116 resultados para embankment


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This paper is the result of real-scale physical modeling study designed to simulate the load-deformation characteristics of railroad foundation systems that include the railroad ties, the ballast, and the sub-base layers of a railroad embankment. The study presents comparisons of the application of dynamic loads of 100kN on the rails, and the resulting deformations during a 500,000 cycle testing period for three rail support systems; wood, concrete and steel. The results show that the deformation curve has an exponential shape, with the larger portion of the deformation occurring during the first 50,000 load cycles followed by a tendency to stabilize between 100,000 to 500,000 cycles. These results indicate that the critical phase of deformations of a new railroad is within the first 50,000 cycles of loading, and after that, it slowly attenuates as it approaches a stable value. The paper also presents empirically derived formulations for the estimation of the deformations of the rail supports as a result of rail traffic.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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A utilização dos métodos de reflexão sísmica na exploração e desenvolvimento de reservatórios de hidrocarbonetos ocorre devido à sua vasta e densa amostragem, tanto em área quanto em profundidade, aliada ao refinamento de técnicas para o tratamento dos dados de reflexão sísmica, a partir destes dados, são geradas seções sísmicas, que após a aplicação de tratamento adequado, são utilizadas na interpretação dos estratos e/ou estruturas geológicas da subsuperfície. Neste trabalho é feita uma análise Geofísica Geológica de duas linhas sísmicas reais 2D marinhas da porção de quebra de talude da Bacia do Jequitinhonha. Para tanto, foi realizado um conjunto de processamento sísmico com objetivo de atenuar as reflexões múltiplas comuns em dados marinhos, além disso, foram estimados os modelos de velocidade em profundidade, utilizados para determinação das seções sísmicas migradas em profundidade. Nestas foram identificadas as superfícies refletoras. Através da análise dessas superfícies foram feitas as marcações de sismofácies, com base nos conceitos iniciais da sismoestratigrafia, com a finalidade de avaliar a qualidade do produto derivado do processamento sísmico, empregado neste estudo, para uma interpretação sismoestratigráfica, a qual está fundamentada na análise dos padrões de terminações dos refletores e padrão interno das sismofácies.


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A prospecção geofísica para a exploração de água subterrânea em regiões cristalinas torna-se uma tarefa extremamente difícil pela presença de estruturas como falhas, fraturas e ocorrência de variação lateral de resistividade no manto intempérico. Para analisar a influência da variação bidimensional da propriedade física no comportamento das curvas de sondagem elétrica vertical Schlumberger, simulou-se modelos contendo tais estruturas encaixadas no manto de alteração com ângulo de mergulho de 30° e 90° e com a posição do centro de sondagem variando em relação a heterogeneidade. A modelagem numérica foi feita através do método dos elementos finitos com o programa EGSLIB/SEV2D. O resultado da simulação mostra que o emprego da técnica da sondagem elétrica vertical Schlumberger sobre meios bidimensionais não funciona eficientemente, como quando aplicada em regiões sedimentares e de aluvião, devido o fenômeno da ambigüidade que dificulta a interpretação das curvas. Dentre os métodos geofísicos para a investigação hidrogeológica, a aplicação dos métodos eletrorresistivos mostra-se mais simples, eficaz e econômica. Assim, o levantamento geofísico para orientar os trabalhos de perfurações de poços na cidade de Ourilândia do Norte contou de trinta e duas sondagens elétricas verticais tipo Schlumberger e um caminhamento elétrico dipolo-dipolo realizados em diversas ruas da cidade. As curvas de resistividade aparente, obtidas com as sondagens foram tratadas e processadas considerando um modelo de camadas planas, horizontais, homogêneas e isotropicas, inicialmente com o algoritmo EGSLIB/SEV1D e posteriormente com uso do programa EGSLIB/SEV1DINV, permitindo estabelecer modelos geoelétricos aproximados para a configuração da subsuperfície da cidade. Depois da interpretação quantitativa, foi possível separar duas zonas geoelétricas distintas. Esta diferenciação foi realizada com base nos valores de resistividade aparente e as informações geológicas de superfície. A primeira, com pouca representatividade na área da cidade, apresenta-se constituída por solo/aterro sobre saprolito de natureza argilo-arenosa recobrindo os granitóides tipo Rio Maria. A segunda composta pelo solo/aterro seguido de um horizonte preenchido por sedimentos arenosos superposto a camada argilo-arenosa e finalmente a rocha sã. Esta seqüência geoelétrica predomina na cidade. Os estratos arenoso e argilo-arenoso apresentam condições potenciais para armazenamento de água.


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This study attempts a preliminary assessment of the behavior of a soil improvement system with the use of encased columns of granular material with geosynthetic (columns Ringtrac ® ). This evaluation was performed using the software Ringtrac ® (developed by Huesker GmbH, Germany), which required different parameters such as soil Oedometric Module, friction angle of soil, thickness of soft soil and the embankment height .In each analysis, one parameter was varied and the other different parameters considered were fixed, resulting in a total of 726 results. Were considered valid only the results where the radial deformation of the geosynthetic encased column did not exceed the value of 4%, which is the maximum radial deformation of the geosynthetic adopted by the Ringtrac ® program. The analysis results are shown graphically in this study, evaluating the tension values in the column and obtained settlements in each analysis. It’s proven in this preliminary study that the variation of the soft soil friction angle in the Ringtrac ® column, will not significantly affect the values of strain on the tension in the column and settlements on the ground. Furthermore, the variation of Oedometric Module on the soil, will significantly affect the tension values in the column and the settlements in the soil


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Geological-geotechnical problems affecting escarps as well as embankment and fill slopes of roads and motorways may generate different types of unsteadiness, which are mainly arisen from the deficient knowledge about the physical environment. This results in unsuitable engineering projects and inadequate executions, which can be worsened by an occasional inappropriate maintenance of the construction. A geologically-geotechnically characterization of escarps and slopes is crucial in order to prevent these problems. This work deals with a geological-geotechnical study of 1:10.000 scale mapping in a stretch of a local road (CHQ-40) at the Serra de Itaqueri, Charqueada town, State of São Paulo. The stretch is known by several physical problems as erosion and mass movement. The methods of study were based on an integrative analysis of the diverse elements of the physical environment by using aerial photographs - to obtain the physiographic compartmentalization of terrain units - as well as field work - to accomplish the evaluation of the units by employing sketch lists. To achieve this, we selected several techniques in order to identify and classify different types of existing problems as erosion, landslide in embankments and fill slopes, rockfall, block rolling, among others. We also included the analysis of soil horizon, thickness and composition. The geological-geotechnical mapping resulted in six units: 1- Sandstones in cuesta’s backhill; 2 – Basalts in cuesta’s front; 3- Sandstones in cuesta’s front; 4 – Talus and colluvial deposits at cuesta’s foothill; 5- Sandstones of the Piramboia Formation in hillside; and 6 – Colluvial soil in the hill top. A characterization of the geological-geotechnical units is detailed, coupled to the cartographic material. Other cartographic products elaborated for this study included 1:10.000 maps of hypsometry, slope and curvature


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Interventions in nature made by man are very common since the beginnings of human history, especially in the case regarding the storage of water. The construction of dams have been and still are fundamental in maintaining human life due to the vital importance that water plays. The size of these structures vary according to need, such as water catchment, fish-farming or electricity generation. Embankment dams are the most common type of these structures. Can be defined as dams natural material obtained from loan chambers located near the dam site. This type of barrier may be divided into earth dams and rockfill dams. The study area covers an earth dam located in Cordeirópolis (SP) and is essentially composed of diabases altered soil of the Serra Geral Formation of the Paraná Basin. With the aid of geophysics, more specifically of the Electrical Resistivity method, the aim is to check any water infiltration zones in the dam's body. Given the risks associated with water seepage in earth dams, that may generate breakdown structures, erosion, and consequently accidents and / or harmful factors in the nearby areas. One of the main structural problems married by water infiltration is the possible generation of pipes that could jeopardize the dam structure. This work aims to contribute towards the evaluation of the effectiveness of using an indirect technique of research and monitoring in aid to direct research techniques such as piezometers and drive stakes. The results are presented in the form of 2D and 3D geophysical models, the analysis shows a low resistivity zone with typical values of the presence of humidity originating upstream of the dam and downstream bottleneck trend, that are the basis for interpretation by percolation or not water in the dam


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This paper presents laboratory and in situ studies carried out on a 200 000 m(3) large clayey silt compacted embankment. Laboratory studies carried out on undeformed block samples included index tests, strength tests and water retention curves using the filter paper technique. Grain size analyses with and without a deflocculating agent clearly showed the existence of grain clusters, which appear to be naturally formed. Field instrumentation installed at depths from 0.25 m to 1.0 m included tensiometers, equitensiometers, time domain reflectometry and geothermometers. Pluviometer data from a nearby weather station are also used to analyse the field data. The ranges of water content and suction values were measured, both of which correlated well with the pluviometer data. The water retention curves including laboratory and field data showed a bimodal shape, consistent with the presence of microand macropores shown in the grain size analysis.


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I terreni di Treporti, nella laguna di Venezia, sono caratterizzati da una fitta alternanza di strati con caratteristiche di compressibilità fortemente variabili, pertanto risulta alquanto complessa la determinazione e la scelta di parametri appropriati per la progettazione. La costruzione del terrapieno sperimentale, ed il contemporaneo impiego dell'assestimetro a basi multiple, ha permesso di misurare il comportamento deformativo del terreno in sito e le analisi retrospettive hanno simulato, in base a parametri di tentativo, il comportamento nel tempo dei terreni di fondazione. L'analisi a posteriori delle deformazioni è stata confrontata con le misure effettuate nel corso degli anni precedenti la fase di scarico, mentre oltre questa fase è stata eseguita una previsione confrontata con le tre misure eseguite dopo la fase di scarico, ottenendo in entrambi i casi un buon accordo tra simulazioni e misure. L’aderenza quasi perfetta ottenuta tra le curve ε-t calcolate e le corrispondenti curve ε-t sperimentali, fa ritenere che tutti i parametri geotecnici ottenuti dal modello, rispecchino con buona approssimazione quelli realmente mobilitati dai 40 m di sottosuolo interessati dal carico. Pertanto anche i risultati ottenuti in ordine all'influenza della consolidazione secondaria sugli abbassamenti totali, debbono ritenersi con buona approssimazione vicini al comportamento reale. Il modello è anche in grado di descrivere molto bene i cedimenti dei diversi strati di terreno e quello del piano di posa.


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The research is part of a survey for the detection of the hydraulic and geotechnical conditions of river embankments funded by the Reno River Basin Regional Technical Service of the Region Emilia-Romagna. The hydraulic safety of the Reno River, one of the main rivers in North-Eastern Italy, is indeed of primary importance to the Emilia-Romagna regional administration. The large longitudinal extent of the banks (several hundreds of kilometres) has placed great interest in non-destructive geophysical methods, which, compared to other methods such as drilling, allow for the faster and often less expensive acquisition of high-resolution data. The present work aims to experience the Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) for the detection of local non-homogeneities (mainly stratigraphic contacts, cavities and conduits) inside the Reno River and its tributaries embankments, taking into account supplementary data collected with traditional destructive tests (boreholes, cone penetration tests etc.). A comparison with non-destructive methodologies likewise electric resistivity tomography (ERT), Multi-channels Analysis of Surface Waves (MASW), FDEM induction, was also carried out in order to verify the usability of GPR and to provide integration of various geophysical methods in the process of regular maintenance and check of the embankments condition. The first part of this thesis is dedicated to the explanation of the state of art concerning the geographic, geomorphologic and geotechnical characteristics of Reno River and its tributaries embankments, as well as the description of some geophysical applications provided on embankments belonging to European and North-American Rivers, which were used as bibliographic basis for this thesis realisation. The second part is an overview of the geophysical methods that were employed for this research, (with a particular attention to the GPR), reporting also their theoretical basis and a deepening of some techniques of the geophysical data analysis and representation, when applied to river embankments. The successive chapters, following the main scope of this research that is to highlight advantages and drawbacks in the use of Ground Penetrating Radar applied to Reno River and its tributaries embankments, show the results obtained analyzing different cases that could yield the formation of weakness zones, which successively lead to the embankment failure. As advantages, a considerable velocity of acquisition and a spatial resolution of the obtained data, incomparable with respect to other methodologies, were recorded. With regard to the drawbacks, some factors, related to the attenuation losses of wave propagation, due to different content in clay, silt, and sand, as well as surface effects have significantly limited the correlation between GPR profiles and geotechnical information and therefore compromised the embankment safety assessment. Recapitulating, the Ground Penetrating Radar could represent a suitable tool for checking up river dike conditions, but its use has significantly limited by geometric and geotechnical characteristics of the Reno River and its tributaries levees. As a matter of facts, only the shallower part of the embankment was investigate, achieving also information just related to changes in electrical properties, without any numerical measurement. Furthermore, GPR application is ineffective for a preliminary assessment of embankment safety conditions, while for detailed campaigns at shallow depth, which aims to achieve immediate results with optimal precision, its usage is totally recommended. The cases where multidisciplinary approach was tested, reveal an optimal interconnection of the various geophysical methodologies employed, producing qualitative results concerning the preliminary phase (FDEM), assuring quantitative and high confidential description of the subsoil (ERT) and finally, providing fast and highly detailed analysis (GPR). Trying to furnish some recommendations for future researches, the simultaneous exploitation of many geophysical devices to assess safety conditions of river embankments is absolutely suggested, especially to face reliable flood event, when the entire extension of the embankments themselves must be investigated.


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The aim of this thesis is to provide a geochemical characterization of the Seehausen territory (a neighborhood) of Bremen, Germany. In this territory it is hosted a landfill of dredged sediments coming both from Bremerhaven (North See) and Bremen harbor (directly on the river Weser). For this reason this work has been focused also on possible impacts of the landfill on the groundwaters (shallow and deep aquifer). The Seehausen landfill uses the dewatering technique to manage the dredged sediments: incoming sediments are put into dewatering fields until they are completely dried (it takes almost a year). Then they are randomly sampled and analyzed: if the pollutants content is acceptable, sediments are treated with other materials and used instead of raw material for embankment, bricks, etc., otherwise they are disposed in the landfill. During this work it has been made a study of the natural geology and hydrogeology of the whole area of interest, especially because it is characterized by ancient natural salt deposits. Then, together with the Geological Survey of Bremen and the Harbor Authority of Bremen there have been identified all useful piezometers for a monitoring net around the landfill. During the sampling campaign there have been collected data of the principal anions and cations, physical parameters and stable water isotopes. Data analysis has been focused particularly on Cl, Na, SO4 and EC because these parameters might be helpful to attribute geochemical trends to the landfill or to a natural background. Furthermore dataloggers have been installed for a month in some piezometers and EC, pressure, dissolved oxygen and temperature data have been collected. Finally there has been made a deep comparison between current and historical data (1996 – 2011) and between old interpolation maps and current ones in order to see time trends of the aquifer geochemistry.


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This work aims to evaluate the reliability of these levee systems, calculating the probability of “failure” of determined levee stretches under different loads, using probabilistic methods that take into account the fragility curves obtained through the Monte Carlo Method. For this study overtopping and piping are considered as failure mechanisms (since these are the most frequent) and the major levee system of the Po River with a primary focus on the section between Piacenza and Cremona, in the lower-middle area of the Padana Plain, is analysed. The novelty of this approach is to check the reliability of individual embankment stretches, not just a single section, while taking into account the variability of the levee system geometry from one stretch to another. This work takes also into consideration, for each levee stretch analysed, a probability distribution of the load variables involved in the definition of the fragility curves, where it is influenced by the differences in the topography and morphology of the riverbed along the sectional depth analysed as it pertains to the levee system in its entirety. A type of classification is proposed, for both failure mechanisms, to give an indication of the reliability of the levee system based of the information obtained by the fragility curve analysis. To accomplish this work, an hydraulic model has been developed where a 500-year flood is modelled to determinate the residual hazard value of failure for each stretch of levee near the corresponding water depth, then comparing the results with the obtained classifications. This work has the additional the aim of acting as an interface between the world of Applied Geology and Environmental Hydraulic Engineering where a strong collaboration is needed between the two professions to resolve and improve the estimation of hydraulic risk.