960 resultados para feature detection


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Ce mémoire de maîtrise présente une nouvelle approche non supervisée pour détecter et segmenter les régions urbaines dans les images hyperspectrales. La méthode proposée n ́ecessite trois étapes. Tout d’abord, afin de réduire le coût calculatoire de notre algorithme, une image couleur du contenu spectral est estimée. A cette fin, une étape de réduction de dimensionalité non-linéaire, basée sur deux critères complémentaires mais contradictoires de bonne visualisation; à savoir la précision et le contraste, est réalisée pour l’affichage couleur de chaque image hyperspectrale. Ensuite, pour discriminer les régions urbaines des régions non urbaines, la seconde étape consiste à extraire quelques caractéristiques discriminantes (et complémentaires) sur cette image hyperspectrale couleur. A cette fin, nous avons extrait une série de paramètres discriminants pour décrire les caractéristiques d’une zone urbaine, principalement composée d’objets manufacturés de formes simples g ́eométriques et régulières. Nous avons utilisé des caractéristiques texturales basées sur les niveaux de gris, la magnitude du gradient ou des paramètres issus de la matrice de co-occurrence combinés avec des caractéristiques structurelles basées sur l’orientation locale du gradient de l’image et la détection locale de segments de droites. Afin de réduire encore la complexité de calcul de notre approche et éviter le problème de la ”malédiction de la dimensionnalité” quand on décide de regrouper des données de dimensions élevées, nous avons décidé de classifier individuellement, dans la dernière étape, chaque caractéristique texturale ou structurelle avec une simple procédure de K-moyennes et ensuite de combiner ces segmentations grossières, obtenues à faible coût, avec un modèle efficace de fusion de cartes de segmentations. Les expérimentations données dans ce rapport montrent que cette stratégie est efficace visuellement et se compare favorablement aux autres méthodes de détection et segmentation de zones urbaines à partir d’images hyperspectrales.


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Cerebral glioma is the most prevalent primary brain tumor, which are classified broadly into low and high grades according to the degree of malignancy. High grade gliomas are highly malignant which possess a poor prognosis, and the patients survive less than eighteen months after diagnosis. Low grade gliomas are slow growing, least malignant and has better response to therapy. To date, histological grading is used as the standard technique for diagnosis, treatment planning and survival prediction. The main objective of this thesis is to propose novel methods for automatic extraction of low and high grade glioma and other brain tissues, grade detection techniques for glioma using conventional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) modalities and 3D modelling of glioma from segmented tumor slices in order to assess the growth rate of tumors. Two new methods are developed for extracting tumor regions, of which the second method, named as Adaptive Gray level Algebraic set Segmentation Algorithm (AGASA) can also extract white matter and grey matter from T1 FLAIR an T2 weighted images. The methods were validated with manual Ground truth images, which showed promising results. The developed methods were compared with widely used Fuzzy c-means clustering technique and the robustness of the algorithm with respect to noise is also checked for different noise levels. Image texture can provide significant information on the (ab)normality of tissue, and this thesis expands this idea to tumour texture grading and detection. Based on the thresholds of discriminant first order and gray level cooccurrence matrix based second order statistical features three feature sets were formulated and a decision system was developed for grade detection of glioma from conventional T2 weighted MRI modality.The quantitative performance analysis using ROC curve showed 99.03% accuracy for distinguishing between advanced (aggressive) and early stage (non-aggressive) malignant glioma. The developed brain texture analysis techniques can improve the physician’s ability to detect and analyse pathologies leading to a more reliable diagnosis and treatment of disease. The segmented tumors were also used for volumetric modelling of tumors which can provide an idea of the growth rate of tumor; this can be used for assessing response to therapy and patient prognosis.


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The characterization and grading of glioma tumors, via image derived features, for diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment response has been an active research area in medical image computing. This paper presents a novel method for automatic detection and classification of glioma from conventional T2 weighted MR images. Automatic detection of the tumor was established using newly developed method called Adaptive Gray level Algebraic set Segmentation Algorithm (AGASA).Statistical Features were extracted from the detected tumor texture using first order statistics and gray level co-occurrence matrix (GLCM) based second order statistical methods. Statistical significance of the features was determined by t-test and its corresponding p-value. A decision system was developed for the grade detection of glioma using these selected features and its p-value. The detection performance of the decision system was validated using the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve. The diagnosis and grading of glioma using this non-invasive method can contribute promising results in medical image computing


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Die zunehmende Vernetzung der Informations- und Kommunikationssysteme führt zu einer weiteren Erhöhung der Komplexität und damit auch zu einer weiteren Zunahme von Sicherheitslücken. Klassische Schutzmechanismen wie Firewall-Systeme und Anti-Malware-Lösungen bieten schon lange keinen Schutz mehr vor Eindringversuchen in IT-Infrastrukturen. Als ein sehr wirkungsvolles Instrument zum Schutz gegenüber Cyber-Attacken haben sich hierbei die Intrusion Detection Systeme (IDS) etabliert. Solche Systeme sammeln und analysieren Informationen von Netzwerkkomponenten und Rechnern, um ungewöhnliches Verhalten und Sicherheitsverletzungen automatisiert festzustellen. Während signatur-basierte Ansätze nur bereits bekannte Angriffsmuster detektieren können, sind anomalie-basierte IDS auch in der Lage, neue bisher unbekannte Angriffe (Zero-Day-Attacks) frühzeitig zu erkennen. Das Kernproblem von Intrusion Detection Systeme besteht jedoch in der optimalen Verarbeitung der gewaltigen Netzdaten und der Entwicklung eines in Echtzeit arbeitenden adaptiven Erkennungsmodells. Um diese Herausforderungen lösen zu können, stellt diese Dissertation ein Framework bereit, das aus zwei Hauptteilen besteht. Der erste Teil, OptiFilter genannt, verwendet ein dynamisches "Queuing Concept", um die zahlreich anfallenden Netzdaten weiter zu verarbeiten, baut fortlaufend Netzverbindungen auf, und exportiert strukturierte Input-Daten für das IDS. Den zweiten Teil stellt ein adaptiver Klassifikator dar, der ein Klassifikator-Modell basierend auf "Enhanced Growing Hierarchical Self Organizing Map" (EGHSOM), ein Modell für Netzwerk Normalzustand (NNB) und ein "Update Model" umfasst. In dem OptiFilter werden Tcpdump und SNMP traps benutzt, um die Netzwerkpakete und Hostereignisse fortlaufend zu aggregieren. Diese aggregierten Netzwerkpackete und Hostereignisse werden weiter analysiert und in Verbindungsvektoren umgewandelt. Zur Verbesserung der Erkennungsrate des adaptiven Klassifikators wird das künstliche neuronale Netz GHSOM intensiv untersucht und wesentlich weiterentwickelt. In dieser Dissertation werden unterschiedliche Ansätze vorgeschlagen und diskutiert. So wird eine classification-confidence margin threshold definiert, um die unbekannten bösartigen Verbindungen aufzudecken, die Stabilität der Wachstumstopologie durch neuartige Ansätze für die Initialisierung der Gewichtvektoren und durch die Stärkung der Winner Neuronen erhöht, und ein selbst-adaptives Verfahren eingeführt, um das Modell ständig aktualisieren zu können. Darüber hinaus besteht die Hauptaufgabe des NNB-Modells in der weiteren Untersuchung der erkannten unbekannten Verbindungen von der EGHSOM und der Überprüfung, ob sie normal sind. Jedoch, ändern sich die Netzverkehrsdaten wegen des Concept drif Phänomens ständig, was in Echtzeit zur Erzeugung nicht stationärer Netzdaten führt. Dieses Phänomen wird von dem Update-Modell besser kontrolliert. Das EGHSOM-Modell kann die neuen Anomalien effektiv erkennen und das NNB-Model passt die Änderungen in Netzdaten optimal an. Bei den experimentellen Untersuchungen hat das Framework erfolgversprechende Ergebnisse gezeigt. Im ersten Experiment wurde das Framework in Offline-Betriebsmodus evaluiert. Der OptiFilter wurde mit offline-, synthetischen- und realistischen Daten ausgewertet. Der adaptive Klassifikator wurde mit dem 10-Fold Cross Validation Verfahren evaluiert, um dessen Genauigkeit abzuschätzen. Im zweiten Experiment wurde das Framework auf einer 1 bis 10 GB Netzwerkstrecke installiert und im Online-Betriebsmodus in Echtzeit ausgewertet. Der OptiFilter hat erfolgreich die gewaltige Menge von Netzdaten in die strukturierten Verbindungsvektoren umgewandelt und der adaptive Klassifikator hat sie präzise klassifiziert. Die Vergleichsstudie zwischen dem entwickelten Framework und anderen bekannten IDS-Ansätzen zeigt, dass der vorgeschlagene IDSFramework alle anderen Ansätze übertrifft. Dies lässt sich auf folgende Kernpunkte zurückführen: Bearbeitung der gesammelten Netzdaten, Erreichung der besten Performanz (wie die Gesamtgenauigkeit), Detektieren unbekannter Verbindungen und Entwicklung des in Echtzeit arbeitenden Erkennungsmodells von Eindringversuchen.


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In this report, a face recognition system that is capable of detecting and recognizing frontal and rotated faces was developed. Two face recognition methods focusing on the aspect of pose invariance are presented and evaluated - the whole face approach and the component-based approach. The main challenge of this project is to develop a system that is able to identify faces under different viewing angles in realtime. The development of such a system will enhance the capability and robustness of current face recognition technology. The whole-face approach recognizes faces by classifying a single feature vector consisting of the gray values of the whole face image. The component-based approach first locates the facial components and extracts them. These components are normalized and combined into a single feature vector for classification. The Support Vector Machine (SVM) is used as the classifier for both approaches. Extensive tests with respect to the robustness against pose changes are performed on a database that includes faces rotated up to about 40 degrees in depth. The component-based approach clearly outperforms the whole-face approach on all tests. Although this approach isproven to be more reliable, it is still too slow for real-time applications. That is the reason why a real-time face recognition system using the whole-face approach is implemented to recognize people in color video sequences.


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This paper describes a general, trainable architecture for object detection that has previously been applied to face and peoplesdetection with a new application to car detection in static images. Our technique is a learning based approach that uses a set of labeled training data from which an implicit model of an object class -- here, cars -- is learned. Instead of pixel representations that may be noisy and therefore not provide a compact representation for learning, our training images are transformed from pixel space to that of Haar wavelets that respond to local, oriented, multiscale intensity differences. These feature vectors are then used to train a support vector machine classifier. The detection of cars in images is an important step in applications such as traffic monitoring, driver assistance systems, and surveillance, among others. We show several examples of car detection on out-of-sample images and show an ROC curve that highlights the performance of our system.


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Numerous psychophysical experiments have shown an important role for attentional modulations in vision. Behaviorally, allocation of attention can improve performance in object detection and recognition tasks. At the neural level, attention increases firing rates of neurons in visual cortex whose preferred stimulus is currently attended to. However, it is not yet known how these two phenomena are linked, i.e., how the visual system could be "tuned" in a task-dependent fashion to improve task performance. To answer this question, we performed simulations with the HMAX model of object recognition in cortex [45]. We modulated firing rates of model neurons in accordance with experimental results about effects of feature-based attention on single neurons and measured changes in the model's performance in a variety of object recognition tasks. It turned out that recognition performance could only be improved under very limited circumstances and that attentional influences on the process of object recognition per se tend to display a lack of specificity or raise false alarm rates. These observations lead us to postulate a new role for the observed attention-related neural response modulations.


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Ovarian cancer is characterized by vague, non-specific symptoms, advanced stage at diagnosis and poor overall survival. A nested case control study was undertaken on stored serial serum samples from women who developed ovarian cancer and healthy controls (matched for serum processing and storage conditions as well as attributes such as age) in a pilot randomized controlled trial of ovarian cancer screening. The unique feature of this study is that the women were screened for up to 7 years. The serum samples underwent prefractionation using a reversed-phase batch extraction protocol prior to MALDI-TOF MS data acquisition. Our exploratory analysis shows that combining a single MS peak with CA125 allows statistically significant discrimination at the 5% level between cases and controls up to 12 months in advance of the original diagnosis of ovarian cancer. Such combinations work much better than a single peak or CA125 alone. This paper demonstrates that mass spectra from the low molecular weight serum proteome carry information useful for early detection of ovarian cancer. The next step is to identify the specific biomarkers that make early detection possible.


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This paper investigates detection of architectural distortion in mammographic images using support vector machine. Hausdorff dimension is used to characterise the texture feature of mammographic images. Support vector machine, a learning machine based on statistical learning theory, is trained through supervised learning to detect architectural distortion. Compared to the Radial Basis Function neural networks, SVM produced more accurate classification results in distinguishing architectural distortion abnormality from normal breast parenchyma.


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This paper describes a proposed new approach to the Computer Network Security Intrusion Detection Systems (NIDS) application domain knowledge processing focused on a topic map technology-enabled representation of features of the threat pattern space as well as the knowledge of situated efficacy of alternative candidate algorithms for pattern recognition within the NIDS domain. Thus an integrative knowledge representation framework for virtualisation, data intelligence and learning loop architecting in the NIDS domain is described together with specific aspects of its deployment.


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A new class of shape features for region classification and high-level recognition is introduced. The novel Randomised Region Ray (RRR) features can be used to train binary decision trees for object category classification using an abstract representation of the scene. In particular we address the problem of human detection using an over segmented input image. We therefore do not rely on pixel values for training, instead we design and train specialised classifiers on the sparse set of semantic regions which compose the image. Thanks to the abstract nature of the input, the trained classifier has the potential to be fast and applicable to extreme imagery conditions. We demonstrate and evaluate its performance in people detection using a pedestrian dataset.


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Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) is a treatment routinely used to alleviate the symptoms of Parkinson's disease (PD). In this type of treatment, electrical pulses are applied through electrodes implanted into the basal ganglia of the patient. As the symptoms are not permanent in most patients, it is desirable to develop an on-demand stimulator, applying pulses only when onset of the symptoms is detected. This study evaluates a feature set created for the detection of tremor - a cardinal symptom of PD. The designed feature set was based on standard signal features and researched properties of the electrical signals recorded from subthalamic nucleus (STN) within the basal ganglia, which together included temporal, spectral, statistical, autocorrelation and fractal properties. The most characterized tremor related features were selected using statistical testing and backward algorithms then used for classification on unseen patient signals. The spectral features were among the most efficient at detecting tremor, notably spectral bands 3.5-5.5 Hz and 0-1 Hz proved to be highly significant. The classification results for determination of tremor achieved 94% sensitivity with specificity equaling one.


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Atmospheric Rivers (ARs), narrow plumes of enhanced moisture transport in the lower troposphere, are a key synoptic feature behind winter flooding in midlatitude regions. This article develops an algorithm which uses the spatial and temporal extent of the vertically integrated horizontal water vapor transport for the detection of persistent ARs (lasting 18 h or longer) in five atmospheric reanalysis products. Applying the algorithm to the different reanalyses in the vicinity of Great Britain during the winter half-years of 1980–2010 (31 years) demonstrates generally good agreement of AR occurrence between the products. The relationship between persistent AR occurrences and winter floods is demonstrated using winter peaks-over-threshold (POT) floods (with on average one flood peak per winter). In the nine study basins, the number of winter POT-1 floods associated with persistent ARs ranged from approximately 40 to 80%. A Poisson regression model was used to describe the relationship between the number of ARs in the winter half-years and the large-scale climate variability. A significant negative dependence was found between AR totals and the Scandinavian Pattern (SCP), with a greater frequency of ARs associated with lower SCP values.


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This paper explores the development of multi-feature classification techniques used to identify tremor-related characteristics in the Parkinsonian patient. Local field potentials were recorded from the subthalamic nucleus and the globus pallidus internus of eight Parkinsonian patients through the implanted electrodes of a Deep brain stimulation (DBS) device prior to device internalization. A range of signal processing techniques were evaluated with respect to their tremor detection capability and used as inputs in a multi-feature neural network classifier to identify the activity of Parkinsonian tremor. The results of this study show that a trained multi-feature neural network is able, under certain conditions, to achieve excellent detection accuracy on patients unseen during training. Overall the tremor detection accuracy was mixed, although an accuracy of over 86% was achieved in four out of the eight patients.


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There has been recent interest in sensory systems that are able to display a response which is proportional to a fold change in stimulus concentration, a feature referred to as fold-change detection (FCD). Here, we demonstrate FCD in a recent whole-pathway mathematical model of Escherichia coli chemotaxis. FCD is shown to hold for each protein in the signalling cascade and to be robust to kinetic rate and protein concentration variation. Using a sensitivity analysis, we find that only variations in the number of receptors within a signalling team lead to the model not exhibiting FCD. We also discuss the ability of a cell with multiple receptor types to display FCD and explain how a particular receptor configuration may be used to elucidate the two experimentally determined regimes of FCD behaviour. All findings are discussed in respect of the experimental literature.