747 resultados para effective messaging
Stability and simulation-based design of steel scaffolding without using the effective length method
Os principais sistemas de instant messaging, desenvolvidos pelos grandes produtores de software, têm protocolos proprietários e fechados, o que não permite que exista comunicação entre eles. Isto implica que um utilizador necessite de utilizar vários clientes de instant messaging, por forma a comunicar com os seus contactos em todas as redes. Este trabalho tem como principal objectivo o desenvolvimento de um bus de instant messaging, que seja capaz de integrar vários serviços deste tipo. O bus permitirá a um utilizador comunicar com os seus contactos, também ligados ao bus, independentemente do seu serviço, usando apenas um cliente. Foi realizado um estudo sobre os protocolos de instant messaging, tanto protocolos abertos, cujo objectivo assenta na interoperabilidade, como os serviços disponibilizados pelos grandes sistemas. Deste estudo destacou-se o protocolo aberto XMPP e o serviço de instant messaging da Yahoo, sendo estes os escolhidos para provar o objectivo do projecto. A solução proposta tem por base um servidor que implementa parcialmente o protocolo XMPP, escolhido como formato nativo do bus de instant messaging. A interoperabilidade entre serviços de instant messaging é conseguida através de Web Services (designados por módulos de tradução), sendo cada um capaz de comunicar com outro serviço de instant messaging. O servidor disponibiliza também um Web Service (Web Service Central) que expõe o bus aos módulos de tradução. As operações do Web Service Central fazem a tradução para o protocolo nativo do bus. Desta forma existe um ponto único de processamento de funcionalidades (o servidor, processando pedidos feitos ao Web Service Central, por parte dos módulos), sendo todas as mensagens redireccionadas para o módulo respectivo ao utilizador destinatário.
Business Intelligence (BI) is one emergent area of the Decision Support Systems (DSS) discipline. Over the last years, the evolution in this area has been considerable. Similarly, in the last years, there has been a huge growth and consolidation of the Data Mining (DM) field. DM is being used with success in BI systems, but a truly DM integration with BI is lacking. Therefore, a lack of an effective usage of DM in BI can be found in some BI systems. An architecture that pretends to conduct to an effective usage of DM in BI is presented.
ISME, Thessaloniki, 2012
The large increase of renewable energy sources and Distributed Generation (DG) of electricity gives place to the Virtual Power Producer (VPP) concept. VPPs may turn electricity generation by renewable sources valuable in electricity markets. Information availability and adequate decision-support tools are crucial for achieving VPPs’ goals. This involves information concerning associated producers and market operation. This paper presents ViProd, a simulation tool that allows simulating VPPs operation, focusing mainly in the information requirements for adequate decision making.
A new effective isotropic potential is proposed for the dipolar hard-sphere fluid, on the basis of recent results by others for its angle-averaged radial distribution function. The new effective potential is shown to exhibit oscillations even for moderately high densities and moderately strong dipole moments, which are absent from earlier effective isotropic potentials. The validity and significance of this result are briefly discussed.
Purpose - This study aims to investigate the influence of tube potential (kVp) variation in relation to perceptual image quality and effective dose (E) for pelvis using automatic exposure control (AEC) and non-AEC in a Computed Radiography (CR) system. Methods and materials - To determine the effects of using AEC and non-AEC by applying the 10 kVp rule in two experiments using an anthropomorphic pelvis phantom. Images were acquired using 10 kVp increments (60–120 kVp) for both experiments. The first experiment, based on seven AEC combinations, produced 49 images. The mean mAs from each kVp increment were used as a baseline for the second experiment producing 35 images. A total of 84 images were produced and a panel of 5 experienced observers participated for the image scoring using the two alternative forced choice (2AFC) visual grading software. PCXMC software was used to estimate E. Results - A decrease in perceptual image quality as the kVp increases was observed both in non-AEC and AEC experiments, however no significant statistical differences (p > 0.05) were found. Image quality scores from all observers at 10 kVp increments for all mAs values using non-AEC mode demonstrates a better score up to 90 kVp. E results show a statistically significant decrease (p = 0.000) on the 75th quartile from 0.37 mSv at 60 kVp to 0.13 mSv at 120 kVp when applying the 10 kVp rule in non-AEC mode. Conclusion - Using the 10 kVp rule, no significant reduction in perceptual image quality is observed when increasing kVp whilst a marked and significant E reduction is observed.
QuEChERS method was evaluated for extraction of 16 PAHs from fish samples. For a selective measurement of the compounds, extracts were analysed by LC with fluorescence detection. The overall analytical procedure was validated by systematic recovery experiments at three levels and by using the standard reference material SRM 2977 (mussel tissue). The targeted contaminants, except naphthalene and acenaphthene, were successfully extracted from SRM 2977 with recoveries ranging from 63.5–110.0% with variation coefficients not exceeding 8%. The optimum QuEChERS conditions were the following: 5 g of homogenised fish sample, 10 mL of ACN, agitation performed by vortex during 3 min. Quantification limits ranging from 0.12– 1.90 ng/g wet weight (0.30–4.70 µg/L) were obtained. The optimized methodology was applied to assess the safety concerning PAHs contents of horse mackerel (Trachurus trachurus), chub mackerel (Scomber japonicus), sardine (Sardina pilchardus) and farmed seabass (Dicentrarchus labrax). Although benzo(a)pyrene, the marker used for evaluating the carcinogenic risk of PAHs in food, was not detected in the analysed samples (89 individuals corresponding to 27 homogenized samples), the overall mean concentration ranged from 2.52 l 1.20 ng/g in horse mackerel to 14.6 ± 2.8 ng/ g in farmed seabass. Significant differences were found between the mean PAHs concentrations of the four groups.
Background - Pelvis and hip radiography are consistently found to be amongst the highest contributors to the collective effective dose (E) in all ten DOSE DATAMED countries in Europe, representing 2.8 to 9.4% of total collective dose (S) in the TOP 20 exams list. The level of image quality should provide all the diagnostic information in order not to jeopardise the diagnosis, but being able to provide the needed clinical information with the minimum dose. A recent study suggests further research to determine whether the “10 kVp rule” would have value for a range of examinations using Computed Radiography (CR) systems. As a “rule of thumb” increasing the kVp by 10 whilst halving the mAs is suggested to give a similar perceptual image quality when compared to the original exposure factors. Aims - In light of the 10kVp rule, this study aims to investigate the influence of tube potential (kVp) variation in relation to perceptual image quality and E for pelvis imaging using automatic exposure control (AEC) and non-AEC in a Computed Radiography (CR) system. Research questions - Does the 10kVp rule works for the pelvis in relation to image quality in a CR system? Does the image quality differs when the AEC is used instead of manual mode using the 10kVp rule and how this impacts on E?