83 resultados para fisherman


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Tales and sketches republished in part from the "Saturday review" and from "Justice."


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Fisherman Islands is an area of reclaimed land at the mouth of the Brisbane River in Queensland, Australia. Ongoing groundwater monitoring has found elevated concentrations of hydrogen sulfide (H2S) in the groundwater on the island. The presence of H2S on Fisherman Islands is of concern because of its toxic nature, the potential for acid sulfate soil formation, and its noxious odor. The aim of this study was,to, identify the sources of H2S within the groundwater on Fisherman Islands. It was hypothesized that the H2S is being formed by sulfate reducing bacteria acting on sulfate from seawater, rather than the introduction of sulfide with the dredge sediments. Groundwater and soil samples were collected and analyzed for sulfide, sulfate, and organic carbon contents. Elevated concentrations of sulfides coincide with,elevated concentrations of sulfate in the groundwater and elevated concentrations of organic carbon in the sediments, supporting the hypothesis that sulfide formation is the result of heterotrophic, sulfate reducing organisms.


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The Blue Highway is a collection of eleven literary short stories and ten miniatures that depict men in trouble, searching for a code to live by. The miniatures are repressed memories, appearing suddenly like the tips of ice bergs and act as stepping stones (tension bridges) between the larger works. The stories begin at the end with "Time Out", the story of Frank, a down and out homeless vet at the end of his rope. Then we begin the journey along "The Blue Highway" with Danny and his gang of teenage bandits, taking themselves to Disney World to see if they can recapture their lost dream. On our journey we will meet Mark, the ex-killer, an old Cuban fisherman who will not give up his honor, a young man on a way to a war who discovers a fantastic treasure, a soldier on his way home again, two MP's who nearly kill the wrong man, we will spend a night on an African savannah with wild hyenas and finally, meet a grandfather who discovers the one gift which might save his family. The same gift which might save Frank as well. ^


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The Blue Highway is a collection of eleven literary short stories and ten miniature that depict men in trouble, searching for a code to live by. The miniatures are repressed memories, appearing suddenly like the tips of ice bergs and act as stepping stones (tension bridges) between the larger works. The stories begin at the end with "Time Out", the story of Frank, a down and out homeless vet at the end of his rope. Then we begin the journey along "The Blue Highway" with Danny and his gang of teenage bandits, taking themselves to Disney World to see if they can recapture their lost dream. On our journey we will meet Mark, the ex-killer, an old Cuban fisherman who will not give up his honor, a young man on a way to a war who discovers a fantastic treasure, a soldier on his way home again, two MP's who nearly kill the wrong man, we will spend a night on an African savannah with wild hyenas and finally, meet a grandfather who discovers the one gift which might save his family. The same gift which might save Frank as well.


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Fisheries plays a significant and important part in the economy of the country contributing to foreign exchange, food security and employment creation. Lake Victoria contributes over 50% of the total annual fish catch. The purpose of fisheries management is to ensure conservation, protection, proper use, economic efficiency and equitable distribution of the fisheries resources both for the present and future generations through sustainable utilization. The earliest fisheries were mainly at the subsistence level. Fishing gear consisted of locally made basket traps, hooks and seine nets of papyrus. Fishing effort begun to increase with the introduction of more efficient flax gillnets in 1905. Fisheries management in Uganda started in 1914. Before then, the fishery was under some form of traditional management based on the do and don'ts. History shows that the Baganda had strong spiritual beliefs in respect of "god Mukasa" (god of the Lake) and these indirectly contributed to sustainable management of the lake. If a fisherman neglected to comply witt'l any of the ceremonies related to fishing he was expected to encounter a bad omen (Rev. Roscoe, 1965) However, with the introduction of the nylon gill nets, which could catch more fish, traditional management regime broke down. By 1955 the indigenous fish species like Oreochromis variabilis and Oreochromis esculentus had greatly declined in catches. Decline in catches led to introduction of poor fishing methods because of competition for fish. Government in an attempt to regulate the fishing irldustry enacted the first Fisheries Ordinance in 1951 and recruited Fisheries Officers to enforce them. The government put in place minimum net mesh-sizes and Fisheries Officers arrested fishermen without explaining the reason. This led to continued poor fishing practices. The development of government centred management systems led to increased alienation of resource users and to wilful disregard of specific regulations. The realisation of the problems faced by the central management system led to the recognition that user groups need to be actively involved in fisheries management if the systems are to be consistent with sustainable fisheries and be legitimate. Community participation in fisheries management under the Comanagement approach has been adopted in Lake Victoria including other water bodies.


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A casual study of the hydrological map of Uganda would convince every serious fisherman and fisheater that he is most favoured to be in Uganda. The extent and distribution of the country's aquatic system plus the rich variety of fish species there is promises a fishery potential of considerable magnitude: The open waterways comprised by the Uganda portions of Lakes Victoria, Albert and Edward; and Lakes Kyoga, George plus minor lakes Wamala, Kijanebarora, mutanda, etc. occupy about 15% of the total surface area (91,000 m2; Depart. Land Survey, 1962). Most of the nation's fish supplies are currontly from this source. 1.2. A rich network of permanent and seasonal rivers and streams filling and/or emptying various water systems covers most of Uganda. This aquatic network is associated with a fish fauna whose immense significance as a source of protein is perhaps better appreciated by the local subsistance fisherman and consumer than by the fisheries scientist and manager in this country. Many species of this fish fauna have strong affinities with the open water systems while some are typically riverine. 1.3. Then there are wetlands composed mainly of expanses of swamp, but including some areas of bog. These cover about 2% of the country. While the variety of fish fauna found here is limited by the rather hostile nature of the environment (comparatively de-oxygenated under a canopy of dense stands of emergont vegetation) several specialised fishes e.g. Clarias spp. and Protpterus aethiopicus (Kamongo) occur here. Availability of permanent and seasonal sources of water, well distributed throughout most areas of Uganda, opens up immense potential for a variety of aquaculture practices. However, while active exploitation of much of these fishery resources is currently underway, important questions regarding the magnitudes of the various resource potentials and dynamics, and about suitable levels and modes of exploitation, are yet unanswered. These gaps in knowledge go about the fishery resources of Uganda would hinder formulation of adequate development and management schemes. This short paper examines some of the above problems and suggests some approaches towards balanced oxploitation and management of the fisheries of Uganda.


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O presente estudo aborda a temática da educação escolar nas comunidades tradicionais. Essa abordagem ocorre a partir do estudo de caso da Ilha da Torotama, Rio Grande/RS. É reconhecido que as comunidades tradicionais sofrem uma intensa transformação a partir da lógica moderna do capital, no caso do município de Rio Grande, percebe-se o quanto os discursos em torno do Polo Naval, paralelamente com a crise da pesca artesanal, impulsionam o êxodo das comunidades pesqueiras que constituem a região, levando o pescador ao abandono do trabalho, bem como a uma drástica ruptura frente as formas de vida no espaço tradicional de pesca. A partir desse panorama cabe questionar os sentidos que a escolarização assume nesses espaços, portanto: Quais as contradições e possibilidades da educação escolar nas comunidades tradicionais? Além disso, é necessário questionar: É possível (re)pensar as formas de contemplar os anseios desses povos tradicionais? Nesse sentido, busca-se compreender e problematizar as contradições e possibilidades em torno da escolarização em um contexto do Campo, constituído por povos tradicionais. Para o enfrentamento da problemática, assume-se uma postura dialética a partir de Gadotti (2012) e Severino (2001); esse embasamento epistemológico sustenta o olhar e a escuta da pesquisadora frente aos processos presentes no estudo. Com efeito, por meio da utilização da História Oral na perspectiva assumida por Thompson (1992), encontra-se para maior organização do processo de construção dos dados, a História Oral Temática (MEIHY e HOLANDA, 2010) e (MEIHY, 1996). Nesse horizonte, realizam-se entrevistas com três educadores e quatro educandos do Projeto Educação para Pescadores, o qual ocorre enquanto um processo de escolarização na Ilha da Torotama. O estudo aponta para a necessidade de pensar a escola nas comunidades tradicionais a partir do horizonte da Educação do Campo. Essa compreensão ocorre a partir dos desafios encontrados com relação a escolarização das referidas comunidades; haja vista que o Estado não assume de forma efetiva a educação básica nesses contextos, tampouco aborda a possibilidade de retorno dos sujeitos que tiveram a escolarização negligenciada. A omissão do poder público frente as demandas da comunidade, junto as formas de incentivo e beneficiamento da pequena burguesia industrial pesqueira, por exemplo, são indicativos de que as comunidades tradicionais sofrem em seu contexto uma forte contradição, pois, muito embora o Estado tenha enquanto obrigação resguardar tais povos, as demandas do mercado prevalecem na dinâmica evidenciada. Assim, assumir as lutas lançadas pela 8 perspectiva da Educação do Campo, é uma pertinente possibilidade de ruptura com o sentido que a escola vem apresentando nesses espaços: a escola é vista como uma forma de saída da comunidade e do trabalho da pesca. Portanto, acredita-se que ao assumir o horizonte da Educação do Campo, o trabalho desses sujeitos pertencentes as comunidades tradicionais possa ser problematizado, fomentando a construção crítica frente aos desafios impostos pela lógica opressora.


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A presente dissertação tem como objeto de estudo a pesca do bacalhau feita por portugueses sob a bandeira de Portugal durante o período do Estado Novo (1933-1974). Investigou-se as razões para um investimento e um protecionismo tão forte à indústria da pesca do bacalhau. É indissociável do estudo da demanda portuguesa por este peixe, à época muito abundante no noroeste atlântico, as políticas autárcicas e de subsistência pilares da economia do Estado Novo, assim como a implantação e robustecimento da Instituição Corporativa. Subjacente a estas linhas de matriz económica mas paradigmáticas do novo regime, estava também a reconstrução da identidade portuguesa, a sacralização do trabalho e a heroicidade do pescador português do bacalhau. A existência da tentativa de revivificação da glória dos descobrimentos na pesca do bacalhau. A criação de um ambiente social, político e religioso que levaram à persecução destas políticas e consequentemente do engrandecimento da estrutura do Estado Novo, resultando até na sedimentação de apoio popular. O desenvolvimento da frota de pesca longínqua foi quase uma única janela de oportunidades para o conhecimento de novos mundos. A montante e a jusante da atividade piscatória também se desenvolveram indústrias e comércio internacional. A participação em organizações internacionais de regulação das pescas proporcionou contatos Institucionais com outras nações, não raro utilizados para quebrar isolamentos e propagandear o Estado Novo e as suas manifestações culturais e identitárias que suscitaram relacionamentos interculturais. Para além destes contatos mais formais, também se desenvolveram contatos informais, que se repercutiram na criação e manifestação de conhecimento mútuo e claro de condições para a gestação da interculturidade. Estes desenvolvimentos de relações informais, de contatos profissionais também geraram relações culturais que se manifestaram em projetos individuais de vida associados às migrações.