878 resultados para deforestation fire
Etant données la complexité et la redondance des réseaux de gènes influençant de nombreux phénotypes, l'étude des rares cas d'un locus unique ayant des effets importants sur de nombreux phénotypes peut fournir des informations cruciales sur l'évolution des traits complexes. Nous avons séquencé le génome de la fourmi de feu Solenopsis invicta pour étudier comment l'expression des gènes détermine les effets majeurs et étendus de deux loci uniques sur le phénotype. Le premier locus concerne la détermination du sexe par le modèle des allèles complémentaires. Ce locus est connu pour déterminer le sexe chez tous les hyménoptères mais n'a été caractérisé que chez les abeilles. Les hétérozygotes pour ce locus se développent en reines diploïdes (ou ouvrières stériles) alors que les homozygotes se développent en mâles diploïdes incapables de produire du sperme et les hémizygotes en mâles haploïdes fertiles. Nous avons comparé l'expression des gènes entre les reines et les deux types de mâles au stade pupe, ainsi que 1 et 11 jours après l'émergence. Nous avons trouvé un changement prononcé de l'expression des gènes chez les mâles diploïdes, passant de très proche de celle des reines au stade pupe à identique aux mâles haploïdes 11 jours après l'émergence. Cela signifie que les mâles diploïdes sont condamnés à être stériles parce que les effets après émergence du locus de détermination du sexe ne per¬mettent pas d'effacer les effets de la ploïdie sur l'expression des gènes pendant le stade pupe, quand la spermatogénèse prend place. Le second locus aux effets majeurs que nous avons étudié est le supergène dit "green beard", qui consiste en 616 gènes couvrant 55% d'un chromosome (13 Mb) et est caractérisé par une absence de recombinaison entre les deux variants du supergène : "Social B" et "Social b" (SB et Sb). Au travers de l'effet "green beard", par lequel les ouvrières avec le supergène Sb discriminent favorablement les reines qui partagent ce supergène de façon perceptible, le génotype des reines fondatrices au niveau de ce supergène détermine l'organisation de la colonie : soit elle contient une seule reine SB/SB, soit plusieurs reines SB/Sb. Nous avons montré que le chromosome Sb a évolué comme le chromosome Y, accumulant probablement des allèles favorables dans des colonies avec plusieurs reines mais défavorables dans des colonies avec une seule reine (cf. gènes sexuellement antagonistes), ainsi que des transposons et des séquences répéti¬tives. Nous avons également montré que le polymorphisme du supergène cause de grandes différences d'expression chez les ouvrières et particulièrement les reines mais pas chez les mâles. Pour comprendre comment le polymorphisme du supergène chez les reines peut affecter l'organisation de la colonie, nous avons comparé l'expression entre les génotypes SB/SB et SB/Sb chez des reines vierges (1 et 11 jours) et des reines matures. Nous avons montré que les reines SB/SB sur-régulent des gènes impliqués dans la reproduction, expli-quant pourquoi elle grandissent plus rapidement et peuvent fonder des colonies de façon indépendante, tandis que les reines SB/Sb (qui ne peuvent fonder une nouvelle colonie) sur-régulent des gènes de signalement chimique qui affectent l'organisation des colonies par l'effet "green beard". - Given the complexity and redundancy of the gene networks that underlie many pheno- types, the study of rare cases of a single locus having major effects on many phenotypes can give powerful insights into the evolution of complex traits. We sequenced the genome of Solenopsis invicta fire ants to study how gene expression mediates the widespread major effects of two single loci on phenotype. The first is the complementary sex-determining locus, which is known to exist in most Hymenoptera despite being characterized only for honeybees. Heterozygotes at this locus become diploid queens (or sterile workers), homozy¬gotes become aspermic diploid males, and hemizygotes become fertile haploid males. We compared gene expression between queens and both types of males in pupae and 1 and 11 days after eclosion. We found a pronounced shift in gene expression in diploid males, from being nearly identical to queens as pupae to identical to haploid males 11 days after eclosion. This means that diploid males are condemned to sterility because the overriding effects of the sex locus after eclosion cannot undo the ploidy effects on expression during the pupal stage, when spermatogenesis must be completed. The second locus with major ef¬fects that we studied was the so-called "green beard" supergene, which consists of 616 genes encompassing 55% of one chromosome (13 Mb), without recombination between the two variants "Social B" and "Social b" (SB and Sb) supergene. Through the green beard effect, i.e. workers with the Sb supergene discriminating in favor of queens who perceptibly share this supergene, the founding queen's genotype at the supergene determines colony organi¬zation: either headed by a single SB/SB queen or many SB/Sb queens. We show that the Sb chromosome evolved like a Y-chromosome, probably accumulating alleles beneficial in multi-queen colonies but disadvantageous in single-queen colonies (cf. sexually antagonistic genes), as well as transposons and repetitive sequences. We also show that the polymor¬phism of the supergene causes widespread expression differences in workers and especially queens but not in males. To understand how the polymorphism at the supergene in queen can transform colony organization, we compared the expression between SB/SB and SB/Sb virgin queens (1 and 11 days) and mother queens. We show that SB/SB queens up-regulate genes involved in reproduction, explaining why they mature faster and can found colonies independently, while SB/Sb queens (which cannot found colonies) up-regulate chemical signaling genes that can transform colonies through the green beard effect.
Pseudomonas fluorescens EPS62e was selected during a screening procedure for its high efficacy in controlling infections by Erwinia amylovora, the causal agent of fire blight disease, on different plant materials. In field trials carried out in pear trees during bloom, EPS62e colonized flowers until the carrying capacity, providing a moderate efficacy of fire-blight control. The putative mechanisms of EPS62e antagonism against E. amylovora were studied. EPS62e did not produce antimicrobial compounds described in P. fluorescens species and only developed antagonism in King’s B medium, where it produced siderophores. Interaction experiments in culture plate wells including a membrane filter, which physically separated the cultures, confirmed that inhibition of E. amylovora requires cell-to-cell contact. The spectrum of nutrient assimilation indicated that EPS62e used significantly more or different carbon sources than the pathogen. The maximum growth rate and affinity for nutrients in immature fruit extract were higher in EPS62e than in E. amylovora, but the cell yield was similar. The fitness of EPS62e and E. amylovora was studied upon inoculation in immature pear fruit wounds and hypanthia of intact flowers under controlled-environment conditions. When inoculated separately, EPS62e grew faster in flowers, whereas E. amylovora grew faster in fruit wounds because of its rapid spread to adjacent tissues. However, in preventive inoculations of EPS62e, subsequent growth of EPS101 was significantly inhibited. It is concluded that cell-to-cell interference as well as differences in growth potential and the spectrum and efficiency of nutrient use are mechanisms of antagonism of EPS62e against E. amylovora
Other Audit Reports
Other Audit Reports - 28E Organizations
Other Audit Reports - Special Investigation
Other Audit Reports - 28E Organizations
Transcriptome analysis is a powerful tool for unveiling the distribution and magnitude of genetic incompatibilities between hybridizing taxa. The nature of such incompatibilities is closely associated with the evolutionary histories of the parental species and may differ across tissues and between the sexes. In eusocial insects, the presence of castes that experience divergent selection regimes may result in additional distinct patterns of caste-specific hybrid incompatibilities. We analysed levels of expression of >14 000 genes in two life stages of each caste in the fire ants Solenopsis invicta and Solenopsis richteri and in their hybrids. We found strong contributions of both developmental stage and caste to gene expression patterns. In contrast, variability in expression was only weakly associated with taxonomic identity, with hybrid scores falling between those of the two parental species. Hybrid incompatibilities were surprisingly modest, with only 32 genes being mis-expressed, indicating low levels of disruption in gene regulation in hybrids; males and workers each mis-expressed at least seven times as many genes as queens. Interestingly, homologues of many of the mis-expressed genes have been implicated in behavioural variation in Drosophila melanogaster. General expression profiles of hybrids consistently were more similar to those of S. richteri than S. invicta, presumably because S. richteri trans-regulatory elements tend to be dominant and/or because there is an overall bias in the genetic composition of the hybrids towards S. richteri. Altogether, our results suggest that selection acting on each caste may contribute differently to interspecific divergence and speciation in this group of ants.
Audit report on the Westory Fire Agency for the year ended June 30, 2006.
The aim of this study was to investigate levels of expression of two major genes, the odorant binding protein Gp-9 (general protein-9) and foraging, that have been shown to be associated with behavioural polymorphisms in ants. We analysed workers and young nonreproductive queens collected from nests of the monogyne (single reproductive queen per nest) and polygyne (multiple reproductive queens) social forms of Solenopsis invicta. In workers but not young queens, the level of foraging expression was significantly associated with social form and the task performed (ie localization in the nest or foraging area). The level of expression of Gp-9 was also associated with social form and worker localization. In addition there was a higher level of expression of the Gp-9(b) allele compared with the Gp-9(B) allele in the heterozygote workers and the young nonreproductive queens. Finally, in the polygyne colonies the level of expression of foraging was not significantly associated with the Gp-9 genotype for either workers or young nonreproductive queens, suggesting that both genes have independent non-epistatic effects on behaviour in S. invicta.
Special investigation of the Haverhill Volunteer Fire Department for the period January 1, 2003 through January 29, 2007
Audit report on the Westory Fire Agency for the year ended June 30, 2007
Fire represents an important disturbance to ant communities in areas of fire regime. Otherwise, little is known about the effects of fire on ant communities in areas of non-fire regimes, such as in the Amazonian region. We evaluated the long-term effect of fire on ant species richness in a rain forest (Bacaba Plateau) burned 15-years ago and compare our data with the data of primary unburned forest. A total of 85 ant species distributed in 21 genera and 14 tribes were collected; among them, 72 and 44 species were found on the litter and vegetation, respectively. The fire damaged forest studied supports an intermediate richness of ants when compared to a primary unburned rain forest in the same region. A comparative analysis of ant species richness showed that the Bacaba Plateau presented a different ant fauna when compared with the primary unburned forests, suggesting that fire can alter ant species composition. Although, our results cannot be conclusive on the effects of fire on ant community, they represent a pioneer data on human induced fire in tropical rain forests.
Variation in protein sequence and gene expression each contribute to phenotypic diversity, and may be subject to similar selective pressures. Eusocial insects are particularly useful for investigating the evolutionary link between protein sequence and condition-dependent patterns of gene expression because gene expression plays a central role in determining differences between eusocial insect sexes and castes. We investigated the relationship between protein coding sequence evolution and gene expression patterns in the fire ants Solenopsis invicta, S. richteri, and their hybrids to gain greater insight into how selection jointly operates on gene expression and coding sequence. We found that genes with high expression variability within castes and sexes were frequently differentially expressed between castes and sexes, as well as between species and hybrids. These results indicate that genes showing high variation in expression in one context also tend to show high variation in expression in other contexts. Our analyses further revealed that variation in both intra- and interspecific gene expression was positively associated with rate of protein sequence evolution in Solenopsis. This suggests that selective constraints on a gene operate both at the level of protein sequence and at the level of gene expression regulation. Overall, our study provides one of the strongest demonstrations that selective constraints mediate both protein sequence evolution and gene expression variability across different biological contexts and timescales.
Ants have evolved very complex societies and are key ecosystem members. Some ants, such as the fire ant Solenopsis invicta, are also major pests. Here, we present a draft genome of S. invicta, assembled from Roche 454 and Illumina sequencing reads obtained from a focal haploid male and his brothers. We used comparative genomic methods to obtain insight into the unique features of the S. invicta genome. For example, we found that this genome harbors four adjacent copies of vitellogenin. A phylogenetic analysis revealed that an ancestral vitellogenin gene first underwent a duplication that was followed by possibly independent duplications of each of the daughter vitellogenins. The vitellogenin genes have undergone subfunctionalization with queen- and worker-specific expression, possibly reflecting differential selection acting on the queen and worker castes. Additionally, we identified more than 400 putative olfactory receptors of which at least 297 are intact. This represents the largest repertoire reported so far in insects. S. invicta also harbors an expansion of a specific family of lipid-processing genes, two putative orthologs to the transformer/feminizer sex differentiation gene, a functional DNA methylation system, and a single putative telomerase ortholog. EST data indicate that this S. invicta telomerase ortholog has at least four spliceforms that differ in their use of two sets of mutually exclusive exons. Some of these and other unique aspects of the fire ant genome are likely linked to the complex social behavior of this species.