120 resultados para enfermero
Objetivo: identificar se os enfermeiros do Brasil têm conhecimento das políticas e tecnologias de gestão nos serviços de saúde e enfermagem. Métodos: realizamos revisão integrativa da literatura, utilizando as bases de dados: LILACS, MEDLINE, SciELO, BDENF e PAHO e os descritores: gestão em saúde, tecnologia em saúde, tecnologia assistencial e enfermagem, incluindo as publicações nos idiomas português, espanhol e inglês. Resultados: A análise resultou em 11 referências completas, no período de 2003 a 2007. Constatamos que os enfermeiros possuem articulação nos serviços de enfermagem e competência técnica no exercício profissional, porém, apresentam-se frágeis politicamente, o que limita sua autonomia profissional e os torna ainda subordinados a outros profissionais. Conclusão: diante dos avanços e constantes mudanças no setor saúde, particularmente no nível organizacional e técnico-científico, torna-se imprescindível que o(a) enfermeiro(a) desenvolva suas habilidades políticas, gerenciais e de liderança com participação responsável e de forma interdisciplinar.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The Patient Classification System has become essential concerning to the practice in management and care from a nurse. This study analyzed the implementation of Assistance Sites in an intensive care unit for adults as a way of organization and classification of patients, as well as the impact of this process on the quality of care according to the Nursing Activities Score and the relation with the Hospital Infection. This is a quantitative, prospective, descriptive and transversal study. The data collection was realized from July until October 2010. The sample was consisted of 214 patients, mostly male, neurosurgical and with a mid age of 57 years. The NAS was on the average of 71.72%. Regarding the Hospital Infection before and after implantation, there was a reduction in the rates of pneumonia. However, the nursing workload remained the same. Moreover, It was evident the importance of using the Nursing Activities Score and the implementation of new ways for classification of patients to improve the organization of the care.
Objective. To describe the experience of family members as a result of children’s hospitalization at the Intensive Care Unit (ICU). Methodology. Descriptive and cross-sectional study. A structured interview was held with 20 relatives of patients hospitalized at two clinics of the Botucatu Medical School at Universidade Estadual Paulista “Júlio de Mesquita Filho”. Information was collected between July and September 2010. Results. The main characteristics of the participating relatives were: 80% mothers of the children; 70% low education level and 70% married. Sixty percent of the children were hospitalized at the ICU for the first time. Eighty percent of the interviewees believe that the children’s behavior changes inside the unit and 85% consider that visiting hours are sufficient. The predominant negative feelings are fear (50%) and insecurity (20%), while the predominant positive feelings are hope (50%) and the expectation of discharge (25%). The professional who most supported the relatives was the nurse (35%). Conclusion. The family members’ experience as a result of the children’s hospitalization at the ICU involves positive and negative aspects, which also affect the child’s behavior at the unit.
This is a quantitative study conducted at the Outpatient Clinic of the Geriatrics and Gerontology Academic League of Botucatu School of Medicine. It aimed at learning about the profile of elderly patients and their level of disability in relation to basic activities of daily living. Based on this information, nursing diagnoses for the population under study were made, and the most frequent diagnosed were selected with the purpose of composing a stage of the instrument for nursing consultation in geriatric. It was found that the disabled elderly patients were predominantly females and widowed. They had a mean age of 81 years and had completed the first 4 grades of elementary school. Chronic pain related to physical disability and impaired ambulation related to the presence of osteoarticular diseases are examples of the most common diagnoses in the studied population. It is important that geriatric nurses implement Nursing Care Systematization based on the knowledge of the population to which they attend by considering the level of disability of elderly patients with respect to basic activities of daily living, so that full and individualized care can be provided and the patients’ remaining autonomy can be preserved.
Estudo com familiares de pacientes com câncer de mama: abordando conhecimento sobre fatores de risco
Breast cancer (BC) is the most common malignancy in women worldwide, with one million new cases confirmed each year. This study aimed at identifying the knowledge of patients? relatives concerning the risk factors (RF) for BC. It is a descriptive quantitative study carried out in the Chemotherapy Technical Division of a University Hospital in São Paulo state, Brazil, from September to October 2006. Only female (30) relatives were included due to the fact that BC is more frequent in females. The major RF cited were family history for BC 33.3% (10), smoking 16.6% (5), alcoholic-drink consumption 10% (3), animal-fat-rich diet 3.3% (1). Other factors such as not breastfeeding, environmental factors, use of oral contraceptives and hormone-replacement therapy were mentioned by 10% (3) of the relatives. It was concluded that the relatives of patients undergoing chemotherapeutic treatment showed to have little knowledge concerning RF for BC. Hence, it is important to rethink the inclusion of the health education process in the family scenario. This issue reaches far beyond thesimple transmission of information. Healthcare professionals and nurses in particular, must focus on these individuals? social context, values, beliefs and needs.
The study has resulted from the desire to comprehend how intensive care unit (ICU) nurses understand the caregiving process. The ICU nurses must be able to promote effective changes in the care provided, to give attention to adversities and be able to act promptly to attend several demands. Aim: understanding the meaning to nurses of the caregiving process at the ICU. Methodology: it consists of a qualitative research with a phenomenological view that has three moments: description, reduction and comprehension. After approval by the Research Ethics Committee (211/08) in 02/06/2008, individual interviews were conducted by using the following guiding questions: What is the working process to ICU nurses? What is it to you, to be an ICU nurse? The study subjects were twelve nurses who worked at the ICUs. Results: the analysis showed the themes: nursing process, relationship with the ICU patient and family, and humanization. Conclusion: From the results it is concluded that nurses working in ICUs in the study report difficulties as well as satisfaction related to caregiving process, especially in the context of the anxieties of patients and families, revealing the difficulties in the processing of feelings. A nurse is recognized by the team as a leader agent and a multiplier of the caregiving actions.
This study was developed with the purpose to search for relevant knowledge concerning nursing care for individuals exposed to the rabies virus and submitted to post-exposure anti-rabies serovaccination. The authors aimed at evaluating the epidemiological aspects of accidents involving household and wild animals occurring in 2007 and patients assisted at a reference hospital located in the mid-southern region of São Paulo State. They also aimed at identifying the relevance of nurses' actions by describing aspects of care provision. The method adopted was exploratory, retrospective and descriptive of the epidemiological aspects of the accidents and of the care provided to these patients by referring to information in their medical charts. Fifty-one charts of patients aged 17 to 81 years, considered to be at risk and with indication for post-exposure prophylaxis against human rabies were evaluated. It was found that nursing care provision to these patients presents low complexity although it requires properly trained professionals. It was possible to identify the relevance of nurses' actions in care provision and procedures related to anti-rabies prophylaxis; however, consistent information concerning nursing care was not observed.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
This study aimed at understanding the role played by nurses in managing a team in the Family Health Strategy (ESF) in relation to competences and skills practiced and developed in their everyday work and the difficulties found to perform their duties based on these professionals’ perceptions. Data were collected by means of focus groups with seven nurses in 2006 and then submitted to content analysis, which disclosed five themes: The context of the coordination of multidisciplinary teams in the Family Health Strategy, factors involved in the daily work in the ESF, conflicts experienced in the interface between teamwork and central coordination in the ESF, difficulties of the population towards the new model of care coordinated by the nurse, the perceived competence to exercise leadership in coordinating multidisciplinary teams. Results showed work overload, overlapping of tasks and lack of training. These professionals have been evaluated according to the logic of their work organization by productivity and not by the quality of their actions. Hence, they feel devalued professionally. They pointed out technical and scientific knowledge as an important competence attached to relational practices. There is a need to create formal opportunities to discuss the major difficulties found by the nurses managing multiprofessional teams when experiencing such management.
O estudo objetivou implementar a estratégia de ensino-aprendizagem para família de paciente em condição crônica, momento considerado ideal para reavaliar suas necessidades e as habilidades para administrar tal condição, assim como prepará-la para o cuidado no domicílio. Realizou-se uma avaliação diagnostica de familiar/acompanhante, durante o cuidado na hospitalização de uma pessoa com insuficiência cardíaca congestiva, identificando-se o diagnóstico de enfermagem: "déficit de conhecimento". Assim, elaborou-se um plano de ensino para essa cuidadora, com o fim de prepará-la para o cuidado domiciliar. Durante a implementação, realizaram-se avaliações formativas visando conhecer a eficácia das estratégias empregadas e a somativa no domicilio. Constatou-se, portanto, o quanto é importante para o enfermeiro recorrer à estratégia de ensino-aprendizagem para orientar o familiar/cuidador no processo do cuidar de pessoas em condição crônica, com a finalidade de promover a vida, apesar da doença, uma vez que a qualidade desse cuidado prevenirá recidivas agudizantes e conseqüentes reinternações.
Este artigo tem por objetivos apresentar uma síntese da evolução do conteúdo de bloco cirúrgico na Escola de Enfermagem da Universidade de São Paulo (EEUSP) e uma reflexão sobre as Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais do Curso de Graduação em Enfermagem (DCN). O estudo se desenvolveu a partir de um breve histórico do desenvolvimento da enfermagem em centro cirúrgico na prática profissional e sua inserção no currículo de graduação da EEUSP. As Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais têm seu mérito ao assegurar às instituições de ensino superior a liberdade na composição da carga horária a ser cumprida para a integralização dos currículos e na especificação das unidades de estudo a serem ministradas, porém, as competências e habilidades propostas são inespecíficas. Entendemos que o enfermeiro generalista é aquele que tem oportunidades de aprendizado teórico prático para atuar em todos os cenários de cuidado, área e níveis de atenção em saúde.
Este artigo teve como objetivo refletir criticamente acerca da avaliação, enquanto ferramenta gerencial que favorece a inserção do enfermeiro no processo de gestão de sistemas de saúde. Em decorrência de sua formação, que engloba conhecimentos da área assistencial e gerencial, tendo como centralidade o cuidado, o enfermeiro tem potencial para assumir postura diferenciada na gestão e condições de tomar posições decisórias e de proposição de políticas de saúde. Entretanto, ainda há que se construir e consolidar inserção expressiva em níveis decisórios nos espaços de gestão. A avaliação é um componente da gestão, cujos resultados podem contribuir para tomada de decisão mais objetiva que possibilite a melhoria das intervenções de saúde e a reorganização das práticas de saúde, dentro de um contexto político, econômico, social e profissional; é também uma área de aplicação de conhecimentos que tem potência para mudar o panorama atual da inserção do enfermeiro na gestão.
OBJECTIVE: To understand how nurses see care delivery to elderly women. METHODS: In this phenomenological study, ten nurses working at Primary Health Care Units were interviewed between September 2010 and January 2011. RESULTS: In care delivery, nurses consider the elderly women's knowledge background and biographical situation, and also value the family's participation as a care mediator. These professionals have the acuity to capture these women's specific demands, but face difficulties to deliver care to these clients. Nurses expect to deliver qualified care to these women. CONCLUSION: The theoretical and methodological approach of social phenomenology permitted revealing that the nurse designs qualified care to elderly women, considering the possibilities in the context. This includes the participation of different social actors and health sectors, assuming collective efforts in action strategies and professional training, in line with the particularities and care needs of elderly women nurses identify.
A pesar de los avances en salud, el Accidente Cerebrovascular, se está incrementando cada vez más pero la edad de la ocurrencia es cada vez menor, considerándose esta enfermedad como una de las principales causas de muerte y la primera causa de discapacidad. Si bien las causas de producción son diversas, en la actualidad está más relacionado a los estilos de vida y hábitos que son controlables. La tendencia al alza en las cifras de ACV es de gran preocupación para la salud pública ya que se traduce en personas jóvenes afectadas por discapacidades de por vida y el impacto que ello genera. El control de los factores de riesgo y adopción de hábitos saludables por parte de la población son fundamentales para prevenir esta afección, es decir que uno de los puntos más importantes es la prevención que se llevara a cabo si la población posee los conocimientos sobre cómohacerlo. Una población educada en salud se encontrara prevenida, fortalecida y reduciría grandes gastos evitables. Al conocer los factores predisponentes y desencadenantes de un ACV es fundamental el rol de el/ la enfermero/a en educación para la salud.