996 resultados para dissipative dynamics


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The behavior of the average energy for an ensemble of non-interacting particles is studied using scaling arguments in a dissipative time-dependent stadium-like billiard. The dynamics of the system is described by a four dimensional nonlinear mapping. The dissipation is introduced via inelastic collisions between the particles and the moving boundary. For different combinations of initial velocities and damping coefficients, the long time dynamics of the particles leads them to reach different states of final energy and to visit different attractors, which change as the dissipation is varied. The decay of the average energy of the particles, which is observed for a large range of restitution coefficients and different initial velocities, is described using scaling arguments. Since this system exhibits unlimited energy growth in the absence of dissipation, our results for the dissipative case give support to the principle that Fermi acceleration seems not to be a robust phenomenon. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. [http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.3699465]


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Liquids under the influence of external fields exhibit a wide range of intriguing phenomena that can be markedly different from the behaviour of a quiescent system. This work considers two different systems — a glassforming Yukawa system and a colloid-polymer mixture — by Molecular Dynamics (MD) computer simulations coupled to dissipative particle dynamics. The former consists of a 50-50 binary mixture of differently-sized, like-charged colloids interacting via a screened Coulomb (Yukawa) potential. Near the glass transition the influence of an external shear field is studied. In particular, the transition from elastic response to plastic flow is of interest. At first, this model is characterised in equilibrium. Upon decreasing temperature it exhibits the typical dynamics of glassforming liquids, i.e. the structural relaxation time τα grows strongly in a rather small temperature range. This is discussed with respect to the mode-coupling theory of the glass transition (MCT). For the simulation of bulk systems under shear, Lees-Edwards boundary conditions are applied. At constant shear rates γ˙ ≫ 1/τα the relevant time scale is given by 1/γ˙ and the system shows shear thinning behaviour. In order to understand the pronounced differences between a quiescent system and a system under shear, the response to a suddenly commencing or terminating shear flow is studied. After the switch-on of the shear field the shear stress shows an overshoot, marking the transition from elastic to plastic deformation, which is connected to a super-diffusive increase of the mean squared displacement. Since the average static structure only depends on the value of the shear stress, it does not discriminate between those two regimes. The distribution of local stresses, in contrast, becomes broader as soon as the system starts flowing. After a switch-off of the shear field, these additional fluctuations are responsible for the fast decay of stresses, which occurs on a time scale 1/γ˙ . The stress decay after a switch-off in the elastic regime, on the other hand, happens on the much larger time scale of structural relaxation τα. While stresses decrease to zero after a switch-off for temperatures above the glass transition, they decay to a finite value for lower temperatures. The obtained results are important for advancing new theoretical approaches in the framework of mode-coupling theory. Furthermore, they suggest new experimental investigations on colloidal systems. The colloid-polymer mixture is studied in the context of the behaviour near the critical point of phase separation. For the MD simulations a new effective model with soft interaction potentials is introduced and its phase diagram is presented. Here, mainly the equilibrium properties of this model are characterised. While the self-diffusion constants of colloids and polymers do not change strongly when the critical point is approached, critical slowing down of interdiffusion is observed. The order parameter fluctuations can be determined through the long-wavelength limit of static structure factors. For this strongly asymmetric mixture it is shown how the relevant structure factor can be extracted by a diagonalisation of a matrix that contains the partial static structure factors. By presenting first results of this model under shear it is demonstrated that it is suitable for non-equilibrium simulations as well.


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It has been proposed that inertial clustering may lead to an increased collision rate of water droplets in clouds. Atmospheric clouds and electrosprays contain electrically charged particles embedded in turbulent flows, often under the influence of an externally imposed, approximately uniform gravitational or electric force. In this thesis, we present the investigation of charged inertial particles embedded in turbulence. We have developed a theoretical description for the dynamics of such systems of charged, sedimenting particles in turbulence, allowing radial distribution functions to be predicted for both monodisperse and bidisperse particle size distributions. The governing parameters are the particle Stokes number (particle inertial time scale relative to turbulence dissipation time scale), the Coulomb-turbulence parameter (ratio of Coulomb ’terminalar speed to turbulence dissipation velocity scale), and the settling parameter (the ratio of the gravitational terminal speed to turbulence dissipation velocity scale). For the monodispersion particles, The peak in the radial distribution function is well predicted by the balance between the particle terminal velocity under Coulomb repulsion and a time-averaged ’drift’ velocity obtained from the nonuniform sampling of fluid strain and rotation due to finite particle inertia. The theory is compared to measured radial distribution functions for water particles in homogeneous, isotropic air turbulence. The radial distribution functions are obtained from particle positions measured in three dimensions using digital holography. The measurements support the general theoretical expression, consisting of a power law increase in particle clustering due to particle response to dissipative turbulent eddies, modulated by an exponential electrostatic interaction term. Both terms are modified as a result of the gravitational diffusion-like term, and the role of ’gravity’ is explored by imposing a macroscopic uniform electric field to create an enhanced, effective gravity. The relation between the radial distribution functions and inward mean radial relative velocity is established for charged particles.


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Transition state theory is a central cornerstone in reaction dynamics. Its key step is the identification of a dividing surface that is crossed only once by all reactive trajectories. This assumption is often badly violated, especially when the reactive system is coupled to an environment. The calculations made in this way then overestimate the reaction rate and the results depend critically on the choice of the dividing surface. In this Communication, we study the phase space of a stochastically driven system close to an energetic barrier in order to identify the geometric structure unambiguously determining the reactive trajectories, which is then incorporated in a simple rate formula for reactions in condensed phase that is both independent of the dividing surface and exact.


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Esta tesis aborda la formulación, análisis e implementación de métodos numéricos de integración temporal para la solución de sistemas disipativos suaves de dimensión finita o infinita de manera que su estructura continua sea conservada. Se entiende por dichos sistemas aquellos que involucran acoplamiento termo-mecánico y/o efectos disipativos internos modelados por variables internas que siguen leyes continuas, de modo que su evolución es considerada suave. La dinámica de estos sistemas está gobernada por las leyes de la termodinámica y simetrías, las cuales constituyen la estructura que se pretende conservar de forma discreta. Para ello, los sistemas disipativos se describen geométricamente mediante estructuras metriplécticas que identifican claramente las partes reversible e irreversible de la evolución del sistema. Así, usando una de estas estructuras conocida por las siglas (en inglés) de GENERIC, la estructura disipativa de los sistemas es identificada del mismo modo que lo es la Hamiltoniana para sistemas conservativos. Con esto, métodos (EEM) con precisión de segundo orden que conservan la energía, producen entropía y conservan los impulsos lineal y angular son formulados mediante el uso del operador derivada discreta introducido para asegurar la conservación de la Hamiltoniana y las simetrías de sistemas conservativos. Siguiendo estas directrices, se formulan dos tipos de métodos EEM basados en el uso de la temperatura o de la entropía como variable de estado termodinámica, lo que presenta importantes implicaciones que se discuten a lo largo de esta tesis. Entre las cuales cabe destacar que las condiciones de contorno de Dirichlet son naturalmente impuestas con la formulación basada en la temperatura. Por último, se validan dichos métodos y se comprueban sus mejores prestaciones en términos de la estabilidad y robustez en comparación con métodos estándar. This dissertation is concerned with the formulation, analysis and implementation of structure-preserving time integration methods for the solution of the initial(-boundary) value problems describing the dynamics of smooth dissipative systems, either finite- or infinite-dimensional ones. Such systems are understood as those involving thermo-mechanical coupling and/or internal dissipative effects modeled by internal state variables considered to be smooth in the sense that their evolutions follow continuos laws. The dynamics of such systems are ruled by the laws of thermodynamics and symmetries which constitutes the structure meant to be preserved in the numerical setting. For that, dissipative systems are geometrically described by metriplectic structures which clearly identify the reversible and irreversible parts of their dynamical evolution. In particular, the framework known by the acronym GENERIC is used to reveal the systems' dissipative structure in the same way as the Hamiltonian is for conserving systems. Given that, energy-preserving, entropy-producing and momentum-preserving (EEM) second-order accurate methods are formulated using the discrete derivative operator that enabled the formulation of Energy-Momentum methods ensuring the preservation of the Hamiltonian and symmetries for conservative systems. Following these guidelines, two kind of EEM methods are formulated in terms of entropy and temperature as a thermodynamical state variable, involving important implications discussed throughout the dissertation. Remarkably, the formulation in temperature becomes central to accommodate Dirichlet boundary conditions. EEM methods are finally validated and proved to exhibit enhanced numerical stability and robustness properties compared to standard ones.


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We report new experiments that test quantum dynamical predictions of polarization squeezing for ultrashort photonic pulses in a birefringent fiber, including all relevant dissipative effects. This exponentially complex many-body problem is solved by means of a stochastic phase-space method. The squeezing is calculated and compared to experimental data, resulting in excellent quantitative agreement. From the simulations, we identify the physical limits to quantum noise reduction in optical fibers. The research represents a significant experimental test of first-principles time-domain quantum dynamics in a one-dimensional interacting Bose gas coupled to dissipative reservoirs.


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Two fundamental laser physics phenomena - dissipative soliton and polarisation of light are recently merged to the concept of vector dissipative soliton (VDS), viz. train of short pulses with specific state of polarisation (SOP) and shape defined by an interplay between anisotropy, gain/loss, dispersion, and nonlinearity. Emergence of VDSs is both of the fundamental scientific interest and is also a promising technique for control of dynamic SOPs important for numerous applications from nano-optics to high capacity fibre optic communications. Using specially designed and developed fast polarimeter, we present here the first experimental results on SOP evolution of vector soliton molecules with periodic polarisation switching between two and three SOPs and superposition of polarisation switching with SOP precessing. The underlying physics presents an interplay between linear and circular birefringence of a laser cavity along with light induced anisotropy caused by polarisation hole burning.


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At the level of fundamental research, fibre lasers provide convenient and reproducible experimental settings for the study of a variety of nonlinear dynamical processes, while at the applied research level, pulses with different and optimised features – e.g., in terms of pulse duration, temporal and/or spectral intensity profile, energy, repetition rate and emission bandwidth – are sought with the general constraint of developing efficient cavity architectures. In this talk, we review our recent progress on the realisation of different regimes of pulse generation in passively mode-locked fibre lasers through control of the in-cavity propagation dynamics. We report on the possibility to achieve both parabolic self-similar and triangular pulse shaping in a mode-locked fibre laser via adjustment of the net normal dispersion and integrated gain of the cavity [1]. We also show that careful control of the gain/loss parameters of a net-normal dispersion laser cavity provides the means of achieving switching among Gaussian pulse, dissipative soliton and similariton pulse solutions in the cavity [2,3]. Furthermore, we report on our recent theoretical and experimental studies of pulse shaping by inclusion of an amplitude and phase spectral filter into the cavity of a laser. We numerically demonstrate that a mode-locked fibre laser can operate in dif- ferent pulse-generation regimes, including parabolic, flattop and triangular waveform generations, depending on the amplitude profile of the in-cavity spectral filter [4]. An application of technique using a flat-top spectral filter is demonstrated to achieve the direct generation of sinc-shaped optical Nyquist pulses of high quality and of a widely tuneable bandwidth from the laser [5]. We also report on a recently-developed versa- tile erbium-doped fibre laser, in which conventional soliton, dispersion-managed soli- ton (stretched-pulse) and dissipative soliton mode-locking regimes can be selectively and reliably targeted by programming different group-velocity dispersion profiles and bandwidths on an in-cavity programmable filter [6]. References: 1. S. Boscolo and S. K. Turitsyn, Phys. Rev. A 85, 043811 (2012). 2. J. Peng et al., Phys. Rev. A 86, 033808 (2012). 3. J. Peng, Opt. Express 24, 3046-3054 (2016). 4. S. Boscolo, C. Finot, H. Karakuzu, and P. Petropoulos, Opt. Lett. 39, 438-441 (2014). 5. S. Boscolo, C. Finot, and S. K. Turitsyn, IEEE Photon. J. 7, 7802008 (2015). 6. J. Peng and S. Boscolo, Sci. Rep. 6, 25995 (2016).


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The dynamics, shape, deformation, and orientation of red blood cells in microcirculation affect the rheology, flow resistance and transport properties of whole blood. This leads to important correlations of cellular and continuum scales. Furthermore, the dynamics of RBCs subject to different flow conditions and vessel geometries is relevant for both fundamental research and biomedical applications (e.g drug delivery). In this thesis, the behaviour of RBCs is investigated for different flow conditions via computer simulations. We use a combination of two mesoscopic particle-based simulation techniques, dissipative particle dynamics and smoothed dissipative particle dynamics. We focus on the microcapillary scale of several μm. At this scale, blood cannot be considered at the continuum but has to be studied at the cellular level. The connection between cellular motion and overall blood rheology will be investigated. Red blood cells are modelled as viscoelastic objects interacting hydrodynamically with a viscous fluid environment. The properties of the membrane, such as resistance against bending or shearing, are set to correspond to experimental values. Furthermore, thermal fluctuations are considered via random forces. Analyses corresponding to light scattering measurements are performed in order to compare to experiments and suggest for which situations this method is suitable. Static light scattering by red blood cells characterises their shape and allows comparison to objects such as spheres or cylinders, whose scattering signals have analytical solutions, in contrast to those of red blood cells. Dynamic light scattering by red blood cells is studied concerning its suitability to detect and analyse motion, deformation and membrane fluctuations. Dynamic light scattering analysis is performed for both diffusing and flowing cells. We find that scattering signals depend on various cell properties, thus allowing to distinguish different cells. The scattering of diffusing cells allows to draw conclusions on their bending rigidity via the effective diffusion coefficient. The scattering of flowing cells allows to draw conclusions on the shear rate via the scattering amplitude correlation. In flow, a RBC shows different shapes and dynamic states, depending on conditions such as confinement, physiological/pathological state and cell age. Here, two essential flow conditions are studied: simple shear flow and tube flow. Simple shear flow as a basic flow condition is part of any more complex flow. The velocity profile is linear and shear stress is homogeneous. In simple shear flow, we find a sequence of different cell shapes by increasing the shear rate. With increasing shear rate, we find rolling cells with cup shapes, trilobe shapes and quadrulobe shapes. This agrees with recent experiments. Furthermore, the impact of the initial orientation on the dynamics is studied. To study crowding and collective effects, systems with higher haematocrit are set up. Tube flow is an idealised model for the flow through cylindric microvessels. Without cell, a parabolic flow profile prevails. A single red blood cell is placed into the tube and subject to a Poiseuille profile. In tube flow, we find different cell shapes and dynamics depending on confinement, shear rate and cell properties. For strong confinements and high shear rates, we find parachute-like shapes. Although not perfectly symmetric, they are adjusted to the flow profile and maintain a stationary shape and orientation. For weak confinements and low shear rates, we find tumbling slippers that rotate and moderately change their shape. For weak confinements and high shear rates, we find tank-treading slippers that oscillate in a limited range of inclination angles and strongly change their shape. For the lowest shear rates, we find cells performing a snaking motion. Due to cell properties and resultant deformations, all shapes differ from hitherto descriptions, such as steady tank-treading or symmetric parachutes. We introduce phase diagrams to identify flow regimes for the different shapes and dynamics. Changing cell properties, the regime borders in the phase diagrams change. In both flow types, both the viscosity contrast and the choice of stress-free shape are important. For in vitro experiments, the solvent viscosity has often been higher than the cytosol viscosity, leading to a different pattern of dynamics, such as steady tank-treading. The stress-free state of a RBC, which is the state at zero shear stress, is still controversial, and computer simulations enable direct comparisons of possible candidates in equivalent flow conditions.


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Many of the equations describing the dynamics of neural systems are written in terms of firing rate functions, which themselves are often taken to be threshold functions of synaptic activity. Dating back to work by Hill in 1936 it has been recognized that more realistic models of neural tissue can be obtained with the introduction of state-dependent dynamic thresholds. In this paper we treat a specific phenomenological model of threshold accommodation that mimics many of the properties originally described by Hill. Importantly we explore the consequences of this dynamic threshold at the tissue level, by modifying a standard neural field model of Wilson-Cowan type. As in the case without threshold accommodation classical Mexican-Hat connectivity is shown to allow for the existence of spatially localized states (bumps) in both one and two dimensions. Importantly an analysis of bump stability in one dimension, using recent Evans function techniques, shows that bumps may undergo instabilities leading to the emergence of both breathers and traveling waves. Moreover, a similar analysis for traveling pulses leads to the conditions necessary to observe a stable traveling breather. In the regime where a bump solution does not exist direct numerical simulations show the possibility of self-replicating bumps via a form of bump splitting. Simulations in two space dimensions show analogous localized and traveling solutions to those seen in one dimension. Indeed dynamical behavior in this neural model appears reminiscent of that seen in other dissipative systems that support localized structures, and in particular those of coupled cubic complex Ginzburg-Landau equations. Further numerical explorations illustrate that the traveling pulses in this model exhibit particle like properties, similar to those of dispersive solitons observed in some three component reaction-diffusion systems. A preliminary account of this work first appeared in S Coombes and M R Owen, Bumps, breathers, and waves in a neural network with spike frequency adaptation, Physical Review Letters 94 (2005), 148102(1-4).