650 resultados para deformed austenite
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Bookplate of Myrtle A. Crummer.
The mechanism of intragranular nucleation of austenite in a duplex stainless steel (Fe-23.1 Cr-6.1 Ni-3.1 Mo-O.165 N-0.017 C, wt.%) weld metal and heat-affected zone (HAZ) has been examined. In the weld metal the acicular austenite is found to nucleate intragranularly on inclusions and subsequent plates form sympathetically resulting in a fine interlocked microstructure. Austenite plates adopt the Kurdjumov-Sachs orientation relationship with the ferrite matrix and grow with diffusion-controlled mechanism as evident from partitioning of substitutional alloying elements. At least one set of fine intrinsic dislocations on the austenite/ferrite interphase interfaces is observed suggesting that the boundaries are semi-coherent. The high cooling rates involved in the HAZ result in a supersaturated ferrite matrix where precipitation of intragranular austenite occurs as a result of reheating associated with subsequent passes. Austenite particles in the HAZ nucleate preferentially away from gain boundary austenite allotriomorphs indicating that intragranular precipitation is favoured by the supersaturated matrix.
MSC 2010: 33B10, 33E20
The Earth's upper mantle, mainly composed of olivine, is seismically anisotropic. Seismic anisotropy attenuation has been observed at 220km depth. Karato et al. (1992) attributed this attenuation to a transition between two deformation mechanisms, from dislocation creep above 220km to diffusion creep below 220km, induced by a change in water content. Couvy (2005) and Mainprice et al. (2005) predicted a change in Lattice Preferred Orientation induced by pressure, which comes from a change of slip system, from [100] slip to [001] slip, and is responsible for the seismic anisotropy attenuation. Raterron et al. (2007) ran single crystal deformation experiments under anhydrous conditions and observed that the slip system transition occurs around 8GPa, which corresponds to a depth of 260Km. Experiments were done to quantify the effects of water on olivine single crystals deformed using D-DIA press and synchrotron beam. Deformations were carried out in uniaxial compression along [110]c, [011]c, and [101]c, crystallographic directions, at pressure ranging from 4 to 8GPa and temperature between 1373 and 1473K. Talc sleeves about the annulus of the single crystals were used as source of water in the assembly. Stress and specimen strain rates were calculated by in-situ X-ray diffraction and time resolved imaging, respectively. By direct comparison of single crystals strain rates, we observed that [110]c deforms faster than [011]c below 5GPa. However above 6GPa [011]c deforms faster than [110]c. This revealed that [100](010) is the dominant slip system below 5GPa, and above 6GPa [001](010) becomes dominant. According to our results, the slip system transition, which is induced by pressure, occurs at 6GPa. Water influences the pressure where the switch over occurs, by lowering the transition pressure. The pressure effect on the slip systems activity has been quantified and the hydrolytic weakening has also been estimated for both orientations. Data also shows that temperature affects the slip system activity. The regional variation of the depth for the seismic anisotropy attenuation, which would depend on local hydroxyl content and temperature variations and explains the seismic anisotropy attenuation occurring at about 220Km depth in the mantle, where the pressure is about 6GPa. Deformation of MgO single crystal oriented [100], [110] and [111] were also performed. The results predict a change in the slip system activity at 23GPa, again induced by pressure. This explains the seismic anisotropy observed in the lower mantle.
Treatment of emerging RNA viruses is hampered by the high mutation and replication rates that enable these viruses to operate as a quasispecies. Declining honey bee populations have been attributed to the ectoparasitic mite Varroa destructor and its affiliation with Deformed Wing Virus (DWV). In the current study we use next-generation sequencing to investigate the DWV quasispecies in an apiary known to suffer from overwintering colony losses. We show that the DWV species complex is made up of three master variants. Our results indicate that a new DWV Type C variant is distinct from the previously described types A and B, but together they form a distinct clade compared with other members of the Iflaviridae. The molecular clock estimation predicts that Type C diverged from the other variants ~319 years ago. The discovery of a new master variant of DWV has important implications for the positive identification of the true pathogen within global honey bee populations.
Treatment of emerging RNA viruses is hampered by the high mutation and replication rates that enable these viruses to operate as a quasispecies. Declining honey bee populations have been attributed to the ectoparasitic mite Varroa destructor and its affiliation with Deformed Wing Virus (DWV). In the current study we use next-generation sequencing to investigate the DWV quasispecies in an apiary known to suffer from overwintering colony losses. We show that the DWV species complex is made up of three master variants. Our results indicate that a new DWV Type C variant is distinct from the previously described types A and B, but together they form a distinct clade compared with other members of the Iflaviridae. The molecular clock estimation predicts that Type C diverged from the other variants ~319 years ago. The discovery of a new master variant of DWV has important implications for the positive identification of the true pathogen within global honey bee populations.
This letter attempts to comment on an article by dos Reis et al., in the aspects of creep considerationand chemical analysis in maraging steels.
Specimens from split Hopkinson pressure bar experiments, at strain rates between ~ 1000–9000 s− 1 at room temperature and 500 °C, have been studied using electron backscatter diffraction. No significant differences in the microstructures were observed at different strain rates, but were observed for different strains and temperatures. Size distribution for subgrains with boundary misorientations > 2° can be described as a bimodal lognormal area distribution. The distributions were found to change due to deformation. Part of the distribution describing the large subgrains decreased while the distribution for the small subgrains increased. This is in accordance with deformation being heterogeneous and successively spreading into the undeformed part of individual grains. The variation of the average size for the small subgrain distribution varies with strain but not with strain rate in the tested interval. The mean free distance for dislocation slip, interpreted here as the average size of the distribution of small subgrains, displays a variation with plastic strain which is in accordance with the different stages in the stress-strain curves. The rate of deformation hardening in the linear hardening range is accurately calculated using the variation of the small subgrain size with strain.
The first direct experimental evidence of a multiparticle-hole ground state configuration of the neutron-rich Mg-33 isotope has been obtained via intermediate energy (400 A MeV) Coulomb dissociation measurement. The major part similar to(70 +/- 13)% of the cross section is observed to populate the excited states of Mg-32 after the Coulomb breakup of Mg-33. The shapes of the differential Coulomb dissociation cross sections in coincidence with different core excited states favor that the valence neutron occupies both the s(1/2) and p(3/2) orbitals. These experimental findings suggest a significant reduction and merging of sd-pf shell gaps at N similar to 20 and 28. The ground state configuration of Mg-33 is predominantly a combination of Mg-32(3.0,3.5MeV; 2(-), 1(-)) circle times nu(s1/2), Mg-32(2.5MeV; 2(+)) circle times nu(p3/2), and Mg-32(0; 0(+)) circle times nu(p3/2). The experimentally obtained quantitative spectroscopic information for the valence neutron occupation of the s and p orbitals, coupled with different core states, is in agreement with Monte Carlo shell model (MCSM) calculation using 3 MeV as the shell gap at N = 20.
The γ-aminobutyric acid (Gaba) is a non-protein amino acid found in prokaryotes and eukaryotes. Its role in plant development has not been fully established. This study reports a quantification of the levels of endogenous Gaba, as well as investigation of its role in different stages of somatic embryogenesis in Acca sellowiana Berg. (Myrtaceae). Zygotic embryos were used as explants and they were inoculated into the culture medium contained different concentrations of Gaba (0,2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 µM). The highest concentrations of endogenous Gaba were detected between the third and nine days after inoculation, reaching the value of 12.77 µmol.g-1FW. High frequency of somatic embryogenesis was observed in response to 10 µM Gaba. This treatment also resulted in a large number of normal embryos, and the lowest percentage of formation of fused somatic embryos, phenotypic characteristic of most deformed embryos in all treatments. Also, all treatments promoted the formation of the somatic embryos with positive characteristics of development resumption, which however did not originate the seedlings.
Structural analysis carried out on a segment of the Neoproterozoic Ribeira Belt, southeastern Brazil, show that it represents part of the transpressive dextral orogen related to the Central Mantiqueira Province. NNE-trending and steeply dipping regional mylonitic belts form anastomosed geometry, and describe a map-scale, S-C-like structure that is characterized by their deflection towards NE near the Além Paraíba Lineament. Lithological and structural control related to deformation partition were responsible for the formation of felsic mylonitic granulites with S-type granites lenses developed in ductile shear zones, alternated with less deformed intermediate to basic granulites associated with charnockites. The dextral shear sense indicators are consistent with transpressive deformation in the region and are common especially at the border of the main shear zones. The presence of S-type leucogranite may lead to variations of linear and planar relationships, which result in local extension zones. These elements are consistent with oblique continental collision considering the São Francisco Craton as a stable block.
A produção de desenhos em grupo e o método de Rorschach foram utilizados ao longo do tratamento de um paciente com esquizofrenia, acompanhado em Centro de Atenção Psicossocial. O referencial proposto para a compreensão do caso é o método fenômeno-estrutural que busca acessar o modo de ser e de vivenciar a doença que afeta o paciente, a partir do que ele revela nas imagens e na linguagem. Aos desenhos de cores acromáticas e conteúdos humanos deformados, o paciente insere cores, representantes da expressão afetiva, e figuras humanas integradas, denotando disponibilidade nas relações. O Rorschach indica contato mais adequado com a realidade, dado a diminuição da distorção da percepção da forma e de figuras fantasiosas. Após diminuição da sintomatologia persecutória e isolamento social, o paciente recebeu alta. O uso desses instrumentos tem contribuído na difícil tarefa diagnóstica e no acompanhamento da evolução de pacientes, nos cuidados interdisciplinares em saúde mental.
Land cover change constitutes one of main way of alteration of soil organic matter in both quantitative and qualitative terms. The goal of this study was to compare the carbon stock and the isotopic signature of the organic matter in the soil of areas with different land use,covered with forest and grass (pasture). The study area is located at Sorocaba, SP, Brazil. Using un-deformed soil samples, we measured the carbon content and bulk density. The isotopic signature of soil carbon was determined through the analysis of isotopic ratio (12)C/(13)C. The pasture soil stocks 48% less carbon than the soil covered by natural forest. The isotopic signature indicated that 42.2% of organic matter of the soil covered by pasture is originated from grasses. This characterizes a highly degradation of organic matter in the environment, both quantitatively and qualitatively. Hence, some guidelines of recuperation are described in order to restore the soil organic matter, structure and porosity.