983 resultados para facilities management


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Dementia is an irreversible and incurable syndrome that leads to progressive impairment of cognitive functions and behavioural and psychological symptoms such as agitation, depression and psychosis. Appropriate environmental conditions can help delay its onset and progression, and indoor environmental (IE) factors have a major impact. However, there is no firm understanding of the full range of relevant IE factors and their impact levels. This paper describes a preliminary study to investigate the effects of IE on Hong Kong residential care homes (RCH) dementia residents. This involved six purposively selected focus groups, each comprising the main stakeholders of the dementia residents’ caregivers, RCH staff and/or registered nurses, and architects. Using the Critical Incident Technique, the main context and experiences of behavioural problems of dementia residents caused by IE were explored and the key causal RCH IE quality factors identified, together with the associated responses and stress levels involved. The findings indicate that the acoustic environment, lighting and thermal environment are the most important influencing factors. Many of the remedies provided by the focus groups are quite simple to carry out and are summarised in the form of recommendations to current RCHs providers and users. The knowledge acquired in this initial study will help enrich the knowledge of IE design for dementiaspecific residential facilities. It also provides some preliminary insights for healthcare policymakers and practitioners in the building design/facilities management and dementia-care sectors into the IE factors contributing to a more comfortable, healthy and sustainable RCH living environment in Hong Kong.


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There is an ongoing debate about the reasons for and factors contributing to healthcare-associated infection (HAI). Different solutions have been proposed over time to control the spread of HAI, with more focus on hand hygiene than on other aspects such as preventing the aerial dissemination of bacteria. Yet, it emerges that there is a need for a more pluralistic approach to infection control; one that reflects the complexity of the systems associated with HAI and involves multidisciplinary teams including hospital doctors, infection control nurses, microbiologists, architects, and engineers with expertise in building design and facilities management. This study reviews the knowledge base on the role that environmental contamination plays in the transmission of HAI, with the aim of raising awareness regarding infection control issues that are frequently overlooked. From the discussion presented in the study, it is clear that many unknowns persist regarding aerial dissemination of bacteria, and its control via cleaning and disinfection of the clinical environment. There is a paucity of good-quality epidemiological data, making it difficult for healthcare authorities to develop evidence-based policies. Consequently, there is a strong need for carefully designed studies to determine the impact of environmental contamination on the spread of HAI.


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International Design Competition for Qatar Psychiatric Hospital. The scheme for the Al Wakra Respite and Recovery Centre delivers on an all-in attitude toward evidence-based design. It sets new benchmarks in so many ways: the way it allows excellent separation between patient cohorts without unnecessary or visible restrictions; the way it allows sharing of most of the clinical kit and spaces; the way services reticulation and facilities management takes place without compromising security and safety; the ways It abandons the institutional axioms that are still so ubiquitous elsewhere, so it can appear as the friendly, welcoming and wholesome; the way it allows incredible flexibility to allow changes or flexion on the fly; the way it has such ‘good bones’ for more structural changes as the future unfolds. But most importantly, the scheme will be exemplary in the way the building itself plays a role in promoting the recovery and mental well-being of its residents. Like no other, the Centre will rise to the challenges of supporting and inspiring an exemplary mental health service and promote the well-being of the patients. The 160 bed scheme allows for 43,000m2 of landscape, packed with wholesome things to do and experience. The Aspire zone even has stables and a falconry, both to celebrate the love that Qatari people have for horses and birds.


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This article discusses the scope of research on the application of information technology in construction (ITC). A model of the information and material activities which together constitute the construction process is presented, using the IDEF0 activity modelling methodology. Information technology is defined to include all kinds of technology used for the storage, transfer and manipulation of information, thus also including devices such as copying machines, faxes and mobile phones. Using the model the domain of ITC research is defined as the use of information technology to facilitate and re-engineer the information process component of construction. Developments during the last decades in IT use in construction is discussed against a background of a simplified model of generic information processing tasks. The scope of ITC is compared with the scopes of research in related areas such as design methodology, construction management and facilities management. Health care is proposed as an interesting alternative (to the often used car manufacturing industry), as an IT application domain to compare with. Some of the key areas of ITC research in recent years; expert systems, company IT strategies, and product modelling are shortly discussed. The article finishes with a short discussion of the problems of applying standard scientific methodology in ITC research, in particular in product model research.


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The Architecture, Engineering, Construction and Facilities Management (AEC/FM) industry is rapidly becoming a multidisciplinary, multinational and multi-billion dollar economy, involving large numbers of actors working concurrently at different locations and using heterogeneous software and hardware technologies. Since the beginning of the last decade, a great deal of effort has been spent within the field of construction IT in order to integrate data and information from most computer tools used to carry out engineering projects. For this purpose, a number of integration models have been developed, like web-centric systems and construction project modeling, a useful approach in representing construction projects and integrating data from various civil engineering applications. In the modern, distributed and dynamic construction environment it is important to retrieve and exchange information from different sources and in different data formats in order to improve the processes supported by these systems. Previous research demonstrated that a major hurdle in AEC/FM data integration in such systems is caused by its variety of data types and that a significant part of the data is stored in semi-structured or unstructured formats. Therefore, new integrative approaches are needed to handle non-structured data types like images and text files. This research is focused on the integration of construction site images. These images are a significant part of the construction documentation with thousands stored in site photographs logs of large scale projects. However, locating and identifying such data needed for the important decision making processes is a very hard and time-consuming task, while so far, there are no automated methods for associating them with other related objects. Therefore, automated methods for the integration of construction images are important for construction information management. During this research, processes for retrieval, classification, and integration of construction images in AEC/FM model based systems have been explored. Specifically, a combination of techniques from the areas of image and video processing, computer vision, information retrieval, statistics and content-based image and video retrieval have been deployed in order to develop a methodology for the retrieval of related construction site image data from components of a project model. This method has been tested on available construction site images from a variety of sources like past and current building construction and transportation projects and is able to automatically classify, store, integrate and retrieve image data files in inter-organizational systems so as to allow their usage in project management related tasks.


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The technological advancements in digital imaging, the widespread popularity of digital cameras, and the increasing demand by owners and contractors for detailed and complete site photograph logs have triggered an ever-increasing growth in the rate of construction image data collection, with thousands of images being stored for each project. However, the sheer volume of images and the difficulties in accurately and manually indexing them have generated a pressing need for methods that can index and retrieve images with minimal or no user intervention. This paper reports recent developments from research efforts in the indexing and retrieval of construction site images in architecture, engineering, construction, and facilities management image database systems. The limitations and benefits of the existing methodologies will be presented, as well as an explanation of the reasons for the development of a novel image retrieval approach that not only can recognize construction materials within the image content in order to index images, but also can be compatible with existing retrieval methods, enabling enhanced results.


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Improving the sustainability of the housing stock is a major challenge facing the UK social housing sector. UK social housing accounts for approximately 18% of total UK housing and generates maintenance costs in the region of 1.25 billion pounds per annum. The extent to which routine maintenance can be used as a vehicle to improve the overall sustainability (social, environmental and economic) of existing social housing is one focus of a 5 year EPSRC funded research programme. This paper reports the findings of a questionnaire survey examining current social housing maintenance practices and attitudes towards sustainability. The research found that, whilst the stock condition survey is the favoured format for determining maintenance need and economics the basis for priority setting; neither systematically addresses wider sustainability issues; and, whilst cost is a major barrier to more sustainable solutions being adopted, landlords are able and have the desire to improve their practices.


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There is now a broad scientific consensus that the global climate is changing in ways that are likely to have a profound impact on human society and the natural environment over the coming decades. The challenge for Facilities Mangers is to ensure that business continuity plans acknowledge the potential for such events and have contingencies in place to ensure that their organisation can recover from an extreme weather event in a timely fashion. This paper will review current literature/theories pertinent to extreme weather events and business continuity planning; will consider issues of risk; identify the key drivers that need to be considered by Facilities Managers in preparing contingency/disaster recover plans; and identify gaps in knowledge (understanding and toolkits) that need to be addressed. The paper will also briefly outline a 3 year research project underway in the UK to address the issues


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The objective of this paper is to identify the various managerial constraints, difficulties and issues encountered and resulting strategies adopted, to aid in the management of the various and often complex health and safety concerns, which occur within a confined construction site. This is achieved through classifying the various managerial burdens encountered with the numerous strategies adopted, to ensure the successful management of such confined environments within the realm of health and safety. Through an extensive literature review and detailed interviews, a comprehensive insight into the health and safety concerns within a confined construction site environment is portrayed. The leading managerial strategies to the management of health and safety on confined construction sites may be listed as follows; (1) Traffic Management Plan, (2) Effective Resource Management Plan, (3) Temporary Facilities Management Plan, (4) Safe System of Work Plan, (5) Site Safety Plan, (6) Design Site Layout, (7) Space Management Plan, (8) Effective Program Management, and (9) Space Scheduling. Based on the research, it can be concluded, that through effective management of these issues identified coupled with implementing the various strategies highlighted; successful management of health and safety within a confined construction site environment is attainable.


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Applies organisational justice theory to facilities management with the aim of increasing customer satisfaction with the service received. Provides an overview of organisational justice theory, and reviews the numerous different forms that this may take. Although there is strong theoretical support for participative decision making, in practice it often leads to conflict and delays. Two-way communication appears to represent the most effective form. The conclusions are based upon theoretical support as well as semi-structured interviews and observations in an organisational setting. The conclusions drawn do not have the benefits of more objective quantitative research methods. Contributes to practical understanding of how to maintain customer satisfaction in the facilities management industry and the theoretical reasons why the proposed methods will be effective. Argues that the impact of organisational justice on employee satisfaction can be applied to customer satisfaction with specific reference to facilities management.


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This paper provides a case study of the City of Manchester Stadium based on relevant literatures, based on a comprehensive description of multidisciplinary, cross-sectoral and future-oriented requirements and operations in the design of modern intelligent sports buildings. The successfulness of the City of Manchester Stadium gives constructive experience and knowledge for the building professions including architecture, building structure, building services, construction, and facilities management, etc. In addition, this paper is valuable for developing intelligent sports buildings in China.


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Intelligent buildings should be sustainable, healthy, technologically aware, meet the needs of occupants and business, and should be flexible and adaptable to deal with change. This means the processes of design, construction, commissioning and facilities management including post occupancy evaluation are all equally important. Buildings comprise many systems devised by many people and yet the relationship between buildings and people can only work satisfactorily if there is integrated team with a holistic vision. The address will discuss some trends in the design and management of intelligent buildings for this century.


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Temperature, relative humidity, and air quality all affect the sensory system via thermo receptors in the skin and the olfactory system. Air quality is mainly defined by the contaminants in the air. However, the most persistent memory of any space is often its odor. Strong, emotional, and past experiences are awakened by the olfactory sense. Odors can also influence cognitive processes that affect creative task performance, as well as personal memories and moods. Besides nitrogen and oxygen, the air contains particles and many chemicals that affect the efficiency of the oxygenation process in the blood, and ultimately the air breathed affects thinking and concentration. It is important to show clients the value of spending more capital on high-quality buildings that promote good ventilation. The process of achieving indoor-air quality is a continual one throughout the design, construction, commissioning, and facilities management processes. This paper reviews the evidence.