696 resultados para endodontic sealer


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Introduction: A growing interest to preserve teeth into the mouth by patients resulted in the increasing number of endodontic retreatments, and when these happen, many different types of irritants are extruded through the foramen. Objective: This study analyzed in vitro the amount of debris extruded through the foramen using four instrumentation techniques during endodontic retreatment. Material and methods: Forty mesial-buccal roots of first molars were selected, instrumented with anatomical diameter up to size #30 ISO file and then obturated with gutta-percha and grossman sealer by lateral condensation. After, they were separated and randomly allocated into four groups with 10 teeth each for the endodontic retreatment procedure: G1 – conventional technique + solvent, G2 – conventional technique without solvent, G3 – ProTaper retreatment + solvent, G4 – ProTaper retreatment without solvent. In all groups, gutta-percha in the coronal portion was removed by using size 1-3 Gates Glidden drills. All teeth were irrigated with distilled water. The debris extruded through the foramen were collected and weighed by an analytical balance. Results: Group 4 had the lowest average for material extrusion through the foramen followed by groups 2, 3 and 1. When Tukey test for statistical analysis was applied, no significant difference among groups were found (p = 0.5664). Conclusion: We conclude that all instrumentation techniques used in this study produced debris which goes beyond the foramen.


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The purpose of this study was to establish a three-dimensional fluorescent tooth model to investigate bacterial viability against intra-canal medicaments across the thickness and surface of root dentine. Dental microbial biofilms (Enterococcus faecalis and Streptococcus mutans) were established on the external root surface and bacterial kill was monitored over time against intra-canal medicament (Ca(OH)2 ) using fluorescent microscopy in conjunction with BacLight SYTO9 and propidium iodide stains. An Olympus digital camera fitted to SZX16 fluorescent microscope captured images of bacterial cells in biofilms on the external root surface. Viability of biofilm was measured by calculating the total pixel area of green (viable bacteria) and red (non-viable bacteria) for each image using ImageJ® software. All data generated were assessed for normality and then analysed using a Mann-Whitney t-test. The viability of S. mutans biofilm following Ca(OH)2 treatment showed a significant decline compared with the untreated group (P = 0.0418). No significant difference was seen for E. faecalis biofilm between the Ca(OH)2 and untreated groups indicating Ca(OH)2 medicament is ineffective against E. faecalis biofilm. This novel three-dimensional fluorescent biofilm model provides a new clinically relevant tool for testing of medicaments against dental biofilms.


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O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o efeito da microestrutura dentinária na adesão de cimentos endodônticos modernos através: do desenvolvimento de uma metodologia para caracterizar microestruturalmente a dentina; da avaliação da resistência de união (através de ensaios de tração) dos cimentos endodônticos Epiphany SE, iRoot SP e AH Plus; da correlação dos dados obtidos da caracterização da microestrutura dentinária e dos ensaios de tração. Trinta terceiros molares inclusos, recém extraídos, foram embutidos em resina epóxi e seccionados 0,5mm abaixo da junção esmalte-dentina. Doze amostras foram eliminadas durante à preparação metalográfica devido à exposição da câmara pulpar. De cada dente, uma área de análise (AA) com 3,25 mm de diâmetro foi mapeada utilizando técnicas de microscopia ótica digital para: captura de ~400 imagens formando um mosaico; análise digital de imagens, obtendo os resultados de quantidade de túbulos (QT) e de fração de área de túbulos (FAT) do mosaico; conversão da imagem do mosaico em um mapa colorido em que as cores estão diretamente relacionadas à densidade de área tubular. As dezoito amostras restantes foram divididas em 3 grupos (N=6), de acordo com o cimento utilizado, para confecção dos corpos de prova para os ensaios de tração. Os valores de da resistência de união (RU) obtidos foram analisados estatisticamente com teste não-pareado t com correção de Welch e pelo teste F para comparar variâncias Os dados de FAT e de QT foram submetidos ao teste de D'Agostino & Pearson revelando-se não normais (P>0,05), o que indica grande variabilidade da amostragem. O cimento Epiphany SE apresentou uma resistência de união significativamente menor que o cimento AH Plus (P <0,05). Os corpos de prova do iRoot SP falharam prematuramente e não foram analisados. A aplicação do teste r de Spearman não demonstrou correlação significativa entre FAT e RU (P>0,05). O MEV de pressão variável foi utilizado para avaliar qualitativamente a superfície de fratura após os ensaios de tração. A análise revelou um padrão de fratura mista para o AH Plus e o Epiphany SE, além de diferenças no tamanho e na forma das partículas desses cimentos, o que pode influenciar no comportamento mecânico. Dentro da amostragem realizada, não se encontrou correlação significativa entre microestrutura dentinária e a resistência de união.


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O objetivo deste estudo foi comparar a capacidade de selamento apical de três materiais retrobturadores em dentes submetidos à infiltração microbiana por Enterococcus faecalis. Além de analisar a ocorrência da infiltração microbiana em relação à variável tempo. Para tal, foram utilizados 80 caninos superiores permanentes humanos extraídos, instrumentados com o sistema rotatório ProTaper Universal (MAILLEFER) e obturados pela técnica de compactação lateral, com dois tipos de cimento endodôntico: Endofill (DENTSPLY) e AH Plus (DENTSPLY). A apicetomia foi realizada com a remoção de 3mm do terço apical e o retropreparo confeccionado com pontas ultrasônicas. As amostras foram subdivididas, aleatoriamente, em 6 grupos com 10 dentes cada, e 2 grupos controles. Os materiais utilizados para a retrobturação foram MTA branco (ANGELUS), IBC BioAggregate (INNOVATIVE BIOCERAMIX INC.) e Acroseal (SEPTODONT). Foram confeccionados dispositivos para fixação dos dentes aos tubos Eppendorfs. As amostras foram inoculadas com cepas de E. faecalis e incubadas a 37C, por um período de 90 dias, para análise da presença de turvação do meio Enterococcosel. Para a realização da análise estatística foram utilizados os seguintes testes: Qui-quadrado com Prova Exata de Fisher e Kruskal-Wallis. Os resultados mostraram que todos os grupos nos quais foi realizada a obturação e a posterior retrobturação apresentaram infiltração. Comparando todos os grupos, não houve diferença significativa entre os materiais testados. Em relação apenas aos materiais retrobturadores, o Acroseal obteve a menor infiltração, seguido do MTA branco e do IBC BioAggregate. As amostras obturadas com o cimento Endofill não apresentaram diferença estatística em relação à variável tempo. Porém, nas amostras obturadas com o cimento AH Plus, houve maior ocorrência de infiltração nas amostras retrobturadas com o IBC BioAggregate e menor infiltração nas amostras retrobturadas com Acroseal, com diferença estatisticamente significante ao nível de 10%.


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O objetivo deste trabalho consistiu na análise da infiltração apical em dentes retrobturados por três materiais: MTA, iROOT SP e Endo CPM Sealer. Para tal, foram utilizados 51 dentes humanos extraídos, incisivos centrais superiores, que foram instrumentados manualmente com limas tipo K, pela técnica Crown-down, obturados com compactação lateral e, após serem apicectomizados a 3mm aquém do ápice foram submetidos à retrobturação, com os três materiais propostos. As amostras foram divididas, randomicamente, em três grupos: GI MTA, GII iROOT SP e GIII Endo CPM Sealer, cada grupo com 15 amostras. Os dentes foram inseridos em tubos de eppendorfs, e feitos a impermeabilização do remanescente radicular utilizando duas camadas de cianocrilato, epóxi, e outra camada de esmalte. Em cada eppendorf foi adicionado caldo TSB estéril e uma suspensão de Enterococcos faecalis e adaptado ao frasco de vidro com meio de cultura enterococcosel. A infiltração bacteriana foi verificada pela turvação do meio de cultura. Após a análise no período de 60 dias, podemos concluir que durante esse tempo ocorreram infiltrações no Grupo I, 43,75 % das amostras apresentaram turvamento do meio de cultura demonstrando persistência da infecção. Já no Grupo II, 31,25 % das amostras tiveram crescimento bacteriano. Por fim no Grupo III, 25,00 % houve a infiltração. Grupos controle positivo e negativo para crescimento bacteriano foram realizados (n=3, cada). Os cimentos testados comportaram-se de maneira semelhante frente à infiltração bacteriana durante o período testado.


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O sucesso do tratamento endodôntico depende da cuidadosa realização de todas as suas fases, terminando com uma obturação tridimensional que alcance todo o sistema de canais radiculares. Desta forma, os materiais obturadores, ou as substâncias liberadas, entrarão em contato com os tecidos perirradiculares, o que poderá influenciar a resposta inflamatória e o processo de reparo. A terapia laser de baixa potência (TLBP) tem sido estudada quanto à sua ação anti-inflamatória, favorecendo o reparo. O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar a produção das citocinas IL-1β, IL-6 e IL-8 por fibroblastos de gengiva humana (linhagem FMM1) como resposta à presença dos extratos dos cimentos endodônticos AH Plus, MTA Fillapex e EndoSequence BC Sealer, bem como a eficácia da TLBP, neste modelo. Para isto, extratos destes cimentos, recém-manipulados e após 24 h do endurecimento, foram preparados em meio de cultura DMEM fresco, conforme as normas ISO 10993-12. Inicialmente, a citotoxicidade dos cimentos foi avaliada, após a interação das células com a diluição seriada destes extratos (1:1 a 1:16), por meio do ensaio MTT. Para a análise da produção de citocinas, 106 células por poço foram cultivadas em placas de cultura de 24 poços, para a interação com os extratos dos cimentos, na diluição 1:4. Estabeleceram-se os grupos não irradiado e irradiado. No grupo irradiado, as culturas celulares receberam duas irradiações do laser InGaAlP (660 nm, 30 mW, 5 J/cm2 e área do feixe de 0,028 cm2), com intervalo de 12 h. O grupo não irradiado foi submetido às mesmas condições ambientais que o irradiado. Os sobrenadantes das culturas foram coletados, centrifugados, aliquotados e armazenados congelados, para a posterior análise pelo ensaio de ELISA. Todos os dados obtidos (médias erro padrão) foram tratados estatisticamente por ANOVA one-way, complementado pelo teste de Tuckey e ANOVA two-way, com correção de Bonferroni (p< 0,05). A citotoxicidade dos cimentos AH Plus e EndoSequence BC Sealer revelou-se tempo/concentração-dependente, enquanto a do MTA Fillapex mostrou-se concentração-dependente. Os cimentos endodônticos induziram a produção das citocinas IL-1β, IL-6 e IL-8 pelos fibroblastos, sem diferença significativa com os controles (p> 0,05). Somente o LPS de E. coli induziu a secreção de IL-8, com diferença estatística (p< 0,05). A TLBP não foi capaz de modular a produção das citocinas em questão, significativamente.


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Cylindrical specimens (6 mm high x 4 mm diameter) of the endodontic grade glass-ionomer (Ketac Endo) were exposed to various media for 1 week, after which changes in their mass, pH of storage medium, and ion release were determined. In water, this cement was shown to release reasonable amounts of sodium, aluminium and silicon, together with smaller amounts of calcium and phosphorus, as well as taking up 2.41% by mass of water. A comparison with the restorative grade materials (Ketac Molar, ex 3M ESPE and Fuji IX, ex GC) showed both ion release and water uptake to be greater. All three cements shifted pH from 7 to around 6 with no significant differences between them. Other storage media were found to alter the pattern of ion release. Lactic acid caused an increase, whereas both saturated calcium hydroxide and 0.6% sodium hypochlorite, caused decreases. This suppression of ion-release may be significant clinically. Aluminium is the most potentially hazardous of the ions involved but amounts released were low compared with levels previously reported to show biological damage.


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Endodontic lubricants, irrigating solutions and medicaments help reduce the microbial load within root canals. Primary and secondary cases involve different microbes. Each'solution'or combinations thereof could play a significant role but no detailed guidelines exist on their use. An audit was undertaken to compare current practice in Belfast Dental School to the others across the UK and Republic of Ireland (ROI). This audit highlighted three main differences between Belfast and other dental schools. Many other institutions utilized other irrigants besides sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl), different intracanal medicaments, including calcium hydroxide, and higher concentrations of NaOCl. Having gathered this information, we ask, 'Is there sufficient evidence to change the endodontic regime currently used at Belfast Dental School?'. Using the findings from the literature review (Part 1), we introduce new evidence-based protocols for primary and secondary cases for use in Belfast Dental School. Clinical Relevance: In the absence of detailed clinical guidelines on the use of endodontic lubricants, irrigants and medicaments in primary and secondary cases, it is important to be aware of current practice in UK and ROI dental schools where dentists and specialists are trained.


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Endodontic lubricants, irrigants and medicaments help prepare and disinfect root canal systems (RCS) but primary and secondary cases involve different microbes and therefore it is unlikely that one protocol will be effective for both case types. Each individual 'solution' or sequence of 'solutions' could play a significant role in each case type, but there are no detailed published guidelines in existence. To help inform clinical practice it was decided to undertake a literature review followed by a UK and Republic of Ireland wide audit on current endodontic 'solution' usage within dental schools. The literature review was undertaken under the following headings: pre-op oral rinse; file lubricants; root canal irrigants and intracanal medicaments and provides an evidence base for protocol development for both primary and retreatment cases. The audit project and the protocols developed from the findings of both the literature review and audit will be presented in Part 2.


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Introduction: Many neuropeptides are similar in size, amino acid composition and charge to antimicrobial peptides. It is therefore possible that the nervous system employs neuropeptides as antimicrobial agents by delivering them rapidly and precisely to innervated sites such as the dental pulp. Objectives: The aim of this study was to determine whether the neuropeptides substance P (SP), neurokinin A (NKA), calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP), neuropeptide Y (NPY) and vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP), which we have previously shown to be present in dental pulp, displayed antimicrobial activity against the cariogenic bacterium Streptococcus mutans and the endodontic bacterium Enterococcus faecalis. Methods: Neuropeptides were purchased from Bachem and utilised in antibacterial assays using a previously described ultra sensitive radial diffusion method. Results: Antimicrobial activity was identified as clear zones around neuropeptide-containing wells. NPY was found to exhibit antimicrobial against both Streptococcus mutans and Enterococcus faecalis. SP and VIP were shown to exhibit antimicrobial activity against Streptococcus mutans only. The neuropeptides NKA and CGRP did not show antimicrobial activity against either micro-organism. Conclusion: This study is the first to describe an antimicrobial role for neuropeptides in pulp biology. The antimicrobial actions of neuropeptides contribute a novel aspect to pulpal defence against cariogenic and endodontic bacteria worthy of further investigation.


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Successful root canal treatment requires management of the bacterial infection within the root canal space and protection of residual tooth structure with direct/indirect restorations. Long-term success depends upon prevention of re-infection of the root canal space as well as ensuring favorable distribution of the occlusal forces throughout the residual tooth structure. Appropriate planning and design of the final restoration prior to initiating root canal treatment is paramount in achieving this objective. This article describes simultaneous restorability assessment and access cavity preparation to optimize outcome of both endodontic and prosthodontic treatment of the endodontically involved tooth.


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This present study aimed to investigate the fatigue life of unused (new) endodontic instruments made of NiTi with control memory by Coltene™ and subjected to the multi curvature of a mandibular first molar root canal. Additionally, the instrument‟s structural behaviour was analysed through non-linear finite element analysis (FEA). The fatigue life of twelve Hyflex™ CM files was assessed while were forced to adopt a stance with multiple radius of curvature, similar to the ones usually found in a mandibular first molar root canal; nine of them were subjected to Pecking motion, a relative movement of axial type. To achieve this, it was designed an experimental setup with the aim of timing the instruments until fracture while worked inside a stainless steel mandibular first molar model with relative axial motion to simulate the pecking motion. Additionally, the model‟s root canal multi-curvature was confirmed by radiography. The non-linear finite element analysis was conducted using the computer aided design software package SolidWorks™ Simulation, in order to define the imposed displacement required by the FEA, it was necessary to model an endodontic instrument with simplified geometry using SolidWorks™ and subsequently analyse the geometry of the root canal CAD model. The experimental results shown that the instruments subjected to pecking motion displayed higher fatigue life values and higher lengths of fractured tips than those with only rotational relative movement. The finite element non-linear analyses shown, for identical conditions, maximum values for the first principal stress lower than the yield strength of the material and those were located in similar positions to the instrument‟s fracture location determined by the experimental testing results.


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Aim. To investigate the root canal microbiota of primary teeth with apical periodontitis and the in vivo antimicrobial effects of a calcium hydroxide/chlorhexidine paste used as root canal dressing. Design. Baseline samples were collected from 30 root canals of primary teeth with apical periodontitis. Then, the root canals were filled with a calcium hydroxide paste containing 1% chlorhexidine for 14 days and the second bacteriologic samples were taken prior to root canal filling. Samples were submitted to microbiologic culture procedure to detect root canal bacteria and processed for checkerboard DNA-DNA hybridization. Results. Baseline microbial culture revealed high prevalence and cfu number of anaerobic, black-pigmented bacteroides, Streptococcus, and aerobic microorganisms. Following root canal dressing, the overall number of cfu was dramatically diminished compared to initial contamination (P < 0.05), although prevalence did not change (P > 0.05). Of 35 probes used for checkerboard DNA-DNA hybridization, 31 (88.57%) were present at baseline, and following root canal dressing, the number of positive probes reduced to 13 (37.14%). Similarly, the number of bacterial cells diminished folowing application of calcium hydroxide/chlorhexidine root canal dressing (P = 0.006). Conclusion. Apical periodontitis is caused by a polymicrobial infection, and a calcium hydroxide/chlorhexidine paste is effective in reducing the number of bacteria inside root canals when applied as a root canal dressing.


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Objective. The objective of this study was to evaluate in vivo the revascularization and the apical and periapical repair after endodontic treatment using 2 techniques for root canal disinfection (apical negative pressure irrigation versus apical positive pressure irrigation plus triantibiotic intracanal dressing) in immature dogs` teeth with apical periodontitis. Study design. Two test groups of canals with experimentally induced apical periodontitis were evaluated according to the disinfection technique: Group 1, apical negative pressure irrigation (EndoVac system), and Group 2, apical positive pressure irrigation (conventional irrigation) plus triantibiotic intracanal dressing. In Group 3 (positive control), periapical lesions were induced, but no endodontic treatment was done. Group 4 (negative control) was composed of sound teeth. The animals were killed after 90 days and the maxillas and mandibles were subjected to histological processing. The sections were stained with hematoxylin and eosin and Mallory Trichrome and examined under light microscopy. A description of the apical and periapical features was done and scores were attributed to the following histopathological parameters: newly formed mineralized apical tissue, periapical inflammatory infiltrate, apical periodontal ligament thickness, dentin resorption, and bone tissue resorption. Intergroup comparisons were done by the Kruskal-Wallis and Dunn`s tests (alpha = 0.05). Results. Although statistically significant difference was found only for the inflammatory infiltrate (P < .05), Group 1 presented more exuberant mineralized formations, more structured apical and periapical connective tissue, and a more advanced repair process than Group 2. Conclusion. From the histological observations, sodium hypochlorite irrigation with the EndoVac system can be considered as a promising disinfection protocol in immature teeth with apical periodontitis, suggesting that the use of intracanal antibiotics might not be necessary. (Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2010; 109: 779-787)