-temperature liquid water show that hydrogen bonds of water with phenol promote a red shift when phenol is the proton-donor and a blue shift when phenol is the proton-acceptor. In the case of the optimized clusters the calculated shifts are in very good agreement with results obtained from mass-selected free jet expansion experiments. In the liquid case the contribution of the solute-solvent hydrogen bonds partially cancels and the total shift obtained is dominated by the contribution of the outer solvent water molecules. Our best result, including both inner and outer water molecules, is 570 +/- 35 cm(-1), in very good agreement with the small experimental shift of 460 cm(-1) for the absorption maximum.


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Neutral pion transverse momentum (p(T)) spectra at midrapidity (|y| less than or similar to 0.35) were measured in Cu + Cu collisions at root s(NN) = 22.4, 62.4, and 200 GeV. Relative to pi(0) yields in p + p collisions scaled by the number of inelastic nucleon-nucleon collisions (N(coll)) the pi(0) yields for p(T) greater than or similar to 2 GeV/c in central Cu + Cu collisions are suppressed at 62.4 and 200 GeV whereas an enhancement is observed at 22.4 GeV. A comparison with a jet-quenching model suggests that final state parton energy loss dominates in central Cu + Cu collisions at 62.4 and 200 GeV, while the enhancement at 22.4 GeV is consistent with nuclear modifications in the initial state alone.


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We present transverse momentum (p(T)) spectra of charged hadrons measured in deuteron-gold and nucleon-gold collisions at root s(NN)=200 GeV for four centrality classes. Nucleon-gold collisions were selected by tagging events in which a spectator nucleon was observed in one of two forward rapidity detectors. The spectra and yields were investigated as a function of the number of binary nucleon-nucleon collisions, nu, suffered by deuteron nucleons. A comparison of charged particle yields to those in p+p collisions show that yield per nucleon-nucleon collision saturates with nu for high momentum particles. We also present the charged hadron to neutral pion ratios as a function of p(T).


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In a 4D chiral Thirring model we analyze the possibility that radiative corrections may produce spontaneous breaking of Lorentz and CPT symmetry. By studying the effective potential, we verified that the chiral current (psi) over bar gamma(mu)gamma(5)psi may assume a nonzero vacuum expectation value which triggers Lorentz and CPT violations. Furthermore, by making fluctuations on the minimum of the potential we dynamically induce a bumblebee-like model containing a Chem-Simons term.


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We report a measurement of high-p(T) inclusive pi(0), eta, and direct photon production in p + p and d + Au collisions at root s(NN) = 200 GeV at midrapidity (0 < eta < 1). Photons from the decay pi(0) -> gamma gamma were detected in the barrel electromagnetic calorimeter of the STAR experiment at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider. The eta -> gamma gamma decay was also observed and constituted the first eta measurement by STAR. The first direct photon cross-section measurement by STAR is also presented; the signal was extracted statistically by subtracting the pi(0), eta, and omega(782) decay background from the inclusive photon distribution observed in the calorimeter. The analysis is described in detail, and the results are found to be in good agreement with earlier measurements and with next-to-leading-order perturbative QCD calculations.


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We report new results on identified (anti) proton and charged pion spectra at large transverse momenta (3 < p(T) < 10 GeV/c) from Cu + Cu collisions at root s(NN) = 200 GeV using the STAR detector at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC). This study explores the system size dependence of two novel features observed at RHIC with heavy ions: the hadron suppression at high-p(T) and the anomalous baryon to meson enhancement at intermediate transverse momenta. Both phenomena could be attributed to the creation of a new form of QCD matter. The results presented here bridge the system size gap between the available pp and Au + Au data, and allow for a detailed exploration of the onset of the novel features. Comparative analysis of all available 200 GeV data indicates that the system size is a major factor determining both the magnitude of the hadron spectra suppression at large transverse momenta and the relative baryon to meson enhancement.


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We present a measurement of pi(+)pi(-)pi(+)pi(-) photonuclear production in ultraperipheral Au-Au collisions at root s(NN) = 200 GeV from the STAR experiment. The pi(+)pi(-)pi(+)pi(-) final states are observed at low transverse momentum and are accompanied by mutual nuclear excitation of the beam particles. The strong enhancement of the production cross section at low transverse momentum is consistent with coherent photoproduction. The pi(+)pi(-)pi(+)pi(-) invariant mass spectrum of the coherent events exhibits a broad peak around 1540 +/- 40 MeV/c(2) with a width of 570 +/- 60 MeV/c(2), in agreement with the photoproduction data for the rho(0)(1700). We do not observe a corresponding peak in the pi(+)pi(-) final state and measure an upper limit for the ratio of the branching fractions of the rho(0)(1700) to pi(+)pi(-) and pi(+)pi(-)pi(+)pi(-) of 2.5% at 90% confidence level. The ratio of rho(0)(1700) and rho(0)(770) coherent production cross sections is measured to be 13.4 +/- 0.8(stat.) +/- 4.4(syst.)%.


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We report K/pi fluctuations from Au+Au collisions at s(NN)=19.6, 62.4, 130, and 200 GeV using the STAR detector at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider. K/pi fluctuations in central collisions show little dependence on incident energy and are on the same order as those from NA49 at the Super Proton Synchrotron in central Pb+Pb collisions at s(NN)=12.3 and 17.3 GeV. We report results for the collision centrality dependence of K/pi fluctuations and results for charge-separated fluctuations. We observe that the K/pi fluctuations scale with the charged particle multiplicity density.


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We propose a model for D(+)->pi(+)pi(-)pi(+) decays following experimental results which indicate that the two-pion interaction in the S wave is dominated by the scalar resonances f(0)(600)/sigma and f(0)(980). The weak decay amplitude for D(+)-> R pi(+), where R is a resonance that subsequently decays into pi(+)pi(-), is constructed in a factorization approach. In the S wave, we implement the strong decay R ->pi(+)pi(-) by means of a scalar form factor. This provides a unitary description of the pion-pion interaction in the entire kinematically allowed mass range m(pi pi)(2) from threshold to about 3 GeV(2). In order to reproduce the experimental Dalitz plot for D(+)->pi(+)pi(-)pi(+), we include contributions beyond the S wave. For the P wave, dominated by the rho(770)(0), we use a Breit-Wigner description. Higher waves are accounted for by using the usual isobar prescription for the f(2)(1270) and rho(1450)(0). The major achievement is a good reproduction of the experimental m(pi pi)(2) distribution, and of the partial as well as the total D(+)->pi(+)pi(-)pi(+) branching ratios. Our values are generally smaller than the experimental ones. We discuss this shortcoming and, as a by-product, we predict a value for the poorly known D ->sigma transition form factor at q(2)=m pi(2).


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High precision measurements of the differential cross sections for pi(0) photoproduction at forward angles for two nuclei, (12)C and (208)Pb, have been performed for incident photon energies of 4.9-5.5 GeV to extract the pi(0) -> gamma gamma decay width. The experiment was done at Jefferson Lab using the Hall B photon tagger and a high-resolution multichannel calorimeter. The pi(0) -> gamma gamma decay width was extracted by fitting the measured cross sections using recently updated theoretical models for the process. The resulting value for the decay width is Gamma(pi(0) -> gamma gamma) = 7.82 +/- 0.14(stat) +/- 0.17(syst) eV. With the 2.8% total uncertainty, this result is a factor of 2.5 more precise than the current Particle Data Group average of this fundamental quantity, and it is consistent with current theoretical predictions.


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Measurement of the transmitted intensity from a coherent monomode light source through a series of subwavelength slit arrays in Ag films, with varying array pitch and number of slits, demonstrates enhancement (suppression) by factors of as much as 6 (9) when normalized to the transmission efficiency of an isolated slit. Pronounced minima in the transmitted intensity are observed at array pitches corresponding to lambda(SPP), 2 lambda(SPP), and 3 lambda(SPP), where lambda(SPP) is the wavelength of the surface plasmon polariton (SPP). The position of these minima arises from destructive interference between incident propagating waves and pi-phase-shifted SPP waves. Increasing the number of slits to four or more does not increase appreciably the per-slit transmission intensity. A simple interference model fits well the measured transmitted intensity profile.


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Many natural populations exploiting a wide range of resources are actually composed of relatively specialized individuals. This interindividual variation is thought to be a consequence of the invasion of `empty` niches in depauperate communities, generally in temperate regions. If individual niches are constrained by functional trade-offs, the expansion of the population niche is only achieved by an increase in interindividual variation, consistent with the `niche variation hypothesis`. According to this hypothesis, we should not expect interindividual variation in species belonging to highly diverse, packed communities. In the present study, we measured the degree of interindividual diet variation in four species of frogs of the highly diverse Brazilian Cerrado, using both gut contents and delta(13)C stable isotopes. We found evidence of significant diet variation in the four species, indicating that this phenomenon is not restricted to depauperate communities in temperate regions. The lack of correlations between the frogs` morphology and diet indicate that trade-offs do not depend on the morphological characters measured here and are probably not biomechanical. The nature of the trade-offs remains unknown, but are likely to be cognitive or physiological. Finally, we found a positive correlation between the population niche width and the degree of diet variation, but a null model showed that this correlation can be generated by individuals sampling randomly from a common set of resources. Therefore, albeit consistent with, our results cannot be taken as evidence in favour of the niche variation hypothesis.


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A fully automated methodology was developed for the determination of the thyroid hormones levothyroxine (T4) and liothyronine (T3). The proposed method exploits the formation of highly coloured charge-transfer (CT) complexes between these compounds, acting as electron donors, and pi-acceptors such as chloranilic acid (CIA) and 2,3-dichloro-5,6-dicyano-p-benzoquinone (DDQ). For automation of the analytical procedure a simple, fast and versatile single interface flow system (SIFA)was implemented guaranteeing a simplified performance optimisation, low maintenance and a cost-effective operation. Moreover, the single reaction interface assured a convenient and straightforward approach for implementing job`s method of continuous variations used to establish the stoichiometry of the formed CT complexes. Linear calibration plots for levothyroxine and liothyronine concentrations ranging from 5.0 x 10(-5) to 2.5 x 10(-4) mol L(-1) and 1.0 x 10(-5) to 1.0 x 10(-4) mol L(-1), respectively, were obtained, with good precision (R.S.D. <4.6% and <3.9%) and with a determination frequency of 26 h(-1) for both drugs. The results obtained for pharmaceutical formulations were statistically comparable to the declared hormone amount with relative deviations lower than 2.1%. The accuracy was confirmed by carrying out recovery studies, which furnished recovery values ranging from 96.3% to 103.7% for levothyroxine and 100.1% for liothyronine. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A multicenter descriptive study was carried out in two steps: an interview with providers involved in the medication processes, and then non-participating observation of their environment and practices. Only one hospital was found to have a bar-coding, dispensing system connected to a computerized prescription system. fit all participating hospitals at least 90% of the drugs were dispensed and distributed as unit doses, but in none of them did pharmacists assess prescriptions. The study findings showed that the processes of drug dispensing and distribution in Brazilian hospitals encounter several problems, mostly associated to work environment conditions and inadequacy in drug ordering and requests.