981 resultados para flow over bottom topography


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High-drag states produced in stratified flow over a 2D ridge and an axisymmetric mountain are investigated using a linear, hydrostatic, analytical model. A wind profile is assumed where the background velocity is constant up to a height z1 and then decreases linearly, and the internal gravity-wave solutions are calculated exactly. In flow over a 2D ridge, the normalized surface drag is given by a closed-form analytical expression, while in flow over an axisymmetric mountain it is given by an expression involving a simple 1D integral. The drag is found to depend on two dimensionless parameters: a dimensionless height formed with z_1, and the Richardson number, Ri, in the shear layer. The drag oscillates as z_1 increases, with a period of half the hydrostatic vertical wavelength of the gravity waves. The amplitude of this modulation increases as Ri decreases. This behaviour is due to wave reflection at z_1. Drag maxima correspond to constructive interference of the upward- and downward-propagating waves in the region z < z_1, while drag minima correspond to destructive interference. The reflection coefficient at the interface z = z_1 increases as Ri decreases. The critical level, z_c, plays no role in the drag amplification. A preliminary numerical treatment of nonlinear effects is presented, where z_c appears to become more relevant, and flow over a 2D ridge qualitatively changes its character. But these effects, and their connection with linear theory, still need to be better understood.


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This work presents a numerical method suitable for the study of the development of internal boundary layers (IBL) and their characteristics for flows over various types of coastal cliffs. The IBL is an important meteorological occurrence for flows with surface roughness and topographical step changes. A two-dimensional flow program was used for this study. The governing equations were written using the vorticity-velocity formulation. The spatial derivatives were discretized by high-order compact finite differences schemes. The time integration was performed with a low storage fourth-order Runge-Kutta scheme. The coastal cliff (step) was specified through an immersed boundary method. The validation of the code was done by comparison of the results with experimental and observational data. The numerical simulations were carried out for different coastal cliff heights and inclinations. The results show that the predominant factors for the height of the IBL and its characteristics are the upstream velocity, and the height and form (inclination) of the coastal cliff. Copyright (C) 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Results are presented from a series of model studies of the transient exchange flow resulting from the steady descent of an impermeable barrier separating initially-quiescent fresh and saline water bodies having density ρ0 and ρ0 + (Δρ)0, respectively. A set of parametric laboratory experiments has been carried out (i) to determine the characteristic features of the time-dependent exchange flow over the barrier crest and (ii) to quantify the temporal increase in the thickness and spatial extent of the brackish water reservoir formed behind the barrier by the outflowing, partly-mixed saline water. The results of the laboratory experiments have been compared with the predictions of a theoretical model adapted from the steady, so-called maximal exchange flow case and good qualitative agreement between theory and experiment has been demonstrated. The comparisons indicate that head losses of between 7% and 3% are applicable to the flow over the ridge crest in the early and late stages, respectively, of the barrier descent phase, with these losses being attributed to mixing processes associated with the counterflowing layers of fresh and saline water in the vicinity of the ridge crest. The experimental data show (and the theoretical model predictions confirm) that (i) the dimensionless time of detection tdet (g′/Hb)1/2 of the brackish water pool fed by the dense outflow increases (at a given distance from the barrier) with increasing values of the descent rate parameter g'Hb/(dhb/dt)2 and (ii) the normalised thickness δ(x,t)/Hb of the pool at a given reference station increases monotonically with increasing values of the modified time (t - tdet)/(Hb/g′) 1/2, with the rate of thickening decreasing with increasing values of the descent rate parameter g'Hb (dhb/dt)2. Here, g′ = (g/ρ0) (Δρ)0 is the modified gravitational acceleration, Hb is the mean depth of the water and dhb/dt denotes the rate of descent of the barrier height hb with elapsed time t after the two water bodies are first brought into contact. © 2004 Kluwer Academic Publishers.


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This paper presents a viscous three-dimensional simulations coupling Euler and boundary layer codes for calculating flows over arbitrary surfaces. The governing equations are written in a general non orthogonal coordinate system. The Levy-Lees transformation generalized to three-dimensional flows is utilized. The inviscid properties are obtained from the Euler equations using the Beam and Warming implicit approximate factorization scheme. The resulting equations are discretized and approximated by a two-point fmitedifference numerical scheme. The code developed is validated and applied to the simulation of the flowfield over aerospace vehicle configurations. The results present good correlation with the available data.


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Direct numerical simulations are performed to analyze the three-dimensional instability of flows over three-dimensional cavities. The flow structures at different Reynolds numbers are investigated by using the spectral-element solver nek5000. As the Reynolds number increasing, the lateral wall effects become more important, the recirculation zone shrinks, the front vortex increases and the flow structure inside of the cavity becomes more complex. Results show that the flow bifurcates from a steady state to an oscillatory regime beyond a value of Reynolds number Re = 1100.


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The linearized solution for the two-dimensional flow over an inlet of general form has been derived, assuming incompressible potential flow. With this theory suction forces at sharp inlet lips can be estimated and ideal inlets can be designed.


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"It is shown that adequate means are available for calculating inviscid direct and induced pressures on simple axisymmetric bodies at zero angle of attack. The extent to which viscous effects can alter these predictions is indicated. It is also shown that inviscid induced pressures can significantly affect the stability of blunt, two-dimensional flat wings at low angles of attack. However, at high angles of attack, the inviscid induced pressure effects are negligible."


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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"Purdue Research Foundation. Research project no. 2649. Project Ae-51."


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Caption title.


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An experimental investigation of high-enthalpy flow over a toroidal ballute (balloon/parachute) was conducted in an expansion tube facility. The ballute, proposed for use in a number of future aerocapture missions, involves the deployment of a large toroidal-shaped inflatable parachute behind a space vehicle to generate drag on passing through a planetary atmosphere, thus, placing the spacecraft in orbit. A configuration consisting of a spherical spacecraft, followed by a toroid, was tested in a superorbital facility. Measurements at moderate-enthalpy conditions (15-20 MJ/kg) in nitrogen and carbon dioxide showed peak heat transfer rates of around 20 MW/m(2) on the toroid. At higher enthalpies (>50 MJ/kg) in nitrogen, carbon dioxide, and a hydrogen-neon mixture, heat transfer rates above 100 MW/m(2) were observed. Imaging using near-resonant holographic interferometry showed that the flows were steady except when the opening of the toroid was blocked.