980 resultados para dental implant design


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Problématique : Les connaissances théoriques et pratiques au sujet de la mise en charge immédiate d’implants non jumelés chez les édentés sont limitées. Objectifs : Cette étude avait pour but de : (1) déterminer le taux de survie implantaire de 2 implants non jumelés supportant une prothèse totale mandibulaire suite à une mise en charge immédiate, (2) évaluer les changements des niveaux osseux et de stabilité implantaire survenus sur ces 2 implants durant une période de 4 mois et les comparer à un implant témoin, et (3) décrire les complications cliniques associées à ce mode de mise en charge. Méthodologie : Chez 18 individus édentés (âge moyen de 62±7 ans), cette étude de phase I avec un design pré/post a évalué les résultats cliniques suivant la mise en charge immédiate (<48 heures) de 2 implants non jumelés par une prothèse totale mandibulaire. À l’aide de radiographies périapicales, de sondages osseux et d’analyses de la fréquence en résonnance, les niveaux osseux péri-implantaires (en mm) et les niveaux de stabilité implantairte (en ISQ) de ces 2 implants insérés dans la région parasymphysaire ont été évalués à la chirurgie (T0) et au suivi de 4 mois (T1). Un implant non submergé et sans mise en charge inséré dans la région de la symphyse mandibulaire a été utilisé comme témoin. Les données ont été analysées avec des modèles mixtes linéaires, la méthode de Tukey ajustée, l’analyse de variance de Friedman et des tests de rang signés de Wilcoxon. Résultats : De T0 à T1, 3 implants mis en charge immédiatement ont échoué chez 2 patients. Le taux de survie implantaire obtenu était donc de 91,7% (33/36) et, par patient, de 88,9% (16/18). Aucun implant témoin n’a échoué. Les changements osseux documentés radiologiquement et par sondage autour des implants mis en charge immédiatement étaient, respectivement, de -0,2 ± 0,3 mm et de -0,5 ± 0,6 mm. Les pertes d’os de support implantaire n’ont pas été démontrées statistiquement différentes entre les implants avec mise en charge immédiate et les témoins. Les niveaux moyens de stabilité implantaire ont augmenté de 5 ISQ indépendamment de la mise en charge. Les niveaux moyens d’ISQ n’ont pas été démontrés statistiquement différents entre les implants avec mise en charge immédiate et les témoins à T0 ou T1. Cinq des 18 patients n’ont expérimenté aucune complication clinique, alors que 9 en ont eu au moins deux. Hormis les échecs implantaires, aucune de ces complications n’a entraîné de changements au protocole. Conclusion : Les résultats à court terme suggèrent que : (1) le taux de survie implantaire suite au protocole immédiat est similaire à ceux rapportés lors d’un protocole de mise en charge conventionnel (2) les changements d’os de support implantaire et de stabilité ne sont pas différents comparativement à ceux d’un implant témoin, (3) un niveau élevé d’expérience clinique et chirurgicale est requis pour effectuer les procédures et pour gérer les complications associées. Ces résultats préliminaires devraient être confirmés dans une étude clinique de phase II.


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Problématique : La majorité des études publiées sur la réhabilitation par mise en charge immédiate de deux implants non jumelés avec une prothèse totale mandibulaire de recouvrement n’ont rapporté que des mesures cliniques objectives et très peu ont évalué les mesures centrées sur le patient, et ce, avec des erreurs de mesure. Aucune étude n’a évalué les attentes des patients vis-à-vis d'un tel protocole. Objectifs : Évaluer les attentes, le niveau de satisfaction ainsi que la qualité de vie reliée à la santé bucco-dentaire des édentés complets suite à un protocole de mise en charge immédiate. Méthodologie : Cet essai clinique de phase 1 utilise un design pré-post afin d’évaluer les mesures centrées sur le patient. Dix-huit individus, complètement édentés et âgés en moyenne de 62,39 ± 7,65 ans, ont reçu une prothèse totale mandibulaire de recouvrement sur deux implants non jumelés suite à un protocole de mise en charge immédiate, conjointement à une prothèse totale conventionnelle maxillaire. Un instrument adapté pour mesurer leurs attentes à l’aide d’échelles visuelles analogues, le questionnaire « McGill Denture Satisfaction Instrument » ainsi que le questionnaire OHIP-20 ont été remis aux patients avant de procéder aux traitements (T0), ainsi qu’aux rendez-vous de suivi à 2 semaines (T1), 1 mois (T2) et 4 mois (T3). De plus, l’inventaire de personnalité révisé (NÉO PI-R) ainsi qu’un questionnaire sociodémographique ont été remplis par les participants. Les « change scores » ont été calculés puis des tests non paramétriques et des analyses de variances en mesures répétées suivies de comparaisons par paires ont été utilisés afin d’analyser les données recueillies. La taille d’effet a été estimée. Résultats : Les participants avaient différentes attentes par rapport à la mise en charge immédiate. Certains s’attendaient à un effet positif à court terme par rapport à leur apparence esthétique (83,3 %) et à leur vie sociale (55,7 %), alors que d’autres avaient des craintes envers leur confort (5,6 %), leur habileté à mastiquer (11,1 %) et à nettoyer leur prothèse inférieure (11,1 %). À 4 mois, le protocole de mise en charge immédiate avait rencontré la majorité des attentes des patients par rapport à l’esthétique (94.4 %), la mastication (83.3 %), la phonétique (61.1 %), le confort (94.4 %), l’hygiène (88.9 %) et leur vie sociale (88.9 %). Une amélioration statistiquement significative de la satisfaction en générale, du confort, de l’esthétique, de la stabilité de la prothèse inférieure et de l’habileté à mastiquer a été notée à 2 semaines (p<0,001). Également, les comparaisons par paires ont révélé une diminution statistiquement significative du score total de l’OHIP-20 (p < 0,001) de même que la majorité des domaines de l’OHIP (p < 0.01), sauf pour l’handicap social qui n’a diminué significativement qu’après 1 mois (p = 0.01). Ces changements (pour la satisfaction et la qualité de vie) sont restés stables au cours des suivis subséquents. Indépendamment des traits de personnalité et des variables sociodémographiques, le protocole immédiat a satisfait 94,4 % des participants et a amélioré leur qualité de vie avec une large magnitude d’effet (d = 1.9; p < 0.001). Bien que deux patients aient perdu des implants au cours du traitement, 100 % des participants étaient d’accord pour recommander cette procédure à leurs pairs. Conclusions: Le protocole de mise en charge immédiate semble satisfaire les patients quelles que soient leurs attentes. Le protocole MCI peut améliorer, à court terme, la qualité de vie des patients totalement édentés. Les résultats prometteurs de la phase 1 devraient être corroborés lors de la 2e phase de cette étude.


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Hopeless retained primary teeth without permanent successors represent a restorative challenge for clinicians, along with esthetic and functional problems for patients. While various treatment approaches for congenitally missing teeth have been proposed, the replacement of a missing tooth with a dental implant offers specific advantages, such as preservation of the alveolar crest and elimination of the need to restore the adjacent teeth, over other options for tooth replacement. The aim of this article was to illustrate the surgical and prosthetic treatment with implants of a patient with primary teeth without permanent successors. INT J ORAL MAXILLOFAC IMPLANTS 2009;24:151-154


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This paper presents design and simulation of a miniature rectangular spiral planar inverted-F antenna (PIFA) at UHF RFID band (902.75 - 927.25 MHz) for integration in batteryless deep brain stimulation implants. Operation in the UHF band offers small antenna size and longer transmission range. The proposed antenna has the dimensions of 10 mm × 11.5 mm × 1.6 mm, resonance frequency of 920 MHz with a bandwidth of 18 MHz at return loss of -10 dB. A dielectric substrate of FR-4 of εr = 4.5 and δ = 0.018 with thickness of 1.5644 mm is used in this design. The resonance, radiation characteristics as well as the specific absorption rate distribution induced by the designed antenna within a four layer spherical head model is evaluated by using electromagnetic modeling software which employs the finite element method.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The aim of this study was to present the factors that influence planning for immediate loading of implants through a literature review for treatment success. Research was conducted in the PubMed database including the key words immediate implant loading, implant-supported prostheses, and implant planning for studies published from 2000 to 2011. Forty-eight articles were used in this review to describe the indications and counterindications, presurgical planning, and technologies available for planning of this treatment alternative.


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Osteoporosis is a systemic disorder characterized by generalized decrease in bone mineral density. Dental implantology is a specialty with high predictability when both quantity and quality of the bone are respected. Therefore, the diagnosis and the implant treatment in patients with osteoporosis are important. In the current study, a literature review about osteoporosis and dental implant therapy was conducted. PubMed, Cochrane, ISI, Dentistry Oral Science, SciELO, and Bireme databases were consulted over the last 20 years. English- and Portuguese-language articles were included in this revision. Some authors stated that the osteoporotic bone is similar to the proposed model of bone type IV. Randomized clinical studies reported implant failure in patients with osteoporosis after menopause. Studies that contraindicate the use of implants in patients with osteoporosis infer that the impaired bone metabolism led to reduction of bone healing around the implants. Nevertheless, other authors believe that the presence of osteoporosis is not a definitive condition to contraindicate the therapy with dental implants. In these cases, the dentist should perform a proper treatment planning, modifying the implant geometry, and use larger implant diameter and with surface treatment. Thus, osteoporosis is not a contraindication for implant surgery because an accurate analysis of bone quality by means tomography is performed.


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Purpose: The aim of this study was to assess the influence of cusp inclination on stress distribution in implant-supported prostheses by 3D finite element method.Materials and Methods: Three-dimensional models were created to simulate a mandibular bone section with an implant (3.75 mm diameter x 10 mm length) and crown by means of a 3D scanner and 3D CAD software. A screw-retained single crown was simulated using three cusp inclinations (10 degrees, 20 degrees, 30 degrees). The 3D models (model 10d, model 20d, and model 30d) were transferred to the finite element program NeiNastran 9.0 to generate a mesh and perform the stress analysis. An oblique load of 200 N was applied on the internal vestibular face of the metal ceramic crown.Results: The results were visualized by means of von Mises stress maps. Maximum stress concentration was located at the point of application. The implant showed higher stress values in model 30d (160.68 MPa). Cortical bone showed higher stress values in model 10d (28.23 MPa).Conclusion: Stresses on the implant and implant/abutment interface increased with increasing cusp inclination, and stresses on the cortical bone decreased with increasing cusp inclination.


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This report presents the use of a dental implant with an anti-rotational attachment for the retention of a thumb prosthesis. A retention system was manufactured with an attachment (UCLA) screwed into the implant with a two-bar system that was cast in metallic silver palladium. A substructure made from heat-cured acrylic resin was joined to the retention system by clips to join the thumb to the finger (bar clip) in the cast with implant rejoinder. The silicone material, Silastic-MDX 44210, was used to achieve function and aesthetics. Following osseointegration, no skin problems were observed. Whilst the implant-retained digital prosthesis presented some motor limitations, it allowed the patient to return to entertainment and achieve social conviviality.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The aim of this study was to perform a photoelastic analysis of stress distribution on straight and angulated implants with different crowns (screwed and cemented). Three models were made of photoelastic resin PL-2: model 1: external hexagon implant 3.75 x 10.00 mm at 0 degrees; model 2: external hexagon implant 3.75 x 10.00 mm at 17 degrees; model 3: external hexagon implant 3.75 x 10.00 mm at 30 degrees. Axial and oblique (45 degrees) load (100 N) was applied with a universal testing machine. The photoelastic fringes on the models were recorded with a digital camera and visualized in a graphic software for qualitative analysis. The axial loading generated the same pattern of stress distribution. The highest stresses were concentrated between medium and apical thirds. The oblique loading generated a similar pattern of stress distribution in the models with similar implant angulation; the highest stress was located on the cervical region opposite to implant angulation and on the apical third. It was concluded that the higher the implant angulation, the higher the stress value, independent of crown type. The screwed prostheses exhibited the highest stress concentration. The oblique load generated higher stress value and concentration than the axial load.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the tendency of displacement of the supporting structures of the distal extension removable partial denture (DERPD) associated to the implant with different inclinations of alveolar ridge and implant localizations through a two-dimensional finite-element method. Sixteen mandibular models were fabricated, presenting horizontal, distally descending, distally ascending, or descending-ascending ridges. All models presented the left canine and were rehabilitated with conventional DERPD or implant-retained prosthesis with the ERA system. The models were obtained by the AutoCAD software and transferred to the finite-element software ANSYS 9.0 for analysis. A force of 50 N was applied on the cusp tips of the teeth, with 5 points of loading of 10 N. The results were visualized by displacement maps. For all ridge inclinations, the assembly of the DERPD with distal plate retained by an anterior implant exhibited the lowest requisition of the supporting structures. The highest tendency of displacement occurred in the model with distally ascending ridge with incisal rest. It was concluded that the association of the implant decreased the displacement of the DERPD, and the anterior positioning of the implant associated to the DERPD with the distal plate preserved the supporting structures for all ridges.


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Different transfer impression techniques for implant-supported prostheses have been suggested to obtain a working cast. This article describes and illustrates clinical and laboratory pros-thodontic procedures to transfer implant positions with splinted transfer copings and without impression material to form a laboratory analog transfer template. With this technique, a preliminary cast is modified to place the analogs according to a corrected position and obtain the master cast. Although this technique does not record adjacent tissues, it is a simple procedure, less time consuming, and easily performed.


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Purpose: Three-dimensional finite element analysis was used to evaluate the effect of vertical and angular misfit in three-piece implant-supported screw-retained fixed prostheses on the biomechanical response in the peri-implant bone, implants, and prosthetic components. Materials and Methods: Four three-dimensional models were fabricated to represent a right posterior mandibular section with one implant in the region of the second premolar (2PM) and another in the region of the second molar (2M). The implants were splinted by a three-piece implant-supported metal-ceramic prosthesis and differed according to the type of misfit, as represented by four different models: Control = prosthesis with complete fit to the implants; UAM (unilateral angular misfit) = prosthesis presenting unilateral angular misfit of 100 pm in the mesial region of the 2M; UVM (unilateral vertical misfit) = prosthesis presenting unilateral vertical misfit of 100 pm in the mesial region of the 2M; and TVM (total vertical misfit) = prosthesis presenting total vertical misfit of 100 pm in the platform of the framework in the 2M. A vertical load of 400 N was distributed and applied on 12 centric points by the software Ansys, ie, a vertical load of 150 N was applied to each molar in the prosthesis and a vertical load of 100 N was applied at the 2PM. Results: The stress values and distribution in peri-implant bone tissue were similar for all groups. The models with misfit exhibited different distribution patterns and increased stress magnitude in comparison to the control. The highest stress values in group UAM were observed in the implant body and retention screw. The groups UVM and TVM exhibited high stress values in the platform of the framework and the implant hexagon, respectively. Conclusions: The three types of misfit influenced the magnitude and distribution of stresses. The influence of misfit on peri-implant bone tissue was modest. Each type of misfit increased the stress values in different regions of the system. INT J ORAL MAXILLOFAC IMPLANTS 2011;26:788-796


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The aim of this study was to use two-dimensional finite element method to evaluate the displacement and stress distribution transmitted by a distal extension removable partial denture (DERPD) associated with an implant placed at different inclinations (0, 5, 15, and 30 degrees) in the second molar region of the edentulous mandible ridge. Six hemimandibular models were created: model A, only with the presence of the natural tooth 33; model B, similar to model A, with the presence of a conventional DERPD replacing the missing teeth; model C, similar to the previous model, with a straight implant (0 degrees) in the distal region of the ridge, under the denture base; model D, similar to model C, with the implant angled at 5 degrees in the mesial direction; model E, similar to model C, with the implant angled at 15 degrees in the mesial direction; and model F, similar to ME, with the implant angled at 30 degrees in the mesial direction. The models were created with the use of the AutoCAD 2000 program (Autodesk, Inc, San Rafael, CA) and processed for finite element analysis by the ANSYS 8.0 program (Swanson Analysis Systems, Houston, PA). The force applied was vertical of 50 N on each cusp tip. The results showed that the introduction of the RPD overloaded the supporting structures of the RPD and that the introduction of the implant helped to relieve the stresses of the mucosa alveolar, cortical bone, and trabecular bone. The best stress distribution occurred in model D with the implant angled at 5 degrees. The use of an implant as a support decreased the displacement of alveolar mucosa for all inclinations simulated. The stress distribution transmitted by the DERPD to the supporting structures was improved by the use of straight or slightly inclined implants. According to the displacement analysis and von Mises stress, it could be expected that straight or slightly inclined implants do not represent biomechanical risks to use.