907 resultados para earth faults


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This paper carried out a chemical investigation of archaeological ceramic artifacts found in archaeological sites with Black Earth (ABE) in the Lower Amazon Region at Cachoeira-Porteira, State of Pará, Brazil. The ceramic artifacts, mostly of daily use, belong to Konduri culture (from 900 to 400 years BP). They are constituted of SiO2, Al2O3, Fe2O3, Na2O and P2O5; SiO2 and Al2O3 together add up to 80 % and indicate influence of acid rocks, transformed into clay minerals basically kaolinite. The relative high contents of P2O5 (2.37 % in average) come out as (Al,Fe)-phosphate, an uncommon fact in primitive red ceramics, but found in some roman and egyptian archaeological sites. The contents of the trace elements are similar or below the Earth's crust average. This chemical composition (except P2O5) detaches saprolite material derived acid igneous rocks or sedimentary ones as the main raw material of the ceramics. The contents of K, Na and Ca represent the feldspars and rock fragments possibly introduced into saprolitic groundmass, indicated by mineralogical studies. The presence of cauixi and cariapé as well as quartz sand was confirmed by optical microscope, SEM analyses and by the high silica contents of ceramic fragments. Phosphorus was possibly incorporated into groundmass during cooking of foods, and ABE soil profile formation developed on yellow Latosols. The raw materials and its tempers (cauixi, or cariapé, feldspar, crushed rocks, old ceramic artifacts and quartz fragments) are found close to the sites and therefore and certainly came from them.


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Earth has been a traditional building material to construct houses in Africa. One of the most common techniques is the use of sun dried or kiln fired adobe bricks with mud mortar. Fired bricks are the main cause for deforestation in countries like Malawi. Although this technique is low-cost, the bricks vary largely in shape, strength and durability. This leads to weak houses which suffer considerable damage during floods and seismic events. One solution is the use of dry-stack masonry with stabilized interlocking compressed earth blocks (ICEB). This technology has the potential of substituting the current bricks by a more sustainable kind of block. This study was made in the context of the HiLoTec project, which focuses on houses in rural areas of developing countries. For this study, Malawi was chosen for a case study. This paper presents the experimental results of tests made with dry-stack ICEBs. Soil samples from Malawi were taken and studied. Since the experimental campaign could not be carried out in Malawi, a homogenization process of Portuguese soil was made to produce ICEBs at the University of Minho, Portugal. Then, the compression and tensile strength of the materials was determined via small cylinder samples. Subsequently, the compression and flexural strength of units were determined. Finally, tests to determine the compressive strength of both prisms and masonry wallets and to determine the initial shear strength of the dry interfaces were carried out. This work provides valuable data for low-cost eco-efficient housing


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As computer chips implementation technologies evolve to obtain more performance, those computer chips are using smaller components, with bigger density of transistors and working with lower power voltages. All these factors turn the computer chips less robust and increase the probability of a transient fault. Transient faults may occur once and never more happen the same way in a computer system lifetime. There are distinct consequences when a transient fault occurs: the operating system might abort the execution if the change produced by the fault is detected by bad behavior of the application, but the biggest risk is that the fault produces an undetected data corruption that modifies the application final result without warnings (for example a bit flip in some crucial data). With the objective of researching transient faults in computer system’s processor registers and memory we have developed an extension of HP’s and AMD joint full system simulation environment, named COTSon. This extension allows the injection of faults that change a single bit in processor registers and memory of the simulated computer. The developed fault injection system makes it possible to: evaluate the effects of single bit flip transient faults in an application, analyze an application robustness against single bit flip transient faults and validate fault detection mechanism and strategies.


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Els sistemes multi-robot de reconeixement de superfícies es poden utilitzar tant per a l'exploració de llocs remots, de difícil accés o perillosos. Normalment, els robots no són autònoms, depenen d'operadors humans per dirigir-los. La informació que capten ha de ser processada i mostrada a l'usuari o usuària del sistema de forma intel·ligible. Un exemple d'aplicació seria el d'un sistema multirobot format per diversos helicòpters no tripulats que proporciona informació d'una àrea que ha patit algun desastre. El sistema informàtic recolliria la informació i la transmetria al coordinador de l'operatiu d'assistència de l'emergència. La idea del projecte és la de combinar la informació proporcionada pel sistema multi-robot amb la de la zona disponible a Google Earth i fer d'aquesta eina l'interfície d'usuari de l'aplicació.


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L’objectiu principal és avaluar un sistema que hagués de mostrar les imatges captades per una càmera que està filmant un entorn canviant sobre l’aplicació Google Earth. Es tractaria d’estudiar com es podria aprofitar aquesta aplicació i analitzar el rendiment que obtenim utilitzant-la per a navegar per un entorn dinàmic. S’hauria d’avaluar si és possible arribar a visualitzar l’entorn a una freqüència de 25 frames per segon.


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High Precision U-Pb zircon and monazite dating in the Aiguilles Rouges-Mont Blanc area allowed discrimination of three short-lived bimodal magmatic pulses: the early 332 Ma Mg-K Pormenaz monzonite and associated 331 Ma peraluminous Montees Pelissier monzogranite; the 307 Ma cordierite-bearing peraluminous Vallorcine and Fully intrusions; and the 303 Fe-K Mont Blanc syenogranite. All intruded syntectonically along major-scale transcurrent faults at a time when the substratum was experiencing tectonic exhumation, active erosion recorded in detrital basins and isothermal decompression melting dated at 327-320 Ma. Mantle activity and magma mixing are evidenced in all plutons by coeval mafic enclaves, stocks and synplutonic dykes. Both crustal and mantle sources evolve through time, pointing to an increasingly warm continental crust and juvenile asthenospheric mantle sources. This overall tectono-magmatic evolution is interpreted in a scenario of post-collisional restoration to normal size of a thickened continental lithosphere. The latter re-equilibrates through delamination and/or erosion of its mantle root and tectonic exhumation/erosion in an overall extensional regime. Extension is related to either gravitational collapse or back-are extension of a distant subduction zone.


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Rare earth elements (REE) and stable isotope compositions (delta C-13 and delta O-18) of shark teeth and phosphatic coprolites were analyzed from the Lower Maastrichtian layers of the El Haria Formation and two sequences of the Paleocene-Eocene (P/E) Chouabine Formation in the Gafsa Basin (south western of Tunisia) in order to trace the sedimentological, climatic and oceanographic conditions. The REE chemistry and their distribution in the two archives are the same for each of the studied layers indicating that the coprolites and shark teeth experienced the same early diagenetic environments. However major differences occur between the Maastrichtian and the P/E reflecting changes in the depositional conditions. The Early Maastrichtian burial environment tended to be more anoxic with REE derived from reduced FeO. While in the P/E the REE patterns mimic the modern oxic-suboxic seawater, the REE source from remineralisation of organic coating could have more significance. The oxygen isotope compositions of the structural phosphates (delta O-18(PO4)) indicate a stable and warm climate during both studied time intervals. A small offset (-0.4 parts per thousand) in the delta O-18 value between the coprolites and shark teeth show minor thermal gradient between bottom and surface water. The pronounced negative shift of 34%. in delta C-13 values recorded in the upper part of the Chouabine Formation was ascribed to the Paleocene-Eocene boundary. At the same time the lack of negative change in the delta O-18 is explained by the semi-closed situation of the Gafsa Basin, which situation also played an important role in the evolution of the organic matters in the sediment resulting in the exceptional low delta C-13 values. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Treball consistent en la construcció d'un exportador a format KML de mapes temàtics pel producte Geomedia PRO 6.1 possibilitant l'observació del component del temps sobre un globus virtual com és Google Earth. Mitjançant les dades de la xarxa XEMEC, es mostrarà un mapa temàtic d'exemple amb les dades d'intensitat i direcció del vent recollides en un període d'un any.


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OBJECTIVES: To test whether the Global Positioning System (GPS) could be potentially useful to assess the velocity of walking and running in humans. SUBJECT: A young man was equipped with a GPS receptor while walking running and cycling at various velocity on an athletic track. The speed of displacement assessed by GPS, was compared to that directly measured by chronometry (76 tests). RESULTS: In walking and running conditions (from 2-20 km/h) as well as cycling conditions (from 20-40 km/h), there was a significant relationship between the speed assessed by GPS and that actually measured (r = 0.99, P < 0.0001) with little bias in the prediction of velocity. The overall error of prediction (s.d. of difference) averaged +/-0.8 km/h. CONCLUSION: The GPS technique appears very promising for speed assessment although the relative accuracy at walking speed is still insufficient for research purposes. It may be improved by using differential GPS measurement.