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Aerial photography was used to determine the land use in a test area of the Nigerian savanna in 1950 and 1972. Changes in land use were determined and correlated with accessibility, appropriate low technology methods being used to make it easy to extend the investigation to other areas without incurring great expense. A test area of 750 sq km was chosen located in Kaduna State of Nigeria. The geography of the area is summarised together with the local knowledge which is essential for accurate photo interpretation. A land use classification was devised and tested for use with medium scale aerial photography of the savanna. The two sets of aerial photography at 1:25 000 scale were sampled using systematic dot grids. A dot density of 8 1/2 dots per sq km was calculated to give an acceptable estimate of land use. Problems of interpretation included gradation between categories, sample position uncertainty and personal bias. The results showed that in 22 years the amount of cultivated land in the test area had doubled while there had been a corresponding decrease in the amount of uncultivated land particularly woodland. The intensity of land use had generally increased. The distribution of land use changes was analysed and correlated with accessibility. Highly significant correlations were found for 1972 which had not existed in 1950. Changes in land use could also be correlated with accessibility. It was concluded that in the 22 year test period there had been intensification of land use, movement of human activity towards the main road, and a decrease in natural vegetation particularly close to the road. The classification of land use and the dot grid method of survey were shown to be applicable to a savanna test area.


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Objectives. To elicit students' salient beliefs in relation to binge drinking, and to examine the extent to which individual salient beliefs predict theory of planned behaviour (TPB) constructs in relation to binge drink, and actual drinking behaviour assessed later that evening. Design. Longitudinal, over a single evening. Methods. 192 students were recruited as they entered a campus bar at the beginning of the evening. They completed questionnaires with open-ended questions eliciting beliefs concerning binge drinking, and ratings scales assessing standard TPB constructs in relation to binge drinking. At the end of the evening, 181 completed a second questionnaire and recorded the number of alcoholic drinks they had consumed. Results. Beliefs were reliably coded (all kappas =0.79). Students with higher intentions to binge drink were more likely to believe that their friends approved of binge drinking, and that (lack of) money would make it difficult. Students who reported drinking more alcohol at the end of the evening were more likely to believe that getting drunk is an advantage/what they would like about binge drinking tonight, that their sports teams would approve, and that celebrating, drinking patterns, and environment would make it easy to binge drink. Conclusions. The present study has identified the individually salient beliefs relating to drinking behaviour that the TPB states should be addressed by interventions to alter behaviour, and which that should be assessed as mediators in intervention research. As a whole, these findings highlight the importance of perceived peer norms in binge drinking in this population, and support the idea of interventions to challenge the perception of social pressure to binge drink. ©2011 The British Psychological Society.


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Existing semantic search tools have been primarily designed to enhance the performance of traditional search technologies but with little support for ordinary end users who are not necessarily familiar with domain specific semantic data, ontologies, or SQL-like query languages. This paper presents SemSearch, a search engine, which pays special attention to this issue by providing several means to hide the complexity of semantic search from end users and thus make it easy to use and effective.


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The Health Behaviours in School Children (HBSC) survey 2014 shows that overall health levels are good. There are encouraging findings on consumption of fruit and vegetables, teeth cleaning, and a drop in smoking levels and consumption of sweets and soft drinks.  However, many children said they find it easy to get cigarettes, too many children are going to bed hungry, and there are concerns about levels of cyber bullying. A total of 13,611 pupils were surveyed with questions on topics like general health, food and dietary behaviour, exercise and physical activity, self-care, smoking, use of alcohol and other substances, bullying including cyber bullying, and sexual health behaviours.


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Os conceitos de qualidade e capital humano são amplamente conhecidos e a sua importância aceite por todos. A aplicação destes pressupostos à realidade do trabalho temporário, tomou-se um imperativo face ao contexto económico actual, repleto de rápidas mudanças organizacionais, caracterizado por colaboradores detentores de um novo leque de competências e flexibilidade profissional. Ao longo deste trabalho. procurou-se analisar a possível integração do trabalho temporário num novo modelo de relações laborais, na tentativa de distanciamento da corrente associação do trabalho temporário a uma "forma atípica de trabalho'', estabelecendo ainda uma breve evolução do trabalho temporário na Península de Setúbal. baseada na apreciação de trabalhos análogos. Em resultado da aplicação de questionário. definiu-se uma hierarquia de características individuais e organizacionais, como critério válido para um futuro processo de recrutamento e selecção, permitindo averiguar, ao nível do individuo, um aumento de competências profissionais e técnicas, acompanhado pelo incremento de formação e experiência profissional. Concluindo ao nível organizacional que qualidades como flexibilidade e dinamismo, aliado à experiência profissional, são factores críticos no processo de recrutamento e selecção, sendo imprescindíveis na procura contínua da qualidade, facilitando o alcance da excelência individual e organizacional. ABSTRACT: Quality and Human Capital are widely know concepts and their importance is accepted by all. Therefore, it has become imperative to make use of them in the contex t of temporary work given the current economic situation for they are present wherever organizational change happens rapidly and stakeholders possess a wide range of professional competencies and flexibility. The aim of this work is to study the possible integration of temporary work into a new model for labour relations, in an effort to distance temporay work from the notion of "atypical form of work" with which it is presently associated. Moreover, it presents a brief evolution of temporary work in the Peninsula of Setúbal, based on the analiysis of similar works. The findings obtained from our surveys ena bled us to define a hierarchy of individual and organizational characteristics which can serve as valid criteria in future recruitment and selection processes. With these processes it is al so possible to assess any increase of professional and technical competencies regarding the individual as well improvement as regards training and professional experience. At the organizational level, qualities such as nexibility and dynamism, together with professional experience, turned out to be critical factors in the recruitment and selection process. Not only are they indispensable in the constant pursuit of quality, but they also make it easy to achieve individual and organizational excellence.


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La asistencia y reparación del hogar es un servicio fundamental que cualquier persona puede a llegar a necesitar ante cualquier emergencia o necesidad. En Colombia la presentación de estos servicios ha venido presentando inconvenientes, debido a que las personas no encuentran fácil la manera de contactar y contratar a un técnico que les ofrezca confianza y seguridad. Igualmente los precios varían mucho, ya que juegan con la necesidad y cara del cliente y por lo tanto cada día se evidencian más inconformidades por parte de las personas. En el sector se evidencia claramente un problema, el cual debe ser atendido y es por ese motivo que se desarrollara una nueva idea de negocio que consiste en la implementación de una aplicación móvil que brinda a usuarios una alternativa innovadora para solicitar y contratar servicios técnicos para la asistencia del hogar, y así mismo a los técnicos se les ofrece una oportunidad diferente para incrementar sus servicios diarios y beneficios. TecniHogar es la aplicación móvil más fácil y amigable de manejar para los usuarios y prestadores de servicios, conecta a los clientes con los técnicos de una manera rápida y fácil. El proyecto se llevó a cabo por medio de una investigación cuantitativa, complementada a nivel analítico y comprensivo con cada una de las respuestas encontradas en las encuestas que se realizaron tanto a personas como a técnicos. De esta manera se pudo concluir que con la aplicación de TecniHogar usuarios y técnicos obtendrán un servicio más fácil, rápido, confiable y seguro que finalmente cambiara la forma de consumo y prestación de estos servicios


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Given the relative lack of research on sustainable development in Northern Ireland, this paper focuses on the tensions between environmental governance and regulation on the one hand, and the ‘post-conflict’ imperative for Northern Ireland to compete and grow as a regional economy without continued British state subvention and subsidisation. The paper outlines how this ‘trade-off’ between ‘environment’ and ‘economy’ is essentially misplaced. It argues that this trade-off can be avoided if there is a shift in focus from an ‘environment versus the economy’ policy position to one in which the ‘triple bottom line’ (social, economic and environmental) of sustainable development becomes the over-arching policy agenda. Sustainable development, unlike either orthodox environmental or economic policy, also connects centrally with the unique ‘post-conflict transformation’ agenda of Northern Ireland. For example, promoting a human rights civic culture, tackling socioeconomic inequality and social exclusion, and building a shared future based on supporting sustainable communities and an innovative model of a ‘green(ing) economy’ goes beyond orthodox economic growth. However, it is clear from the Executive’s Programme for Government, failure to support the creation of an independent Environment Protection Agency, and above all the prioritisation of orthodox economic growth based on foreign direct investment that neither environmental protection nor sustainable development is or will be high on the political or policy agenda in Northern Ireland.


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This article examines the use of acceptable behavioural contracts as a tool for engendering the voluntary acceptance of responsibility in children and young people perceived to be engaging in anti-social behaviour and low-level criminality. Based on the results of a qualitative empirical analysis with local government and social housing anti-social behaviour teams, the article explores the attitudes of practitioners to the use of this unregulated but commonly utilised intervention. Practitioners' views are contrasted with the ideals of voluntary responsibilisation upon which the contracts are supposedly based. It is argued that there is a spectrum of differing approaches among practitioners, with some using the contracts more to encourage the voluntary acceptance of responsibility, whilst others use them more coercively to hold individuals responsible for their behaviour. The implications of these differing approaches are examined.


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Continent catheterizable ileal pouches require regular irrigations to reduce the risk of bacteriuria and urinary tract infections (UTIs).


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Closure of the patent foramen ovale does not benefit from echocardiographic guidance in the majority of cases. Guiding these procedures with fluoroscopy only reduces procedure time, radiation exposure, and amount of contrast medium. There is a clear trend to abandon echocardiographic guidance for this procedure over time and with growing experience.