999 resultados para filmogenic covering
In the present work, we provide a systematic analysis about all tine streams involved in the zone connecting two consecutive sections for the design of distillation columns with different thermal feed conditions, product extractions and heat additions or withdrawals. This analysis allows a better understanding of what happens on a feed or side draw (of mass or energy) stage, what compositions are or are not in equilibrium, and the impact on internal liquid and vapor flows.
Supplementary Material: J.A. REYES-LABARTA, M.D. SERRANO and A. MARCILLA. ANALYSIS OF THE CONNECTING ZONE BETWEEN CONSECUTIVE SECTIONS IN DISTILLATION COLUMNS COVERING MULTIPLE FEEDS, PRODUCTS AND HEAT TRANSFER STAGES. Latin American Applied Research an International Journal of Chemical Engineering. 2014, vol. 44(4), 307-312 (http://www.laar.uns.edu.ar/indexes/artic_v4404/44_04_307.pdf)