615 resultados para dentate gyrus


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O presente trabalho tem o intuito de Investigar possíveis correlações entre a morfologia da micróglia do hipocampo e giro denteado e o desempenho cognitivo individual em teste de memória espacial no Cebus apella. Devido ao bom desempenho do Cebus apella em tarefas cognitivas hipocampo-dependentes, utilizou-se testes selecionados da Bateria Cambridge de Testes Neuropsicológicos (CANTAB) utilizada previamente com sucesso tanto em primatas do Velho Mundo quanto em humanos. Empregou-se o teste motor de adaptação a tela para checar a adaptação dos indivíduos à tela sensível ao toque e o teste de aprendizado pareado (TAP) para avaliar aprendizado e memória espacial. Para o estudo da correlação entre o desempenho individual no TAP da bateria CANTAB e a morfologia da micróglia, foi necessário reconstruir e analisar parâmetros morfométricos selecionados a partir de micróglias reconstruídas dos terços médio e externo da camada molecular do giro denteado e do lacunosum molecular de CA1, empregando microscopia tridimensional. A definição dos limites da formação hipocampal foi feita empregando-se critérios arquitetônicos previamente definidos. Para imunomarcação seletiva de micróglias foi utilizado o anticorpo policlonal (anti-Iba1) dirigido contra a proteína adaptadora ligante de cálcio ionizado Iba-1. A partir de procedimentos de estatística multivariada identificou-se a ocorrência de agrupamentos microgliais baseados em parâmetros morfométricos que permitiram a distinção de pelo menos dois grandes grupos microgliais em todos os indivíduos. Os resultados comportamentais expressos em taxa de aprendizado e alguns dos parâmetros morfométricos da micróglia dos terços externo e médio da camada molecular do giro denteado revelaram significativas correlações, lineares e não lineares. Em contraste, nenhuma correlação dessa natureza foi encontrada no lacunosum molecular de CA1. Nós sugerimos baseado no presente e em trabalhos anteriores que a correlação entre desempenho cognitivo e a complexidade estrutural da glia não é um atributo exclusivo dos astrócitos e que a morfologia da micróglia da camada molecular do giro denteado pode estar associada ainda que de forma indireta ao desempenho individual em testes de memória espacial.


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A zona subgranular (ZSG) do giro denteado (GD) de mamíferos adultos é conhecida por produzir constantemente novos neurônios. A busca por novas moléculas que possam modular a formação de novas células neurais são bastante atuais. Visto que a Amazônia é conhecida mundialmente pela sua biodiversidade, com um potencial pouco explorado de fármacos naturais derivados de plantas medicinais típicas da região. O trabalho buscou investigar o efeito neurogênico do extrato aquoso (EA) da Physalis angulata e da substância purificada Fisalina D sobre as células-tronco do GD do hipocampo de camundongos adultos. Os camundongos machos (BALB/c), 6 a 8 semanas de idade foram divididos em quatro grupos experimentais: controle e tratados com EA ou substância purificada. Os animais receberam diferentes doses do extrato (0,1; 1 e 5 mg/Kg) e/ou substância purificada (5mg/Kg) ou salina (grupo controle), 5 horas depois uma única dose de 5-Bromodeoxiuridina (BrdU) [50mg/kg]. Em seguida, os animais foram sacrificados 24 horas ou 7 dias após a administração do BrdU. Os cérebros foram coletados e cortes coronais do hipocampo (40 μm) foram realizados para contagem das células BrdU-positivas no GD hipocampal. Para avaliação estatística realizamos análise de variância (ANOVA) das médias amostrais seguida pelo pós-teste t de Student. O EA promoveu um aumento significativo do número de células BrdU positivas no GD dos grupos tratados em relação ao grupo controle [Controle, 92±24 (n=9); 0,1mg/Kg, 160±22 (n=4); 1mg/Kg, 310±5 (n=4); 5mg/Kg, 501±24 (n=3)] nos animais sacrificados 24 horas após administração do BrdU. Quando os animais foram sacrificados 7 dias após administração do BrdU, o número de células BrdU+ no GD também foi maior no grupo tratado em relação ao controle [Controle, 107±7 (n=4); 5mg/Kg, 145±23 (n=4)]. Usando a substância purificada, Fisalina D, também observamos um aumento do número de células BrdU+ no GD do grupo tratado com a droga em relação ao grupo controle [Controle, 92±24 (n=9); Fisalina D, 5mg/Kg, 316±37 (n=3)]. Este resultado sugere que o EA e a sustância purificada, na dose de 5 mg/Kg, estimulam a proliferação de células BrdU-positivas na ZSG do GD do hipocampo de camundongos adultos.


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Já está bem estabelecido que um estilo de vida sedentário é fator de risco para uma série de doenças crônicas, dentre elas a doença de Alzheimer. A neuropatologia da doença de Alzheimer é caracterizada por depósitos amilóides, perda neuronal, gliose reativa e vacuolização da neurópila. A doença príon tem sido amplamente utilizada como modelo experimental para estudar aspectos celulares e moleculares da neurodegeneração crônica em muito semelhante àquela descrita na doença de Alzheimer. O ambiente empobrecido das gaiolas padrão de laboratório tem sido usado para mimetizar um estilo de vida sedentário enquanto que o ambiente enriquecido tem sido empregado para mimetizar um estilo de vida ativo. Para testar a hipótese de que o ambiente enriquecido pode contribuir para desacelerar o curso temporal da neurodegeneração crônica associada à doença príon em modelo murino induzimos a doença príon em vinte camundongos fêmeas da variedade suíça albina que tinham sido alojadas aos seis meses de idade em ambiente enriquecido (EE) ou em ambiente padrão (SE) durante cinco meses. Após esse peródo foram realizadas cirurgias para injeção estereotáxica intracerebral bilateral de homogendao de cérebro de camundongo normal (NBH, n=10) ou de camundongo com sinais clínicos de doença príon terminal (ME7, n=10). Os animais foram devolvidos as suas gaiolas e condições de alojamento originais formando os seguintes grupos experimentais: NBH SE=5, NBH EE=5, ME7 SE=5, ME7 EE=5. Após três semanas foi iniciado teste semanal empregando o burrowing, uma tarefa sensível ao dano hipocampal e 18 semanas após as inoculações realizou-se os testes de memória de reconhecimento de objetos. Encerrados os testes sacrificou-se os animais realizando-se o processamento histológico do tecido nervoso visando a imunomarcação astrocítica das áreas de interesse. A redução progressiva da atividade de burrowing teve início na décima terceira semana pós injeção no grupo ME7 SE e somente na décima quinta semana no grupo ME7 EE. A habilidade de reconhecer o objeto deslocado no teste de memória espacial foi comprometida no grupo ME7 SE, mas se manteve normal nos demais grupos experimentais. O teste de discriminação entre o objeto novo e o familiar não revelou alterações. As análises quantitativas sem viés dos astrócitos imunomarcados para proteína fibrilar ácida (GFAP) foram realizadas no stratum radiatum de CA3 e na camada polimórfica do giro denteado dorsal. As estimativas estereológicas do número total de astrócitos e do volume do corpo celular revelaram que em CA3 somente ocorre hipertrofia dos corpos celulares em animais dos grupos ME7 SE e ME7 EE em relação aos respectivos controles, sendo o volume médio dos corpos celulares do grupo ME7 EE menor que aquele do grupo ME7 SE. Na camada polimórfica houve significativo aumento do número de astrócitos no grupo ME7 SE em relação ao NBH SE e do grupo NBH EE em relação ao NBH SE. O volume do corpo celular também foi significativamente maior nos grupos ME7 em relação aos respectivos controles dos grupos NBH. As análises morfométricas tridimensionais revelaram importante aumento de volume e área de superfície dos segmentos das árvores astrocíticas nos grupos doentes em comparação aos controles. O enriquecimento ambiental reduziu o aumento de volume dos ramos observado no grupo ME7 e aumentou o número de intersecções dos ramos distais no grupo NBH EE em relação ao NBH SE e nos ramos proximais no grupo ME7 EE em relação ao ME7 SE. O emprego da análise de cluster e discriminante permitiu a identificação dos parâmetros morfométricos que mais contribuíram para a distinção entre os grupos. Para testar a hipótese de existirem subfamílias de astrócitos morfologicamente distintos dentro de cada grupo experimental, foi realizada análise de conglomerados que resultou na formação de duas famílias distintas no grupo NBH SE, três famílias nos grupos NBH EE e ME7 EE e quatro famílias no grupo ME7 SE. As bases celulares e moleculares que conduzem a formação de novas famílias de astrócitos e a neuroproteção associada ao ambiente enriquecido que diminui a velocidade de progressão da doença permanecem por serem investigadas.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Systemic injection of pilocarpine in rodents induces status epilepticus (SE) and reproduces the main characteristics of temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE). Different mechanisms are activated by SE contributing to cell death and immune system activation. We used BALB/c nude mice, a mutant that is severely immunocompromised, to characterize seizure pattern, neurochemical changes, cell death and c-Fos activation secondarily to pilocarpine-induced SE. The behavioral seizures were less severe in BALB/c nude than in BALB/c wild type mice. However, nude mice presented more tonic clonic episodes and higher mortality rate during SE. The c-Fos expression was most prominent in the caudate-putamen, CA3 (p < 0.05), dentate gyrus, entorhinal cortex (p < 0.001), basolateral nucleus of amygdala (p < 0.01) and piriform cortex (p < 0.05) of BALB/c nude mice than of BALB/c. Besides, nude mice subjected to SE presented high number of Fluorojade-B (FJB) stained cells in the piriform cortex, amygdala (p < 0.05) and hilus (p < 0.05) in comparison with BALB/c mice. A significant increase in the level of glutamate and GABA was found in the hippocampus and cortex of BALB/c mice presenting SE in comparison to controls. However, the level of glutamate was higher in the brains of BALB nude mice than in the brains of BALB/c wild type mice, while the levels of GABA were unchanged. These results indicate that the brains of immunodeficient nude mice are more vulnerable to the deleterious effects of pilocarpine-induced SE as they present intense activation, increased glutamate levels and more cell death. Published by Elsevier B.V.


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Immediate early genes (IEG) are presumed to be activated in response to stress, novelty, and learning. Evidence supports the involvement of prefrontal and hippocampal areas in stress and learning, but also in the detection of novel events. This study examined whether a previous experience with shocks changes the pattern of Fos and Egr-1 expression in the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC), the hippocampal cornus ammonis 1 (CA1), and dentate gyrus (DG) of adult male Wistar rats that learned to escape in an operant aversive test. Subjects previously exposed to inescapable footshocks that learned to escape from Shocks were assigned to the treated group (EXP). Subjects from Group Novelty (NOV) rested undisturbed during treatment and also learned to escape in the test. The nonshock group (NSH) rested undisturbed in both sessions. Standard immunohistochemistry procedures were used to detect the proteins in brain sections. The results show that a previous experience with shocks changed the pattern of IEG expression, then demonstrating c-fos and egr-1 induction as experience-dependent events. Compared with NSH and EXP an enhanced Fos expression was detected in the mPFC and CA1 subfield of Group NOV, which also exhibited increased Egr-1 expression in the mPFC and DG in comparison to NSH. No differences were found in the DG for Fos, or in the CA1 for Egr-1. Novelty, and not the operant aversive escape learning, seems to have generated IEG induction. The results suggest novel stimuli as a possible confounding factor in studies on Fos and/or Egr-1 expression in aversive conditions.


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A computational pipeline combining texture analysis and pattern classification algorithms was developed for investigating associations between high-resolution MRI features and histological data. This methodology was tested in the study of dentate gyrus images of sclerotic hippocampi resected from refractory epilepsy patients. Images were acquired using a simple surface coil in a 3.0T MRI scanner. All specimens were subsequently submitted to histological semiquantitative evaluation. The computational pipeline was applied for classifying pixels according to: a) dentate gyrus histological parameters and b) patients' febrile or afebrile initial precipitating insult history. The pipeline results for febrile and afebrile patients achieved 70% classification accuracy, with 78% sensitivity and 80% specificity [area under the reader observer characteristics (ROC) curve: 0.89]. The analysis of the histological data alone was not sufficient to achieve significant power to separate febrile and afebrile groups. Interesting enough, the results from our approach did not show significant correlation with histological parameters (which per se were not enough to classify patient groups). These results showed the potential of adding computational texture analysis together with classification methods for detecting subtle MRI signal differences, a method sufficient to provide good clinical classification. A wide range of applications of this pipeline can also be used in other areas of medical imaging. Magn Reson Med, 2012. (c) 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Purpose: Mossy fiber sprouting (MFS) is a frequent finding following status epilepticus (SE). The present study aimed to test the feasibility of using manganese-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (MEMRI) to detect MFS in the chronic phase of the well-established pilocarpine (Pilo) rat model of temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE). Methods: To modulate MFS, cycloheximide (CHX), a protein synthesis inhibitor, was coadministered with Pilo in a subgroup of animals. In vivo MEMRI was performed 3 months after induction of SE and compared to the neo-Timm histologic labeling of zinc mossy fiber terminals in the dentate gyrus (DG). Key Findings: Chronically epileptic rats displaying MFS as detected by neo-Timm histology had a hyperintense MEMRI signal in the DG, whereas chronically epileptic animals that did not display MFS had minimal MEMRI signal enhancement compared to nonepileptic control animals. A strong correlation (r = 0.81, p < 0.001) was found between MEMRI signal enhancement and MFS. Significance: This study shows that MEMRI is an attractive noninvasive method for detection of mossy fiber sprouting in vivo and can be used as an evaluation tool in testing therapeutic approaches to manage chronic epilepsy.


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Whilst a fall in neuron numbers seems a common pattern during postnatal development, several authors have nonetheless reported an increase in neuron number, which may be associated with any one of a number of possible processes encapsulating either neurogenesis or late maturation and incomplete differentiation. Recent publications have thus added further fuel to the notion that a postnatal neurogenesis may indeed exist in sympathetic ganglia. In the light of these uncertainties surrounding the effects exerted by postnatal development on the number of superior cervical ganglion (SCG) neurons, we have used state-of-the-art design-based stereology to investigate the quantitative structure of SCG at four distinct timepoints after birth, viz., 1-3 days, 1 month, 12 months and 36 months. The main effects exerted by ageing on the SCG structure were: (i) a 77% increase in ganglion volume; (ii) stability in the total number of the whole population of SCG nerve cells (no change - either increase or decrease) during post-natal development; (iii) a higher proportion of uninucleate neurons to binucleate neurons only in newborn animals; (iv) a 130% increase in the volume of uninucleate cell bodies; and (v) the presence of BrdU positive neurons in animals at all ages. At the time of writing our results support the idea that neurogenesis takes place in the SCG of preas, albeit it warrants confirmation by further markers. We also hypothesise that a portfolio of other mechanisms: cell repair, maturation, differentiation and death may be equally intertwined and implicated in the numerical stability of SCG neurons during postnatal development. (C) 2011 ISDN. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Previous results show that elevated T-maze (ETM) avoidance responses are facilitated by acute restraint. Escape, on the other hand, was unaltered. To examine if the magnitude of the stressor is an important factor influencing these results, we investigated the effects of unpredictable chronic mild stress (UCMS) on ETM avoidance and escape measurements. Analysis of Fos protein immunoreactivity (Fos-ir) was used to map areas activated by stress exposure in response to ETM avoidance and escape performance. Additionally, the effects of the UCMS protocol on the number of cells expressing the marker of migrating neuroblasts doublecortin (DCX) in the hippocampus were investigated. Corticosterone serum levels were also measured. Results showed that UCMS facilitates ETM avoidance, not altering escape. In unstressed animals, avoidance performance increases Fos-ir in the cingulate cortex, hippocampus (dentate gyrus) and basomedial amygdala, and escape increases Fos-ir in the dorsolateral periaqueductal gray and locus ceruleus. In stressed animals submitted to ETM avoidance, increases in Fos-ir were observed in the cingulate cortex, ventrolateral septum, hippocampus, hypothalamus, amygdala, dorsal and median raphe nuclei. In stressed animals submitted to ETM escape, increases in Fos-ir were observed in the cingulate cortex, periaqueductal gray and locus ceruleus. Also, UCMS exposure decreased the number of DCX-positive cells in the dorsal and ventral hippocampus and increased corticosterone serum levels. These data suggest that the anxiogenic effects of UCMS are related to the activation of specific neurobiological circuits that modulate anxiety and confirm that this stress protocol activates the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis and decreases hippocampal adult neurogenesis.


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Aging is a physiological process characterized by a progressive decline of the “cellular homeostatic reserve”, refereed as the capability to respond suitably to exogenous and endogenous stressful stimuli. Due to their high energetic requests and post-mitotic nature, neurons are peculiarly susceptible to this phenomenon. However, the aged brain maintains a certain level of adaptive capacities and if properly stimulated may warrant a considerable functional recovery. Aim of the present research was to verify the plastic potentialities of the aging brain of rats subjected to two kind of exogenous stimuli: A) the replacement of the standard diet with a ketogenic regimen (the change forces the brain to use ketone bodies (KB) in alternative to glucose to satisfy the energetic needs) and B) a behavioural task able to induce the formation of inhibitory avoidance memory. A) Fifteen male Wistar rats of 19 months of age were divided into three groups (average body weight pair-matched), and fed for 8 weeks with different dietary regimens: i) diet containing 10% medium chain triglycerides (MCT); ii) diet containing 20% MCT; iii) standard commercial chow. Five young (5 months of age) and five old (26-27 months of age) animals fed with the standard diet were used as further controls. The following morphological parameters reflecting synaptic plasticity were evaluated in the stratum moleculare of the hippocampal CA1 region (SM CA1), in the outer molecular layer of the hippocampal dentate gyrus (OML DG), and in the granule cell layer of the cerebellar cortex (GCL-CCx): average area (S), numeric density (Nvs), and surface density (Sv) of synapses, and average volume (V), numeric density (Nvm), and volume density (Vv) of synaptic mitochondria. Moreover, succinic dehydrogenase (SDH) activity was cytochemically determined in Purkinje cells (PC) and V, Nvm, Vv, and cytochemical precipitate area/mitochondrial area (R) of SDH-positive mitochondria were evaluated. In SM CA1, MCT-KDs induced the early appearance of the morphological patterns typical of old animals: higher S and V, and lower Nvs and Nvm. On the contrary, in OML DG, Sv and Vv of MCT-KDs-fed rats were higher (as a result of higher Nvs and Nvm) vs. controls; these modifications are known to improve synaptic function and metabolic supply. The opposite effects of MCT-KDs might reflect the different susceptibility of these brain regions to the aging processes: OML DG is less vulnerable than SM CA1, and the reactivation of ketone bodies uptake and catabolism might occur more efficiently in this region, allowing the exploitation of their peculiar metabolic properties. In GCL-CCx, the results described a new scenario in comparison to that found in the hippocampal formation: 10%MCT-KD induced the early appearance of senescent patterns (decreased Nvs and Nvm; increased V), whereas 20%MCT-KD caused no changes. Since GCL-CCx is more vulnerable to age than DG, and less than CA1, these data further support the hypothesis that MCT-KDs effects in the aging brain critically depend on neuronal vulnerability to age, besides MCT percentage. Regarding PC, it was decided to evaluate only the metabolic effect of the dietetic regimen (20%MCT-KD) characterized by less side effects. KD counteracted age-related decrease in numeric density of SDH-positive mitochondria, and enhanced their energetic efficiency (R was significantly higher in MCT-KD-fed rats vs. all the controls). Since it is well known that Purkinje and dentate gyrus cells are less vulnerable to aging than CA1 neurons, these results corroborate our previous hypothesis. In conclusion, the A) experimental line provides the first evidence that morphological and functional parameters reflecting synaptic plasticity and mitochondrial metabolic competence may be modulated by MCT-KDs in the pre-senescent central nervous system, and that the effects may be heterogeneous in different brain regions. MCT-KDs seem to supply high energy metabolic intermediates and to be beneficial (“anti-aging”) for those neurons that maintain the capability to exploit them. This implies risks but also promising potentialities for the therapeutic use of these diets during aging B) Morphological parameters of synapses and synaptic mitochondria in SM CA1 were investigated in old (26-27 month-old) female Wistar rats following a single trial inhibitory avoidance task. In this memory protocol animals learn to avoid a dark compartment in which they received a mild, inescapable foot-shock. Rats were tested 3 and 6 or 9 hours after the training, divided into good and bad responders according to their performance (retention times above or below 100 s, respectively) and immediately sacrificed. Nvs, S, Sv, Nvm, V, and Vv were evaluated. In the good responder group, the numeric density of synapses and mitochondria was significantly higher and the average mitochondrial volume was significantly smaller 9 hours vs. 6 hours after the training. No significant differences were observed among bad responders. Thus, better performances in passive avoidance memory task are correlated with more efficient plastic remodeling of synaptic contacts and mitochondria in hippocampal CA1. These findings indicate that maintenance of synaptic plastic reactivity during aging is a critical requirement for preserving long-term memory consolidation.


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Rett's Syndrome (RTT) is a severe neurodevelopmental disorder, characterized by cognitive disability that appears in the first months/years of life. Recently, mutations in the X-linked cyclin-dependent kinase-like 5 (CDKL5) gene have been detected in RTT patients characterized by early-onset seizures. CDKL5 is highly expressed in the brain starting from early postnatal stages to adulthood, suggesting the importance of this kinase for proper brain maturation and function. However, the role/s of CDKL5 in brain development and the molecular mechanisms whereby CDKL5 exerts its effects are still largely unknown. In order to characterize the role of CDKL5 on brain development, we created a mice carrying a targeted conditional knockout allele of Cdkl5. A first behavioral characterization shows that Cdkl5 knockout mice recapitulate several features that mimic the clinical features described in CDKL5 patients and are a useful tool to investigate phenotypic and functional aspects of Cdkl5 loss. We used the Cdkl5 knockout mouse model to dissect the role of CDKL5 on hippocampal development and to establish the mechanism/s underlying its actions. We found that Cdkl5 knockout mice showed increased precursor cell proliferation in the hippocampal dentate gyrus. Interestingly, this region was also characterized by an increased rate of apoptotic cell death that caused a reduction in the final neuron number in spite of the proliferation increase. Moreover, loss of Cdkl5 led to decreased dendritic development of new generated granule cells. Finally, we identified the Akt/GSK3-beta signaling as a target of Cdkl5 in the regulation of neuronal precursor proliferation, survival and maturation. Overall our findings highlight a critical role of CDKL5/AKT/GSK3-beta signaling in the control of neuron proliferation, survival and differentiation and suggest that CDKL5-related alterations of these processes during brain development underlie the neurological symptoms of the CDKL5 variant of RTT.


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Down syndrome (DS) is a genetic pathology characterized by brain hypotrophy and severe cognitive disability. Although defective neurogenesis is an important determinant of cognitive impairment, a severe dendritic pathology appears to be an equally important factor. It is well established that serotonin plays a pivotal role both on neurogenesis and dendritic maturation. Since the serotonergic system is profoundly altered in the DS brain, we wondered whether defects in the hippocampal development can be rescued by treatment with fluoxetine, a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor and a widely used antidepressant drug. A previous study of our group showed that fluoxetine fully restores neurogenesis in the Ts65Dn mouse model of DS and that this effect is accompanied by a recovery of memory functions. The goal of the current study was to establish whether fluoxetine also restores dendritic development and maturation. In mice aged 45 days, treated with fluoxetine in the postnatal period P3-P15, we examined the dendritic arbor of newborn and mature granule cells of the dentate gyrus (DG). The granule cells of trisomic mice had a severely hypotrophic dendritic arbor, fewer spines and a reduced innervation than euploid mice. Treatment with fluoxetine fully restored all these defects. Moreover the impairment of excitatory and inhibitory inputs to CA3 pyramidal neurons was fully normalized in treated trisomic mice, indicating that fluoxetine can rescue functional connectivity between the DG and CA3. The widespread beneficial effects of fluoxetine on the hippocampal formation suggest that early treatment with fluoxetine can be a suitable therapy, possibly usable in humans, to restore the physiology of the hippocampal networks and, hence, memory functions. These findings may open the way for future clinical trials in children and adolescents with DS.


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Hypothermie schützt Neurone vor hypoxischen, ischämischen und traumatischen Schädigungen. Bisher ist jedoch unklar, ob Hypothermie auch endogene Reparaturmechanismen beeinflusst. Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht daher den Einfluss intraischämischer Hypothermie auf das neuroregenerative Potential des Gehirns nach zerebraler Ischämie.rn50 männliche Sprague-Dawley Ratten wurden hierzu anästhesiert, intubiert und in folgende Versuchsgruppen randomisiert: Normotherme Ischämie (Normo/BACO), intraischämische Hypothermie (Hypo/BACO) sowie korrespondierende scheinoperierte Kontrollgruppen (Normo/Sham und Hypo/Sham). In den Gruppen Normo/Sham und Normo/BACO wurde die perikranielle Temperatur konstant bei 37 °C gehalten während sie in den Gruppen Hypo/Sham und Hypo/BACO für 85 min auf 33 °C gesenkt wurde. Durch bilaterale Okklusion der Aa. carotides communes in Kombination mit hämorrhagischer Hypotension wurde in BACO-Tieren eine 14-minütige inkomplette globale zerebrale Ischämie induziert. Tiere der Kontroll-Gruppen (Sham) blieben ohne Induktion einer Ischämie in Narkose. 15 weitere Tiere durchliefen nicht den operativen Versuchsteil und bildeten die Nativ-Gruppe, die als Referenz für die natürliche Neurogenese diente. Zur in-vivo-Markierung der Stammzellen wurde vom ersten bis siebten postoperativen Tag Bromodeoxyurindine (BrdU) injiziert. Nach 28 Tagen wurden die Gehirne entnommen. Die Analyse des histopathologischen Schadens erfolgte anhand HE-gefärbter Hirnschnitte, die Quantifikation der absoluten Anzahl neu gebildeter Zellen im Gyrus dentatus erfolgte mittels BrdU-Färbung. Anhand einer BrdU/NeuN-Immunfluoreszenz-Doppelfärbung konnte der Anteil neu generierter Neurone bestimmt werden.rnNach zerebraler Ischämie zeigten Tiere mit Normothermie eine Schädigung der CA 1-Region von über 50 % während hypotherme Ischämietiere einen Schaden von weniger als 10 % aufwiesen. Tiere ohne Ischämie (Hypo/Sham, Normo/Sham, Nativ) zeigten keinen histopathologischen Schaden. Die Anzahl neu gebildeter Neurone im Gyrus dentatus lag für normotherme Ischämietiere (Normo/BACO) bei 18819 und für Tiere mit intraischämischer Hypothermie (Hypo/BACO) bei 15175 neuen Neuronen. In den Kontroll-Gruppen wiesen Tiere der Gruppe Normo/Sham 5501, Tiere der Gruppe Hypo/Sham 4600 und Tiere der Nativ-Gruppe 5974 neu generierte Neurone auf.rnDiese Daten bestätigen frühere Studien, die eine Reduktion des neuronalen Schadens durch intraischämische Hypothermie zeigten. Infolge des ischämischen Stimulus kam es im Vergleich zu beiden Kontroll- und der Nativ-Gruppe zu einem signifikanten Anstieg der Anzahl neuer Neurone in beiden Ischämiegruppen unabhängig von der Temperatur. Somit scheint das Ausmaß der histopathologischen Schädigung keinen Einfluss auf die Anzahl neu gebildeter Neurone zu haben. Darüber hinaus beeinflusste die therapeutische Hypothermie auch nicht die natürliche Neurogeneserate. Die erhobenen Daten lassen vermuten, dass Hypothermie keinen Effekt auf die Anzahl und Differenzierung neuronaler Stammzellen aufweist, unabhängig davon, ob eine zerebrale Schädigung vorliegt.


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Nei Roditori e nei Primati, studi di immunoistochimica condotti sulla formazione ippocampale hanno dimostrato che le proteine leganti il calcio (parvalbumina, calbindina-D28k e calretinina) sono dei marker che consentono di identificare differenti sottopopolazioni di neuroni. Nel presente studio è stata analizzata la distribuzione di queste proteine nella formazione ippocampale di cane. L’immunoreattività per la parvalbumina è stata localizzata in neuroni multipolari presenti nello strato polimorfo e nei campi CA3-CA1, così come in alcuni neuroni presumibilmente inibitori localizzati nel campo CA1 e nel subicolo. I granuli e le fibre muschiate presentavano una forte immunoreattività per la calbindina-D28k. Tale immunoreattività era evidente anche nei neuroni piramidali del campo CA1 e del subicolo ed in alcuni interneuroni, presumibilmente inibitori, distribuiti nella formazione ippocampale. L’immunoreatività per la calretinina era relativamente bassa in tutta la formazione ippocampale. Le analisi immunoistochimiche hanno evidenziato, nel giro dentato e nel campo CA1, una riduzione età-dipendente dell’immunoreattività per la parvalbumina e la calretinina. Le analisi condotte mediante risonanza magnetica hanno inoltre dimostrato una riduzione volumetrica età-dipendente della formazione ippocampale di cane.