973 resultados para flavonoids biosynthesis


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RESUME Les bétalaïnes sont des pigments chromo-alcaloïdes violets et jaunes présents dans les plantes appartenant à l'ordre des Caryophyllales et dans les champignons des genres Amanita et Hygrocybe. Leur courte voie de biosynthèse est élucidée chimiquement depuis de nombreuses années, mais les enzymes impliquées dans cette biosynthèse chez les plantes ne sont toujours pas caractérisées. L'enzyme de la DOPA-dioxygénase d' Amanita muscaria a été identifiée (Girod et Zryd, 1991a), mais de nombreuses tentatives d'isolation d'un homologue chez les plantes ont échoué. Afin d'isoler les gènes spécifiques des bétalaïnes chez les plantes, nous avons construit des banques soustraites d'ADNc à partir d'ARN total de pétales immatures de Portulaca grandiflora (Pg) de génotypes jaunes et blancs, respectivement violets et blancs. Les clones couleur- spécifiques ont été détectés en premier par analyse Northem du RNA de pétales blancs et colorés. Les candidats positifs ont alors été soumis à une analyse de transcription au niveau des tiges colorées, vertes et des feuilles, afin d'établir leur expression spécifique. Deux ARNs messagers complets ont une expression corrélée avec l'accumulation des bétalaïnes dans les tissus. Le premier de ces clones, A.16, code pour une oxydase de l'acyl-Coenzyme A (ACX) putative, mais le domaine de liaison du FAD essentiel pour l'activité d'ACX est absent. Toutes nos tentatives pour démontrer sa fonction ont échoué. Le rôle de cette protéine dans la voie de synthèse des bétalaïnes reste inconnu. Le deuxième de ces clones spécifique aux bétalaïnes, L.6 (isolé par Zaiko, 2000), a été renommé DODA en raison de son homologie avec le domaine LigB (pfam02900) d'une 4,5-dioxygénase extradiol bactérienne. DODA a été identifié in silico comme une dioxygénase extradiol en raison de la conservation stricte, au niveau de sa séquence peptidique, des résidus catalytiques de LigB et de ceux liant le cofacteur fer. Une analyse de transfert Southem a montré que ce gène est unique dans Pg. L'expression transitoire de DODA par transformation biolistique dans des pétales blancs de Pg a produit des taches violettes ou jaunes dans des cellules transformées. Une analyse HPLC de ces taches a démontré leur identité avec les bétalaïnes présentes naturellement dans les pétales violets et jaunes de Pg, confirmant ainsi la complémentation par le gène Pg DODA de l'allèle récessif cc présent dans les pétales blancs de Pg. Des homologues de DODA (DOPA-dioxygénase) ont été identifiés dans de nombreuses espèces de plantes, y compris dans celles sans bétalaïne. L'alignement de ces homologues a permis l'identification d'un motif spécifique aux bétalaïnes à côté d'une histidine catalytique conservée. Ce motif [H-P-(S,A)-(N,D)-x-T-P] remplace le motif [H-N-L-R] conservé dans les plantes sans bétalaïne et le motif [H-N-L-x] présent dans tous les homologues bactériens et archaebactériens. Une modélisation tridimensionnelle préliminaire du site actif de Pg DODA et de son homologue dans la mousse Physcomitrella patens a montré l'importance de ce motif spécifique aux bétalaïnes pour l'accessibilité du substrat au site actif. L'analyse phylogénétique de DODA a confirmé l'évolution séparée de cette protéine chez les plantes à bétalaïnes par comparaison avec celle des plantes sans bétalaïne. Nous avons donc conclu que les bétalaïnes sont apparues par modification de l'affinité pour un substrat d'enzymes similaires à DODA, chez un ancêtre unique des Caryophyllales qui a perdu toute capacité de biosynthèse des anthocyanes. Finalement, Pg DODA n'a aucune similarité avec la protéine DODA d' Amanita muscaria, bien que celle-ci complémente aussi la pigmentation des pétales blancs de Pg. La biosynthèse des bétalaïnes est un exemple remarquable de convergence évolutive biochimique indépendante entre espèces de règnes différents. ABSTRACT Betalains are violet and yellow chromo-alkaloid pigments present in plants belonging to the order Caryophyllales and also in the fungal genera Amanita and Hygrocybe. Their short biosynthetic pathway is chemically well understood since many years, but enzymes involved in the plant pathway are still uncharacterized. The DOPA-dioxygenase from Amanita muscaria was identified (Girod and Zryd, 1991a), but numerous attempts to identify a plant homologue to the corresponding gene, failed. In order to isolate betalain-specific genes in plants, subtractive cDNA libraries were built with total RNA from white and yellow and respectively, violet immature petals from Portulaca grandiflora (Pg) genotypes. Colour-specific clones were first detected by Northern blot analysis using RNA from white and coloured petals. Positive candidates were submitted to further transcription analysis in coloured, green stems and leaves in order to assess their specific expression. Two full-length mRNAs showed a correlated expression with betalain accumulation in tissues. One of them, A.16, encodes a putative acyl-Coenzyme A oxidase (ACX), but missing the FAD binding domain essential for the ACX activity. Thus, all attempts to demonstrate its function failed. The role of this protein in the betalain biosynthesis pathway, if any, is still unknown. The second betalain-specific mRNA, L.6 (isolated by Zaiko, 2000) shows a homology with a LigB domain (pfam02900) from a bacterial extradiol 4,5-dioxygenase. It was then renamed DODA (DOPA-dioxygenase). DODA was identified in silico as a highly conserved extradiol dioxygenase due to the strict conservation of its peptidic sequence with LigB catalytic residues and iron-binding cofactor residues. Southern blot analysis showed that this gene is a single copy-gene in Pg. Transient expression of DODA protein through biolistic transformation of Pg white petals produced violet or yellow spots in individual cells. HPLC analysis of these spots showed an identity with betalain pigments present naturally in yellow and violet Pg petals, thus confirming the complementation of the recessive cc allele present in Pg white petals by Pg DODA gene. DODA homologues were identified in numerous plant species including those without betalain. Alignment of these homologues allowed the identification of a betalain-specific pattern beside a highly conserved catalytic histidine. This [H-P-(S,A)-(N,D)-x-T-P] pattern replaces a [H-N-L-R] pattern strictly conserved in non-betalain plants and a [H-N-L-x] pattern present in all bacterial and archaebacterial homologues. Preliminary three-dimensional modeling of the active site of Pg DODA and its Physcomitrella patens moss homologue revealed the importance of this betalain-specific pattern for the substrate accessibility to the DODA active site. DODA phylogenetic analysis confirmed the separate evolution of this protein in betalain-producing plants. We conclude that betalain pigments appeared in a unique ancestor of the Caryophyllales order in which anthocyanin biosynthetic pathway was impaired, by a modification of enzymes of the DODA family for substrate affinity. The Pg DODA protein has no sequence similarity with Amanita muscaria DODA, despite the fact that they both complement Pg white petals for their pigmentation. Betalain biosynthesis is an interesting example of independent biochemical evolutionary convergence between species from different kingdoms.


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Dans le but de mieux connaître le métabolisme secondaire de la famille des Thymelaeaceae et de découvrir de nouveaux composés naturels à intérêt thérapeutique, 30 extraits provenant de 8 espèces africaines ont été soumis à un criblage chimique et biologique. Les cibles biologiques suivantes ont servi à l?évaluation de l?activité des extraits étudiés : la moisissure phytopathogène Cladosporium cucumerinum, la levure commensale Candida albicans, la bactérie opportuniste Bacillus subtilis, la larve du moustique vecteur de la fièvre jaune Aedes aegypti et l?hôte intermédiaire mollusque de la schistosomiase urinaire Biomphalaria glabrata. Les propriétés antiradicalaires et inhibitrices de l?acétylcholinestérase de ces extraits ont également été dépistées. Des analyses sur CCM avec révélation chimique, ainsi que des expériences LC/DAD-UV, ont permis demettre en évidence la présence de tanins, de flavonoïdes et de xanthones dans les extraits polaires. Sur la base des résultats de ces analyses préliminaires, l?investigation phytochimique des extraits méthanoliques des racines et des parties aériennes de Gnidia involucrata a été entreprise. Cette démarche a permis l?isolement de 8 composés naturels et leur caractérisation complète au moyen de méthodes spectroscopiques (UV, MS, CD, 1H- et 13C-NMR). Les activités de ces produits purs ont été évaluées et il est apparu qu?ils possédaient presque tous des propriétés antiradicalaires intéressantes, supérieures à celles du BHT, un antioxydant de synthèse (E 321) utilisé dans l?industrie alimentaire. Deux benzophénones simples, respectivement O- et C-glucosylées, ont été isolées des parties aériennes de G. involucrata au côté de la mangiférine, une C-glycosylxanthone ubiquitaire. Ces découvertes sont remarquables à plusieurs titres : (1) les benzophénones simples (nonprénylées) sont très rares dans la nature ; (2) c?est la première fois qu?une Oglycosylbenzophénone a été décrite ; (3) aucune xanthone n?avait été mise en évidence auparavant dans la famille et (4) les benzophénones semblent ne pas être que des produits intermédiaires dans la biosynthèse des xanthones. Trois 3,8??-biflavanones du type GB ont été isolées des racines et des parties aériennes de la même plante, dont deux stéréoisomères se trouvant en mélange. Une analyse LC/CD a permis d?attribuer les configurations absolues des quatre carbones asymétriques de chaque molécule. Cette classe de métabolites secondaires est réputée pour ses propriétés analgésiques et sa présence chez les Thymelaeaceae est prometteuse. Des techniques couplées de pointe ont été utilisées dans ce travail et ont montré leur apport inestimable dans le domaine de la recherche phytochimique. Une analyse LC/ MSn a ainsi permis de mettre en évidence on-line trois C-glycosylflavones ? l?isoorientine, l?isovitexine et la vitexine ? dans les extraits méthanoliques bruts de G. involucrata. De plus, les parties aériennes de cette même plante ont servi de matériel pour le développement d?une nouvelle méthode d?analyse d?extraits bruts : la LC/1H-NMR time-slice. Cette approche consiste à « découper » le temps d?analyse par des interruptions régulières du flux LC, durant lesquelles les données NMR nécessaires sont acquises. Le problème de la faible sensibilité relative de la LC/NMR a été partiellement résolu par ce biais et a permis d?envisager l?utilisation de la NMR au sein de systèmes de couplages multiples en série avec d?autres méthodes spectrales (UV, MS, IR, CD,?).<br/><br/>With the aim of acquiring a better knowledge of the secondary metabolism of the family Thymelaeaceae and of the discovering of new natural therapeutics, 30 extracts from 8 African plant species were submitted to chemical and biological screening. The following biological targets were used to estimate the activity of the extracts under study: the phytopathogenic fungus Cladosporium cucumerinum, the commensal yeast Candida albicans, the opportunistic bacteria Bacillus subtilis, larvae of the yellow fever-transmitting mosquito Aedes aegypti and the intermediate snail host of urinary schistosomiasis Biomphalaria glabrata. The antiradical and acetylcholinesterase-inhibiting properties of these extracts were also investigated. TLC analyses followed by chemical detection, together with LC/DAD-UV experiments, showed the presence of tannins, flavonoids and xanthones in the polar extracts. On the basis of these results, a phytochemical investigation of the methanol extracts of the roots and the aerial parts of Gnidia involucrata was undertaken. This procedure led to the isolation of 8 natural products, which were then characterised by spectroscopic means (UV, MS, CD, 1H- and 13C-NMR). The activities of the pure compounds were then further evaluated: almost all of them exhibited very interesting antiradical properties, superior to those of BHT, a synthetic antioxidant (E 321) used in the food industry. Two simple benzophenones, one O- and one C-glycosylated, were isolated from the aerial parts of G. involucrata, together with mangiferin, a ubiquitous C-glycosylxanthone. These findings are of multiple importance: (1) simple (non-prenylated) benzophenones are very rare in nature; (2) it is the first time that an O-glycosylbenzophenone has been described; (3) no xanthones have been previously reported in the family and (4) benzophenones do not seem to be exclusive intermediates in the biosynthesis of xanthones. Three 3,8??-biflavanones of the GB type were isolated from the roots and the aerial parts of the same plant, among them two stereoisomers in mixture. A LC/CD analysis allowed the assignment of the absolute configurations of all four stereocenters in both molecules. This class of secondary metabolite is well known for its analgesic properties and its presence in the Thymelaeaceae is very promising. Advanced hyphenated techniques were used in this work and showed their inestimable contribution to the field of phytochemical research. A LC/MSn analysis, for example, allowed the on-line characterisation of three C-glycosylflavones ? isoorientin, isovitexin and vitexin ? in the crude methanol extracts of G. involucrata. Furthermore, the aerial parts of this plant were used as material for the development of a new analytical method for crude plant extracts: time-slice LC/1H-NMR. This approach consisted in "slicing" the analytical procedure by interrupting the LC flow at given intervals, during which the necessary NMR data were acquired. The relative lack of sensitivity of LC/NMR was partially surmounted by this means, allowing one to envisage the use of NMR in a multiple hyphenated system, together with other spectroscopic methods (UV, MS, IR, CD,?)


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Aldosterone stimulates transepithelial Na+ transport in the toad bladder, and thyroid hormone antagonizes this mineralocorticoid action. In the present study, we assessed the influence of these two hormones on the biosynthesis of (Na+,K+)ATPase, the major driving force of Na+ transport. Rates of enzyme synthesis were estimated by immunoprecipitation with monospecific alpha (96,000 daltons) and beta (60,000 daltons) subunit antibodies. After a 30-min pulse of intact tissue with [35S]methionine, the anti-alpha-serum recognized the 96,000-dalton alpha subunit and the anti-beta-serum, a 42,000-dalton protein, in total cell extracts. The biosynthesis rates of both these proteins were increased 2.8- and 2.4-fold respectively, over controls by 80 nM aldosterone after 18 h of hormone treatment. The hormonal effect was not apparent up to 3 h of incubation and was dose dependent between 0.2 and 20 nM aldosterone. The hormonal induction was antagonized by spironolactone (500-fold excess) but not by amiloride. The action of aldosterone thus seems to be a receptor-mediated process and a primary event independent of the Na+ permeability of the apical membrane. Thyroid hormone, on the other hand, had no effect on either basal or aldosterone-stimulated synthesis rates of both enzyme proteins. The results demonstrate a direct effect of aldosterone on gene expression of the (Na+,K+)-ATPase. Ultimately, this phenomenon could be linked to the late mineralocorticoid action of this hormone. On the other hand, thyroid hormone, in contrast to the situation in mammals, does not stimulate de novo enzyme synthesis in amphibia. Neither can the antimineralocorticoid action of thyroid hormone in the toad bladder be explained by an inhibition of the (Na+,K+)-ATPase synthesis.


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Development of the mutualistic arbuscular mycorrhiza (AM) symbiosis between most land plants and fungi of the Glomeromycota is regulated by phytohormones. The role of jasmonate (JA) in AM colonization has been investigated in the dicotyledons Medicago truncatula, tomato and Nicotiana attenuata and contradicting results have been obtained with respect to a neutral, promotive or inhibitory effect of JA on AM colonization. Furthermore, it is currently unknown whether JA plays a role in AM colonization of monocotyledonous roots. Therefore we examined whether JA biosynthesis is required for AM colonization of the monocot rice. To this end we employed the rice mutant constitutive photomorphogenesis 2 (cpm2), which is deficient in JA biosynthesis. Through a time course experiment the amount and morphology of fungal colonization did not differ between wild-type and cpm2 roots. Furthermore, no significant difference in the expression of AM marker genes was detected between wild type and cpm2. However, treatment of wild-type roots with 50 μM JA lead to a decrease of AM colonization and this was correlated with induction of the defense gene PR4. These results indicate that JA is not required for AM colonization of rice but high levels of JA in the roots suppress AM development likely through the induction of defense.


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Genomic instability is related to a wide-range of human diseases. Here, we show that mitochondrial iron–sulfur cluster biosynthesis is important for the maintenance of nuclear genome stability in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Cells lacking the mitochondrial chaperone Zim17 (Tim15/Hep1), a component of the iron–sulfur biosynthesis machinery, have limited respiration activity, mimic the metabolic response to iron starvation and suffer a dramatic increase in nuclear genome recombination. Increased oxidative damage or deficient DNA repair do not account for the observed genomic hyperrecombination. Impaired cell-cycle progression and genetic interactions of ZIM17 with components of the RFC-like complex involved in mitotic checkpoints indicate that replicative stress causes hyperrecombination in zim17Δ mutants. Furthermore, nuclear accumulation of pre-ribosomal particles in zim17Δ mutants reinforces the importance of iron–sulfur clusters in normal ribosome biosynthesis. We propose that compromised ribosome biosynthesis and cell-cycle progression are interconnected, together contributing to replicative stress and nuclear genome instability in zim17Δ mutants.


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Pneumocystis species are fungal parasites colonizing mammal lungs with strict host specificity. Pneumocystis jirovecii is the human-specific species and can turn into an opportunistic pathogen causing severe pneumonia in immunocompromised individuals. This disease is currently the second most frequent life-threatening invasive fungal infection worldwide. The most efficient drug, cotrimoxazole, presents serious side effects, and resistance to this drug is emerging. The search for new targets for the development of new drugs is thus of utmost importance. The recent release of the P. jirovecii genome sequence opens a new era for this task. It can now be carried out on the actual targets to be inhibited instead of on those of the relatively distant model Pneumocystis carinii, the species infecting rats. We focused on the folic acid biosynthesis pathway because (i) it is widely used for efficient therapeutic intervention, and (ii) it involves several enzymes that are essential for the pathogen and have no human counterparts. In this study, we report the identification of two such potential targets within the genome of P. jirovecii, the dihydrofolate synthase (dhfs) and the aminodeoxychorismate lyase (abz2). The function of these enzymes was demonstrated by the rescue of the null allele of the orthologous gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae.


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Bacterial-fungal interactions have important physiologic and medical ramifications, but the mechanisms of these interactions are poorly understood. The gut is host to trillions of microorganisms, and bacterial-fungal interactions are likely to be important. Using a neutropenic mouse model of microbial gastrointestinal colonization and dissemination, we show that the fungus Candida albicans inhibits the virulence of the bacterium Pseudomonas aeruginosa by inhibiting P. aeruginosa pyochelin and pyoverdine gene expression, which plays a critical role in iron acquisition and virulence. Accordingly, deletion of both P. aeruginosa pyochelin and pyoverdine genes attenuates P. aeruginosa virulence. Heat-killed C. albicans has no effect on P. aeruginosa, whereas C. albicans secreted proteins directly suppress P. aeruginosa pyoverdine and pyochelin expression and inhibit P. aeruginosa virulence in mice. Interestingly, suppression or deletion of pyochelin and pyoverdine genes has no effect on P. aeruginosa's ability to colonize the GI tract but does decrease P. aeruginosa's cytotoxic effect on cultured colonocytes. Finally, oral iron supplementation restores P. aeruginosa virulence in P. aeruginosa and C. albicans colonized mice. Together, our findings provide insight into how a bacterial-fungal interaction can modulate bacterial virulence in the intestine. Previously described bacterial-fungal antagonistic interactions have focused on growth inhibition or colonization inhibition/modulation, yet here we describe a novel observation of fungal-inhibition of bacterial effectors critical for virulence but not important for colonization. These findings validate the use of a mammalian model system to explore the complexities of polymicrobial, polykingdom infections in order to identify new therapeutic targets for preventing microbial disease.


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The natural formation of the bioactive C17-polyacetylenes (−)-(R)-panaxynol and panaxydol was analyzed by 13C-labeling experiments. For this purpose, plants of Panax ginseng were supplied with 13CO2 under field conditions or, alternatively, sterile root cultures of P. ginseng were supplemented with [U-13C6]glucose. The polyynes were isolated from the labeled roots or hairy root cultures, respectively, and analyzed by quantitative NMR spectroscopy. The same mixtures of eight doubly 13C-labeled isotopologues and one single labeled isotopologue were observed in the C17-polyacetylenes obtained from the two experiments. The polyketide-type labeling pattern is in line with the biosynthetic origin of the compounds via decarboxylation of fatty acids, probably of crepenynic acid. The 13C-study now provides experimental evidence for the biosynthesis of panaxynol and related polyacetylenes in P. ginseng under in planta conditions as well as in root cultures. The data also show that 13CO2 experiments under field conditions are useful to elucidate the biosynthetic pathways of metabolites, including those from roots.


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Most aerial parts of the plants are covered by a hydrophobic coating called cuticle. The cuticle is formed of cutin, a complex mixture of esterified fatty acids that are embedded and associated with waxes. The cuticle often appears as a superposition of layers of different composition: The cuticle proper formed of cutin and a mixture of waxes and underneath, the cuticle layer containing cutin, intracuticular waxes and polysaccharides of the cell wall. In addition to its involvement in plant development by preventing organ fusions, the cuticle acts as a barrier to prevent water loss and protect plants against environmental aggressions such as excessive radiation or pathogens attacks. PEC1/AtABCG32 is an ABC transporter from the PDR family involved in cutin biosynthesis. Characterization of the peci mutant in Arabidopsis thaliana showed that PEC1 plays a significant role in the diffusion barrier formation in leaves and petals. The cuticles of leaves and flowers of peci are permeable and the cuticular layer rather than the cuticular proper was altered in the petals, underlining the importance of this particular layer in the maintenance of the diffusion barrier. Chemical analysis on the flower cutin monomer composition of ped mutant revealed a decrease in hydroxylated cutin monomers, suggesting a function of PEC1 in the incorporation of these monomers in the polymer cutin. However, the exact nature of the substrates of PEC1 remained elusive. PEC1 homologues in barley and rice, respectively HvABCG31/EIBI1 and OsABCG31, are also implicated in cuticle biosynthesis. Interestingly, the rice mutant displays more severe phenotypes such as dwarfism and spreading necrosis conducting to the seedling death. In this work, we further characterized osabcg31 mutant and hairpin-RNAi downregulated OsABCG31 plant lines showing reduced growth and cuticle permeability. Our analysis showed a decrease in hydroxylated cutin monomers and severe disruptions in the cuticle, which explain the permeability. Further insights into the function of the cuticle in rice resistance/susceptibility to Pathogens were obtained after inoculation with Magnaporthe oryzae, the fungus responsible for the rice blast disease. Osabcg31 as well as the transgenic lines downregulating OsABCG31 showed increased resistance to the fungus. However, only later steps of infection are reduced . and no impact is obseived on the germination or penetration stages, suggesting that the cuticle disruption per se is not responsible for the resistance. We further investigated the cause of the resistance by analyzing the expression of defense related gene in osabcg31 prior to infection. We found that osabcg31 constitutively express defense related genes, which may explain the resistance, the dwarfism and the cell death. osabcg31 is thus a tool to study the connection between cuticle, plant development and defense signaling networks in rice. The transport function of PEC1 family members is still unknown. In order to link cutin biosynthesis and transport activity, we combined ped mutation with mutations in cutin synthesis related genes. Here, we show that PEC1 acts independently from GPAT4 and GPAT8 pathway and partially overlaps with GPAT6 biosynthesis pathway that leads to the production of hydroxylated C16 cutin precursor 2-Mono(10,16-dihydroxyhexadecanoylJglycerol (2-MHG). In addition, we noticed that despite a comparable cutin monomer composition, ped mutant leaves cuticle are permeable while that of gpat6 mutant are not. This finding raises the possibility of PEC1 being required for the incorporation of C16 hydroxylated monomers and their structural arrangement rather than their direct transport towards the cuticle. A careful investigation of the cuticle permeability, cutin composition and ultrastructure during leave development in Wt plants and ped mutants revealed a possible different regulation of several pathways of cutin biosynthesis and showed the importance of PEC1 function early during leave cuticle maturation. In order to elucidate the transport activity of PEC1, we successfully expressed PEC1 in Nicotiana benthamiana plant system for direct transport experiments. This system will be used to test the PEC 1-dependent transport of potential substrates such as sn-2-monoacylglycerol loaded with a hydroxylated C16 fatty acid. -- Toutes les parties aériennes des plantes sont recouvertes d'une couche hydrophobe appelée «cuticule». Cette cuticule est composée de cutine, un polymère d'acides gras estérifiés, et de cires. La cuticule apparaît souvent sous forme de couches superposées: une première couche extérieure appelée «cuticle proper» formée de cutine et d'un mélange de cires, et une deuxième couche, la «cuticle layer», formée de cutine associée à des cires intracuticulaires et des polysaccharides pariétaux. La cuticule joue le rôle de barrière prévenant contre la perte d'eau et les agressions environnementales. AtABCG32/PEC1 est un transporteur ABC de la famille des PDR impliqué dans la synthèse de la cutine. L'étude du mutant peci d'Arabidopsis thaliana a révélé une fonction de PEC1 dans la formation de la barrière de diffusion. La cuticule des feuilles et fleurs de peci est perméable. Des altérations de la «cuticle layer» ont été démontrées, soulignant son importance dans le maintien de la barrière. L'analyse de la composition de la cutine de peci a montré une réduction spécifique en monomères hydroxylés, suggérant un rôle de PEC1 dans leur incorporation dans la cuticule. Cependant, la nature exacte des substrats de PEC1 n'a pas été identifiée. PEC1 possède deux homologues chez l'orge et le riz, respectivement HvABCG31 et OsABCG31, et qui sont impliqués dans la biosynthèse de la cuticule. Chez le riz, des phénotypes plus sévères ont été observés tels que nanisme et nécroses conduisant à la mort des jeunes plants. Dans cette étude, nous avons continué la caractérisation de osabcg31 ainsi que des lignées de riz sous exprimant le gène OsABCG31 et présentant une cuticule perméable tout en ayant une meilleure croissance. Notre étude a démontré une réduction des monomères hydroxylés de cutine et une désorganisation de la structure de la cuticule, aggravée dans le mutant osabcg31. Ce résultat explique la perméabilité observée. Des mformations P|us approfondies sur l'implication de la cuticule dans la résistance aux pathogènes ont été obtenues après inoculation du mutant osabcg31 et les lignées sous- exprimant OsABCG31 avec une souche virulente de Magnaporthe Oryzae, le champignon responsable de la pyriculariose du riz. Les différentes lignées testées ont démontré une résistance au pathogène. Cependant, seules les étapes tardives de l'infection sont réduites et aucun impact n'est observé sur la germination des spores ou la pénétration du champignon, suggérant que les modifications de la cuticule ne sont pas directement à l'origine de la résistance. L'analyse de l'expression de gènes impliqués dans la résistance à Magnaporthe.oryzae a mis en évidence l'expression constitutive de ces gènes en l'absence de tout contact avec le pathogène. Ceci explique la résistance, le nanisme et la mort cellulaire observés. Ainsi, osabcg31 représente un outil efficace pour l'étude intégrée des systèmes de régulation de la défense, de développement des plantes et la cuticule. La nature des substrats transportés par PEC1/AtABCG32 reste inconnue. Dans le but d'établir une liaison entre biosynthèse de cutine et transport des précurseurs par PEC1, la mutation peci a été combinée avec des mutants impliqués dans différentes voies de biosynthèse. Cette étude a démontré une fonction indépendante de PEC1 de la voie de biosynthèse impliquant les enzymes GPAT4 et GPAT8, et une fonction partiellement indépendante de la voie impliquant GPAT6 qui mène à la production de précurseurs sn-2- monoacylglycerol chargés en acides gras en C16 (2-MHG). De plus, malgré un profil similaire en monomères de cutine, gpat6 conserve une cuticule imperméable alors que celle de PEC1 est perméable. Ceci suggère que PEC1 est nécessaire à l'incorporation des monomères en C16 et leur arrangement structurel plutôt que simplement à leur transport direct. L'étude approfondie de la perméabilité cuticulaire, de la structure ainsi que de la composition en cutine pendant le développement des feuilles de peci et la plante sauvage a révélé l'existence de différentes régulations des voies de biosynthèses des monomères et a démontré l'importance de PEC1 dans les premières étapes de la mise en place de la cuticule. Pour identifier les substrats transportés, l'expression de PEC1 chez le système hétérologue Nicotiana benthamiana a été conduite avec succès. Ce système sera utilisé pour tester le transport de substrats potentiels tels que le sn-2-monoacylglycerol chargé en acide gras en C16.


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Interaction between host cells and microbes is known as crosstalk. Among other mechanisms, this takes place when certain molecules of the micro-organisms are recognized by the toll-like receptors (TLRs) in the body cells, mainly in the intestinal epithelial cells and in the immune cells. TLRs belong to the pattern-recognition receptors and represent the first line of defense against pathogens, playing a pivotal role in both innate and adaptive immunity. Dysregulation in the activity of such receptors can lead to the development of chronic and severe inflammation as well as immunological disorders. Among components present in the diet, flavonoids have been suggested as antioxidant dietary factors able to modulate TLR-mediated signaling pathways. This review focuses on the molecular targets involved in the modulatory action of flavonoids on TLR-mediated signaling pathways, providing an overview of the mechanisms involved in such action. Particular flavonoids have been able to modify the composition of the microbiota, to modulate TLR gene and protein expression, and to regulate the downstream signaling molecules involved in the TLR pathway. These synergistic mechanisms suggest the role of some flavonoids in the preventive effect on certain chronic diseases.


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Interaction between host cells and microbes is known as crosstalk. Among other mechanisms, this takes place when certain molecules of the micro-organisms are recognized by the toll-like receptors (TLRs) in the body cells, mainly in the intestinal epithelial cells and in the immune cells. TLRs belong to the pattern-recognition receptors and represent the first line of defense against pathogens, playing a pivotal role in both innate and adaptive immunity. Dysregulation in the activity of such receptors can lead to the development of chronic and severe inflammation as well as immunological disorders. Among components present in the diet, flavonoids have been suggested as antioxidant dietary factors able to modulate TLR-mediated signaling pathways. This review focuses on the molecular targets involved in the modulatory action of flavonoids on TLR-mediated signaling pathways, providing an overview of the mechanisms involved in such action. Particular flavonoids have been able to modify the composition of the microbiota, to modulate TLR gene and protein expression, and to regulate the downstream signaling molecules involved in the TLR pathway. These synergistic mechanisms suggest the role of some flavonoids in the preventive effect on certain chronic diseases.


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High-speed counter-current chromatography (HSCCC) is a major tool for the fast separation of natural products from plants. It was used for the preparative isolation of the flavonoid monoglucosides present in the aerial parts of the Davilla elliptica St. Hill. (Dilleniaceae). This species is used in Brazilian folk medicine for the treatment of gastric disorders. The optimum solvent system used was composed of a mixture of ethyl acetate-n-propanol-water (140:8:80, v/v/v) and led to a successful separation of quercetin-3-O-alpha-L-rhamnopyranoside and myricetin-3-O-alpha-L-rhamnopyranoside in approximately 3.0 hours with purity higher than 95%. Identification was performed by ¹H NMR, 13C NMR and HPLC-UV-DAD analyses.


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Nine flavonoids were identified in aerial parts of Astragalus corniculatus Bieb. (Fabaceae) by liquid chromatography coupled with ionspray mass spectrometry in the tandem mode (LC/MS/MS) with negative ion detection. Vitexin, orientin and eriodictyol-7-O-glucoside are obtained for the first time in genus Astragalus L, and isorhamnetin-3-O-glucoside in the species.


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This work describes the phytochemical study of the methanol extract obtained from leaves of Guarea macrophylla, leading to the isolation and identification of three flavonoid glycosides (quercetin 3-O-β-D-glucopyranoside, quercetin 3-O-b-D-galactopyranoside, kaempferol 7-O-β-D-glucopyranoside) and a neolignan glucoside, dehydrodiconiferyl alcohol-4-β-D-glucoside. All compounds were identified by a combination of spectroscopic methods (¹H, 1D, 2D NMR, 13C and UV), ESI-MS and comparison with the literature data. This is the first report of flavonoids in the genus Guarea and of a neolignan glucoside in the Meliaceae family.