996 resultados para cytokine receptors


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Searching for nervous system candidates that could directly induce T cell cytokine secretion, I tested four neuropeptides (NPs): somatostatin, calcitonin gene-related peptide, neuropeptide Y, and substance P. Comparing neuropeptide-driven versus classical antigen-driven cytokine secretion from T helper cells Th0, Th1, and Th2 autoimmune-related T cell populations, I show that the tested NPs, in the absence of any additional factors, directly induce a marked secretion of cytokines [interleukin 2 (IL-2), interferon-γ, IL-4, and IL-10) from T cells. Furthermore, NPs drive distinct Th1 and Th2 populations to a “forbidden” cytokine secretion: secretion of Th2 cytokines from a Th1 T cell line and vice versa. Such a phenomenon cannot be induced by classical antigenic stimulation. My study suggests that the nervous system, through NPs interacting with their specific T cell-expressed receptors, can lead to the secretion of both typical and atypical cytokines, to the breakdown of the commitment to a distinct Th phenotype, and a potentially altered function and destiny of T cells in vivo.


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Leptin (OB), an adipocyte-secreted circulating hormone, and its receptor (OB-R) are key components of an endocrine loop that regulates mammalian body weight. In this report we have analyzed signal transduction activities of OB-R containing the fatty mutation [OB-R(fa)], a single amino acid substitution at position 269 (Gln → Pro) in the OB-R extracellular domain that results in the obese phenotype of the fatty rat. We find that this mutant receptor exhibits both ligand-independent transcriptional activation via interleukin 6 and hematopoietin receptor response elements and ligand-independent activation of signal transducer and activator of transcription (STAT) proteins 1 and 3. However, OB-R(fa) is unable to constitutively activate STAT5B and is highly impaired for ligand induced activation of STAT5B compared with OB-R(wt). Introduction of the fatty mutation into a OB-R/G-CSF-R chimera generates a receptor with constitutive character that is similar but distinct from that of OB-R(fa). Constitutive mutant OB-R(fa) receptor signaling is repressed by coexpression of OB-R(wt). The implications of an extracellular domain amino acid substitution generating a cytokine receptor with a partially constitutive phenotype are discussed both in terms of the mechanism of OB-R triggering and the biology of the fatty rat.


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The anti-common gamma chain (γc) mAb CP.B8 is shown to inhibit interleukin 4 (IL-4)-dependent proliferation of phytohemagglutinin (PHA) activated T cells noncompetitively with respect to cytokine by blocking the IL-4-induced heterodimerization of IL-4Rα and γc receptor chains. Affinities for the binding of IL-4 to Cos-7 cells transfected with huIL-4Rα, and to PHA blasts expressing both IL-4Rα and γc, were used to estimate the affinity of the key interaction between γc and the binary IL-4Rα⋅IL-4 complex on the cell surface. This affinity was defined in terms of the dimensionless ratio [IL-4Rα⋅IL-4⋅γc]/[IL-4Rα⋅IL-4], which we designate KR. The results show that on PHA blasts this interaction is relatively weak; KR ≈ 9, implying that ≈10% of the limiting IL-4Rα chain remains free of γc even at saturating concentrations of IL-4. This quantitative treatment establishes KR as a key measure of the coupling between ligand binding and receptor activation, providing a basis for functional distinctions between different receptors that are activated by ligand-induced receptor dimerization.


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We generated transgenic mice expressing chimeric receptors, which comprise extracellular domains of the human granulocyte–macrophage colony-stimulating factor (hGM-CSF) receptor and transmembrane and cytoplasmic domains of the mouse leukemia inhibitory factor receptor. In suspension cultures of lineage-negative (Lin−), 5-fluorouracil-resistant bone marrow cells of the transgenic mice, a combination of hGM-CSF and stem cell factor (SCF) induced exponential expansions of mixed colony-forming unit. The combination of hGM-CSF and SCF was effective on enriched, Lin−Sca-1+c-kit+ progenitors and increased either mixed colony-forming unit or cobblestone area–forming cells. In case of stimulation with hGM-CSF and SCF, interleukin-6 (IL-6) and SCF, or IL-11 and SCF, the most efficient expansion was achieved with hGM-CSF and SCF. When Lin−Sca-1+c-kit+CD34− further enriched progenitors were clone sorted and individually incubated in the presence of SCF, hGM-CSF stimulated a larger number of cells than did IL-6, IL-6 and soluble IL-6 receptor (IL-6R), or IL-11. These data suggest the presence of IL-6Rα-, IL-11Rα-, and gp130-low to -negative primitive hematopoietic progenitors. Such primitive progenitors are equipped with signal transduction molecules and can expand when these chimeric receptors are genetically introduced into the cells and stimulated with hGM-CSF in the presence of SCF.


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The suppressors of cytokine signaling (SOCS) family of proteins act as intracellular inhibitors of several cytokine signal transduction pathways. Their expression is induced by cytokine activation of the Janus kinase/signal transducer and activator of transcription (JAK/STAT) pathway and they act as a negative feedback loop by subsequently inhibiting the JAK/STAT pathway either by direct interaction with activated JAKs or with the receptors. These interactions are mediated at least in part by the SH2 domain of SOCS proteins but these proteins also contain a highly conserved C-terminal homology domain termed the SOCS box. Here we show that the SOCS box mediates interactions with elongins B and C, which in turn may couple SOCS proteins and their substrates to the proteasomal protein degradation pathway. Analogous to the family of F-box-containing proteins, it appears that the SOCS proteins may act as adaptor molecules that target activated cell signaling proteins to the protein degradation pathway.


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Mast cells (MC) are stem cell factor-dependent tissue-based hematopoietic cells with substantial functional heterogeneity. Cord blood-derived human MC (hMC) express functional receptors for IL-5, and IL-5 mediates stem cell factor-dependent comitogenesis of hMC in vitro. Although IL-5 is not required for normal hMC development, we considered that it might prime hMC for their high-affinity Fc receptor for IgE (FcɛRI)-dependent generation of cytokines, as previously demonstrated for IL-4. Compared with hMC maintained in stem cell factor alone, hMC primed with IL-5 expressed 2- to 4-fold higher steady-state levels of TNF-α, IL-5, IL-13, macrophage inflammatory protein 1α, and granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor transcripts 2 h after FcɛRI crosslinking and secreted 2- to 5-fold greater quantities of the corresponding cytokines, except IL-13, at 6 h. Unlike IL-4, IL-5 priming did not enhance FcɛRI-dependent histamine release. Thus, IL-5 augments cytokine production by hMC by a mechanism distinct from that of IL-4 and with a different resultant profile of cytokine production. These observations suggest a potentially autocrine effect of IL-5 on hMC for amplification of allergic immune responses, in addition to its recognized paracrine effects on eosinophils, and implicate both IL-4 and IL-5 in the modulation of the hMC phenotype.


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Insects defend themselves against infectious microorganisms by synthesizing potent antimicrobial peptides. Drosophila has appeared in recent years as a favorable model to study this innate host defense. A genetic analysis of the regulation of the antifungal peptide drosomycin has demonstrated a key role for the transmembrane receptor Toll, which prompted the search for mammalian homologs. Two of these, Toll-like receptor (TLR)2 and TLR4, recently were shown to play a critical role in innate immunity against bacteria. Here we describe six additional Toll-related genes (Toll-3 to Toll-8) in Drosophila in addition to 18-wheeler. Two of these genes, Toll-3 and Toll-4, are expressed at a low level. Toll-6, -7, and -8, on the other hand, are expressed at high levels during embryogenesis and molting, suggesting that, like Toll and 18w, they perform developmental functions. Finally, Toll-5 is expressed only in larvae and adults. By using chimeric constructs, we have tested the capacity of the signaling Toll/IL-1R homology domains of these receptors to activate antimicrobial peptide promoters and found that only Toll and Toll-5 can activate the drosomycin promoter in transfected cells, thus demonstrating specificity at the level of the Toll/IL-1R homology domain. In contrast, none of these constructs activated antibacterial peptide promoters, suggesting that Toll-related receptors are not involved in the regulation of antibacterial peptide expression. This result was independently confirmed by the demonstration that a dominant-negative version of the kinase Pelle can block induction of drosomycin by the cytokine Spaetzle, but does not affect induction of the antibacterial peptide attacin by lipopolysaccharide.


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In this study, we describe the interaction between cytokine and cytokine receptor (R) for the activation and proliferation of gamma delta T-cell receptor-positive T cells (gamma delta T cells). gamma delta T cells isolated from murine intestinal intraepithelial lymphocytes (IELs) were separated into gamma delta (Dim) and gamma delta (Bright) fractions according to the intensity of gamma delta T-cell receptor expression. The gamma delta T cells express low levels of IL-2R and IL-7R as shown by flow cytometry and reverse transcriptase-PCR analysis, whereas gamma delta (Bright) T cells did not express either receptor. Our study also revealed that recombinant marine (rm)IL-2 and rmIL-7 reciprocally induced high expressions of IL-7R and IL-2R, respectively, on gamma delta (Dim) T cells but not on gamma delta (Bright) cells. Thus, treatment of gamma delta (Dim) T cells with rmIL-2 and rmIL-7 resulted in high proliferative responses, whereas gamma delta (Bright) T cells did not respond to these two cytokines. The sources of these two cytokines for gamma delta T cells were neighboring epithelial cells (IL-7) and alpha beta T cells (IL-2 and IL-7). Cytokine signaling by IL-2 and IL-7 from alpha beta T cells and epithelial cells was necessary for the expression of IL-7R and IL-2R, respectively, on a subset of gamma delta T cells (e.g., gamma delta (Dim) T cells) in mucosa-associated tissue for subsequent activation and cell division.


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Cytokines are important regulators of hematopoesis. Mutations in gamma c, which is a subunit shared by the receptors for interleukin (IL) 2, IL-4, and IL-7, have been causally associated with human X chromosome-linked severe combined immunodeficiency disease. This finding indicates a mandatory role for cytokine receptor signaling at one or more stages of lymphocyte development. To evaluate the cellular level at which gamma c is critical for lymphopoiesis, the effect of monoclonal antibodies to gamma c on the capacity of syngeneic bone marrow cells to reconstitute the hematopoietic compartment of lethally irradiated recipient mice was examined. We show that monoclonal antibody to gamma c blocked lymphocyte development at or before the appearance of pro-B cells and prior to or at the seeding of the thymus by precursor cells while erythromyeloid cell development was normal. These results suggest that one level of lymphocyte development that requires gamma c is a point in hematopoietic cell differentiation near the divergence of lymphopoiesis and erythromyelopoesis.


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The nuclear localization of a number of growth factors, cytokine ligands and their receptors has been reported in various cell lines and tissues. These include members of the fibroblast growth factor (FGF), epidermal growth factor and growth hormone families. Accordingly, a number of nuclear functions have begun to emerge for these protein families. The demonstration of functional interactions of these proteins with the nuclear import machinery has further supported their functions as nuclear signal transducers. Here, we review the membrane- trafficking machinery and pathways demonstrated to regulate this cell surface to nucleus-trafficking event and highlight the many remaining unanswered questions. We focus on the FGF family, which is providing many of the clues as to the process of this unusual phenomenon.


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Objective. Patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) have increased concentrations of the amino acid glutamate in synovial fluid. This study was undertaken to determine whether glutamate receptors are expressed in the synovial joint, and to determine whether activation of glutamate receptors on human synoviocytes contributes to RA disease pathology. Methods. Glutamate receptor expression was examined in tissue samples from rat knee joints and in human fibroblast-like synoviocytes (FLS). FLS from 5 RA patients and 1 normal control were used to determine whether a range of glutamate receptor antagonists influenced expression of the proinflammatory cytokine interleukin-6 (IL-6), enzymes involved in matrix degradation and cytokine processing (matrix metalloproteinase 2 [MMP-2] and MMP-9), and the inhibitors of these enzymes (tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases 1 [TIMP-1] and TIMP-2). IL-6 concentrations were determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, MMP activity was measured by gelatin zymography, and TIMP activity was determined by reverse zymography. Fluorescence imaging of intracellular calcium concentrations in live RA FLS stimulated with specific antagonists was used to reveal functional activation of glutamate receptors that modulated IL-6 or MMP-2. Results. Ionotropic and metabotropic glutamate receptor subunit mRNA were expressed in the patella, fat pad, and meniscus of the rat knee and in human articular cartilage. Inhibition of N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors in RA FLS increased proMMP-2 release, whereas non-NMDA ionotropic glutamate receptor antagonists reduced IL-6 production by these cells. Stimulation with glutamate, NMDA, or kainate (KA) increased intracellular calcium concentrations in RA FLS, demonstrating functional activation of specific ionotropic glutamate receptors. Conclusion. Our findings indicate that activation of NMDA and KA glutamate receptors on human synoviocytes may contribute to joint destruction by increasing IL-6 expression. © 2007, American College of Rheumatology.


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-08


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ROLE OF LOW AFFINITY β1-ADRENERGIC RECEPTOR IN NORMAL AND DISEASED HEARTS Background: The β1-adrenergic receptor (AR) has at least two binding sites, 1HAR and 1LAR (high and low affinity site of the 1AR respectively) which cause cardiostimulation. Some β-blockers, for example (-)-pindolol and (-)-CGP 12177 can activate β1LAR at higher concentrations than those required to block β1HAR. While β1HAR can be blocked by all clinically used β-blockers, β1LAR is relatively resistant to blockade. Thus, chronic β1LAR activation may occur in the setting of β-blocker therapy, thereby mediating persistent βAR signaling. Thus, it is important to determine the potential significance of β1LAR in vivo, particularly in disease settings. Method and result: C57Bl/6 male mice were used. Chronic (4 weeks) β1LAR activation was achieved by treatment with (-)-CGP12177 via osmotic minipump. Cardiac function was assessed by echocardiography and catheterization. (-)-CGP12177 treatment in healthy mice increased heart rate and left ventricular (LV) contractility without detectable LV remodelling or hypertrophy. In mice subjected to an 8-week period of aorta banding, (-)-CGP12177 treatment given during 4-8 weeks led to a positive inotropic effect. (-)-CGP12177 treatment exacerbated LV remodelling indicated by a worsening of LV hypertrophy by ??% (estimated by weight, wall thickness, cardiomyocyte size) and interstitial/perivascular fibrosis (by histology). Importantly, (-)-CGP12177 treatment to aorta banded mice exacerbated cardiac expression of hypertrophic, fibrogenic and inflammatory genes (all p<0.05 vs. non-treated control with aorta banding).. Conclusion: β1LAR activation provides functional support to the heart, in both normal and diseased (pressure overload) settings. Sustained β1LAR activation in the diseased heart exacerbates LV remodelling and therefore may promote disease progression from compensatory hypertrophy to heart failure. Word count: 270