963 resultados para fish growth


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The knowledge of how animals deposited chemical components as water, protein, fat and ash in the carcass is importance for the formulation of a balanced diet, allowing maximum performance with a low environmental impact. So, the study was carried out to evaluate the influence of different tilapia strains (Chitralada, Commercial, Red and Universidade Federal de Lavras [UFLA]) on the deposition of bodily chemical components in the carcass. The bodily components analyzed were water, protein, fat and ash. For the determination of the bodily chemical deposition curves by age, the exponential, Brody, logistic, Gompertz and von Bertalanffy models were adjusted. The Commercial and UFLA strains deposited water at a faster speed (P<0.05) compared with the remaining strains. As for protein, the Red strain had a lower estimated maturity weight (49.37 g), and was more precocious (202 days) with regard to maximum deposition in comparison to the other strains (Chitralada, UFLA and Commercial) in which there was an estimated maturity weight of 231.5 g and maximum depositionfor 337 days. There were no differences (P>0.05) for the logistic model parameter between Red, UFLA and Commercial strains for fat, which presented a maximum fat deposition (0.23 g) at 310 days of age. Regarding ash deposition, the Commercial strain presented a higher maximum deposition (0.10 g) at 337 days, occurring later than the other strains that presented maximum deposition (0.033g) at 254 days of age. Thus, it was concluded that the genetic strains evaluated differ in chemical deposition curves of water, protein, fat and ash.


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[EN]The effect of dietary inclusion of sea urchin meal (Diadema antillarum) on growth and feed utilization was investigated in a growth trial with red porgy (Pagus pagrus) of 208g initial body weight, during 6 month feeding period. High quality fish meal and fish oil diet was used as a control (Diet C); urchin meal was included at 8% and 16% dietary levels (EM8 and EM16). Compared to the control diet higher values for absolute and relative final weight and SGR were obtained either for fish fed EM8 and EM16 diets; for the latter diets values for FCR and final HSI were significantly smaller respect to those for the control diets. No differences were found among diets for the total feed intake, VSI and K factor. Obtained results indicate the suitability of the sea urchin meal as alternative ingredient in diets for the red porgy, improving fish growth and feed utilization. More studies are being done at the moment in red porgy and other fish species in order to better determine the optimum dietary levels taking into account other important culture and quality parameters.


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[EN] The expression and regulation of intestinal oligopeptide transporter (PepT)-1 when vegetable sources are used as a substitute for fish meal in the diet of marine fish has not yet been explored. In the present study, as part of our ongoing work on elucidating PepT1 gene expression in relation to different dietary treatments, we have now isolated and deposited in Genbank database (accession no. GU733710) a cDNA sequence representing the PepT1 in the sea bream (Sparus aurata). The ?de novo? prediction of the three-dimensional structure of PepT1 protein is presented. We also analyzed diet-induced changes in the expression of PepT1 mRNA via real-time RT-PCR using the standard curve method. Sea bream were fed for 140 days with one of the following four diet formulations (43% protein/21% lipid): a control fast growth-promoting diet (C), and three diets with the same formulation but in which 15% of the fish meal was substituted by protein concentrates either from lupine (LPC), chick pea (CPC), or green pea (PPC). Fish fed PPC had significantly (p < 0.05) lower levels of PepT1 transcripts in the proximal intestine than the controls, whereas PepT1 transcript levels in fish fed LPC or CPC were not significantly different from the controls. Although growth was similar between fish fed with different diets during the first 72 days of feeding, growth of the fish fed with PPC was reduced during the second part of the trial and was significantly (p < 0.05) lower than fish fed LPC and CPC diets by the end of the experiment. Correlation between these results and fish growth performances highlights that the intestinal PepT1 mRNA level may serve as a useful marker of the dietary protein quality and absorption efficiency.


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We analyzed juvenile anadromous alewife migration at Bride Lake, a coastal lake in Connecticut, during summer 2006 and found that migration on 24-hour and seasonal timescales was influenced by conditions of the environment and characteristics of the individual. To identify environmental cues of juvenile migration, we continuously video recorded fish at the lake outflow and employed information-theoretic model selection to identify the best predictors of daily migration rate. More than 80% of the approximately 320,000 juveniles that migrated from mid-June to mid-August departed in three pulses lasting one or two days. Pulses of migration were associated with precipitation events, transient decreases in water temperature and transient increases in stream discharge. Diel timing of migration shifted over the summer. Early in the season most migration occurred around dawn; late in the season migration occurred at night. To identify individual characteristics associated with migratory behavior, we compared migrating juveniles that we collected as they were exiting Bride Lake to non-migrating juveniles that we collected from the center of the lake. Migrants were a non-random subset of the population; they were on average 1 – 12 mm larger, 2 – 14 d older, had grown more rapidly (11% greater length-at-age), and were in better condition (14% greater mass-at-length) than non-migrant fish. We infer that the amount of accumulated energy has a positive effect on the net benefit of migration at any time in the migratory season.


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O desenvolvimento de organismos transgênicos para o hormônio do crescimento (GH) tem sido considerado uma importante alternativa para o aumento nas taxas de crescimento animal. Entretanto, os efeitos do excesso do GH não se limitam aos processos do crescimento. Sistemas fisiológicos como o sistema imunológico, já demonstraram ser prejudicados pelo desbalanço dos níveis do GH. Tendo em vista a importância da geração de organismos transgênicos para o GH no âmbito da aquicultura, esforços se fazem necessários na elaboração de estratégias com o intuito de reduzir ou compensar os efeitos adicionais do excesso de GH. Nos hipotetizamos que a geração de peixes duplo transgênicos os quais superexpressem GH e GHR apenas no músculo esquelético, poderia ser uma possível alternativa para compensar os efeitos prejudiciais ocasionados pelo excesso de GH sobre os sistemas fisiológicos mantendo, ao mesmo tempo, as altas taxas de crescimento. Afim de testar esta hipótese, nós avaliamos a morfometria de órgãos imunes, como o timo, o rim cefálico e o baço; os conteúdos de células T CD3+ e CD4+ no timo e no rim anterior e a expressão de genes relacionados à imunidade. Contrariando as expectativas iniciais, os resultados revelaram que a superexpressão do GHR no músculo esquelético não é capaz de diminuir os efeitos danosos causados pelo GH no tamanho do timo e rim anterior e no conteúdo de células T CD3+ e CD4+ nestes órgãos. Inesperadamente, zebrafish transgênicos somente para o GHR revelaram prejuízos nos aspectos imunes similares aos observados aos transgênicos para GH. De forma geral, estes resultados indicam que a dupla transgenia para o GH/GHR não é capaz de atenuar os efeitos negativos causados pelo excess de GH sobre o sistema imunológico de zebrafish transgênicos. Além disso, a transgenia para genes componentes do eixo somatotrófico pode ainda reforçar os danos as funções imunes em transgênicos, não recuperando os danos causados pelo excesso de GH.


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Avaliaram-se os efeitos da inclusão de farelo de canola em dietas de juvenis de pacu (Piaractus mesopotamicus) sobre parâmetros de crescimento e composição corporal. Um total de 192 alevinos (9 a 15g) foram estocados em 24 tanques de cimento, de 100l de capacidade, durante 103 dias. O farelo de canola foi utilizado em quatro proporções: zero; 9,5%; 19% e 38% da dieta, com ou sem farinha de peixe (12%/dieta), totalizando oito tratamentos. A presença de farinha de peixe não afetou os parâmetros de crescimento avaliados. A inclusão de 38% de farelo de canola na dieta diminuiu o ganho de peso dos peixes, valores médios de 28,74g a 50,70g, e piorou a conversão alimentar aparente, de 1,66 para 2,85. A taxa de eficiência protéica também foi menor nos peixes alimentados com 38% de farelo de canola. As várias proporções de farelo de canola das dietas alteraram os teores de umidade, proteína bruta e lipídios dos peixes. A presença da farinha de peixe, nas dietas, somente influiu no teor de lipídios dos peixes alimentados com dietas contendo 9,5% de farelo de canola. Conclui-se que até 19% de farelo de canola pode ser adicionado às dietas de juvenis de pacu, sem que seu desenvolvimento seja prejudicado.


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Protogynous sequential hermaphroditism is very common in marine fish. Despite a large number of studies on various aspects of sequential hermaphroditism in fish, the relationship between body shape and colour during growth in dichromatic species has not been assessed. Using geometric morphometrics, the present study explores the relationship between growth, body shape and colouration in Coris julis (L. 1758), a small protogynous labrid species with distinct colour phases. Results show that body shape change during growth is independent of change in colour phase, a result which can be explained by the biology of the species and by the social control of sex change. Also, during growth the body grows deeper and the head has a steeper profile. It is hypothesized that a deeper body and a steeper profile might have a function in agonistic interactions between terminal phase males and that the marked chromatic difference between colour phases allows the lack of strict interdependence of body shape and colour during growth.


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Relationships between freshwater flows and growth rates of the opportunistic predatory finfish barramundi Lates calcarifer in a dry tropical estuary were examined using data from a long-term tag-recapture programme. Lagged effects were not investigated. After accounting for length at release, time at liberty and seasonal variation (e.g. winter, spring, summer and autumn), growth rates were significantly and positively related to fresh water flowing to the estuary. Effects were present at relatively low levels of freshwater flow (i.e. 2.15 m3 s-1, the 5th percentile of the mean flow rate experienced by fish in the study during time at liberty). The analysis, although correlative, provides quantitative evidence to support the hypothesis that freshwater flows are important in driving the productivity of estuaries and can improve growth of species high in the trophic chain.


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Transforming Growth Factors-beta (TGF-beta s) have been described in many vertebrate species of amphibians, aves and mammals. In this report we demonstrate the presence of TGF-beta 2 in pisces. TGF-beta 2 has been cloned from a fish, Cyrinus carpio, by RT-PCR using degenerate oligonucleotide primers. Sequence analysis of the amplified product and alignment of the deduced amino acid sequence with the human TGF-beta 2 amino acid sequence revealed 81% and 93% identity in the precursor and the mature regions, respectively. The northern blot analysis of fish heart RNA shows a major messenger RNA species of about 8.0 kb and two messages of very low abundance of about 5.0 kb and 4.0 kb. The identification of TGF-beta 2 isoform in Pisces and it's high degree of homology with the mammalian isoform suggests that among all TGF-beta isoforms, TGF-beta 2 is the most conserved during evolution. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science B.V.


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Growth data obtained from a ten-year collection of scales from Maryland freshwater fish is presented, in this report,in graphs and tables especially designed to be useful for Maryland fishery management. (PDF contains 40 pages)