966 resultados para cyanoacetylene ro-vibrational spectroscopy spectral analysis
Different hydrogen bonded clusters involving phenol and ethanol are studied theoretically using MP2/aug-cc-pVDZ. Nine different 1: 1 clusters are obtained and analyzed according to their stability and spectroscopic properties. Different isomeric forms of ethanol are considered. Attention is also devoted to the spectral shift of the characteristic pi -> pi* transition of phenol. Using TDHF, CIS, CIS(D) and TDB3LYP in aug-cc-pVDZ basis set, all results agree that a red shift is obtained when phenol is the hydrogen donor and a blue shift is obtained in the opposite case. These results are used to rationalize the red shift observed for phenol in liquid ethanol. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Although the amine sulfur dioxide chemistry was well characterized in the past both experimentally and theoretically, no systematic Raman spectroscopic study describes the interaction between N,N-dimethylaniline (DMA) and sulfur dioxide (SO(2)). The formation of a deep red oil by the reaction of SO(2) with DMA is an evidence of the charge transfer (CT) nature of the DMA-SO(2) interaction. The DMA -SO(2) normal Raman spectrum shows the appearance of two intense bands at 1110 and 1151 cm(-1), which are enhanced when resonance is approached. These bands are assigned to nu(s)(SO(2)) and nu(phi-N) vibrational modes, respectively, confirming the interaction between SO(2) and the amine via the nitrogen atom. The dimethyl group steric effect favors the interaction of SO(2) with the ring pi electrons, which gives rise to a pi-pi* low-energy CT electronic transition, as confirmed by time-dependent density functional theory (TDDFT) calculations. In addition, the calculated Raman DMA-SO(2) spectrum at the B3LYP/6-311++g(3df,3pd) level shows good agreement with the experimental results (vibrational wavenumbers and relative intensities), allowing a complete assignment of the vibrational modes. A better understanding of the intermolecular interactions in this model system can be extremely useful in designing new materials to absorb, detect, or even quantify SO(2). Copyright (C) 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Reliable spectral analysis is only achieved if the spectrum is thoroughly investigated in regard to all hidden and overlapped peaks. This paper describes the steps undertaken to find and separate such peaks in the range of 3000 to 4000 cm(-1) in the case of three different infrared absorption spectra of the glass surface of hydrolyzed silica optical fibers. Peak finding was done by the analysis of the second and fourth derivatives of the digital data, coupled with the available knowledge of infrared spectroscopy of silica-water interaction in the investigated range. Peak separation was accomplished by curve fitting with four different models. The model with the best fit was described by a sum of pure Gaussian peaks. Shoulder limit and detection limit maps were used to validate the revealed spectral features.
An electronic and vibrational spectroscopic analysis of p-coumaric acid (HCou) and its deprotonated species was performed by UV-vis and Raman, respectively, and the results were supported by density functional theory (OFT) calculations. Electronic UV-vis spectral data of HCou solutions show that the deprotonation of the carboxyl group (Cou(-)) leads to a blue shift of the lowest energy electronic transition in comparison to the neutral species, whereas the subsequent deprotonation of the phenolic moiety (Cou(2-)) carries out to a more delocalized chromophore. The DFT geometric parameters calculations suggest that the variation in the electronic delocalization for the three organic species is due to different contribution of a quinoid structure that is significantly distorted in the case of Cou(2-). The Raman data of HCou and its sodium salts show that the main spectral features that allow to differentiate the three organic species are those involving the styrene nu(C=C)(sty) vibration at 1600cm(-1) region. Even though the Raman spectra of the sodium salts of Cou(-) and Cou(2-) anions show subtle differences, the appearing of a band at ca. 1598cm(-1) in the Na(2)Cou spectrum, assigned to a mode involving the carboxylate asymmetric stretching, nu(as)(COO), and the styrene stretching, nu(C=C)(sty), is quite characteristic, as confirmed by the theoretical Raman spectrum. Considering that p-coumaric acid is an archetypical phenolic compound with several biological activities that essentially depend upon the medium pH, Raman spectroscopy results reported in this work can provide a proper way to characterize such important phytochemical compound in different protonation states. In order to complement the characterization of the sodium salts, X-ray diffraction (XRD) and thermal analysis were performed. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A transmission electron microscope (TEM) accessory, the energy filter, enables the establishment of a method for elemental microanalysis, the electron energy-loss spectroscopy (EELS). In conventional TEM, unscattered, elastic, and inelastic scattered electrons contribute to image information. Energy-filtering TEM (EFTEM) allows elemental analysis at the ultrastructural level by using selected inelastic scattered electrons. EELS is an excellent method for elemental microanalysis and nanoanalysis with good sensitivity and accuracy. However, it is a complex method whose potential is seldom completely exploited, especially for biological specimens. In addition to spectral analysis, parallel-EELS, we present two different imaging techniques in this chapter, namely electron spectroscopic imaging (ESI) and image-EELS. We aim to introduce these techniques in this chapter with the elemental microanalysis of titanium. Ultrafine, 22-nm titanium dioxide particles are used in an inhalation study in rats to investigate the distribution of nanoparticles in lung tissue.
In recent decades, the rapid development of optical spectroscopy for tissue diagnosis has been indicative of its high clinical value. The goal of this research is to prove the feasibility of using diffuse reflectance spectroscopy and fluorescence spectroscopy to assess myocardial infarction (MI) in vivo. The proposed optical technique was designed to be an intra-operative guidance tool that can provide useful information about the condition of an infarct for surgeons and researchers. ^ In order to gain insight into the pathophysiological characteristics of an infarct, two novel spectral analysis algorithms were developed to interpret diffuse reflectance spectra. The algorithms were developed based on the unique absorption properties of hemoglobin for the purpose of retrieving regional hemoglobin oxygenation saturation and concentration data in tissue from diffuse reflectance spectra. The algorithms were evaluated and validated using simulated data and actual experimental data. ^ Finally, the hypothesis of the study was validated using a rabbit model of MI. The mechanism by which the MI was induced was the ligation of a major coronary artery of the left ventricle. Three to four weeks after the MI was induced, the extent of myocardial tissue injury and the evolution of the wound healing process were investigated using the proposed spectroscopic methodology as well as histology. The correlations between spectral alterations and histopathological features of the MI were analyzed statistically. ^ The results of this PhD study demonstrate the applicability of the proposed optical methodology for assessing myocardial tissue damage induced by MI in vivo. The results of the spectral analysis suggest that connective tissue proliferation induced by MI significantly alter the characteristics of diffuse reflectance and fluorescence spectra. The magnitudes of the alterations could be quantitatively related to the severity and extensiveness of connective tissue proliferation.^
This paper reports the thermomechanical sensitivity of bimaterial cantilevers over a mid-infrared (IR) spectral range (5-10 µm) that is critical both for chemical analysis via vibrational spectroscopy and for direct thermal detection in the 300-700 K range. Mechanical bending sensitivity and noise were measured and modeled for six commercially available microcantilevers, which consist of either an aluminum film on a silicon cantilever or a gold film on a silicon nitride cantilever. The spectral sensitivity of each cantilever was determined by recording cantilever deflection when illuminated with IR light from a monochromator. Rigorous modeling and systematic characterization of the optical system allowed for a quantitative estimate of IR energy incident upon the cantilever. Separately, spectral absorptance of the cantilever was measured using Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) microscopy, which was compared with analytical models of radiation onto the cantilever and heat flow within the cantilever. The predictions of microcantilever thermomechanical bending sensitivity and noise agree well with measurements, resulting in a ranking of these cantilevers for their potential use in IR measurements.
This dissertation investigates the connection between spectral analysis and frame theory. When considering the spectral properties of a frame, we present a few novel results relating to the spectral decomposition. We first show that scalable frames have the property that the inner product of the scaling coefficients and the eigenvectors must equal the inverse eigenvalues. From this, we prove a similar result when an approximate scaling is obtained. We then focus on the optimization problems inherent to the scalable frames by first showing that there is an equivalence between scaling a frame and optimization problems with a non-restrictive objective function. Various objective functions are considered, and an analysis of the solution type is presented. For linear objectives, we can encourage sparse scalings, and with barrier objective functions, we force dense solutions. We further consider frames in high dimensions, and derive various solution techniques. From here, we restrict ourselves to various frame classes, to add more specificity to the results. Using frames generated from distributions allows for the placement of probabilistic bounds on scalability. For discrete distributions (Bernoulli and Rademacher), we bound the probability of encountering an ONB, and for continuous symmetric distributions (Uniform and Gaussian), we show that symmetry is retained in the transformed domain. We also prove several hyperplane-separation results. With the theory developed, we discuss graph applications of the scalability framework. We make a connection with graph conditioning, and show the in-feasibility of the problem in the general case. After a modification, we show that any complete graph can be conditioned. We then present a modification of standard PCA (robust PCA) developed by Cand\`es, and give some background into Electron Energy-Loss Spectroscopy (EELS). We design a novel scheme for the processing of EELS through robust PCA and least-squares regression, and test this scheme on biological samples. Finally, we take the idea of robust PCA and apply the technique of kernel PCA to perform robust manifold learning. We derive the problem and present an algorithm for its solution. There is also discussion of the differences with RPCA that make theoretical guarantees difficult.
Hydrodynamic studies were conducted in a semi-cylindrical spouted bed column of diameter 150 mm, height 1000 mm, conical base included angle of 60 degrees and inlet orifice diameter 25 mm. Pressure transducers at several axial positions were used to obtain pressure fluctuation time series with 1.2 and 2.4 mm glass beads at U/U-ms from 0.3 to 1.6, and static bed depths from 150 to 600 mm. The conditions covered several flow regimes (fixed bed, incipient spouting, stable spouting, pulsating spouting, slugging, bubble spouting and fluidization). Images of the system dynamics were also acquired through the transparent walls with a digital camera. The data were analyzed via statistical, mutual information theory, spectral and Hurst`s Rescaled Range methods to assess the potential of these methods to characterize the spouting quality. The results indicate that these methods have potential for monitoring spouted bed operation.
In this article we present a complete (1)H and (13)C NMR spectral analysis of three 7,7`-dihydroarylnaphthalene lignan lactones using modern NMR techniques such as COSY, HSQC, HMBC and NOE experiments. Complete assignment and homonuclear hydrogen coupling constant measurements were performed. Copyright (C) 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
The development of biopharmaceutical manufacturing processes presents critical constraints, with the major constraint being that living cells synthesize these molecules, presenting inherent behavior variability due to their high sensitivity to small fluctuations in the cultivation environment. To speed up the development process and to control this critical manufacturing step, it is relevant to develop high-throughput and in situ monitoring techniques, respectively. Here, high-throughput mid-infrared (MIR) spectral analysis of dehydrated cell pellets and in situ near-infrared (NIR) spectral analysis of the whole culture broth were compared to monitor plasmid production in recombinant Escherichia coil cultures. Good partial least squares (PLS) regression models were built, either based on MIR or NIR spectral data, yielding high coefficients of determination (R-2) and low predictive errors (root mean square error, or RMSE) to estimate host cell growth, plasmid production, carbon source consumption (glucose and glycerol), and by-product acetate production and consumption. The predictive errors for biomass, plasmid, glucose, glycerol, and acetate based on MIR data were 0.7 g/L, 9 mg/L, 0.3 g/L, 0.4 g/L, and 0.4 g/L, respectively, whereas for NIR data the predictive errors obtained were 0.4 g/L, 8 mg/L, 0.3 g/L, 0.2 g/L, and 0.4 g/L, respectively. The models obtained are robust as they are valid for cultivations conducted with different media compositions and with different cultivation strategies (batch and fed-batch). Besides being conducted in situ with a sterilized fiber optic probe, NIR spectroscopy allows building PLS models for estimating plasmid, glucose, and acetate that are as accurate as those obtained from the high-throughput MIR setup, and better models for estimating biomass and glycerol, yielding a decrease in 57 and 50% of the RMSE, respectively, compared to the MIR setup. However, MIR spectroscopy could be a valid alternative in the case of optimization protocols, due to possible space constraints or high costs associated with the use of multi-fiber optic probes for multi-bioreactors. In this case, MIR could be conducted in a high-throughput manner, analyzing hundreds of culture samples in a rapid and automatic mode.
The objective of this work was to establish a calibration equation and to estimate the efficiency of near-infrared reflectance (NIR) spectroscopy for evaluating rapeseed oil content in Southern Brazil. Spectral data from 124 half-sib families were correlated with oil contents determined by the chemical method. The accuracy of the equation was verified by coefficient of determination (R²) of 0.92, error of calibration (SEC) of 0.78, and error of performance (SEP) of 1.22. The oil content of ten genotypes, which were not included in the calibration with NIR, was similar to the one obtained by the standard chemical method. NIR spectroscopy is adequate to differentiate oil content of rapeseed genotypes.
Coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering (CARS) microscopy is rapidly developing into a unique microscopic tool in biophysics, biology and the material sciences. The nonlinear nature of CARS spectroscopy complicates the analysis of the received spectra. There were developed mathematical methods for signal processing and for calculations spectra. Fourier self-deconvolution is a special high pass FFT filter which synthetically narrows the effective trace bandwidth features. As Fourier self-deconvolution can effectively reduce the noise, which may be at a higher spatial frequency than the peaks, without losing peak resolution. The idea of the work is to experiment the possibility of using wavelet decomposition in spectroscopic for background and noise removal, and Fourier transformation for linenarrowing.
The objective of this study was to use linear and non-linear methods to investigate cardiac autonomic modulation in healthy elderly men and women in response to a postural change from the supine to the standing position. Fourteen men (66.1 ± 3.5 years) and 10 women (65.3 ± 3.3 years) were evaluated. Beat-to-beat heart rate was recorded in the supine and standing positions. Heart rate variability was studied by spectral analysis, including both low (LFnu-cardiac sympathetic modulation (CSM) indicator) and high (HFnu-cardiac vagal modulation (CVM) indicator) frequencies in normalized units as well as the low frequency/high frequency (LF/HF) ratio. Symbolic analysis was performed using the following indexes: 0V% (CSM indicator), 1V% (CSM and CVM indicators), 2LV% (predominantly CVM indicator) and 2ULV% (CVM indicator). Shannon entropy was also calculated. Men presented higher LFnu and LF/HF ratio and lower HFnu and 1V% symbolic index (57.56, 4.14, 40.53, 45.96, respectively) than women (24.60, 0.45, 72.47, 52.69, respectively) in the supine position. Shannon entropy was higher among men (3.53) than among women (3.33) in the standing position, and also increased according to postural change in men (3.25; 3.53). During postural change, the LFnu (24.60; 49.85) and LF/HF ratio (0.45; 1.72) increased, with a concomitant decrease in HFnu (72.47; 47.56) and 2LV% (14.10; 6.95) in women. Women presented increased CSM in response to postural change and had higher CVM and lower CSM than men in the supine position. In conclusion, women in the age range studied presented a more appropriate response to a postural change than men, suggesting that cardiac autonomic modulation may be better preserved in women than in men.
Although it is generally accepted that Rydberg orbitals are very large and diffuse, and that electron promotion to a Rydberg orbital is not too different from ionization of the molecule, analysis of the two types of transitions proves otherwise. The photoelectron spectrum of the 2B2 (n) ion has very little vibrational structure attached to the origin band; on the other hand, several of the Rydberg transitions which involve the promotion of the n(bZ) electron exhibit a great deal of vibrational activity. In particular, the members of the n=3 Rydberg\ series interact with and perturb each other through pseudo-Jahn-Teller vibronic coupling. The vacuum ultraviolet spectrum contains a number of features which are difficult to explain, and two unusually sharp bands can only be identified as representing some form of electron promotion in formaldehyde.