979 resultados para cytometric bead array
Aquest projecte es centra en el disseny d’una antena microstrip per a GNSS. Una antena per a GNSS ha de tenir adaptació de impedància d’entrada i polarització circular a dretes, com a principals especificacions, en el rang de 1.15-1.6 GHz. El tipus d’alimentació d’una antena microstrip amb el major ample de banda d’adaptació és l’alimentació mitjançant acoblament per apertura. Si a l’antena s’introdueixen dos apertures de forma ortogonal, alimentades amb un desfasament de 90º entre elles, s’aconsegueix polarització circular. L’opció de separar les apertures redueix la transferència de potència entre elles, i disminueix el guany de polarització creuada. La xarxa d’alimentació dissenyada és un divisor de Wilkinson amb una línia de λ/4 a la freqüència central, encara que el desfasament als extrems de la banda no sigui de 90º. Com a xarxa d’alimentació es va provar un hibrid de 90º, però l’elevat valor del paràmetre S21 de l’antena impossibilita l’adaptació a l’entrada del hibrid.
Transcatheter arterial chemoembolization (TACE) offers a survival benefit to patients with intermediate hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). A widely accepted TACE regimen includes administration of doxorubicin-oil emulsion followed by gelatine sponge-conventional TACE. Recently, a drug-eluting bead (DC Bead) has been developed to enhance tumor drug delivery and reduce systemic availability. This randomized trial compares conventional TACE (cTACE) with TACE with DC Bead for the treatment of cirrhotic patients with HCC. Two hundred twelve patients with Child-Pugh A/B cirrhosis and large and/or multinodular, unresectable, N0, M0 HCCs were randomized to receive TACE with DC Bead loaded with doxorubicin or cTACE with doxorubicin. Randomization was stratified according to Child-Pugh status (A/B), performance status (ECOG 0/1), bilobar disease (yes/no), and prior curative treatment (yes/no). The primary endpoint was tumor response (EASL) at 6 months following independent, blinded review of MRI studies. The drug-eluting bead group showed higher rates of complete response, objective response, and disease control compared with the cTACE group (27% vs. 22%, 52% vs. 44%, and 63% vs. 52%, respectively). The hypothesis of superiority was not met (one-sided P = 0.11). However, patients with Child-Pugh B, ECOG 1, bilobar disease, and recurrent disease showed a significant increase in objective response (P = 0.038) compared to cTACE. DC Bead was associated with improved tolerability, with a significant reduction in serious liver toxicity (P < 0.001) and a significantly lower rate of doxorubicin-related side effects (P = 0.0001). TACE with DC Bead and doxorubicin is safe and effective in the treatment of HCC and offers a benefit to patients with more advanced disease.
Low efficiency of transfection is often the limiting factor for acquiring conclusive data in reporter assays. It is especially difficult to efficiently transfect and characterize promoters in primary human cells. To overcome this problem we have developed a system in which reporter gene expression is quantified by flow cytometry. In this system, green fluorescent protein (GFP) reporter constructs are co-transfected with a reference plasmid that codes for the mouse cell surface antigen Thy-1.1 and serves to determine transfection efficiency. Comparison of mean GFP expression of the total transfected cell population with the activity of an analogous luciferase reporter showed that the sensitivity of the two reporter systems is similar. However, because GFP expression can be analyzed at the single-cell level and in the same cells the expression of the reference plasmid can be monitored by two-color fluorescence, the GFP reporter system is in fact more sensitive, particularly in cells which can only be transfected with a low efficiency.
Genetic determinants of blood pressure are poorly defined. We undertook a large-scale, gene-centric analysis to identify loci and pathways associated with ambulatory systolic and diastolic blood pressure. We measured 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure in 2020 individuals from 520 white European nuclear families (the Genetic Regulation of Arterial Pressure of Humans in the Community Study) and genotyped their DNA using the Illumina HumanCVD BeadChip array, which contains ≈50 000 single nucleotide polymorphisms in >2000 cardiovascular candidate loci. We found a strong association between rs13306560 polymorphism in the promoter region of MTHFR and CLCN6 and mean 24-hour diastolic blood pressure; each minor allele copy of rs13306560 was associated with 2.6 mm Hg lower mean 24-hour diastolic blood pressure (P=1.2×10(-8)). rs13306560 was also associated with clinic diastolic blood pressure in a combined analysis of 8129 subjects from the Genetic Regulation of Arterial Pressure of Humans in the Community Study, the CoLaus Study, and the Silesian Cardiovascular Study (P=5.4×10(-6)). Additional analysis of associations between variants in gene ontology-defined pathways and mean 24-hour blood pressure in the Genetic Regulation of Arterial Pressure of Humans in the Community Study showed that cell survival control signaling cascades could play a role in blood pressure regulation. There was also a significant overrepresentation of rare variants (minor allele frequency: <0.05) among polymorphisms showing at least nominal association with mean 24-hour blood pressure indicating that a considerable proportion of its heritability may be explained by uncommon alleles. Through a large-scale gene-centric analysis of ambulatory blood pressure, we identified an association of a novel variant at the MTHFR/CLNC6 locus with diastolic blood pressure and provided new insights into the genetic architecture of blood pressure.
The aim of the work was to investigate the pattern of chemoreceptor sensilla in adults and fifth stage nymphs of Rhodnius prolixus, R. neglectus, Triatoma infestans and T. sordida in order to study differences and similarities between genera and species. Three types of sensilla were analyzed by light microscopy: thin-walled trichoidea, thick-walled trichoidea and basiconica. The number of sensilla of each three types were counted. The length of the antennal segments were also used as a variable for the analysis. The statistical analysis showed that the number of these antennal chemoreceptors had significant differences between species and between adults and nymphs of each species. Discriminant analysis separates incompletely the fifth stage nymphs of the four species and showed similarity between them. Discriminant analysis performed with 12 variables of the antennae, allowed a complete separation of the adults of the four species.
Dans cette étude, nous avons testé la performance diagnostique d'une nouvelle technique d'analyse multiplexée qui permet la détection d'anticorps de différentes spécificités dans la même réaction. En l'absence de gold standard, nous avons choisi de comparer la performance diagnostique de l'analyse avec deux méthodes de référance que sont l'IF et EIA, et avec un consensus déterminé selon une règle de majorité entre les trois méthodes.¦393 sérums analysés par IF, conservés par congélation, ont été décongelés pour être analysés par EIA et BBA. Pour chaque sérum, les anticorps recherchés ont été les anti-VCA (Viral Capsid Antigen) IgM, anti-VCA IgG et anti-EBNA (Epstein-Barr Nuclear Associated) IgG. Les échantillons ont été classés en cinq groupes selon les résultats de l'IF : séronégatifs, infections aiguës, infections anciennes et deux types d'indéterminés.¦Pour chaque méthode, le résultat numérique (index ou titre) des analyses est converti en termes de positif, négatif ou douteux. Pour le résultat de chaque type d'anticorps, un consensus est établi selon une règle de majorité entre les trois méthodes, permettant une interprétation du stade de l'infection. Puis l'interprétation de chacune des méthodes a été comparée au consensus. Nous avons également comparé les trois méthodes les unes aux autres concernant la détection des anticorps.¦Globalement, nous observons une bonne corrélation qualitative entre les trois approches pour détecter les anti-VCA IgG et IgM. Pour pour les anti-EBNA IgG, il y a une divergence notable entre l'IF et les deux autres méthodes, l'IF apparaissant moins sensible que les autres méthodes, résultant en un nombre accru d'interprétations indéterminées du stade de l'infection.¦L'origine de cette divergence ne peut être due à une perte d'anticorps liée au stockage de longue durée des échantillons. En effet, EIA et BBA restent plus sensibles que IF, dont l'analyse a été faite sur des sérums frais.¦Cette divergence ne semble pas non plus être due aux différents antigènes utilisés par les trois méthodes. EIA et BBA utilisent le même antigène recombinant EBNA-1, alors que l'IF utilise des "cellules lymphoïdes choisies pour leur production sélective d'antigènes EBNA". Ces cellules sont probablement des cellules infectées par EBV qui devraient exprimer plus d'antigènes de latence que seul EBNA-1. Cette différence devrait donc plutôt en principe résulter en une meilleure sensibilité de l'IF par rapport aux deux autres méthodes.¦Les anti-EBNA IgG peuvent disparaître chez les patients immunocompromis chez qui se produit une réactivation d'EBV. Nous avons donc recherché le status immunitaire des patients du groupe dont les sérums étaient négatifs pour anti-EBNA IgG en IF et positifs par les autres méthodes: seulement 28 des 70 patients étaient immunocompromis.¦Par conséquent, il est probable que dans la majorité de ces résultats discordants, les anticorps anti-EBNA IgG détectés par BBA et EIA sont de vrais positifs non décelés par l'IF.¦En conclusion, BBA est meilleur que la méthode de référance qu'est l'IF, et est égal à EIA en ce qui concerne la performance diagnostique. En outre, ces deux nouvelles méthodes offrent une économie de temps en raison de manipulations moindres, et ne requièrent aucune formation en microscopie à fluorescence. Elles sont également plus économes en échantillons que IF. BBA a l'avantage de n'avoir besoin que de deux analyses pour donner un diagnostique, alors que IF et EIA ont en besoin d'une par anticorps. Enfin, BBA dispose de contrôles internes permettant de reconnaître les liaisons non antigène-spécifiques des anticorps. Par contre, BBA nécessite l'achat d'un lecteur par cytométrie de flux assez coûteux.
The advent and application of high-resolution array-based comparative genome hybridization (array CGH) has led to the detection of large numbers of copy number variants (CNVs) in patients with developmental delay and/or multiple congenital anomalies as well as in healthy individuals. The notion that CNVs are also abundantly present in the normal population challenges the interpretation of the clinical significance of detected CNVs in patients. In this review we will illustrate a general clinical workflow based on our own experience that can be used in routine diagnostics for the interpretation of CNVs.
Structural genomic abnormalities play a key role in the pathogenesis of human disorders and represent one of the first causes of mental impairment, complex syndromes and tumors. In order to detect these chromosomal abnormalities, many methodologies have been developed with limits. The new ARRAY based Comparative Genomic Hybridization (ARRAY CGH) is a revolutionary approach which allows to characterize very small genetic abnormalities undetectable by the standard approaches and in the absence of any associated clinical information. The aim of this article is to describe why the application of a new array CGH methodology is necessary in the etiological search for genetic diseases, what the limits of the standard approaches are and to whom arrayCGH analyses can be applied in a pediatric environment. Examples of our practice will be presented.
Background: Transcatheter arterial chemoembolization (TACE) has been shown to offer a survival benefit for patients with intermediate-stage hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). A widely accepted TACE regimen includes the administration of a doxorubicin-in-oil emulsion followed by gelatine sponge particles. Recently, a drug-eluting bead (DEB) has been developed to enhance drug delivery to the tumor and reduce its systemic availability. Purpose of this randomized trial was to compare conventional TACE with DEB-TACE for the treatment of intermediate-stage HCC in patients with cirrhosis. Methods: Two hundred and twelve patients (185 males and 27 females; mean age, 67 years) with Child-Pugh A or B liver cirrhosis and large and/or multinodular, unresectable HCC were randomized to receive DEB-TACE (DC Bead; Biocompatibles, UK) uploaded with doxorubicin or conventional TACE with doxorubicin, lipiodol, and gelatin sponge particles. Randomization was stratified according to Child Pugh status (A or B), performance status (ECOG 0 or 1), bilobar disease (yes or no) and prior curative treatment (yes or no). Tumor response at 6 months was the primary study endpoint. An independent, blinded review of magnetic resonance imaging studies was conducted to assess tumor response according to amended RECIST criteria. Results: DEB-TACE with doxorubicin showed a higher rate of complete response, objective response and disease control compared with conventional TACE (27% vs 22%; 52% vs 44%; and 63% vs 52%, respectively; p>0.05). Patients with Child Pugh B, ECOG 1, bilobar disease and recurrence following curative treatment showed a significant increase in objective response (p=0.038) compared to the control. There was a marked reduction in serious liver toxicity in patients treated with DEB-TACE. The rate of doxorubicin related side effects was significantly lower (p=0.0001) in the DEB-TACE group compared with the conventional TACE group. Conclusions: DEB-TACE with doxorubicin is safe and effective in the treatment of intermediate-stage HCC and may offer benefit to patients with more advanced disease.
Raised blood pressure (BP) is a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease. Previous studies have identified 47 distinct genetic variants robustly associated with BP, but collectively these explain only a few percent of the heritability for BP phenotypes. To find additional BP loci, we used a bespoke gene-centric array to genotype an independent discovery sample of 25,118 individuals that combined hypertensive case-control and general population samples. We followed up four SNPs associated with BP at our p < 8.56 × 10(-7) study-specific significance threshold and six suggestively associated SNPs in a further 59,349 individuals. We identified and replicated a SNP at LSP1/TNNT3, a SNP at MTHFR-NPPB independent (r(2) = 0.33) of previous reports, and replicated SNPs at AGT and ATP2B1 reported previously. An analysis of combined discovery and follow-up data identified SNPs significantly associated with BP at p < 8.56 × 10(-7) at four further loci (NPR3, HFE, NOS3, and SOX6). The high number of discoveries made with modest genotyping effort can be attributed to using a large-scale yet targeted genotyping array and to the development of a weighting scheme that maximized power when meta-analyzing results from samples ascertained with extreme phenotypes, in combination with results from nonascertained or population samples. Chromatin immunoprecipitation and transcript expression data highlight potential gene regulatory mechanisms at the MTHFR and NOS3 loci. These results provide candidates for further study to help dissect mechanisms affecting BP and highlight the utility of studying SNPs and samples that are independent of those studied previously even when the sample size is smaller than that in previous studies.
Raised blood pressure (BP) is a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease. Previous studies have identified 47 distinct genetic variants robustly associated with BP, but collectively these explain only a few percent of the heritability for BP phenotypes. To find additional BP loci, we used a bespoke gene-centric array to genotype an independent discovery sample of 25,118 individuals that combined hypertensive case-control and general population samples. We followed up four SNPs associated with BP at our p < 8.56 × 10(-7) study-specific significance threshold and six suggestively associated SNPs in a further 59,349 individuals. We identified and replicated a SNP at LSP1/TNNT3, a SNP at MTHFR-NPPB independent (r(2) = 0.33) of previous reports, and replicated SNPs at AGT and ATP2B1 reported previously. An analysis of combined discovery and follow-up data identified SNPs significantly associated with BP at p < 8.56 × 10(-7) at four further loci (NPR3, HFE, NOS3, and SOX6). The high number of discoveries made with modest genotyping effort can be attributed to using a large-scale yet targeted genotyping array and to the development of a weighting scheme that maximized power when meta-analyzing results from samples ascertained with extreme phenotypes, in combination with results from nonascertained or population samples. Chromatin immunoprecipitation and transcript expression data highlight potential gene regulatory mechanisms at the MTHFR and NOS3 loci. These results provide candidates for further study to help dissect mechanisms affecting BP and highlight the utility of studying SNPs and samples that are independent of those studied previously even when the sample size is smaller than that in previous studies.
The recently released Affymetrix Human Gene 1.0 ST array has two major differences compared with standard 3' based arrays: (i) it interrogates the entire mRNA transcript, and (ii) it uses DNA targets. To assess the impact of these differences on array performance, we performed a series of comparative hybridizations between the Human Gene 1.0 ST and the Affymetrix HG-U133 Plus 2.0 and the Illumina HumanRef-8 BeadChip arrays. Additionally, both RNA and DNA targets were hybridized on HG-U133 Plus 2.0 arrays. The results show that the overall reproducibility of the Gene 1.0 ST array is best. When looking only at the high intensity probes, the reproducibility of the Gene 1.0 ST array and the Illumina BeadChip array is equally good. Concordance of array results was assessed using different inter-platform mappings. Agreements are best between the two labeling protocols using HG-U133 Plus 2.0 array. The Gene 1.0 ST array is most concordant with the HG-U133 array hybridized with cDNA targets. This may reflect the impact of the target type. Overall, the high degree of correspondence provides strong evidence for the reliability of the Gene 1.0 ST array.
Background: Aproximately 5–10% of cases of mental retardation in males are due to copy number variations (CNV) on the X chromosome. Novel technologies, such as array comparative genomic hybridization (aCGH), may help to uncover cryptic rearrangements in X-linked mental retardation (XLMR) patients. We have constructed an X-chromosome tiling path array using bacterial artificial chromosomes (BACs) and validated it using samples with cytogenetically defined copy number changes. We have studied 54 patients with idiopathic mental retardation and 20 controls subjects. Results: Known genomic aberrations were reliably detected on the array and eight novel submicroscopic imbalances, likely causative for the mental retardation (MR) phenotype, were detected. Putatively pathogenic rearrangements included three deletions and five duplications (ranging between 82 kb to one Mb), all but two affecting genes previously known to be responsible for XLMR. Additionally, we describe different CNV regions with significant different frequencies in XLMR and control subjects (44% vs. 20%). Conclusion:This tiling path array of the human X chromosome has proven successful for the detection and characterization of known rearrangements and novel CNVs in XLMR patients.
Recently, we showed that connexin37 (Cx37) protects against early atherosclerotic lesion development by regulating monocyte adhesion. The expression of this gap junction protein is altered in mouse and human atherosclerotic lesions; it is increased in macrophages newly recruited to the lesions and disappears from the endothelium of advanced plaques. To obtain more insight into the molecular role of Cx37 in advanced atherosclerosis, we used micro-array analysis for gene expression profiling in aortas of ApoE(-/-) and Cx37(-/-)ApoE(-/-) mice before and after 18 weeks of cholesterol-rich diet. Out of >15,000 genes, 106 genes were significantly differentially expressed in young mice before diet (P-value of <0.05, fold change of >0.7 or <-0.7, and intensity value >2.2 times background). Ingenuity pathway analysis (IPA) revealed differences in genes involved in cell-to-cell signaling and interaction, cellular compromise and nutritional disease. In addition, we identified 100 genes that were significantly perturbed after the cholesterol-rich diet. Similar to the analysis on 10-week-old mice, IPA revealed differences in genes involved in cell-to-cell signaling and interaction as well as to immuno-inflammatory disease. Furthermore, we found important changes in genes involved in vascular calcification and matrix degradation, some of which were confirmed at protein level by (immuno-)histochemistry. In conclusion, we suggest that Cx37 deficiency alters the global differential gene expression profiles in young mice towards a pro-inflammatory phenotype, which are then further influenced in advanced atherosclerosis. The results provide new insights into the significance of Cx37 in plaque calcification.
A systolic array to implement lattice-reduction-aided lineardetection is proposed for a MIMO receiver. The lattice reductionalgorithm and the ensuing linear detections are operated in the same array, which can be hardware-efficient. All-swap lattice reduction algorithm (ASLR) is considered for the systolic design.ASLR is a variant of the LLL algorithm, which processes all lattice basis vectors within one iteration. Lattice-reduction-aided linear detection based on ASLR and LLL algorithms have very similarbit-error-rate performance, while ASLR is more time efficient inthe systolic array, especially for systems with a large number ofantennas.