1000 resultados para fluazifop-p-butil fomesafen
Foi conduzido em Serranpolis, GO, um ensaio objetivando avaliar a eficincia e a seletividade de herbicidas no controle de plantas daninhas na cultura da soja (Glycine max (L.) Merril), utilizando-se os seguintes tratamentos: A) 100 g/ha de imazethapyr (cido 2-[4,5-dihidro-4-metil-4(1-metiletil)-5-oxo-1H-imidazol-2-ilo]-5-etil-3-piridinacarboxilico) + surfactante, a 0,25% v/v; B) tratamento A e 15 dias aps, 230 g/ha de sethoxydim (2-1-etoximino-butil-5-2(etiltio)-propil-3-hidroxi-2-ciclohexeno-1-ona) + leo mineral, a 0,25% v/v; C) 230 g/ha de sethoxydim + leo mineral, a 0,25% v/v; D) 480 + 200 + 230 g/ha de bentazon (3-isopropil-2,1,3-benzotiadiazinona-(4)-2,2-dixido) + fomesafen (5-)2-cloro-4-(trifluorometil-fenoxi)N-metilsulfonil-2-nitrobenzamida) + sethoxydim + leo mineral, 0,25% v/v; E) 150 g/ha de imazaquim (2-[4,5-dihidro-4-metil-4-(1-metiletil)-5-oxo-1H-imidazol-2-ilo]-3-quinolinacarboxlico) pr-e e 230 g/ha de sethoxydim + leo mineral, 0,25% v/v; F) 250 g/ha de fomesafen + 187 g/ha de fluazipop-p-butil (butil-(R)-2-(4-(5-trifluorometil-2-piridiloxi)-fenoxi)-propionato) + surfactante a 0,2% v/v; G) 120 g/ha de imazethapyr + surfactante a 0,2% v/v; H) testemunha capinada; I) testemunha no capinada. O delineamento experimental foi de blocos ao acaso, com quatro repeties. O capim-custdio (Pennisetum setosum (Swartz) L. Rich) foi eficientemente controlado por todos os tratamentos qumicos, enquanto a falsa-serralha (Emilia sonchifolia DC.) foi somente pelo tratamento D. O capim-carrapicho (Cenchrus echinatus L.) por C, D, E e F. O jo-de-capote (Nicandra physaloides (L.) Pers.) por D.F. e G. Ocorreram injrias iniciais s plantas de soja, nos tratamentos D, E. e F. As alturas de plantas e de insero da primeira vagem, alm do rendimento de gros, no foram influenciados significativamente pelos herbicidas.
This study was carried out to investigate the efficiency of several herbicides under field conditions, by post-emergence application onto the entire area, their effect on the control of weeds in young coffee plantations and commercial coffee and bean intercropping system, as well as on both crops. Seedlings of Coffea arabica cv. Red Catua with four to six leaf pairs were transplanted to the field and treated according to conventional agronomic practices. A bean and coffee intercropping system was established by sowing three lines of beans in the coffee inter-rows. At the time the herbicides were sprayed, the coffee plants had six to ten leaf pairs; the bean plants, three leaflets; and the weeds were at an early development stage. Fluazifop-p-butyl and clethodim were selective for coffee plants and controlled only Brachiaria plantaginea and Digitaria horizontalis efficiently. Broad-leaved weeds (Amaranthus retroflexus, Bidens pilosa, Coronopus didymus, Emilia sonchifolia, Galinsoga parviflora, Ipomoea grandifolia, Lepidium virginicum, and Raphanus raphanistrum) were controlled with high efficiency by sole applications of fomesafen, flazasulfuron, and oxyfluorfen, except B. pilosa, C. didymus, and R. raphanistrum for oxyfluorfen. Sequential applications in seven-day intervals of fomesafen + fluazifop-p-butyl, or clethodim, and two commercial mixtures of fomesafen + fluazifop-p-butyl simultaneously controlled both types of weed. Cyperus rotundus was only controlled by flazasulfuron. Except for fluazifop-p-butyl and clethodim, all herbicide treatments caused only slight injuries on younger coffee leaves. However, further plant growth was not impaired and coffee plant height and stem diameter were therefore similar in the treatments, as evaluated four months later. Fomesafen, fluazifop-p-butyl, and clethodim, at sole or sequential application, and the commercial mixtures of fomesafen + fluazifop-p-butyl were also highly selective for bean crop; thus at doses recommended for bean crop, these herbicides may be applied to control weeds in coffee and bean intercropping systems by spraying the entire area.
This study aimed to determine the selectivity of herbicides applied in pre- and post-emergence for alfalfa crops. Three separate experiments were carried out under greenhouse conditions. The first experiment was arranged in a completely randomized design with three replications in a 4 x 11 + 1 factorial scheme , with eleven herbicides (bentazon, chlorimuron-ethyl, fomesafen, fluazifop-p-butyl, saflufenacil, imazethapyr, clethodim, nicosulfuron, imazaquin, haloxyfop-methyl and MSMA), four doses of each herbicide (0.5 D, 0.75 D, 1.0 D and 1.25 D, where D = recommended dose), plus an untreated control. The products were applied to alfalfa plants at the stage of 4 to 5 leaf pairs. In the second experiment, the effect of pre-emergent herbicides on early alfalfa development was observed through a completely randomized design with five replications in a 3 x 4 x 2 factorial scheme, with three herbicides (hexazinone, atrazine + simazine, S-metolachlor), four doses (0.5 D, 0.75 D, 1.0 D and 1.25 D), and two types of soil texture (loamy and clay soil), plus an untreated control. The third experiment evaluated the action of atrazine, 2,550 g ha-1; clomazone - 600 g ha-1; diclosulam - 25 g ha-1; diuron+hexazinone - 936 + 264 g ha-1 and diuron+hexazinone +sulfometuron - 1,386 + 391 + 33.35 g ha-1 on alfalfa sown at different times after herbicide application. The effects of the treatments on alfalfa were evaluated according to visual phytotoxicity symptoms, plant height, and biomass of roots and shoots. Among the herbicides applied at post-emergence, imazethapyr, clethodim, haloxyfop-p-methyl and MSMA were selective for alfalfa, while among those applied at pre-emergence, none were selective, regardless of soil texture. The results of the third experiment showed that the herbicides diclosulam, hexazinone + diuron and atrazine caused less toxicity in alfalfa plants.
Pouco se conhece sobre os efeitos de herbicidas em fungos patognicos habitantes do solo que infectam os feijoeiros. Foi avaliado o efeito de herbicidas no crescimento micelial de Fusarium solani f. sp. phaseoli, F. oxysporum f. sp. phaseoli, Macrophomina phaseolina, Rhizoctonia solani, Sclerotium rolfsii e Sclerotinia sclerotiorum. Esses fungos causam as doenas de solo mais danosas do feijo. Avaliou-se, em placas de Petri, o crescimento radial desses fungos em meio batata-dextrose-gar com cinco concentraes (0, 1, 10, 100 e 1.000 mg L-1) dos herbicidas imazamox, fomesafen, fluazifop-p-butyl, bentazon, glyphosate e S-metolachlor. O crescimento micelial de todos os fungos decresceu acentuadamente apenas com o S-metolachlor na concentrao de 1.000 mg L-1. Por isso, o efeito desse herbicida tambm foi testado em duas concentraes (1.000 ou 12.000 mg L-1) na germinao de esclerdios de S. rolfsi e S. sclerotiorum (miceliognica) ou de S. sclerotiorum (carpognica). No houve efeito significativo de S-metolachlor na germinao miceliognica de esclerdios desses dois fungos. Entretanto, o S-metolachlor retardou a germinao carpognica de esclerdios de S. sclerotiorum. Os resultados sugerem que o herbicida S-metolachlor tem potencial de uso no manejo de doenas do feijo causadas por fungos de solo.
The low productivity of crambe can be associated with many factors, among these, the competition with weeds, which reduces the yield, harvest affects and contributes to the increase in seed moisture. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the tolerance of crambe plants cv. FMS Brilhante to herbicides applied in preplant incorporated (PPI), preemergence (PRE), and postemergence (POST). The study was installed in a green-house and the treatments consisted of the herbicide application in: pre-plant incorporated ofdiclosulam, flumetsulam, metribuzin, and trifluralin; preemergence applicationof atrazine, diclosulam, diuron, flumetsulam, metribuzim, S-metolachlor, sulfentrazone, and trifluralin; and postemergence application ofbentazon, carfentrazone-ethyl, clefoxydim, cletodim + fenoxaprop-p-ethyl, ethoxysulfuron, fomesafen, fluazifop-p-butyl, flumioxazin, halosulfuron, imazamox, imazapic, lactofen, nicosulfuron, oxadiazon, quinclorac, and setoxydim. Visual evaluations of phytotoxicity on crambe plants were realized after applications, the seedlings were counted and the height and plant dry matter were determined in the end of the evaluation period. In conditions where the studies were conducted, we can conclude that only the trifluralin application in PRE and the application of clefoxidim+fenoxaprop-p-ethyl, fluazifop-p-butyl, quinclorac, setoxydim and clefoxydim in POST showed selectivity and potential use for FMS Brilhante crambe cultivar.
RESUMO O controle qumico de plantas daninhas um mtodo eficaz utilizado em florestas plantadas e em reas de restaurao florestal, favorecendo o desenvolvimento das mudas florestais e a reduo dos custos de interveno. Entretanto, se essa estratgia no for aplicada de maneira correta, pode-se tornar um potencial causador de impactos negativos aos organismos do solo e aos processos ecolgicos que esses participam. Avaliou-se o efeito do uso de herbicidas na biota do solo por meio da amostragem da comunidade da fauna edfica e testes ecotoxicolgicos de reproduo e sobrevivncia de Folsomia candida eEnchytraeus crypticus, em rea-alvo de restaurao florestal recm-implantada. O delineamento experimental adotado foi de blocos casualizados com quatro tratamentos e cinco repeties. Os tratamentos consistiram da aplicao dos herbicidas ps-emergentes mesotrione (0,4 L ha-1), fluazifop-P-butyl (1,0 L ha-1) e nicosulfuron (1,5 L ha-1), aplicados em rea total nas parcelas, mais o controle (sem aplicao). Na rea de estudo, foram realizadas duas aplicaes dos herbicidas com intervalos de seis meses, onde as parcelas foram correspondentes aos tratamentos em ambas as aplicaes. Em cada parcela, foram realizadas quatro coletas de solo, sendo a primeira (coleta 1) seis dias antes da segunda aplicao dos herbicidas na rea. As demais, aps um (coleta 2), oito (coleta 3) e 22 dias (coleta 4) dessa mesma aplicao. A comunidade da fauna do solo foi avaliada por meio do mtodo de funis de Berlese modificado, utilizando-se uma amostra de solo por parcela. Em laboratrio, os indivduos foram contados e identificados em grandes grupos. Os ensaios ecotoxicolgicos de sobrevivncia e reproduo de F. candida e E. crypticus foram realizados a partir de uma amostra composta de solo por tratamento. Um dia aps a aplicao do herbicida mesotrione, verificou-se diminuio da riqueza mdia nos ndices Shannon Weaver e Pielou e na reproduo de E. crypticus. Concluiu-se que a dupla aplicao dos herbicidas fluazifop-P-buthyl e nicosulfuron, nas respectivas doses de 1,0 e 1,5 L ha-1, no promoveu impactos negativos para os invertebrados do solo. Os efeitos negativos apresentados pelo mesotrione, mesmo que temporrios, remeteu a uma ponderao sobre o uso desse em reas de restaurao florestal.
In pineapple fields, weed competition is exacerbated by the fact that the crop is small and has a very slow vegetative development. The objective of this study was to determine the effects of herbicides on growth, yield and quality of pineapple, cultivar 'Prola'. The experimental design was in randomized blocks with four treatments and four replications. Treatments consisted of weeding by hoe and the herbicides diuron; fluazifop-p-butyl and atrazine + S-metolachlor applied in post-emergence. The characteristics evaluated monthly during the vegetative stage were stem diameter, D-leaf length, number of leaves, number of emitted leaves and percentage of natural floral induction. In the reproductive phase, evaluations were made of average fruit weight (g) with and without crown, fruits length and diameter, number of slip, slip-sucker and sucker type seedlings, determination of soluble solids and pH in the pulp. There was no effect of herbicide treatment on the vegetative growth characteristics. Stem diameter increased until 330 days after planting, showing a decrease after this period. The D-leaf grew over time in all treatments, although phytotoxicity symptoms were observed after the first application of herbicides. The traits evaluated on the reproductive phase showed no significant differences in response to treatments. Therefore, the use of diuron fluazifop-p-butyl and atrazine + S-metolachlor did not affect growth, yield and fruit quality of pineapple, cultivar 'Prola'.
A resistncia de bitipos de azevm ao herbicida glyphosate est alterando o manejo da vegetao de cobertura do solo em pomares de ma. O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar a dose de glyphosate necessria para reduzir 50% do acmulo de matria seca (GR50), a resposta do bitipo resistente e sensvel a herbicidas graminicidas e o acmulo de matria seca destes bitipos durante o ciclo. Para isso, foram conduzidos trs experimentos. No primeiro, os tratamentos constaram de doses crescentes de glyphosate aplicadas sobre plantas dos bitipos resistente e sensvel para determinar o GR50. No segundo experimento, os tratamentos constaram de doses dos herbicidas glyphosate, haloxyfop-r, diclofop, fluazifop-p, fenoxaprop-p e paraquat. No terceiro experimento, sementes dos bitipos resistente e sensvel foram semeadas em recipientes com capacidade para 10 L e as plantas originadas delas foram colhidas quinzenalmente, para determinao da matria seca da parte area, radicular e total. Como resultados, foi obtido GR50 de 287,5 e de 4.833,5 g e.a. ha-1 de glyphosate para os bitipos sensvel e resistente, respectivamente, e verificou-se que existem diferenas significativas na resposta dos bitipos aos herbicidas graminicidas, dependendo da dose utilizada. Alm disso, o bitipo sensvel evidenciou maior capacidade de acmulo de matria seca e produo de sementes. Constatouse, assim, fator de resistncia (FR) de 16,8 e que o mecanismo de resistncia provoca alteraes nas caractersticas biolgicas do bitipo resistente e afeta a sensibilidade deste aos herbicidas graminicidas.
Objetivou-se com este trabalho avaliar a eficcia de herbicidas inibidores da ACCase, aplicados isoladamente ou em associaes, no controle das espcies de plantas daninhas pertencentes famlia das gramneas Brachiaria decumbens, Digitaria ciliaris, Eleusine indica, Brachiaria plantaginea e Cenchrus echinatus, na cultura da soja. O experimento foi conduzido em campo, em delineamento de blocos ao acaso com quatro repeties. Os tratamentos avaliados foram: clethodim (84 g ha-1), clethodim + quizalofop-p-ethyl (48 + 40 g ha-1), [clethodim + fenoxaprop-p-ethyl] (50 + 50 g ha-1), sethoxydim (230 g ha-1), tepraloxydim (100 g ha-1), fluazifop-p-butyl (125 g ha-1), haloxyfop-methyl (60 g ha-1) e testemunha sem herbicida. A convivncia das plantas de soja com as gramneas infestantes resultou em perda significativa na produtividade de gros. Os melhores nveis de controle de B. decumbens foram verificados com a utilizao de haloxyfop-methyl. Tepraloxydim pode ser considerado seletivo a B. decumbens. Nenhum tratamento proporcionou controle final de D. ciliaris superior a 90%, porm menor eficincia foi verificada quando se aplicaram sethoxydim e fluazifop-p-butyl. Apenas os tratamentos sethoxydim e [clethodim + fenoxaprop-p-ethyl] no mostraram controle satisfatrio de E. indica. B. plantaginea foi a espcie mais facilmente controlada pelos herbicidas avaliados; no entanto, haloxyfop-methyl, tepraloxydim, clethodim e [clethodim + fenoxaprop-p-ethyl] se destacaram no controle dessa invasora. A adio de quizalofop-p-ethyl ao clethodim proporcionou incremento significativo no controle de C. echinatus. Tambm os herbicidas haloxyfop-methyl e tepraloxydim apresentaram controle satisfatrio dessa espcie daninha.
This project aimed to relate the control efficiency of ACCase inhibiting herbicides applied post-emergence to Digitaria horizontalis plants under different soil water contents. The experiments were conducted in a greenhouse, with the application of three different herbicides (fluazifop-p-butyl, haloxyfop-methyl, and sethoxydim + mineral oil Assist). The experimental design used for each herbicide was completely randomized, with four replications, consisting of a 3 x 4 factorial, with the combination of water management strategies (-0.03, -0.07 and -1.5 MPa) and four doses of these products (100%, 50%, 25%, and 0% of the recommended dose). Herbicide application was made at two vegetative stages, 4-6 leaves and 2-3 tillers. The visual phytotoxicity evaluations were performed at 14 days after application and the plant dry weight at the end of the study was evaluated. The control efficiency was not affected by water management strategies when applied to the recommended dose of the herbicides in early stages of plant development (4-6 leaf stage). In late applications (2-3 tiller stage) the plants held under drought stress showed less phytotoxicity.
Com o objetivo de avaliar a seletividade e eficcia de herbicidas para a cultura do feijo-caupi (Vigna unguiculata), conduziu-se um experimento no esquema de parcelas subdivididas, no delineamento de blocos casualizados. Nas parcelas, foram avaliados nove herbicidas/misturas (S-metolachlor, bentazon + imazamox, S-metolachlor + bentazon + imazamox, imazamox + fluazifop-p-butyl, imazethapyr + fluazifop-p-butyl, bentazon + fluazifop-p-butyl, bentazon + imazamox + fluazifop-p-butyl, lactofen + fluazifop-p-butyl e fluazifop-p-butyl) e uma testemunha sem herbicidas, e nas subparcelas foram avaliados dois tratamentos: com capinas e sem capinas, para determinar a seletividade e a eficcia dos herbicidas, respectivamente. Os herbicidas S-metolachlor, bentazon + imazamox, S-metolachlor + bentazon + imazamox, imazamox + fluazifop-p-butyl, imazethapyr + fluazifop-p-butyl, bentazon + fluazifop-p-butyl, bentazon + imazamox + fluazifop-p-butyl e fluazifop-p-butyl foram seletivos para a cultura. A mistura lactofen + fluazifop-p-butyl causou severa intoxicao no feijo-caupi, com posterior recuperao e produtividade igual ou superior dos demais tratamentos. As principais espcies de plantas infestantes foram: Cleome affinis, Trianthema portulacastrum, Amaranthus spinosus, Commelina benghalensis e Digitaria bicornis, sendo todas controladas com eficincia pelos herbicidas S-metolachlor aplicado em pr-emergncia + bentazon + imazamox aplicados em ps-emergncia e lactofen + fluazifop-p-butyl aplicados em ps-emergncia. Conclui-se que a eficincia de herbicidas para o feijo-caupi depende da seletividade para a cultura, bem como de sua eficcia no controle de plantas daninhas, a qual pode variar de acordo com a comunidade infestante.
The present study evaluated the effects of cover crops (Pennisetum glaucum, Crotalaria spectabilis and Urochloa ruziziensis) associated with the application of herbicides {glyphosate; (glyphosate + haloxyfop-R); (glyphosate + fluazifop-p-butyl); (glyphosate + imazethapyr) and (glyphosate + imazaquin)} in soybean desiccation management for volunteer RR corn control. The experiment was conducted under field conditions at Sinop-MT, during the 2013/2014 crop season, in a randomized complete blocks design with factorial scheme and four replications. The following parameter were evaluated: dry matter of cover crops and ground coverage rate, control of volunteer RR corn present at the time of desiccation, dry matter, height and intoxication level on soybean plants caused by herbicides at 7, 14 and 28 days after emergence (DAE), control of volunteer RR corn derived from emergence fluxes subsequent to desiccation management and soybean yield. The joint application of (glyphosate + haloxyfop-R) provided the best level of volunteer RR corn control present at the time of desiccation. Satisfactory control (80%) of volunteer corn was obtained with the application of (glyphosate + imazethapyr). This treatment displayed an additional residual effect of imazethapyr, which efficiently controled volunteer RR corn derived from fluxes subsequent to desiccation management, especially in treatments performed under U. ruziziensis straw. None of the herbicides used in desiccation management caused any significant effect on dry matter, height and phytotoxicity of soybean plants at 7, 14 and 28 DAE nor on grain yield.
Techniques that increase the biodiversity value of species-poor grassland are required if conservation targets aimed at reversing the decline in species-rich grassland are to be met. This study investigated the diversification of swards dominated by Lolium perenne by testing the efficacies of two treatments applied to reduce competitive exclusion of species introduced as seed. The 'biological' treatment was the addition of the hemiparasitic plant species introduced as seed. The 'biological' treatment was the application of a selective graminicide, fluazifop-P-butyl (Fusilade 250EW). Changes in plant community composition were monitored for a period of 2 years. Values of plant species richness increased significantly between years regardless of treatment, but to a greater extent in plots sown with R. minor. The number of established sown species and their richness and tended to promote unsown species rather than those introduced as seed. Overall, the R. minor treatment was associated with the greatest impact on sward composition, facilitating establishment and development of the introduced species and promoting forb abundance. (c) 2007 Gessellschaft fur Okologie. Published by Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
There are approximately 29,000 ha of grass buffer strips in the UK under Agri-Environment Schemes; however, typically they are floristically poor and as such are of limited biodiversity value. Introducing a sown wildflower component has the potential to increase dramatically the value of these buffer strips for a suite of native species, including butterflies. This study investigates management practices aiming to promote the establishment and maintenance of wildflowers in existing buffer strips. The effectiveness of two methods used to increase the establishment of wildflowers for the benefit of native butterfly species were tested, both individually and in combination. The management practices were: (1) the application of a selective graminicide (fluazifop-P-butyl) which reduces the dominance of competitive grasses; and (2) scarification of the soil which creates germination niches for sown wildflower seeds. A wildflower seed mix consisting of nine species was sown in conjunction with the scarification treatment. Responses of wildflowers and butterflies were monitored for two years after establishment. Results indicate that the combined scarification and graminicide treatment produced the greatest cover and species richness of sown wildflowers. Butterfly abundance, species richness and diversity were positively correlated with sown wildflower species richness, with the highest values in the combined scarification and graminicide treatment. These findings have confirmed the importance of both scarification as a means of introducing wildflower seed into existing buffer strips, and subsequent management using graminicides, for the benefit of butterflies. Application of this approach could provide tools to help butterfly conservation on farmland in the future.
Os sistemas de produo transgnicos, assim como os convencionais, exigem, alm do controle qumico, a adoo de outras estratgias de manejo de plantas daninhas. Objetivou-se, com este trabalho, avaliar o controle qumico de plantas daninhas, em soja geneticamente modificada (transgnica) tolerante ao herbicida glyphosate associado a coberturas vegetais, na entressafra. O experimento foi instalado em rea experimental da FCAV/Unesp, Jaboticabal (SP). O delineamento experimental foi o de blocos ao acaso, em esquema de parcelas subdivididas, com quatro repeties. Nas parcelas, foram avaliadas as coberturas vegetais de Brachiaria brizantha (braquiaro cv. Marandu), Pennisetum americanum (milheto forrageiro cv. BN2) e vegetao espontnea, e, nas subparcelas, os herbicidas glyphosate, chlorimuron - ethyl + lactofen em mistura e fluazifop-p-butyl em aplicao sequencial, alm de duas testemunhas sem aplicao. A cobertura com braquiaro contribuiu para o controle qumico, exercendo supresso das plantas daninhas. A aplicao nica de 720 g e.a. ha-1de glyphosate, independentemente da cobertura vegetal utilizada na entressafra, foi suficiente para o controle adequado de Acanthospermum hispidum, Alternanthera tenella, Amaranthus sp., Bidens pilosa, Xanthium strumarium, Cenchrus echinatus, Digitaria sp. e Eleusine indica, com resultados similares ao tratamento (chlorimuron-ethyl + lactofen) + fluazifop-p-buthyl. Comparados testemunha capinada, os herbicidas testados no afetaram a altura das plantas, massa seca da parte area, massa de 100 gros e a produtividade de gros. As plantas de soja crescidas sobre os resduos vegetais de braquiaro e milheto forrageiro apresentaram maior altura, porm, nenhuma outra caracterstica avaliada na cultura foi influenciada pelas coberturas.