927 resultados para fauna and flora


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Progression of disease caused by the plant pathogen Phytophthora cinnamomi was correlated to rainfall events and resulted in a loss of plant species diversity in heathland vegetation at Anglesea, Victoria. Lower captures of small mammals were recorded in diseased areas. Management of disease using the chemical phosphite was also evaluated.


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Street Art: Mirror Reflections on urban AgricultureThis chapter will look at the way socio-political commentary exists in street art and how it has tended in recent times to be displayed overlooking community urban gardens. The urgency with which inner suburban councils in Melbourne Australia have dedicated themselves to carving out recreational spaces is a reflection on the expectations of multi-cultural groups whose culture incorporates the growth of vegetable and fruits close to their place of residence. Street art, famous for its commentary on urban ugliness, has integrated its philosophy and aesthetics, along side notable community gardens in Melbourne. The images incorporate the aims of urban agriculture whilst often simultaneously critiquing the alienation of the urban dweller cut so relentlessly from the means of growing food and from accessing land that might produce it. Community gardens in the twenty-first century go some way to reversing a state of being in which ‘workers’ were alienated from the source of their labor and their survival. This chapter will also probe the extent to which street art in the inner laneways of Melbourne incorporate in to their designs fauna and flora. This reference to all that is organic in environments devoid of vegetation draws attention not only to that absence but also for the need to address it. This work will therefore deal with two interrelating themes: 1. Street art that complements community gardens; 2. Street art that engages with agricultural imagery and images of fauna and flora with the aim of subverting the continual growth of unregulated concrete jungles. The chapter will be informed by interviews with well known Australian street artists and will also explore the work they have done in Paris, Jamaica, London and Miami on both themes stipulated above.


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We studied the distribution of birds along an altitudinal gradient ranging from 800 m to 1,400 m on two slopes of the Serra do Cip6, Minas Gerais, southeastern Brazil. Ornithological surveys were conducted over transects covering open (cerrado, campo rupestre) and forested (gallery and Atlantic forest) habitats from 1994 to 2000. We found 273 bird species belonging to 51 families. Twenty-two species were restricted to higher elevations and 84 Species were detected on only one slope, depending on the vegetation type they inhabited. We recorded 104 species occurring on both slopes, while 61 species were considered altitudinal generalists. Six species, including Hyacinth Visorbearer Augastes scutatus and Cip6 Canastero Asthenes luizae were restricted to the highest parts of Serra do Cip6, a fragile habitat important to endemic birds of the Espinhaco Range. In the past 10 years, the Serra do Cip6 region has suffered human impacts on a large scale, and conservation action must be developed to protect the fauna and flora confined to the area.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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hrsg. von der Zoologischen Station zu Neapel


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A sedimentary sequence documenting the early history of the proto-Indian Ocean was drilled at Site 761 on the Wombat Plateau, northwest Australia. Directly above the post-rift unconformity, two lithologic units were recovered which reflect deposition in incipient oceanic environments. The lower unit, composed of sandstone, contains abundant belemnites and a few lenses composed of low-diversity coccolith assemblages. The second unit, composed of chalk, contains abundant calcispheres, thoracospheres, low-diversity coccolith assemblages, and a few radiolarians. Belemnites and organisms that produced calcispheres and thoracospheres are thought to be opportunistic. Their abundance, and the absence of a normal marine fauna and flora, reflects an unstable early ocean environment. Stable oxygen and carbon isotopic data for the two units fall into almost separate fields. Heavy delta18O values for the belemnites indicate that they have not been affected by recrystallization. Instead, these isotopic values are thought to indicate either the deep, cool habitat of the belemnites or strong vital effects. A bulk chalk delta18O value from the belemnite sand is 3 to 4 parts per mil lighter than the belemnite delta18O values, possibly because it is largely composed of coccoliths which inhabited warmer surface waters. Light delta13C values for bulk calcisphere-bearing nannofossil chalk samples are thought to be a direct result of upwelling or of vital effects. Heavy delta18O values for the chalk unit are interpreted as resulting from upwelling of cool waters. Assemblage and isotopic data are consistent with this incipient ocean basin being highly productive, either as a result of upwelling or runoff of nutrient-rich waters from nearby land areas. However, it is not possible to rule out the control of vital effects on the isotopic signature of any of the fossil groups.


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Historically, the Holocene has been considered an interval of relatively stable climate. However, recent studies from the northern Arabian Sea (Netherlands Indian Ocean Program 905) suggested high-amplitude climate shifts in the early and middle Holocene based on faunal and benthic isotopic proxy records. We examined benthic foraminiferal faunal and stable isotopic data from Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 723 and total organic carbon data from ODP Site 724, Oman Margin (808 and 593 m water depths, respectively). At Site 723 the mid-Holocene shift in d18O values of infaunal benthic species Uvigerina peregrina (1.4 per mil) is 3 times larger than that of epifaunal benthic species Cibicides kullenbergi recorded at Site NIOP 905 off Somalia. However, none of the five other benthic species we measured at Hole 723A exhibits such a shift in d18O. We speculate that the late Holocene d18O decrease in U. peregrina represents species-specific changes in ecological habitat or food preference in response to changes in surface and deep ocean circulation. While the stable isotopic data do not appear to indicate a middle Holocene climatic shift, our total organic carbon and benthic faunal assemblage data do indicate that the early Holocene deep Arabian Sea was influenced by increased ventilation perhaps by North Atlantic Deep Water and/or Circumpolar Deep Water incursions into the Indian Ocean, leading to remineralization of organic matter and a relatively weak early Holocene oxygen minimum zone in the northwest Arabian Sea in spite of strong summer monsoon circulation.


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Oxygen- and carbon-isotope analyses have been performed on the Quaternary planktonic foraminifers of Sites 548 and 549 (DSDP Leg 80) to investigate major water mass changes that occurred in the northeastern Atlantic at different glacial-interglacial cycles and to compare them with the well-defined picture of 18,000 yr. ago. Oxygen-isotope stratigraphy also provides a chronological framework for the more important data on the fauna and flora. Although bioturbation and sedimentary gaps obliterate the climatic and stratigraphic record, general trends in the oceanographic history can be deduced from the isotopic data. Isotopic stratigraphy has tentatively been delineated down to isotopic Stage 16 at Site 548 and in Hole 549A. This stratigraphy fits well with that deduced from benthic foraminiferal d18O changes and with bioclimatic zonations based on foraminiferal associations at Site 549. Variations in the geographic extension and in the flux of the Gulf Stream subtropical waters are inferred from both d18O and d13C changes. Maximal fluxes occurred during the late Pliocene. Northward extension of subtropical waters increased through the various interglacial phases of the early Pleistocene and decreased through the late Pleistocene interglacial phases. Conversely, glacial maxima were more intense after Stage 16. Isotopic Stages 12 and 16 mark times of important change in water mass circulation. Oxygen- and carbon-isotope analyses have been performed on the Quaternary planktonic foraminifers of Sites 548 and 549 (DSDP Leg 80) to investigate major water mass changes that occurred in the northeastern Atlantic at different glacial-interglacial cycles and to compare them with the well-defined picture of 18,000 yr. ago. Oxygen-isotope stratigraphy also provides a chronological framework for the more important data on the fauna and flora. Although bioturbation and sedimentary gaps obliterate the climatic and stratigraphic record, general trends in the oceanographic history can be deduced from the isotopic data. Isotopic stratigraphy has tentatively been delineated down to isotopic Stage 16 at Site 548 and in Hole 549A. This stratigraphy fits well with that deduced from benthic foraminiferal d18O changes and with bioclimatic zonations based on foraminiferal associations at Site 549. Variations in the geographic extension and in the flux of the Gulf Stream subtropical waters are inferred from both d18O and d13C changes. Maximal fluxes occurred during the late Pliocene. Northward extension of subtropical waters increased through the various interglacial phases of the early Pleistocene and decreased through the late Pleistocene interglacial phases. Conversely, glacial maxima were more intense after Stage 16. Isotopic Stages 12 and 16 mark times of important change in water mass circulation.