829 resultados para eosinophilic meningitis


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La meningitis és una malaltia de baixa incidència i una presentació clínica variable. En la pràctica clínica habitual és molt freqüent realitzar una tomografia computeritzada (TC) cranial davant la sospita de meningitis. Les dades del nostre estudi són congruents amb les conclusions de les altres sèries de meningitis: els pacients amb sospita clínica de meningitis que no presenten cap alteració a l’exploració neurològica o factor de risc, són bons candidats per la immediata realització de punció lumbar sense necessitat de fer TC prèvia. En la majoria, la TC de crani no aportarà informació rellevant i demorarà considerablement l’inici de l’antibioteràpia.


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The activity of eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE) can be assessed with patient-reported outcomes and biologic measures. Patient-reported outcomes include symptoms and quality of life, whereas biologic measures refer to endoscopic, histologic, and biochemical activity (e.g. blood biomarkers). So far, a validated tool to assess EoE activity in the above-mentioned dimensions is lacking. Given the lack of a standardized way to assess EoE activity in the various dimensions, the results of different clinical trials may be difficult to compare. For symptom assessment in adult patients, the symptom 'dysphagia' should be evaluated according to different standardized food consistencies. Furthermore, symptom assessment should take into account the following items: avoidance of specific food categories, food modification, and time to eat a regular meal. A distinct symptom recall period (e.g. 2 weeks) has to be defined for symptom assessment. Performing an 'esophageal stress test' with ingestion of a standardized meal to measure symptom severity bears the potential risk of acute food bolus impaction and should therefore be avoided. The description of endoscopic findings in EoE has meanwhile been standardized. Histologic evaluation of EoE activity should report either the size of the high-power field used or count the eosinophils per mm(2). There is a current lack of blood biomarkers demonstrating a good correlation with histologic activity in esophageal biopsies. The development and validation of an adult and pediatric EoE activity index is urgently needed not only for clinical trials and observational studies, but also for daily practice.


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Eosinophilic oesophagitis (EoE), first described in the early 1990s, has rapidly evolved as a distinctive chronic inflammatory oesophageal disease with increasing incidence and prevalence in the westernized countries. Currently, EoE represents the main cause of dysphagia in adult patients. This disease is more prevalent in males and is frequently associated with allergies. The diagnosis is established based on the presence of oesophageal symptoms and dense eosinophilic oesophageal infiltration once other conditions leading to oesophageal eosinophilia are excluded. It is currently under discussion to what extent and by which methods allergic testing should be performed. Topical corticosteroids lead to a rapid improvement of active EoE clinically and histologically. Especially in children, elimination diets can have similar efficacy as topical corticosteroids. Oesophageal dilation of EoE-induced oesophageal strictures can also be effective in improving symptoms, but this therapy has no effect on the underlying inflammation. Neither the diagnostic nor the long-term therapeutic strategies are as yet defined. Cite this as: A. M. Schoepfer, D. Simon and A. Straumann, Clinical & Experimental Allergy, 2011 (41) 630-639.


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Background and Aims: The international E EsAI s tudy g roup is currently d eveloping the first activity index ( EEsAI) specific for E osinophilic Esophagitis (EoE). G oal: T o develop, e valuate and validate the EEsAI. Methods: T he development c omprises three p hases: 1. Selection of c andidate items ( completed); 2. Evaluation of t he activity index i n a first patient cohort (in progress, p atient recruitment completed); and 3. Validation in a s econd EoE patient cohort. F ocus group interviews with patients were used in p hase 1 to g enerate patient r eported outcomes (PRO) according to g uidelines o f regulatory authorities (FDA a nd EMA), whereas the section of biologic items was developed by Delphi rounds o f international E oE experts from E urope and North America. Results: T he EEsAI has a modular c omposition to a ssess the following components o f EoE activity: p atient r eported outcomes, e ndoscopic activity, histologic activity, laboratory activity, a nd quality of l ife (QoL). Definitions for a ll aspects o f endoscopic and histologic appearance were e stablished by consensus r ounds a mong E oE experts. S ymptom a ssessment tools were c reated that t ake into account d ifferent food consistencies as w ell as f ood avoidance and specific processing strategies. The EEsAI i s currently e valuated in a cohort of a dult EoE patients since M arch 2 011 (patient recruitment completed). Conclusions: The EEsAI standardizes outcome assessment in EoE t rials. T he collaboration with i nternational E oE e xperts a s well as f ollowing o f the guidelines f rom regulatory authorities will lead to its wide applicability.


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A validated disease-specific symptom-assessment tool for eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE) has yet to be approved by regulatory authorities for use in clinical trials. Relevant end points for daily practice include EoE-related symptoms and esophageal eosinophilic inflammation. Endoscopic features should also be taken into account when establishing a therapy plan. A reasonable clinical goal is to achieve a reduction in EoE-related symptoms and esophageal eosinophilic inflammation. Evidence is increasing to support an anti-inflammatory maintenance therapy, as this can reduce esophageal remodeling. In EoE patients in clinical remission, annual disease monitoring with symptom, endoscopic, and histologic assessments of sustained treatment response is recommended.


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The aim of the present study was to investigate the potential synergy between meropenem and levofloxacin in vitro and in experimental meningitis and to determine the effect of meropenem on levofloxacin-induced resistance in vitro. Meropenem increased the efficacy of levofloxacin against the penicillin-resistant pneumococcal strain KR4 in time-killing assays in vitro and acted synergistically against a second penicillin-resistant strain WB4. In the checkerboard, only an additive effect (FIC indices: 1.0) was observed for both strains. In cycling experiments in vitro, levofloxacin alone led to a 64-fold increase in the MIC for both strains after 12 cycles. Addition of meropenem in sub-MIC concentrations (0.25 x MIC) completely inhibited the selection of levofloxacin-resistant mutants in WB4 after 12 cycles. In KR4, the addition of meropenem led to just a twofold increase in the MIC for levofloxacin after 12 cycles. Mutations detected in the genes encoding for topoisomerase IV (parC) and gyrase (gyrA) confirmed the levofloxacin-induced resistance in both strains. Addition of meropenem was able to completely suppress levofloxacin-induced mutations in WB4 and led to only one mutation in parE in KR4. In experimental meningitis, meropenem, given in two doses (2 x 125 mg/kg), produced a good bactericidal activity (-0.45 Deltalog10 cfu/ml.h) comparable to one dose (1 x 10 mg/kg) of levofloxacin (-0.44 Deltalog10 cfu/ml.h) against the penicillin-resistant strain WB4. Meropenem combined with levofloxacin acted synergistically (-0.93 Deltalog10 cfu/ml.h), sterilizing the CSF of all rabbits.


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BACKGROUND: Eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE) is a chronic-inflammatory disease of the esophagus, characterized by esophagus-related symptoms and a dense tissue eosinophilia, both refractory to proton pump inhibitors. Topical corticosteroids have proven effective in inducing clinical and histologic remission. However, a long-term strategy for the management of this chronic disease is not yet defined. METHODS: In a randomized, double-blind, placebocontrolled, long-term trial, we evaluated the efficacy of twice-daily 0.25 mg swallowed budesonide in maintaining a remission in adult EoE with prior response to induction therapy. Pre- and post-treatment disease activity was assessed clinically, endoscopically, histologically, by immunofluorescence and by high-resolution endosonography. The primary end point was the ability to maintain histologic remission (<5 eos/hpf) of EoE in. Secondary end points were the efficacy on symptom control and on tissue remodeling as well as the determination of the safety of long-term esophageal administration of topical corticosteroids. RESULTS: During a 50-week therapy of quiescent EoE with low-dose budesonide the esophageal eosinophil load (ECP staining) increased from 1.1 to 29.9 eos/hpf, but under placebo the increase was significantly larger (0.5 to 51.1 eos/hpf; p=0.01). At the end of the studyperiod, 35.7% (5/14) of the budesonide patients were in complete and 14.3% (2/14) in partial histologic remission; with placebo no patient was in complete and 28.6% (4/14) were in partial remission (p=0.0647). The increase of the symptom score was markedly lower in budesonide- (0.79 to 2.29 points) than in placebo-patients (0.71 to 4.00 points; p=0.0875). The median time to relapse of symptoms was >125 days in the budesonide and 95 days in the placebo group (p = 0.14). Measured by high-resolution endosonography, all EoE patients had pre-treatment a highly thickened esophageal wall compared with healthy controls (3.05±1.08 mm vs. 2.18±0.35 mm; p<0.0001). Long-term topical budesonide reduced mainly the thickness of the superficial wall layers (mucosa, 0.75 mm to 0.45 mm; p=0.025) whereas the response of the deeper layers was less pronounced (submucosa 1.31 to 1.08 mm; p=0.19 and muscularis 0.82 to 0.76 mm; p=0.72). Budesonide did not evoke any mucosal atrophy. CONCLUSIONS: This study clearly demonstrates that 1) Untreated eosinophil inflammation results in an impressive remodeling of the esophagus; 2) A therapy is therefore needed; 3) The high relapse rate after short-term therapy requires a long-term management and 4) Maintenance treatment with budesonide is well tolerated and keeps half of the patients in remission.


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Eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE) shows an increasing incidence and prevalence in western countries and is currently the main cause of dysphagia in adults. This disease is more prevalent in males and is frequently associated with allergies. Diagnosis is based on the presence of esophageal symptoms, dense eosinophilic esophageal infiltration, and the exclusion of other conditions associated with esophageal eosinophilia. Topical corticosteroids lead to a rapid clinical and histological improvement of active EoE. Especially in children, elimination diets can have similar efficacy as topical corticosteroids. Esophageal dilation of EoE-induced strictures can also be effective in improving symptoms, but this therapy has no effect on the underlying inflammation. Long-term therapeutic strategies have yet to be defined.


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Background and Aims: The international EEsAI study group iscurrently developing the first a ctivity index specific forEosinophilic Esophagitis (EoE). None of the existing dysphagiaquestionnaires take into account the consistency of theingested food t hat considerably impacts the symptompresentation. Goal: To d evelop and evaluate an E oE-specificquestionnaire assessing dysphagia caused by foods of differentconsistencies.Methods: B ased on patient interviews and chart reviews, a nexpert panel ( EEsAI study g roup) identified internationallystandardizedfood prototypes t ypically a ssociated with EoErelateddysphagia. Food consistencies were c orrelated withEoE-related d ysphagia, t aking into account p otential f oodavoidance and f ood processing. This V isual D ysphagiaQuestionnaire (VDQ) was piloted in 20 patients and is currentlyevaluated in a cohort of 150 adult EoE patients.Results: T he following 8 food c onsistency prototypes w ereidentified: soft foods (pudding, jelly), grits, toast bread, Frenchfries, dry rice, ground meat, raw fibrous f oods (eg. apple,carrot), s olid m eat. Dysphagia was r anked o n a 4-point Likertscale (0=no difficulties; 3= severe difficulties, food will not pass).First analysis demonstrated that severity of dysphagia is relatedto the eosinophil load and presence of esophageal strictures.Conclusions: T he VDQ i s the first EoE-specific tool f orassessing dysphagia caused by i nternationally-standardizedfoods of different consistencies. This instrument also addressesfood avoidance behaviour and food processing habits. This toolperformed well in a p ilot study a nd is currently evaluated in acohort of 150 adult EoE patients.


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Eosinophilic esophagitis is a recent diagnosis, of growing interest and prevalence. It has to be considered by every physician when facing any adult or pediatric case of dysphagia, food impaction, and symptoms of GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease) resistant to proton-pump inhibitor treatment. The diagnosis is made by combining clinical symptoms and endoscopic signs, supported by biopsies of the mucosa, which should show more than 15 eosinophils per high power field. The etiology seems to be of allergic origin, and a full immuno-allergic testing should be made. Recommendations for the treatment are to calm down the inflammatory process by proton-pump inhibitors, and to give topical steroids, keeping the systemic treatment for acute severe cases. In cases of esophageal stenoses, dilations can be undertaken, but with a high risk of recurrence.


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Background and Aims: The international EEsAI study group is currently developing an activity index for Eosinophilic Esophagitis (EoE). A potential discrepancy between patient and physician reported EoE symptoms has not been assessed yet. Therefore, we aimed to evaluate patient reported items describing their EoE activity and to compare these with the physicianʼs perception. Methods: A questionnaire was sent to 100 EoE patients in Switzerland. EoE-related symptoms dependent and independent of food intake were reported by patients. Results were analyzed using a qualitative content analysis and compared with symptoms reported by international EoE experts in Delphi rounds. Results: The questionnaire response rate was 64/100. The following items were developed by combining categories based on patients answers: food-consistency related dysphagia, frequency and severity of dysphagia, food impaction, strategies to avoid food impaction, food allergy, drinking-related retrosternal pain. The following food categories associated with dysphagia were identified: meat, rice, dry bread, French fries, raw, fibrous foods, others. Sports and psychological stress were identified as triggers for non-food intake related EoE symptoms. A good correlation was found between patient and physicianʼs reported EoE related symptoms. Conclusions: There is a good correlation between patient reported symptoms and the physicianʼs perception of clinical items as reported by international EoE experts. These patient reported outcomes will now be incorporated into the EEsAI questionnaire that measures EoE activity.


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Meningitis due to Streptococcus pneumoniae is a rare complication of trans-sphenoidal surgery. We present the case of a patient who developed pneumococcal meningitis with associated bacteraemia after elective endoscopic trans-sphenoidal resection of a pituitary macro-adenoma. After initial treatment with ceftriaxone and dexamethasone, the patient made a good recovery and dexamethasone was discontinued. Two days later the patient's condition deteriorated rapidly, presenting focal and diffuse neurological deficits. Cerebral MRI revealed widespread punctate ischaemic-type lesions affecting both anterior and posterior vascular territories bilaterally and involving features consistent with cerebral vasculitis. Antibiotic treatment was broadened to include meropenem and dexamethasone was restarted, but the patient remained in a comatose state and died 14 days later. Steroid treatment may play a dual role in this poorly characterised infectious complication of trans-sphenoidal pituitary surgery. This possibility is discussed and the options for prophylaxis are reviewed.