915 resultados para diallel crossing
The possibility to compress analyte bands at the beginning of CE runs has many advantages. Analytes at low concentration can be analyzed with high signal-to-noise ratios by using the so-called sample stacking methods. Moreover, sample injections with very narrow initial band widths (small initial standard deviations) are sometimes useful, especially if high resolutions among the bands are required in the shortest run time. In the present work, a method of sample stacking is proposed and demonstrated. It is based on BGEs with high thermal sensitive pHs (high dpH/dT) and analytes with low dpK(a)/dT. High thermal sensitivity means that the working pK(a) of the BGE has a high dpK(a)/dT in modulus. For instance, Tris and Ethanolamine have dpH/dT = -0.028/degrees C and -0.029/degrees C, respectively, whereas carboxylic acids have low dpK(a)/dT values, i.e. in the -0.002/degrees C to+0.002/degrees C range. The action of cooling and heating sections along the capillary during the runs affects also the local viscosity, conductivity, and electric field strength. The effect of these variables on electrophoretic velocity and band compression is theoretically calculated using a simple model. Finally, this stacking method was demonstrated for amino acids derivatized with naphthalene-2,3-dicarboxaldehyde and fluorescamine using a temperature difference of 70 degrees C between two neighbor sections and Tris as separation buffer. In this case, the BGE has a high pH thermal coefficient whereas the carboxylic groups of the analytes have low pK(a) thermal coefficients. The application of these dynamic thermal gradients increased peak height by a factor of two (and decreased the standard deviations of peaks by a factor of two) of aspartic acid and glutamic acid derivatized with naphthalene-2,3-dicarboxaldehyde and serine derivatized with fluorescamine. The effect of thermal compression of bands was not observed when runs were accomplished using phosphate buffer at pH 7 (negative control). Phosphate has a low dpH/dT in this pH range, similar to the dK(a)/dT of analytes. It is shown that vertical bar dK(a)/dT-dpH/dT vertical bar >> 0 is one determinant factor to have significant stacking produced by dynamic thermal junctions.
In a previous work [M. Mandaji, et al., this issue] a sample stacking method was theoretically modeled and experimentally demonstrated for analytes with low dpK(a)/dT (analytes carrying carboxylic groups) and BGEs with high dpH/dT (high pH-temperature-coefficients). In that work, buffer pH was modulated with temperature, inducing electrophoretic mobility changes in the analytes. In the present work, the opposite conditions are studied and tested, i.e. analytes with high dpK(a)/dT and BGEs that exhibit low dpH/dT. It is well known that organic bases such as amines, imidazoles, and benzimidazoles exhibit high dpK(a)/dT. Temperature variations induce instantaneous changes on the basicity of these and other basic groups. Therefore, the electrophoretic velocity of some analytes changes abruptly when temperature variations are applied along the capillary. This is true only if BGE pH remains constant or if it changes in the opposite direction of pK(a) of the analyte. The presence of hot and cold sections along the capillary also affects local viscosity, conductivity, and electric field strength. The effect of these variables on electrophoretic velocity and band stacking efficacy was also taken into account in the theoretical model presented. Finally, this stacking method is demonstrated for lysine partially derivatized with naphthalene-2,3-dicarboxaldehyde. In this case, the amino group of the lateral chain was left underivatized and only the alpha amino group was derivatized. Therefore, the basicity of the lateral amino group, and consequently the electrophoretic mobility, was modulated with temperature while the pH of the buffer used remained unchanged.
De senaste årens ökade flerspråkighet i samhället gör avtryck i den svenskspråkiga romanen. Verk av författare som Jonas Hassen Khemiri och Marjaneh Bakhtiari har gjort att man i Sverige ibland har talat om ”a new literary field” (Jonsson 2012, 213). Mycket av uppmärksamheten kring verken har rört flerspråkigheten, som till viss del har förklarats av författarnas ursprung och erfarenheter av kulturer och språk som är relativt nya i Norden, ibland kallade ”invandrarspråk”. Förhållandet mellan författarnas egen språkliga och kulturella repertoar och verkens flerspråkighet har debatterats. Kritiken har riktats mot att det ofta varit författarnas etnicitet istället för deras författargärning som kommenterats (Nilsson 2010, 132) och man har förbisett att verken ofta problematiserar just kategoriseringar som ”invandrarlitteratur” (Nilsson 2010, 10). För att komma ifrån detta men ändå behålla fokus på den litterära flerspråkigheten, är en analys av verk som innehåller ”invandrarspråk”, men som är skrivna av svenskspråkiga författare utan invandrarbakgrund, intressant. Syftet med studien är följaktligen att undersöka vilken roll den litterära flerspråkigheten får i verk av en finlandssvensk och en sverigesvensk författare, som inte är självklara representanter för de språk de använder i sina verk. Frågan är i vilken omfattning och på vilket sätt de studerade verken ger uttryck för litterär flerspråkighet och vilka potentiella effekter den litterära flerspråkigheten kan ha i verken. För att ta reda på detta, har den finlandssvenska författaren Johanna Holmströms, samt den svenske författaren Jens Lapidus romaner analyserats.
The objective of this dissertation is to re-examine classical issues in corporate finance, applying a new analytical tool. The single-crossing property, also called Spence-irrlees condition, is not required in the models developed here. This property has been a standard assumption in adverse selection and signaling models developed so far. The classical papers by Guesnerie and Laffont (1984) and Riley (1979) assume it. In the simplest case, for a consumer with a privately known taste, the single-crossing property states that the marginal utility of a good is monotone with respect to the taste. This assumption has an important consequence to the result of the model: the relationship between the private parameter and the quantity of the good assigned to the agent is monotone. While single crossing is a reasonable property for the utility of an ordinary consumer, this property is frequently absent in the objective function of the agents for more elaborate models. The lack of a characterization for the non-single crossing context has hindered the exploration of models that generate objective functions without this property. The first work that characterizes the optimal contract without the single-crossing property is Araújo and Moreira (2001a) and, for the competitive case, Araújo and Moreira (2001b). The main implication is that a partial separation of types may be observed. Two sets of disconnected types of agents may choose the same contract, in adverse selection problems, or signal with the same levei of signal, in signaling models.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Human motion seems to be guided by some optimal principles. In general, it is assumed that human walking is generated with minimal energy consumption. However, in the presence of disturbances during gait, there is a trade-off between stability (avoiding a fall) and energy-consumption. This work analyses the obstacle-crossing with the leading foot. It was hypothesized that energy-saving mechanisms during obstacle-crossing are modulated by the requirement to avoid a fall using the available sensory information, particularly, by vision. A total of fourteen subjects, seven with no visual impairment and seven blind, walked along a 5 meter flat pathway with an obstacle of 0.26 m height located at 3 m from the starting point. The seven subjects with normal vision crossed the obstacle successfully 30 times in two conditions: blindfolded and with normal vision. The seven blind subjects did the same 30 times. The motion of the leading limb was recorded by video at 60 Hz. There were markers placed on the subject's hip, knee, ankle, rear foot, and forefoot. The motion data were filtered with a fourth order Butterworth filter with a cut-off frequency of 4 Hz. The following variables were calculated: horizontal distance between the leading foot and the obstacle at toe-off prior to (DHPO) and after (DHOP) crossing, minimal vertical height from the foot to the obstacle (DVPO), average step velocity (VELOm). The segmental energies were also calculated and the work consumed by the leading limb during the crossing obstacle was computed for each trial. A statistical analysis repeated-measures ANOVA was conducted on these dependent variables revealing significant differences between the vision and non-vision conditions in healthy subjects. In addition, there were no significant differences between the blind and people with vision blindfolded. These results indicate that vision is crucial to determine the optimal trade-off between energy consumption and avoiding a trip during obstacle crossing.
In 2010, an accident occurred in Americana-SP, Brazil, involving two trains and one bus on a Grade Crossing, when 10 people died and 17 were injured including workers. This paper aims to analyze the accident using the Model of Analysis and Prevention of Work Accidents (MAPA). The method provides observation of work, interviews and analysis of documents to understand precedents of the event in the following stages: to understand the usual work from the involved people, the changes occurred in the system, the operation of barriers, managerial and organizational aspects. By the end, measures are suggested to avoid new occurrences. The accident took place at night in a site with insufficient lighting. The working conditions of bus drivers, train operators and watchmen are inadequate. There were only symbolic barriers (visual and acoustic signals) triggered manually by watchman upon train operator radio communication. The fragility of the barrier system associated to poor lighting and short time to trigger the signaling seem to play a critical role in the event. Contrary to the official report which resulted in guilt of the bus driver, the conclusion of the paper emphasizes the fragility of the safety system and the need of level crossing reproject.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Crossing moving obstacles requires different space-time adjustments compared with stationary obstacles. Our aim was to investigate gait spatial and temporal parameters in the approach and crossing phases of a moving obstacle. We hypothesized that obstacle speed affects gait parameters, which allow us to distinguish locomotor strategies. Ten young adults walked and stepped over an obstacle that crossed their way perpendicularly, under three obstacle conditions: control-stationary obstacle, slow (1.07 m/s) and fast speed (1.71 m/s) moving obstacles. Gait parameters were different between obstacle conditions, especially on the slow speed. In the fast condition, the participants adopted predictive strategies during the approach and crossing phases. In the slow condition, they used an anticipatory strategy in both phases. We conclude that obstacle speed affects the locomotor behavior and strategies were distinct in the obstacle avoidance phases.
Nowadays, many forms of reproduction coexist in nature: Asexual, Sexual, apomictic and meiotic parthenogenesis, hermaphroditism and parasex. The mechanisms of their evolution and what made them successful reproductive alternatives are very challenging and debated questions. Here, using a simple evolutionary aging model, we give I possible scenario. By studying the performance of Populations where individuals may have diverse characteristics-different ploidies, sex with or without crossing over, as well as the absence of sex-we find all evolution sequence that may explain why there are actually two major or leading groups: Sexual and asexual. We also investigate the dependence of these characteristics on different conditions of fertility and deleterious mutations. Finally, if the primeval organisms oil Earth were, in fact, asexual individuals we conjecture that the sexual form of reproduction could have more easily been set and found its niche during a period of low-intensity mutations. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
O objetivo do trabalho foi estimar o efeito da capacidade geral (CGC) e específica (CEC) de combinação e a heterose de linhagens e populações de pepino japonês, empregando-se um topcross. Foram obtidos 16 híbridos experimentais a partir de duas populações testadoras (geração F2 de Yoshinari, T Y, e de Natsusuzumi, T N) e oito linhagens S5 obtidas a partir do híbrido comercial Hokuho. Também foi avaliado o híbrido F1 Hokuho, totalizando 27 tratamentos. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi em blocos casualizados, com quatro repetições e cada parcela foi constituída de quatro plantas. Foram avaliadas as massas totais e comerciais, número de frutos total e comercial, porcentagem de frutos comerciais e massa média de frutos comerciais. A população de Yoshinari (T Y) apresentou, em média, melhor capacidade de se combinar com as linhagens de Hokuho. A linhagem L7 apresentou os maiores valores positivos da estimativa da CGC para a maioria das características avaliadas. Os híbridos H1Y e H1N, que apresentavam a linhagem L1 como parental, foram os que apresentaram maiores valores para a estimativa da CEC com as populações testadoras para a maioria das características avaliadas, enquanto os que tinham a linhagem L5 como parental (H5Y e H5N) apresentaram os menores valores. A população F2 proveniente do híbrido Yoshinari apresentou, em geral, maior potencial de originar linhagens superiores para cruzamentos com linhagens de Hokuho, a fim de se obter híbridos com maior potencial produtivo. A heterose foi positiva para a grande maioria das características avaliadas.
Em programas de melhoramento visando resistência genética a doenças, a estimativa de parâmetros genéticos que governam a resistência permite direcionar a introdução de resistência em germoplasmas. O objetivo deste trabalho foi estimar os efeitos heteróticos, a capacidade geral (CGC) e específica (CEC) de combinação, utilizando-se de dois métodos de avaliação da resistência, à Phaeosphaeria maydis através da análise dialélica de 36 híbridos F1 e de suas nove linhagens genitoras, em experimentos conduzidos em três ambientes. Foi utilizado um delineamento experimental em blocos casualizados com três repetições e a parcela experimental foi representada por uma fileira de 5 m. As diferenças entre as estimativas da capacidade de combinação, em diferentes ambientes e para os dois métodos de avaliação, apresentaram efeitos significativos (P < 0.01) para ambientes (E), CGC e CGC x E. O efeito de CEC e a interação CEC x E não foi significativa para os dois métodos de avaliação. Os efeitos de CGC foram mais importantes que CEC nesse conjunto de linhagens, sugerindo que efeitos genéticos aditivos são mais importantes como fonte de variação para resistência a esta doença. Efeitos heteróticos para resistência foram estimados, sendo possível identificar combinações híbridas específicas entre linhagens com alto potencial para o controle genético deste patógeno. Resultados para os dois métodos de avaliação foram praticamente idênticos, embora o método PI seja de maior praticidade de uso.