987 resultados para ethical university


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In recent times, Virtual Worlds such as Second Life have generated substantial publicity due to the participation of Fortune 500 companies, and other public and private organisations. As practitioners continue to discuss how organisations could derive business value from Virtual Worlds, new security and ethical issues in Virtual Worlds have emerged to challenge Virtual World users and stakeholders. This paper discusses privacy, intellectual property and a host of other security and ethical issues in Virtual Worlds. It contributes to practice and research by (i) providing insight into emerging security and ethical issues in Virtual Worlds, (ii) analysing the implication of these issues, within and beyond Virtual Worlds, and (iii) raising awareness on security and ethics among Virtual World users and stakeholders.


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Ethics is an important element in all aspects of Information Systems (IS), from the design, operation and delivery of such systems. Most research has focused upon traditional IS system design and the associated ethical issues. There are many aspects of ethics that can impact the design and operation of Information Systems, but online system design is often overlooked. The paper will focus upon a design approach that allows for the design on online systems and considers the ethical issues. The approach was developed and validated in regards to a tertiary environment.


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Participatory models are replacing the traditional models of experts and expertise that are based on individuals, their credentials and domain experience. The Wikipedia is a well-known and popular online encyclopedia, built, edited and administrated by lay citizens rather than traditional experts. It
utilises a Web-based participatory model of experts and expertise to enable knowledge contributions and provide administration. While much has been written about the Wikipedia and its merits and pitfalls, there are important ethical challenges stemming from the underlying Wikipedia model. Ethical concerns are likely to be important to Wikipedia users, however as yet, such
concerns have not been systematically explored. By reviewing and synthesising existing literature, this paper identifies six key ethical challenges for existing and potential Wikipedia users, stemming
from the underlying Web-based participatory model of experts and expertise. Important implications arising from the findings are also discussed.


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This study examined how mentoring support, peer influence and individual attributes of early career accountants (ECA) influence their ethical evaluations and behavioural intentions. Respondents indicate that their evaluation of the seriousness of the ethical conflict is affected by the perceived standard of ethical conduct of their peers, their personal ethical orientation, the extent of ethics education at university, and gender. ECAs' evaluation of a senior colleague's unethical behaviour is affected by mentoring support and the perceived standard of ethical conduct of peers. In terms of ECAs' willingness to contact accounting professional bodies for ethical advice, the size of the accounting firm and the extent of their ethics education at university are significant factors. Furthermore, the likelihood of respondents choosing a more ethical decision is correlated with his or her individual ethical orientation and the extent of ethics education at university.


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Transitions in Nursing is an important book for undergraduate nurses and recent graduates as they move from student nurse to graduate nurse. As with the 1st edition, this book has been written by a breadth of Australian academics and clinical nurse practitioners. Unique in its Australian foundation and application, this book deals with all the professional issues nursing students need to consider as they prepare to move from university to the workplace of the graduate nurse.


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Absolutism (deontology and teleology), moral relativism (individual moral position), and individual and environmental factors are at the crossroads of descriptive ethics research. For several decades, researchers have espoused teleological aspects, such as the punitive influence of codes of ethics, as managerial tools that enhance ethical conduct in organisations. The current study modelled the individual factors of need-for-cognition (NFC), individual moral position, and occupational socialisation as influences on the work-norms of marketers. The findings from a survey of marketers suggest that NFC influences the ethical idealism, professional socialisation, and work-norms of marketers positively. The research identifies that encouraging cognitive activities among marketers may be a useful alternative when developing appropriate deontological work-norms and decision-making under ethical conditions in marketing.


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Efforts to promote ethical behaviour in business and academic contexts have raised awareness of the need for an ethical orientation in business students. This study examines the similarities and differences between the personal values of Iranian and Australian business students and their attitudes to cheating behaviour in universities and unethical practices in business settings. Exploratory factory analysis provided support for three distinct ethics factors—serious academic ethical misconduct, minor academic ethical misconduct, and business ethical misconduct. Results reveal statistically significant differences between the two cultural groups for ethical (altruism/universalism) values, and for attitudes to serious academic misconduct. No differences were found between the two groups for attitudes to minor academic unethical practices or unethical business practices. Gender influenced responses where females were found to indicate higher levels of unacceptability of unethical practices in academic and business settings than males. This pilot study highlights the need for higher education institutions to develop and enforce policies and practices to publicise, encourage and reinforce higher awareness of the need for adhering to ethical behaviour in university studies as a necessary component of training business professionals.


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This study investigates the ethical awareness and decision making of accounting students using three ethical decision making cases studies. Given the increased focus on ethics education by professional accounting bodies the study focuses on the differences in ethical decision making between students undertaking a final year ethics course with students who have not yet studied ethics in their accounting degree.

The study extends the work of Cohen et al. (1996) to incorporate individual background factors such as gender, residence and the study of ethics at university level in measuring ethical decision making.

The results show that there are significant differences between local and international students in ethical decision making possibly linked to cultural differences. The findings also lend strong support for the incorporation of ethics education in the curriculum given that the significant difference in the ethical decision making of students who had studied a compulsory ethics unit in their undergraduate degree program.


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The research established that the work-related norms of marketers and their socialisation into the marketing profession are influenced beneficially by their need-for-cognition. The research revealed contradictions between corporate codes of ethics and the values espoused by professional associations. Better ways of managing corporate ethical standards and behaviour are suggested.


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Internationally universities have been characterized by shrinking government funding, fierce competition for student enrolments, and greater pressures to become commercially viable. It is against this complex background that academic leaders have been required to confront and resolve a magnitude of conflicting interests as they seek to balance a variety of values in their decision-making processes. In this article we put forward a model of ethical decision-making developed from empirical research and literature. To test the efficacy of the model, a case scenario is posed. The article concludes by raising a number of implications for academic leaders regarding ongoing professional learning needed in this area.


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This overview of David Hume’s wide-ranging observations is a matrix portraying the key elements of a pragmatic pathway to a moral decision that can be applied in any situation where organisational decisions need to be made. 


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Being an academic in universities today is characterised by change and increasing complexity in response to a multitude of factors impacting on the university sector. Among the consequences of such changes are that many academics, and academic leaders in particular, are subjected to both increasing stress and scrutiny in many of the decisions they make. Some of these decisions require critical choices that involve contestation of values (including personal, professional, institutional, and community), resulting in ethical dilemmas for the decision makers. This article reports on an exploratory study into ethical dilemmas faced by middle-level academic leaders, drawing on the results of an on-line survey distributed to relevant academics in three universities in Australia. Here, middle-level academic leaders are defined as those holding course coordination roles, locating them between senior university staff and other academics on the one hand, and students on the other hand. As a consequence, these diverse groups of staff and students potentially have an array of conflicting interests in, and expectations on, middle-level academics’ decision-making processes. The findings of the study are clear: ethical dilemmas are evident, and commonly so, for many middle-level academic leaders. While exploratory in nature, the findings of this study suggest that much more attention to ethics and ethical dilemmas is needed in our universities.