1000 resultados para eficiência de conversão de açúcares


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The increasing demand for energy and the environment consequences derived from the use of fossil energy, beyond the future scarcity of the oil that currently is the main power plant of the world, it stimulated the research around the production of biodiesel. In this work the synthesis of biodiesel of cotton in the methyl route was carried through, for had been in such a way used catalyst commercial homogeneous, Na-Methylat and the K-Methylat, aiming to the evaluation of the efficiency of them. An experimental planning 23 was elaborated aiming to evaluate the influence of the variable (molar reason oil/alcohol, % of catalyst and temperature) in the process as well as indicating the excellent point of operation in each case. The biodiesel was analyzed by gaseous chromatography, indicating a conversion of 96,79% when used Na-Methylat® as catalytic, and 95,65% when the K-Methylat® was used. Optimum result found with regard to the conversion was obtained at the following conditions: molar reason oil/alcohol (1:8), temperature of 40°C and 1% of catalyst Na-Methylat, reaching a 96,79% conversion, being, therefore, above of the established for the European norm (96.5%). The analysis of regression showed that the only significant effect for a confidence level of 95%, was of the changeable temperature. The variance analysis evidenced that the considered model is fitted quite to the experimental response, being statistically significant; however it does not serve inside for make forecasts of the intervals established for each variable. The best samples were analyzed by infra-red (IR) that identified the strong bands of axial deformation C=O of methylic ester, characterized through analyses physicochemical that had indicated conformity with the norms of the ANP, that with the thermal and rheological analyses had together evidenced that biodiesel can be used as combustible alternative in substitution to diesel


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It is known that the head office world energetics is leaning in the fossil fuels. However, the world panorama is changing quickly, for linked reasons to three of the humanity's great concerns in that century beginning: environment, global economy and energy. The biodiesel production is based on the transesterificação of vegetable oils or animal fats, using catalysts homogeneous or heterogeneous. The process of heterogeneous transesterificação presents lower conversions in comparison with the homogeneous, however, it doesn't present corrosion problems and it reduces to the occurrence of parallel reactions as saponification. In this sense, this work has for purpose the synthesis of a heterogeneous catalyst, KNO3/Al2O3, that soon afterwards was used in the reaction of transesterificação of the oil of the Helianthus annuus L. (sunflower). The solid materials (it supports and catalyst) they were analyzed by diffraction of ray-X (XRD) and electronic microscope of sweeping (MEV). After the analysis of Al2O3, a structure monophase amorphous tetragonal was verified, with characteristic patterns of that material, what could not be visualized in the difratograma of the catalyst. The biodiesel obtained with 4% wt. of KNO3/Al2O3 it was what obtained a better cinematic viscosity 8,3 mm2/s, comparing with the norms of ANP, and it also presented the best conversion tax in ethyl ésteres, in accordance with the quantitative measure starting from TG, that was of 60%. While the biodiesel with 6% wt. and with 8% wt. of KNO3/Al2O3 it was it that no transesterificou, because it was observed in the analysis termogravimétrica of those two materials, a single thermal event, that it corresponds the decomposition or volatilization of the triglycerides


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Edentulous patients with complaint about mandibular conventional denture might experience poor masticatory function and negative impact of oral health on quality of life. The aim of this controlled clinical trial was to evaluate the effect of mandibular overdenture on oral health-related quality of life and masticatory efficacy in patients wearing mandibular complete dentures. The edentulous patients (n=16) were rehabilitated with new maxillary and mandibular complete dentures and, after 3 months, mandibular overdentures retained by 2 implants (bar-clip system) were fabricated. The Brazilian version of OHIP-Edent questionnaire was used to assess the oral healthrelated quality of life. Masticatory efficacy was evaluated through a colorimetric method with chewing capsules. The mean OHIP-Edent score was 8.5 with conventional dentures and 2.0 with mandibular overdenture, which means a positive impact of oral health on quality of life with overdentures (p=0.001). The mean absorbance for masticatory efficacy was 0.025 for conventional dentures and 0.073 for overdentures. There was statistically significant difference for masticatory efficacy before and after implants rehabilitation (p=0.003). However, there was no correlation between masticatory efficacy and OHIP (p>0.05). So, mandibular overdenture retained by 2 implants improved the quality of life and masticatory efficacy of edentulous patients with complaint about mandibular conventional complete dentures


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A eficiência de métodos para análise de 5-hidroximetilfurfural por cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência com detecção na região do ultravioleta e determinação de sacarose, glicose e frutose por cromatografia líquida com detecção por índice de refração foi avaliada. Após otimização das condições analíticas, os principais parâmetros de validação (linearidade, limite de quantificação, limite de detecção, recuperação, sensibilidade e precisão) foram determinados e demonstraram que os procedimentos analíticos podem ser aplicados para o controle do processo de produção de poli(3-hidroxibutirato).


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Zootecnia - FMVZ


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Pós-graduação em Zootecnia - FMVZ


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Mikania lindleyana DC (Asteraceae) é uma trepadeira arbustiva, perene, lenhosa e sem gavinhas, com caule volúvel, cilíndrico estriado, verde e ramoso. É utilizada na Amazônia como diurético, antiinflamatório, analgésico, anti-hipertensivo, antiulceroso. Este trabalho teve por objetivo desenvolver um método para caracterização do extrato hidroetanólico das folhas de M. lindleyana DC por Cromatografia Líquida de Alta Eficiência (CLAE). O extrato hidroetanólico (tintura) preparado conforme a FARMACOPÉIA BRASILEIRA V, 2010 foi submetido, após secagem, a análise fitoquímica, por Cromatografia em Camada Delgada (CCD) e por CLAE. Na prospecção química, observou-se a presença de cumarinas, alcalóides, aminoácidos, açúcares redutores, fenóis, taninos, esteróides, terpenos, saponinas e ácidos orgânicos. Na análise das frações (hexânica, clorofórmica e acetato de etila), do extrato hidroetanólico bruto e da cumarina (1mg/mL) por CCD, utilizando como eluente tolueno/diclorometano/acetona (45:25:30) observou-se no UV (365nm) bandas fluorescentes de cor verde clara (Rf 0.61) características de cumarina. Na análise do extrato bruto e da fração clorofórmica por CLAE e uma solução metanólica de cumarina pura a 0,1 mg/mL, utilizando como eluente metanol/água (47:53), picos no Rt de cerca de 6.00 minutos foram observados correspondentes a espectro característico com máximos de absorção entre 270 nm e 300 nm. Os resultados demonstram a presença de cumarina em EHEB e FC. nas respectivas quantidades de 0,014 no EHEB e 0,209 na FC.


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Ainda hoje, a migração em tempo é o processo de imageamento substancialmente empregado na indústria do petróleo. Tal popularidade é devida ao seu alto grau de eficiência e robustez, além de sua habilidade em focalizar refletores nos mais variados ambientes geológicos. Entretanto, em áreas de alta complexidade geológica a migração em tempo falha de tal forma que a migração em profundidade e um campo de velocidade em profundidade são indispensáveis. Esse campo é geralmente obtido através de processos tomográficos partindo de um campo de velocidade inicial. A conversão de campos de velocidade de tempo para profundidade é uma forma rápida de se obter um campo inicial mais consistente geologicamente para tais processos. Alguns algoritmos de conversão tempo-profundidade recentemente desenvolvidos baseados no traçamento de raios-imagem são revistos e um algoritmo alternativo baseado na propagação da frente de onda-imagem é proposto. Os algoritmos são aplicados a dados sintéticos bidimensionais e avaliados de acordo com suas eficiência e acurácia, destacando suas vantagens, desvantagens e limitações na obtenção de campos de velocidade em profundidade.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)