976 resultados para fetus maturity
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
O bacuri (Platonia insignis, Mart.) é um dos mais importantes entre os frutos da Amazônia. Todavia, pouco se sabe sobre sua fisiologia pós-colheita, bem como, estádio de maturação, mudanças durante o armazenamento sob condições ambientais e padrão respiratório. Os frutos foram colhidos em três estádios de maturação baseados na coloração do epicarpo: verde-escuro, verde-claro e de vez (50% amarelo), com o objetivo de se determinar as modificações de coloração e padrão respiratório durante armazenamento sob condições de ambiente (25,2 ºC, 75,1 % UR). Os frutos de todos os estádios de maturação apresentaram, a partir do terceiro dia de colheita, comportamento respiratório não climatérico, com os frutos de vez apresentando maior taxa de produção de CO2 até o quarto dia de armazenamento (177,63 mg CO2.kg-1.h-1). O amarelecimento aumentou durante o armazenamento e foi relacionado com a diminuição da luminosidade (L), cromaticidade e ângulo hue. Os frutos de vez podem ser armazenados sob condições de ambiente por até 10 dias sem nenhuma perda da qualidade comercial.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Dados de 23.120 animais da raça Nelore foram utilizados para estimar herdabilidade e correlações genéticas para a idade ao primeiro parto, o ganho em peso da desmama ao ano e do ano ao sobreano, o peso à desmama, o peso ao ano, o peso ao sobreano e os pesos aos 2 e aos 5 anos de idade. Utilizou-se o método da máxima verossimilhança restrita, em análise multicaracterística. As herdabilidades estimadas para idade ao primeiro parto, ganho da desmama ao ano, ganho do ano ao sobreano, peso à desmama, peso ao ano, peso ao sobreano e peso aos 2 aos 5 anos foram de 0,17 ± 0,01; 0,23 ± 0,03; 0,25 ± 0,03; 0,28 ± 0,02; 0,26 ± 0,03; 0,30 ± 0,03; 0,32 ± 0,02 e 0,36 ± 0,04, respectivamente. Correlações genéticas baixas e negativas foram estimadas entre a idade ao primeiro parto e os pesos medidos em diferentes idades, que variaram de -0,26 a -0,14. As correlações genéticas estimadas entre a idade ao primeiro parto e os ganhos de peso também foram negativas, porém levemente superiores (-0,29 e -0,32). Os resultados indicam que a seleção para maior ganho de peso pode reduzir a idade ao primeiro parto e aumentar o peso adulto de fêmeas da raça Nelore. Mudança genética mais rápida para diminuição da idade ao primeiro parto das fêmeas pode ser obtida com a inclusão dessa característica nos índices de seleção.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
OBJETIVO: A peridural (AP) e a técnica de duplo bloqueio (DB) são utilizadas em analgesia para o trabalho de parto. Este estudo comparou os efeitos na mãe e no feto de ambas as técnicas em analgesia e anestesia para o parto. MÉTODOS: Quarenta parturientes ASA I e II receberam por via peridural 15 ml de ropivacaína a 0,125% (grupo AP) e 5 µg de sufentanil com 2,5 mg bupivacaína por via subaracnóidea (grupo DB). Foram avaliados: intensidade de dor, altura do bloqueio sensitivo, tempo de latência, bloqueio motor, duração da analgesia de parto, tempo para a resolução do parto, hipotensão materna e presença de prurido. Os recém-nascidos foram avaliados pelo índice de Apgar e escore da capacidade adaptativa e neurológica (ECAN), método de Amiel-Tison. RESULTADOS: Não houve diferenças significativas entre os grupos na intensidade da dor, no tempo de latência, no nível do bloqueio sensitivo e no índice de Apgar. O bloqueio motor, a duração da analgesia e o tempo para resolução do parto foram maiores no grupo DB, do qual sete parturientes apresentaram prurido leve. ECAN foi maior no grupo AP após meia hora, duas horas e 24 horas. Noventa e cinco por cento dos recém-nascidos do grupo AP e 60% do grupo DB foram considerados neurologicamente vigorosos ao exame de 24 horas. CONCLUSÃO: As duas técnicas mostraram-se eficazes para analgesia do trabalho de parto. As parturientes do grupo DB apresentaram prurido e trabalho de parto mais prolongado. Recém-nascidos de mães que receberam analgesia de parto via peridural apresentaram melhor ECAN.
Objective. To evaluate the influence of glycemic control on fetal lung maturity in pregnancies affected by diabetes or mild hyperglycemia. Design. Cross-sectional study. Setting. Level III maternity center. Population. A total of 187 pregnant women were submitted to routine amniocentesis for the assessment of fetal lung maturity up to 72 hours before delivery. Methods. Fetal lung maturity thresholds were: Clements-positive at a dilution of 0.5; OD(650) nm >= 0.15; and lamellar body count (LBC) >= 32,000/mu l. The relation of test results with adequate (<= 6.7 mmol/l) or poor (> 6.7 mmol/l) glycemic mean (GM) at term and at preterm was evaluated. Main outcome measure. Delay in fetal lung maturity when glycemic control was poor. Results. Glycemic control was adequate in 146 (78.1%) women. Clements maturity rates were higher at term (91.9%) than at preterm (64.7%) when GM <= 6.7 mmol/l (p < 0.001), but not when control was inadequate. LBC median was higher at term (99.0; 62.0-154.0) than at preterm (66.5; 40.5-108.25) (p = 0.009) when GM <= 6.7 mmol/l, while GM > 6.7 mmol/l did not lead to any difference between these rates at term or preterm. When glycemic control was adequate, OD(650) nm medians at term and at preterm were similar. However, when GM > 6.7 mmol/l, OD(650) nm median at term (0.29; 0.22-0.40) was higher than that observed at preterm (0.15; 0.12-0.18) (p < 0.001). Conclusions. Our results suggest that in term pregnancies routine amniocentesis for the assessment of fetal lung maturity should be abandoned. In preterm pregnancies, or when glycemic control is inadequate it is recommended.
The objective of the present study was to characterize ovogones, primary oocytes and preantral follicles of buffalo fetus in different ages of gestation. For this, 29 fetuses were collected from a slaughterhouse (Frigol, Brazil) and crown-rump lengths were measured to estimate the fetal age (0-3, 4-6, 7-10 months of gestation). The ovaries were removed and ovarian tissue was processed for classic histology and transmission eletron microscopy examination. The structural evaluation demonstrated that in the first period of the gestation (0-3 months) the buffalo fetus showed ovogones (in mitotic division) and in some cases, the primary oocytes surrounded by somatic cells. In the second period (4-6 months), it was verified that the preantral follicles were completely formed. In the last period (70 month to the end of gestation) the ovaries contained a large amount of preantral follicles, and in some fetuses, antral follicles were observed. The ultrastructural analysis of the ovogones, primary oocytes and preantral follicles showed that these cells have few organelles and the quantity of mitochondria, endoplasmatic reticulum and apparatus Golgi complex is increased as the germinative cells passing from one stage to another.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The aim of this study was to determine the consequent reproductive developmental and immunotoxic effects due to exposure to fenvalerate during pregnancy and lactation in male offspring of maternal-treated rats. Pregnant rats were treated daily by oral gavage with 40 or 80 mg/kg of fenvalerate or corn oil (vehicle, control), from d 12 of pregnancy to d 21 of lactation. Immune and reproductive developmental effects were assessed in male offspring at postnatal days (PND) 40 (peripuberty), 60 (postpuberty), and 90 (sexual maturity). Treatment with the higher dose (80 mg/kg) resulted in convulsive behavior, hyperexcitability, and mortality in 45% of the dams. Fenvalerate was detected in the fetus due to placental transfer, as well as in pups due to breast-milk ingestion, persisting in male offspring until PND 40 even though pesticide treatment was terminated on PND 20. However, fenvalerate did not produce marked alterations in age of testicular descent to the scrotum and prepucial separation, parameters indicative of puberty initiation. In contrast, at puberty, there was a reduction in testicular weight and sperm production in male offspring of maternal-treated rats. At adulthood, the sperm counts and fertility did not differ between control and treated groups. Testosterone levels were not changed at any time during reproductive development. Similarly, no apparent exposure-related effects were detected in the histological structures of the lymphohematopoietic system. Data indicate that fenvalerate, in this experimental model, interfered with initial development of the male reproductive system, but that these effects on sperm production or fertility did not persist into adulthood. There was no apparent evidence that fenvalerate altered testosterone levels or produced a disruption in male endocrine functions.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The sizes at morphological and physiological maturity of male and female Arenaeus cribrarius were estimated to determine if both events are synchronous. Animals were captured with otto-trawls at Ubatuba, Brazil. A total of 2356 specimens, 977 males and 1379 females, were obtained. The major carapace width without spines (CW), the propodus length of the major cheliped (PL) and the width of the 5th abdominal somite (AW) were measured with vernier calipers. Allometric relationships and gonadal development were analyzed to determine the maturity in both sexes. The size at the onset of male morphological maturity was estimated at CW 52 mm, smaller than the CW 63.4 mm physiological maturity size observed. For females, these events are synchronous since both estimates converged at CW 59.7 mm. The onset of functional sexual maturity in A. cribrarius at CW 63.4 and 59.7 mm in males and females, respectively, would indicate a minimum size of CW 64 mm for fishing purposes. Differences between allometric and gonadal estimates indicate the importance of considering both methods. A comparison of the present results with other available data in portunid crabs is provided.
The size at onset of maturity of Eurytium limosum from a subtropical mangrove in Brazil was investigated. In this species, sexual maturity for males can be indicated by the allometric growth and gonopod length. For females, the morphological sexual maturity can only be externally verified through the relative quantity of setae along the abdominal margins and pleopods. Internally, gonad development was also examined. The size at which half of the population is physiologically mature was 11.6 mm of CW for females and 12.3 mm of CW for males. The values for the morphological and physiological maturity are very similar, indicating that the development of the secondary sexual characters is synchronized with the achievement of the physiological maturity for E. limosum.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)