987 resultados para drilling


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Background: Piezosurgery is an osteotomy system used in medical and dental surgery. Many studies have proven clinical advantages of piezosurgery in terms of quality of cut, maneuverability, ease of use, and safety. However, few investigations have tested its superiority over the traditional osteotomy systems in terms of dynamics of bone healing. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the dynamics of bone healing after osteotomies with piezosurgery and to compare them with those associated to traditional bone drilling.Methods: One hundred and ten rats were divided into two groups with 55 animals each. The animals were anesthetized and the tibiae were surgically exposed to create defects 2 mm in diameter by using piezosurgery (Piezo group) and conventional drilling (Drill group). Animals were sacrificed at 3, 7, 14, 30 and 60 days post-surgery. Bone samples were collected and processed for histological, histomorphometrical, immunohistochemical, and molecular analysis. The histological analysis was performed at all time points (n = 8) whereas the histomorphometrical analysis was performed at 7, 14, 30 and 60 days post-surgery (n = 8). The immunolabeling was performed to detect Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF), Caspase-3 (CAS-3), Osteoprotegerin (OPG), Receptor Activator of Nuclear Factor kappa-B Ligand (RANKL), and Osteocalcin (OC) at 3, 7, and 14 days (n = 3). For the molecular analysis, animals were sacrificed at 3, 7 and 14 days, total RNA was collected, and quantification of the expression of 21 genes related to BMP signaling, Wnt signaling, inflammation, osteogenenic and apoptotic pathways was performed by qRT-PCR (n = 5).Results: Histologically and histomorphometrically, bone healing was similar in both groups with the exception of a slightly higher amount of newly formed bone observed at 30 days after piezosurgery (p < 0.05). Immunohistochemical and qRT-PCR analyses didn't detect significant differences in expression of all the proteins and most of the genes tested.Conclusions: Based on the results of our study we conclude that in a rat tibial bone defect model the bone healing dynamics after piezosurgery are comparable to those observed with conventional drilling. © 2013 Esteves et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.


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We have compared the results of the external irrigation technique with those of a double irrigation technique with continuous intermittent movement. Maximum thermal measurements were made in the cortical part of 10 samples of bovine ribs during osteotomy to simulate the preparation of a surgical bed for the installation of dental implants at a depth of 10 mm Twenty specimens were drilled for each group: external irrigation and continuous movement (control group 1, CG1); external irrigation and intermittent movement (control group 2, CG2); double irrigation and continuous movement (test group 1, TG1); and double irrigation and intermittent movement (test group 2, TG2). The double irrigation technique gave significantly better results regardless of the drilling movement used. Thermal increases between samples was 19.2% in group CG1, 10.4% in CG2, 5.4% in TG1, and 3.4% in TG2. The double irrigation technique produced a significantly smaller increase in temperature in the cortical bone during both types of drilling (p = 0.001), which illustrated its greater efficiency compared with that of the external irrigation technique. (C) 2013 The British Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Purpose:The aim of this study was to evaluate deformation, roughness, and mass loss of stainless steel, diamond-like carbon (DLC)-coated and zirconia drills after multiple osteotomies with sterilization procedures.Materials and Methods:Drilling procedures were performed using stainless steel (G1), DLC-coated (G2), and zirconia (G3) drills. All groups were divided in subgroups 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, corresponded to drills used 0, 10, 20, 30, and 40 times, respectively.Results:No significant differences in mass and roughness were detected among all groups and subgroups. In SEM images, all groups revealed signs of wear while coating delamination was detected in G2. Drills from G1 displayed more irregular surface, whereas cutting edges were more regular in G3.Conclusion:Zirconia drills presented more regular surfaces whereas stainless steel drills revealed more severe signs of wear. Further studies must be performed to evaluate the putative influence of these findings in heat generation.


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Purpose: This study evaluated and compared bone heating, drill deformation, and drill roughness after several implant osteotomies in the guided surgery technique and the classic drilling procedure. Materials and Methods: The tibias of 20 rabbits were used. The animals were divided into a guided surgery group (GG) and a control group (CG); subgroups were then designated (G0, G1, G2, G3, and G4, corresponding to drills used 0, 10, 20, 30 and 40 times, respectively). Each animal received 10 sequential osteotomies (5 in each tibia) with each technique. Thermal changes were quantified, drill roughness was measured, and the drills were subjected to scanning electron microscopy. Results: Bone temperature generated by drilling was significantly higher in the GG than in the CG. Drill deformation in the GG and CG increased with drill use, and in the CG a significant difference between GO and groups G3 and G4 was observed. In the GG, a significant difference between GO and all other groups was found. For GG versus CG, a significant difference was found in the 40th osteotomy. Drill roughness in both groups was progressive in accordance with increased use, but there was no statistically significant difference between subgroups or between GG and CG overall. Conclusion: During preparation of implant osteotomies, the guided surgery technique generated a higher bone temperature and deformed drills more than the classic drilling procedure. The increase in tissue temperature was directly proportional to the number of times drills were used, but neither technique generated critical necrosis-inducing temperatures. Drill deformation was directly proportional to the number of times the drills were used. The roughness of the drills was directly proportional to the number of reuses in both groups but tended to be higher in the GG group.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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This study describes the sedimentological composition and morphology of the sea bottom in an area located at 902 m depth in the Campos Basin of Brazil, and compares characteristics before and after drilling activity for oil exploration. The results show no significant sedimentological variation in the area affected by drilling. The most noticeable effects were observed during the second (MD(2)) of three cruises, in terms of change to grain size distribution, total organic carbon and clay mineral composition around the Eagle well. This impact occurred over the seabed in a direction that corresponds to the near-bottom circulation pattern, predominantly northward. In the third cruise (MD3), 12 months after drilling, some recovery was observed. Side-scan sonar imaging was used to explore the extent of the area affected by drilling, and sedimentological samples from it confirmed the effects of drilling. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This study documents one of the slowest feeding behaviors ever recorded for a muricid gastropod in one of the most biotically rigorous regions on the planet. In Pacific Panama, Vitularia salebrosa attacks mollusks by drilling through their shells. The duration of attacks estimated by isotope sclerochronology of oyster shells collected during attacks in progress range from 90 to 230 days, while experimental observation of interactions documented one attack greater than 103 days. The prolonged nature of attacks suggests that V. salebrosa is best characterized as an ectoparasite than as a predator, which is the ancestral condition in the Muricidae. An ectoparasitic lifestyle is also evident in the unusual interaction traces of this species, which include foot scars, feeding tunnels and feeding tubes, specialized soft anatomy, and in the formation of male-female Pairs, which is consistent with protandrous hermaphroditism, as is typical in sedentary gastropods. To delay death of its host, V. salebrosa targets renewable resources when feeding, such as blood and digestive glands. A congener, Vitularia miliaris from the Indo-Pacific, has an identical feeding biology The origin and persistence of extremely slow feeding in the tropics challenges our present understanding of selective pressures influencing the evolution of muricid feeding behaviors and morphological adaptations. Previously, it has been suggested that faster feeding is advantageous because it permits predators to spend a greater proportion of time hiding in enemy-free refugia or to take additional prey, the energetic benefits of which could be translated into increased fecundity or defenses. The benefits of exceptionally slow feeding have received little consideration. In the microhabitat preferred by V. salebrosa (beneath boulders), it is possible that prolonged interactions with hosts decrease vulnerability to enemies by reducing the frequency of risky foraging events between feedings . Ectoparasitic feeding through tunnels by V. salebrosa may also reduce competitive interactions with kleptoparasites (e.g., crabs, snails) that steal food through the gaped valves of dead or dying hosts.


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Computed tomography (CT)-guided percutaneous drilling is an alternative for osteoid osteoma treatment. This study aims to evaluate the remodeling of the drill orifice. The success rate and complications were also recorded and compared with other treatment methods.


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During this work has been developed an innovative methodology for continuous and in situ gas monitoring (24/24 h) of fumarolic and soil diffusive emissions applied to the geothermal and volcanic area of Pisciarelli near Agnano inside the Campi Flegrei caldera (CFc). In literature there are only scattered and in discrete data of the geochemical gas composition of fumarole at Campi Flegrei; it is only since the early ’80 that exist a systematic record of fumaroles with discrete sampling at Solfatara (Bocca Grande and Bocca Nuova fumaroles) and since 1999, even at the degassing areas of Pisciarelli. This type of sampling has resulted in a time series of geochemical analysis with discontinuous periods of time set (in average 2-3 measurements per month) completely inadequate for the purposes of Civil Defence in such high volcanic risk and densely populated areas. For this purpose, and to remedy this lack of data, during this study was introduced a new methodology of continuous and in situ sampling able to continuously detect data related and from its soil diffusive degassing. Due to its high sampling density (about one measurement per minute therefore producing 1440 data daily) and numerous species detected (CO2, Ar, 36Ar, CH4, He, H2S, N2, O2) allowing a good statistic record and the reconstruction of the gas composition evolution of the investigated area. This methodology is based on continuous sampling of fumaroles gases and soil degassing using an extraction line, which after undergoing a series of condensation processes of the water vapour content - better described hereinafter - is analyzed through using a quadrupole mass spectrometer


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Allo scopo di valutare le tensioni residue di un pannello in alluminio sottile, è stata sviluppata la tecnica definita Incremental Hole Drilling. Poichè tale tecnica è applicata a componenti di spessori rilevanti, per ovviare alle problematiche di vibrazione del provino è stata applicata una controlastra di resina polimerizzata per aumentare la rigidezza flessionale. Le analisi effettuate hanno mostrato una influenza della resina non trascurabile sullo stato di tensione del materiale.


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La vita di un aeromobile è un elemento importante sia per quanto riguarda la sicurezza del payload, che da un punto di vista economico, a causa delle spese di manutenzione/rinnovamento della flotta che una compagnia aerea deve affrontare. Gli elementi costitutivi di un aeromobile sono soggetti a diverse tipologie di carichi, alcuni dei quali ciclici come la pressurizzazione/depressurizzazione della fusoliera; tali carichi, nel lungo periodo, possono provocare la nascita e la propagazione di eventuali cricche, le quali possono portare alla rottura del componente stesso causando gravi incidenti. Il legame tra tensioni residue e nascita/crescita delle cricche ha portato allo sviluppo di tecniche per contrastare questo fenomeno, come il processo del LSP. Per la misura delle tensioni residue esistono già normative di riferimento, le quali però non trattano componenti metallici di piccolo spessore mentre i pannelli di fusoliera rientrano in questa categoria. Scopo di questa tesi è quello di studiare una variante della tecnica HD adatta a valutare le tensioni residue in componenti metallici di piccolo spessore e confrontare i risultati con quelli ottenuti con la tecnica XRD. L’idea di partenza è l’implementazione di un supporto posteriore in resina che simuli la presenza di uno spessore maggiore.


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The experimental verification of matrix diffusion in crystalline rocks largely relies on indirect methods performed in the laboratory. Such methods are prone to perturbations of the rock samples by collection and preparation and therefore the laboratory-derived transport properties and fluid composition might not represent in situ conditions. We investigated the effects induced by the drilling process and natural rock stress release by mass balance considerations and sensitivity analysis of analytical out-diffusion data obtained from originally saturated, large-sized drillcore material from two locations drilled using traced drilling fluid. For in situ stress-released drillcores of quartz-monzodiorite composition from the Aspo HRL, Sweden, tracer mass balance considerations and 1D and 2D diffusion modelling consistently indicated a contamination of <1% of the original pore water. This chemically disturbed zone extends to a maximum of 0.1 mm into the drillcore (61.8 mm x 180.1 mm) corresponding to about 0.66% of the total pore volume (0.77 vol.%). In contrast, the combined effects of stress release and the drilling process, which have influenced granodioritic drillcore material from 560 m below surface at Forsmark. Sweden, resulted in a maximum contamination of the derived porewater Cl(-) concentration of about 8%. The mechanically disturbed zone with modified diffusion properties covers the outermost similar to 6 mm of the drillcore (50 mm x 189 mm), whereas the chemically disturbed zone extends to a maximum of 0.3 mm based on mass balance considerations, and to 0.15 mm to 0.2 mm into the drillcore based on fitting the observed tracer data. This corresponds to a maximum of 2.4% of the total pore volume (0.62 vol.%) being affected by the drilling-fluid contamination. The proportion of rock volume affected initially by drilling fluid or subsequently with experiment water during the laboratory diffusion and re-saturation experiments depends on the size of the drillcore material and will become larger the smaller the sample used for the experiment. The results are further in support of matrix diffusion taking place in the undisturbed matrix of crystalline rocks at least in the cm range.