110 resultados para flicker
Tese de mestrado integrado em Engenharia da Energia e do Ambiente, apresentada à Universidade de Lisboa, através da Faculdade de Ciências, 2016
Le traumatisme craniocérébral léger (TCCL) a des effets complexes sur plusieurs fonctions cérébrales, dont l’évaluation et le suivi peuvent être difficiles. Les problèmes visuels et les troubles de l’équilibre font partie des plaintes fréquemment rencontrées après un TCCL. En outre, ces problèmes peuvent continuer à affecter les personnes ayant eu un TCCL longtemps après la phase aiguë du traumatisme. Cependant, les évaluations cliniques conventionnelles de la vision et de l’équilibre ne permettent pas, la plupart du temps, d’objectiver ces symptômes, surtout lorsqu’ils s’installent durablement. De plus, il n’existe pas, à notre connaissance, d’étude longitudinale ayant étudié les déficits visuels perceptifs, en tant que tels, ni les troubles de l’équilibre secondaires à un TCCL, chez l’adulte. L’objectif de ce projet était donc de déterminer la nature et la durée des effets d’un tel traumatisme sur la perception visuelle et sur la stabilité posturale, en évaluant des adultes TCCL et contrôles sur une période d’un an. Les mêmes sujets, exactement, ont participé aux deux expériences, qui ont été menées les mêmes jours pour chacun des sujets. L’impact du TCCL sur la perception visuelle de réseaux sinusoïdaux définis par des attributs de premier et de second ordre a d’abord été étudié. Quinze adultes diagnostiqués TCCL ont été évalués 15 jours, 3 mois et 12 mois après leur traumatisme. Quinze adultes contrôles appariés ont été évalués à des périodes identiques. Des temps de réaction (TR) de détection de clignotement et de discrimination de direction de mouvement ont été mesurés. Les niveaux de contraste des stimuli de premier et de second ordre ont été ajustés pour qu’ils aient une visibilité comparable, et les moyennes, médianes, écarts-types (ET) et écarts interquartiles (EIQ) des TR correspondant aux bonnes réponses ont été calculés. Le niveau de symptômes a également été évalué pour le comparer aux données de TR. De façon générale, les TR des TCCL étaient plus longs et plus variables (plus grands ET et EIQ) que ceux des contrôles. De plus, les TR des TCCL étaient plus courts pour les stimuli de premier ordre que pour ceux de second ordre, et plus variables pour les stimuli de premier ordre que pour ceux de second ordre, dans la condition de discrimination de mouvement. Ces observations se sont répétées au cours des trois sessions. Le niveau de symptômes des TCCL était supérieur à celui des participants contrôles, et malgré une amélioration, cet écart est resté significatif sur la période d’un an qui a suivi le traumatisme. La seconde expérience, elle, était destinée à évaluer l’impact du TCCL sur le contrôle postural. Pour cela, nous avons mesuré l’amplitude d’oscillation posturale dans l’axe antéropostérieur et l’instabilité posturale (au moyen de la vitesse quadratique moyenne (VQM) des oscillations posturales) en position debout, les pieds joints, sur une surface ferme, dans cinq conditions différentes : les yeux fermés, et dans un tunnel virtuel tridimensionnel soit statique, soit oscillant de façon sinusoïdale dans la direction antéropostérieure à trois vitesses différentes. Des mesures d’équilibre dérivées de tests cliniques, le Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency 2nd edition (BOT-2) et le Balance Error Scoring System (BESS) ont également été utilisées. Les participants diagnostiqués TCCL présentaient une plus grande instabilité posturale (une plus grande VQM des oscillations posturales) que les participants contrôles 2 semaines et 3 mois après le traumatisme, toutes conditions confondues. Ces troubles de l’équilibre secondaires au TCCL n’étaient plus présents un an après le traumatisme. Ces résultats suggèrent également que les déficits affectant les processus d’intégration visuelle mis en évidence dans la première expérience ont pu contribuer aux troubles de l’équilibre secondaires au TCCL. L’amplitude d’oscillation posturale dans l’axe antéropostérieur de même que les mesures dérivées des tests cliniques d’évaluation de l’équilibre (BOT-2 et BESS) ne se sont pas révélées être des mesures sensibles pour quantifier le déficit postural chez les sujets TCCL. L’association des mesures de TR à la perception des propriétés spécifiques des stimuli s’est révélée être à la fois une méthode de mesure particulièrement sensible aux anomalies visuomotrices secondaires à un TCCL, et un outil précis d’investigation des mécanismes sous-jacents à ces anomalies qui surviennent lorsque le cerveau est exposé à un traumatisme léger. De la même façon, les mesures d’instabilité posturale se sont révélées suffisamment sensibles pour permettre de mesurer les troubles de l’équilibre secondaires à un TCCL. Ainsi, le développement de tests de dépistage basés sur ces résultats et destinés à l’évaluation du TCCL dès ses premières étapes apparaît particulièrement intéressant. Il semble également primordial d’examiner les relations entre de tels déficits et la réalisation d’activités de la vie quotidienne, telles que les activités scolaires, professionnelles ou sportives, pour déterminer les impacts fonctionnels que peuvent avoir ces troubles des fonctions visuomotrice et du contrôle de l’équilibre.
Purpose: To determine whether the localization of retinal glutamate transporters is affected by retinal ischaemia and whether their ability to transport glutamate decreases with the progression of ischemic retinal and optic nerve degeneration. Methods: Retinal ischemia was induced in rats by acutely increasing the intraocular pressure (IOP, 110 mmHg/60 min). Reperfusion was permitted for periods up to 60 days post-ischemia. Functional evaluation was performed by monitoring the pupil light reflexes (PLRs) and electroretinograms (flash, flicker ERG and oscillatory potentials). Glutamate transporter localization and D-aspartate (glutamate analogue) uptake were assessed by immunohistochemistry. Results: Intense immunoreactivity for the retinal glutamate transporters (GLAST, GLT1, EAAC1 and EAAT5) was observed at all time points after the insult, despite severe retinal degeneration. D-aspartate was also normally accumulated in the ischemic retinas. Ten days post-operatively the PLR ratio (ratio = indirect/direct PLR = 34 +/- 7(.)5%) was significantly less than the pre-operative value (pre-op = 76(.)7 +/- 2 (.)6%, p < 0(.)05). However, 25 and 35 days post-operatively PLR ratios did not differ significantly from pre-operative values (44(.)4 +/- 6(.)9 and 53(.)8 +/- 9(.)6%, p > 0(.)05). Forty-five and 60 days post-operatively the PLR ratio declined again and was significantly lower than the pre-operative value (33(.)8 + 8(.)7 and 26(.)2 + 8(.)9%, p < 0(.)05). Statistical analysis revealed that all tested ERG components had significantly higher values at 32, but not at 42 and 58 days post-operatively when compared to the first time point recorded post-operatively (10 days). Conclusions: While retinal glutamate transport is compromised during an acute ischemic insult, consequent retinal recovery and degeneration are not due to a change in the excitatory amino acid transporter localization or D-aspartate (glutamate analogue) uptake. Rat retina and optic nerve are capable of spontaneous, but temporary, functional recovery after an acute ischemic insult. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Background and Purpose - A higher plasma concentration of total homocysteine (tHcy) is associated with a greater risk of cardiovascular events. Previous studies, largely in younger individuals, have shown that B vitamins lowered tHcy by substantial amounts and that this effect is greater in people with higher tHcy and lower folate levels. Methods - We undertook a 2-year, double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized trial in 299 men aged >= 75 years, comparing treatment with a daily tablet containing 2 mg of folate, 25 mg of B-6, and 400 mu g of B-12 or placebo. The study groups were balanced regarding age (mean +/- SD, 78.9 +/- 2.8 years), B vitamins, and tHcy at baseline. Results - Among the 13% with B12 deficiency, the difference in mean changes in treatment and control groups for tHcy was 6.74 mu mol/L (95% CI, 3.94 to 9.55 mu mol/L) compared with 2.88 mu mol/L (95% CI, 0.07 to 5.69 mu mol/L) for all others. Among the 20% with hyperhomocysteinaemia, the difference between mean changes in treatment and control groups for men with high plasma tHcy compared with the rest of the group was 2.8 mu mol/L (95% CI, 0.6 to 4.9 mu mol/L). Baseline vitamin B12, serum folate, and tHcy were significantly associated with changes in plasma tHcy at follow-up (r = 0.252, r = 0.522, and r = -0.903, respectively; P = 0.003, <0.001, and <0.001, respectively) in the vitamin group. Conclusions - The tHcy-lowering effect of B vitamins was maximal in those who had low B12 or high tHcy levels. Community-dwelling older men, who are likely to be deficient in B12 or have hyperhomocysteinemia, may be most likely to benefit from treatment with B vitamins.
Objective: The authors investigated the associations of medical and lifestyle factors with the mental health of men in their 80s. Methods: This was a prospective study of a community-representative cohort of older men. Successful mental health aging was defined as reaching age 80 years with Mini-Mental State Examination score (MMSE) of 24 or more and Geriatric Depression Scale-15 items (GDS-15) score of 5 or less. Results: Of 601 men followed for 4.8 years, 76.0% enjoyed successful mental health aging. Successful mental health aging was inversely associated with age (hazard ratio [HR] = 0.87; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.81 - 0.94), non-English-speaking background (HR = 0.42; 95% CI: 0.21 - 0.85), and the consumption of full-cream milk (HR = 0.63; 95% CI: 0.45 - 0.89), and directly associated with high school or university education (HR = 1.92; 95% CI: 1.34 - 2.75) and vigorous (HR = 1.89; 95% CI: 1.17 - 3.05) and nonvigorous physical activity (HR = 1.50; 95% CI: 1.05 - 2.14). Marital status, smoking and alcohol use, weekly consumption of meat or fish, and a medical history of hypercholesterolemia, hypertension, diabetes, myocardial infarction, and stroke were not associated with mental health outcomes in men aged 80 years or over. Conclusion: Three in four men who reach age 80 years undergo successful mental health aging. Factors associated with successful mental health aging include education and lifestyle behaviors such as physical activity. Lifestyle modification by means of increasing physical activity and reducing saturated fat intake may prove to be a safe, inexpensive, and readily available strategy to help maximize the successful mental health aging of the population.
A fundamental question about the perception of time is whether the neural mechanisms underlying temporal judgements are universal and centralized in the brain or modality specific and distributed []. Time perception has traditionally been thought to be entirely dissociated from spatial vision. Here we show that the apparent duration of a dynamic stimulus can be manipulated in a local region of visual space by adapting to oscillatory motion or flicker. This implicates spatially localized temporal mechanisms in duration perception. We do not see concomitant changes in the time of onset or offset of the test patterns, demonstrating a direct local effect on duration perception rather than an indirect effect on the time course of neural processing. The effects of adaptation on duration perception can also be dissociated from motion or flicker perception per se. Although 20 Hz adaptation reduces both the apparent temporal frequency and duration of a 10 Hz test stimulus, 5 Hz adaptation increases apparent temporal frequency but has little effect on duration perception. We conclude that there is a peripheral, spatially localized, essentially visual component involved in sensing the duration of visual events.
Background/aims The MPS 9000 uses a psychophysical technique known as heterochromatic flicker photometry to measure macular pigment optical density (MPOD). Our aim was to determine the measurement variability (noise) of the MPS 9000. Methods Forty normally sighted participants who ranged in age from 18 to 50 years (25.4±8.2 years) were recruited from staff and students of Aston University (Birmingham, UK). Data were collected by two operators in two sessions separated by 1 week in order to assess test repeatability and reproducibility. Results The overall mean MPOD for the cohort was 0.35±0.14. There was no significant negative correlation between MPS 9000 MPOD readings and age (r=-0.192, p=0.236). Coefficients were 0.33 and 0.28 for repeatability, and 0.25 and 0.26 for reproducibility. There was no significant correlation between mean and difference MPOD values for any of the four pairs of results. Conclusions When MPOD is being monitored over time then any change less than 0.33 units should not be considered clinically significant as it is very likely to be due to measurement noise. The size of the coefficient appears to be positively correlated with MPOD.
Background and aims Current age-related macular disease (ARMD) treatment includes antioxidant supplementation. Lutein (L) and zeaxanthin (Z) are antioxidants that make up macularpigment within the retina and may reduce the risk of developing ARMD. Ageing and smoking are leading risk factors for developing ARMD. We investigated differences in dietary, supplemental and retinal L and Z, and smoking habits in healthy younger eyes (HY), healthy older eyes (HO) and eyes with an early form of ARMD called age-related maculopathy (ARM). Methods HO, HY and ARM groups were assessed for dietary intakes of L and Z using food diaries. Smoking habits and self-administered quantities of L and Z were obtained via questionnaire. Retinal L and Z levels (macularpigmentopticaldensity, or MPOD) were determined using heterochromatic flicker photometry. Results No significant difference was demonstrated for dietary L and Z intake (?2 = 4.983, p = 0.083) or for MPOD between groups (F = 0.40, p = 0.67). There was a significant difference between the HY (mean ± sd: 1.20 ± 2.99), HO (4.51 ± 7.05) ARM groups (9.15 ± 12.28) for pack years smoked (?2 = 11.61, p = 0.03). Conclusions Our results do not support the theory that ARM develops as a result of L and Z deficiency. Higher pack years smoked may be a factor in disease development. Dietary and supplementary L and Z levels must be obtained when assessing MPOD between groups or over time.
The devastating impact of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM) -related morbidity and mortality on global healthcare is escalating with higher prevalences of obesity, poor diet, and sedentary lifestyles. Therefore, the clinical need for early diagnosis and prevention in groups of high-risk individuals is necessary. The purpose of this thesis was to investigate the use of surrogate markers, namely retinal vascular function, to determine future vascular endothelial dysfunction, atherosclerosis, large vessel disease and cardiovascular risk in certain groups. This namely covered normoglycaemic and normotensive South Asians (SAs), those with Impaired-Glucose Tolerance (IGT) and individuals with a familial history (FH) of T2DM. Additionally the effect of overweight and obesity was studied. The techniques and modified protocols adopted for this thesis involved the investigation of endothelial function by means of vascular reactivity at the ocular and systemic level. Furthermore, the relationships between retinal and systemic function with circulating markers for endothelial cell function and cardiovascular risk markers were explored. The principal studies and findings of the research were: Vascular Function in Normoglycaemic Individuals with and without a FH of T2DM WE FH individuals exhibited higher levels of total cholesterol levels that correlated well with the retinal arterial dilation amplitude to flicker light stimulus. However this did not extend to noticeable differences in markers for endothelial cell damage and impaired retinal and systemic function. Vascular Function in Normoglycaemic South-Asians vs. White-Europeans without a FH and Vascular Disturbances Compared to healthy WEs (normo -glycaemic and -tensive), SA participants exhibited levels of dyslipidaemia and a state of oxidative stress that extended to impaired vascular function as detected by reduced brachial artery flow-mediated dilation, slower retinal arterial vessel dilation reaction times (Appendix 3) and steeper constriction profiles. Furthermore, gender sub-group analysis presented in a sub-chapter shows that SA males demonstrated 24-hour systemic blood pressure (BP) and heart rate variability (HRV) abnormalities and heightened cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk. Vascular Function in Individuals Newly Diagnosed with IGT as compared to Normoglycaemic Healthy Controls Newly-diagnosed WE and SA IGT patients showed a greater risk for CVD and T2DM progression by means of 24-hour BP abnormalities, dyslipidaemia, increased carotid artery intimal-media thickness (c-IMT), Framingham scores and cholesterol ratios. Additionally, pre-clinical markers for oxidative stress and endothelial dysfunction, as evident by significantly lower levels of plasma glutathione and increased levels of von-Willebrand factor in IGT individuals, extended to impaired vascular systemic and retinal function compared to normal controls. This originally shows retinal, systemic and biochemical disturbances in newly-diagnosed IGT not previously reported before. Vascular Function in Normal, Overweight and Obese Individuals of SA and WE Ethnicity In addition to the intended study chapters, the thesis also investigated the influence of obesity and overweight on vascular function. Most importantly, it was found for the first time that compared to lean individuals it was overweight and not obese individuals that exhibited signs of vascular systemic and ocular dysfunction that was evident alongside markers of atherosclerosis, CVD risk and endothelial damage.
How does the brain combine spatio-temporal signals from the two eyes? We quantified binocular summation as the improvement in 2AFC contrast sensitivity for flickering gratings seen by two eyes compared with one. Binocular gratings in-phase showed sensitivity up to 1.8 times higher, suggesting nearly linear summation of contrasts. The binocular advantage decreased to 1.4 at lower spatial and higher temporal frequencies (0.25 cycle deg-1, 30 Hz). Dichoptic, antiphase gratings showed only a small binocular advantage, by a factor of 1.1 to 1.2, but no evidence of cancellation. We present a signal-processing model to account for the contrast-sensitivity functions and the pattern of binocular summation. It has linear sustained and transient temporal filters, nonlinear transduction, and half-wave rectification that creates ON and OFF channels. Binocular summation occurs separately within ON and OFF channels, thus explaining the phase-specific binocular advantage. The model also accounts for earlier findings on detection of brief antiphase flashes and the surprising finding that dichoptic antiphase flicker is seen as frequency-doubled (Cavonius et al, 1992 Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics 12 153 - 156). [Supported by EPSRC project GR/S74515/01].
This review compares the results of studies that have investigated the impact of lutein and zeaxanthin supplementation on macular pigment optical density (MPOD) with those that have investigated the reliability of techniques used to measure macular pigment optical density. The review will focus on studies that have used heterochromatic flicker photometry for measurement of macular pigment optical density, as this is the only technique that is currently available commercially to clinicians. We identified articles that reported on supplementation with lutein and/or zeaxanthin and/or meso-zeaxanthin on macular pigment optical density measurement techniques published in peer-reviewed journals, through a multi-staged, systematic approach. Twenty-four studies have investigated the repeatability of MPOD measurements using heterochromatic flicker photometry. Of these, 10 studies provided a coefficient of repeatability or data from which the coefficient could be calculated, with a range in values of 0.06 to 0.58. The lowest coefficient of repeatability assessed on naïve subjects alone was 0.08. These values tell us that, at best, changes greater than 0.08 can be considered clinically significant and at worst, only changes greater than 0.58 can be considered clinically significant. Six studies assessed the effect of supplementation with up to 20 mg/day lutein on macular pigment optical density measured using heterochromatic flicker photometry and the mean increase in macular pigment optical density ranged from 0.025 to 0.09. It seems reasonable to conclude that the chance of eliciting an increase in macular pigment optical density during six months of daily supplementation with between 10 and 20 mg lutein that is of sufficient magnitude to be detected by using heterochromatic flicker photometry on an individual basis is small. Commercially available heterochromatic flicker photometers for macular pigment optical density assessment in the clinical environment appear to demonstrate particularly poor coefficient of repeatability values. Clinicians should exercise caution when considering the purchase of these instruments for potential monitoring of macular pigment optical density in response to supplementation in individual patients.
Cascaded multilevel inverters-based Static Var Generators (SVGs) are FACTS equipment introduced for active and reactive power flow control. They eliminate the need for zigzag transformers and give a fast response. However, with regard to their application for flicker reduction in using Electric Arc Furnace (EAF), the existing multilevel inverter-based SVGs suffer from the following disadvantages. (1) To control the reactive power, an off-line calculation of Modulation Index (MI) is required to adjust the SVG output voltage. This slows down the transient response to the changes of reactive power; and (2) Random active power exchange may cause unbalance to the voltage of the d.c. link (HBI) capacitor when the reactive power control is done by adjusting the power angle d alone. To resolve these problems, a mathematical model of 11-level cascaded SVG, was developed. A new control strategy involving both MI (modulation index) and power angle (d) is proposed. A selected harmonics elimination method (SHEM) is taken for switching pattern calculations. To shorten the response time and simplify the controls system, feed forward neural networks are used for on-line computation of the switching patterns instead of using look-up tables. The proposed controller updates the MI and switching patterns once each line-cycle according to the sampled reactive power Qs. Meanwhile, the remainder reactive power (compensated by the MI) and the reactive power variations during the line-cycle will be continuously compensated by adjusting the power angles, d. The scheme senses both variables MI and d, and takes action through the inverter switching angle, qi. As a result, the proposed SVG is expected to give a faster and more accurate response than present designs allow. In support of the proposal there is a mathematical model for reactive powered distribution and a sensitivity matrix for voltage regulation assessment, MATLAB simulation results are provided to validate the proposed schemes. The performance with non-linear time varying loads is analysed and refers to a general review of flicker, of methods for measuring flickers due to arc furnace and means for mitigation.
Purpose. To assess the relationship between macular pigment optical density (MPOD) and blood markers for antioxidant defense in otherwise healthy volunteers. Methods. Forty-seven healthy volunteers were subjected to blood analysis to detect the level of circulating glutathione in its reduced (GSH) and oxidized (GSSG) forms. The level of MPOD was measured using heterochromatic flicker photometry. Systemic blood pressure (BP) parameters, heart rate (HR), body mass index (BMI), and plasma levels of total, HDL, and LDL cholesterol and triglycerides (TGs) were also determined. Results. A simple correlation model revealed that the level of MPOD correlated significantly and positively with both GSH (P < 0.001) and t-GSH (P < 0.001) levels but not with those of GSSG (P > 0.05). Age, sex, systemic BP parameters, HR, BMI, and plasma levels of cholesterol and TGs did not have any influence on either MPOD or glutathione levels (all P > 0.05). In addition, a forward stepwise multiple regression analysis showed MPOD to have a significantly and independent correlation with GSH levels (ß = 0.63; P < 0.001). Conclusions. In otherwise healthy older individuals, there is a positive correlation between local and systemic antioxidant defense mechanisms.