980 resultados para diameter of stem


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A defining property of murine hematopoietic stein cells (HSCs) is low fluorescence after staining with Hoechst 33342 and Rhodamine 123. These dyes have proven to be remarkably powerful tools in the purification and characterization of HSCs when used alone or in combination with antibodies directed against stem cell epitopes. Hoechst low cells are described as side population (SP) cells by virtue of their typical profiles in Hoechst red versus Hoechst blue bivariate fluorescent-activated cell sorting dot plots. Recently, excitement has been generated by the findings that putative stem cells from solid tissues may also possess this SP phenotype. SP cells have now been isolated from a wide variety of mammalian tissues based on this same dye efflux phenomenon, and in many cases this cell population has been shown to contain apparently multipotent stem cells. What is yet to be clearly addressed is whether cell fusion accounts for this perceived SP multipotency. Indeed, if low fluorescence after Hoechst staining is a phenotype shared by hematopoietic and organ-specific stem cells, do all resident tissue SP cells have bone marrow origins or might the SP phenotype be a property common to all stem cells? Subject to further analysis, the SP phenotype may prove invaluable for the initial isolation of resident tissue stem cells in the absence of definitive cell-surface markers and may have broad-ranging applications in stem cell biology, from the purification of novel stem cell populations to the development of autologous stem cell therapies.


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Free paper session INTRODUCTION. Microaneurysms and haemorrhages within the macula area are a poor predictor of macular oedema as shown by optical coherence tomography (OCT). Our research suggests that it is safe and cost effective to screen patients who present with these surrogate markers annually. PURPOSE. To determine whether microaneurysms (ma) and haemorrhages (hm) within one optic disc diameter of the fovea (ma/hm<1DD) are significant predictors of macular oedema. METHODS. Data were collected over a one-year period from patients attending digital diabetic retinopathy screening. Patients who presented with ma/hm<1DD also had an OCT scan. The fast macula scan on the Stratus OCT was used and an ophthalmologist reviewed the scans to determine whether macular oedema was present. Macular oedema was identified by thickening on the OCT cross-sections. Patients were split into two groups. Group one (325 eyes) included those with best VA?6/9 and group two (30 eyes) with best VA =6/12. Only patients who had no other referable features of diabetic retinopathy were selected. RESULTS. In group one, 6 (1.8%) out of 325 eyes showed thickening on the OCT and were referred to hospital eye service (HES) for further investigation. In group two, 6 (20%) out of 30 eyes showed thickening and were referred to HES. CONCLUSIONS. Ma/hm<1DD become more significant predictors of macular oedema when VA is reduced. Results confirm the grading criteria concerning microaneurysms predicting macular oedema for referable maculopathy in the English national screening programme. OCT is a useful method to accurately identify patients requiring referral to HES.


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This study examined the press coverage and audience understanding of the costs and benefits of stem cell research/treatment in Hungary. A content analysis of five newspapers and a focus group study was conducted. The way participants talked about the costs and benefits in many aspects echoed the dominant framing of the issue in the press (medical benefits = main benefit, high expense of treatment = dominant negative aspect). Even though participants applied analogical reasoning to formulate some risks that were missing from the reporting on stem cells, many gaps of the media coverage were echoed in gaps in lay discussions.


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This paper reports on a research project which examined media coverage and audience perceptions of stem cells and stem cell research in Hungary, using focus groups and a media analysis. A background study was also conducted on the Hungarian legal, social and political situation linked to stem cell research, treatment and storage. Our data shows how stem cell research/treatments were framed by the focus group members in terms of medical results/cures and human interest stories – mirroring the dominant frames utilized by the Hungarian press. The spontaneous discourse on stem cells in the groups involved a non-political and non-controversial understanding – also echoing the dominant presentation of the media. Comparing our results with those of a UK study, we found that although there are some similarities, UK and Hungarian focus group participants framed the issue of stem cell research differently in many respects – and these differences often echoed the divergences of the media coverage in the two countries. We conclude by arguing against approaches which attribute only negligible influence to the media – especially in the case of complex scientific topics and when the dominant information source for the public is the media.


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Organismal development, homeostasis, and pathology are rooted in inherently probabilistic events. From gene expression to cellular differentiation, rates and likelihoods shape the form and function of biology. Processes ranging from growth to cancer homeostasis to reprogramming of stem cells all require transitions between distinct phenotypic states, and these occur at defined rates. Therefore, measuring the fidelity and dynamics with which such transitions occur is central to understanding natural biological phenomena and is critical for therapeutic interventions.

While these processes may produce robust population-level behaviors, decisions are made by individual cells. In certain circumstances, these minuscule computing units effectively roll dice to determine their fate. And while the 'omics' era has provided vast amounts of data on what these populations are doing en masse, the behaviors of the underlying units of these processes get washed out in averages.

Therefore, in order to understand the behavior of a sample of cells, it is critical to reveal how its underlying components, or mixture of cells in distinct states, each contribute to the overall phenotype. As such, we must first define what states exist in the population, determine what controls the stability of these states, and measure in high dimensionality the dynamics with which these cells transition between states.

To address a specific example of this general problem, we investigate the heterogeneity and dynamics of mouse embryonic stem cells (mESCs). While a number of reports have identified particular genes in ES cells that switch between 'high' and 'low' metastable expression states in culture, it remains unclear how levels of many of these regulators combine to form states in transcriptional space. Using a method called single molecule mRNA fluorescent in situ hybridization (smFISH), we quantitatively measure and fit distributions of core pluripotency regulators in single cells, identifying a wide range of variabilities between genes, but each explained by a simple model of bursty transcription. From this data, we also observed that strongly bimodal genes appear to be co-expressed, effectively limiting the occupancy of transcriptional space to two primary states across genes studied here. However, these states also appear punctuated by the conditional expression of the most highly variable genes, potentially defining smaller substates of pluripotency.

Having defined the transcriptional states, we next asked what might control their stability or persistence. Surprisingly, we found that DNA methylation, a mark normally associated with irreversible developmental progression, was itself differentially regulated between these two primary states. Furthermore, both acute or chronic inhibition of DNA methyltransferase activity led to reduced heterogeneity among the population, suggesting that metastability can be modulated by this strong epigenetic mark.

Finally, because understanding the dynamics of state transitions is fundamental to a variety of biological problems, we sought to develop a high-throughput method for the identification of cellular trajectories without the need for cell-line engineering. We achieved this by combining cell-lineage information gathered from time-lapse microscopy with endpoint smFISH for measurements of final expression states. Applying a simple mathematical framework to these lineage-tree associated expression states enables the inference of dynamic transitions. We apply our novel approach in order to infer temporal sequences of events, quantitative switching rates, and network topology among a set of ESC states.

Taken together, we identify distinct expression states in ES cells, gain fundamental insight into how a strong epigenetic modifier enforces the stability of these states, and develop and apply a new method for the identification of cellular trajectories using scalable in situ readouts of cellular state.


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Purpose: To investigate the phytochemistry and cytotoxic activity of stem bark extracts from Genus dolichocarpa and Duguetia chrysocarpa - two species of the Annonaceae family. Methods: The crude ethanol bark extracts (EtOH) of the plants were obtained by maceration. The crude extracts were suspended in a mixture of methanol (MeOH) and water (H2O) (proportion 3:7 v/v) and partitioned with hexane, chloroform (CHCl3) and ethyl acetate (AcOEt) in ascending order of polarity to obtain the respective fractions. The extracts were evaluated on thin layer chromatography (TLC) plates of silica gel to highlight the main groups of secondary metabolites. Cytotoxicity was tested against human tumor cell lines - OVCAR-8 (ovarian), SF-295 (brain) and HCT-116 (colon) - using 3- (4,5-dimethyl-2-thiazolyl)-2,5-diphenyl-2H-tetrazolium bromide (MTT) assay. Results: The screening results demonstrated that all the extracts were positive for the presence of flavonoids and tannins. The presence of alkaloids also was detected in some extracts. The hexane extract of A. dolichocarpa showed the strongest cytotoxicity against HCT-116 with cell growth inhibition of 89.02 %. Conclusion: The findings demonstrate for the first time the cytotoxic activity of the extracts of A. dolichocarpa and D. chrysocarpa, thus providing some evidence that plants of the Annonaceae family are a source of active secondary metabolites with cytotoxic activity.


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O experimento foi conduzido em casa de vegetação telada na FCAV/Unesp campus Jaboticabal-SP, durante o período de novembro de 2005 a janeiro de 2007. Conduziu-se este estudo, com o objetivo de avaliar componentes do desenvolvimento e do estado nutricional de mudas de laranjeira Valência (Citrus sinensis Osbeck), enxertadas sobre limoeiro Cravo (Citrus limonia Osbeck), em função de doses de nitrogênio, fósforo e potássio. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado, em esquema fatorial 3³ + 1, sendo 3 fatores (nitrogênio, fósforo e potássio - NPK), 3 doses e uma testemunha (sem adubação), com 3 repetições. A unidade experimental foi representada por uma muda de laranjeira por sacola com 5 dm³ com 2,5 kg de substrato casca de Pinus spp. e vermiculita. Os tratamentos foram constituídos pela metade, uma vez e duas vezes a dose padrão recomendada, de 4.590; 920 e 4.380 mg sacola-1, de N, P e K, respectivamente. As adubações com N e K foram realizadas via fertirrigações três vezes por semana e o P foi adicionado ao substrato antes do replantio das mudas. Aos 424 dias após o transplantio, as plantas foram subdivididas em raízes e parte aérea para determinação da massa da matéria seca, altura, área foliar, diâmetro do caule e conteúdo de nutrientes. A adubação com N, P e K proporcionou maior desenvolvimento e maior acúmulo desses macronutrientes na parte aérea e nas raízes das mudas de laranjeira Valência, sobre limoeiro Cravo. Houve adequado desenvolvimento das plantas com a metade da dose recomendada de N, P e K pela literatura, aproximadamente de 918, 184 e 876 mg dm-3, respectivamente.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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To study plant growth and yield of cauliflower, two field trials were carried out: the first spring-summer (Oct. 07, 2006 to Jan. 28, 2007) and the second autumn-winter (Apr. 04, 2007 to Jul. 09, 2007). The experimental design was randomized complete blocks in 4 x 4 factorial design with three replications. The following factors: line spacing (0.6, 0.8, 1.0 and 1.2 m) and plant spacing (0.4, 0.5, 0.6 and 0.7 m). The used cultivar was cv. Verona 284. The characteristics, number of leaves by plant, diameter of stem, diameter of inflorescence, inflorescence mass and yield were evaluated. With the reduction in spacing, were observed lower numbers of leaves, stem diameter, diameter and mass of the inflorescence, but there was an increase in yield. The maximum yield (23 t ha(-1)) was obtained with 0.6 x 0.4 m, ie, in higher plant population (41,667, plants ha(-1)).


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An experiment was carried out in greenhouse during the period January to April 2010, at Center of Agricultural Sciences of the Federal University of Paraiba, in Areia, Paraiba State, Brazil, in order to evaluate the effects of saline water and bovine biofertilizer on the seedling growth of Indian neem. The substrate was material of a non-saline soil collected in depth of 0-20 cm. The treatments were arranged in a completely randomized design using a 5 x 2 factorial, referring to salinity levels of irrigation water of 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 and 4.0 dS m(-1), with and without bovine biofertilizer applied to the soil only once after dilution with water (1: 1), a day before sowing, in volume corresponding to 10% of the substrate. At 86 days after emergence of seedlings the plant growth in height and principal root length, diameter of stem and root, leaf number and dry mass of roots and shoots of plants were evaluated. The salinity of irrigation water increased the salinity levels in the substrate inhibiting the growth in height, stem diameter, leaf emission by plants, diameter and length of principal root and the dry matter production of roots and aerial parts (leaves + stem) of neem, but with less pronounced decrease in plants under the treatments with bovine biofertilizer.


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A divergência genética é um dos mais importantes parâmetros avaliados por melhoristas de plantas na fase inicial de um programa de melhoramento genético. O objetivo deste trabalho foi caracterizar 15 acessos de mamoneira por meio de caracteres morfoagronômicos. O experimento foi conduzido em Lavras, MG, no período de fevereiro a agosto de 2008. O delineamento experimental foi o de blocos ao acaso, com três repetições, e 25 plantas por parcela. Os caracteres avaliados foram: altura da planta, altura do caule, número de internódios, diâmetro do caule e número de racemos. Verificou-se a ocorrência de diferenças significativas pelo teste de F (P < 0,01), para o efeito de acessos para todas as variáveis estudadas. Foram estimadas as distâncias genéticas entre os acessos pelo método euclidiano. de acordo com o agrupamento, utilizando o método de Tocher e o método Hierárquico do Vizinho Mais Próximo, baseado na distância euclidiana houve a formação de quatro grupos distintos. Com base nos resultados obtidos neste trabalho, recomendam-se os cruzamentos entre acessos dos grupos I e IV, II e IV, e III e IV.


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Conduziu-se este trabalho, com o objetivo de avaliar três modelos de rodas compactadoras de semeadoras, dois níveis de carga vertical sobre as mesmas e duas lâminas de irrigação durante os períodos de pré e pós-emergência das plântulas de milho. O ensaio foi conduzido na UNESP de Jaboticabal, com o delineamento inteiramente casualizado (DIC) no esquema fatorial 3x2x2, combinando de três modelos de rodas compactadoras (roda lisa com estria, roda lisa com nervura e roda duplo angulada), com dois níveis de carga (162 N e 260 N) e dois teores de água (15 e 19,5 mm dia-¹) sob três repetições. Os parâmetros analisados foram: produtividade, número de grãos por espiga, massa de 100 grãos, matéria seca de plantas, número de dias para emergência, altura das plantas, diâmetro dos colmos das plantas e altura de inserção da primeira espiga. A variável diâmetro do colmo obteve melhor resultado sob a influência de maior lâmina de água, diferente da variável matéria seca de plantas. A inserção da primeira espiga foi afetada pela carga utilizada sobre a roda compactadora durante a semeadura. Quanto maior a carga utilizada, menor é a altura da inserção da primeira espiga. A interação roda x lâmina foi significativa para a variável número de grão.


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Flooding effects in Lithraea molleoides plants were studied. Young plants were kept under drained and flooded soil over a period of 35 days. For growth and development analyses, the length and diameter of stem and main root and the dry weight of roots, stem, and leaves were measured. For anatomical studies, sections of fresh and fixed roots, stem bases and leaves were made using standard procedures in vegetal anatomy. The stress reduced the dry weight increment of plants without causing the death of roots or the abscission of leaves. In the stem base, flooding induced the hypertrophy of lenticels and the increase of intercellular space and reduction lower starch contents, in the cortex. Plants flooded displayed greater percentage of cortical intercellular space in the secondary roots and lower investment in secretory structure formation in the stem base. It can be suggested that flooding reduced the recourses allocation to growth. These recourses could be used in morphological alterations, such as hypertrophied lenticels and increase of intercellular spaces, that could contribute to plants survival during stress period, probably, due maintenance of aerobic respiration.