972 resultados para cug-binding protein


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The circadian clock drives the rhythmic expression of a broad array of genes that orchestrate metabolism, sleep wake behavior, and the immune response. Clock genes are transcriptional regulators engaged in the generation of circadian rhythms. The cold inducible RNA-binding protein (CIRBP) guarantees high amplitude expression of clock. The cytokines TNF and TGFβ impair the expression of clock genes, namely the period genes and the proline- and acidic amino acid-rich basic leucine zipper (PAR-bZip) clock-controlled genes. Here, we show that TNF and TGFβ impair the expression of Cirbp in fibroblasts and neuronal cells. IL-1β, IL-6, IFNα, and IFNγ do not exert such effects. Depletion of Cirbp is found to increase the susceptibility of cells to the TNF-mediated inhibition of high amplitude expression of clock genes and modulates the TNF-induced cytokine response. Our findings reveal a new mechanism of cytokine-regulated expression of clock genes.


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Rapport de synthèse : Introduction : La croissance foetale infra-utérine dépend d'un grand nombre de facteurs maternels, placentaires et foetaux. Une inadéquation d'un ou plusieurs de ces facteurs peut induire un retard de croissance infra-utérin (RCIU) ou au contraire une macrosomie. Les principales causes de RCIU comprennent les infections maternelles, l'éclampsie, les cardiovasculopathies maternelles, la toxicomanie, les malformations foetales et les insuffisances placentaires. Les facteurs endocriniens constituent un petit pourcentage des causes de RCIU, mais méritent que l'on s'y intéresse de plus près. Les facteurs hormonaux les plus importants pour la croissance fatale sont l'insuline et les insuline-like growth factors (IGFs) et non l'hormone de croissance (GH) qui joue un rôle majeur dans la croissance postnatale. Notre attention s'est portée sur IGF-1 qui joue un rôle important dans la croissance intrautérine. Sa biodisponibilité dépend de plusieurs protéines plasmatiques, les IGF-binding proteins (IGFBP 1 à 9). IGFBP-3 est la principale de ces IGFBPs, autant d'un point de vue quantitatif que fonctionnel. Nous avons cherché à déterminer si les concentrations d'IGF-1 et d'IGFBP-3 dans le liquide amniotique au début du deuxième trimestre étaient prédictives de la croissance infra-utérine. Les gènes codant pour IGF-1 et IGFBP-3 contenant certaines séquences polymorphiques, nous avons également étudié leur influence sur la croissance foetale. L'analyse du liquide amniotique présente l'avantage de pouvoir être effectuée dès la 14ème semaine d'aménorrhée alors que la biométrie foetale échographique ne permet pas à ce stade de déceler des anomalies de la croissance infra-utérine. Méthode : Nous avons analysé des échantillons de liquide amniotique prélevés entre la 14ème et la 18ème semaine de grossesse chez 196 patientes. Les concentrations d'IGF-1 et d'IGFBP-3 ont été dosées par ELISA, les polymorphismes analysés par PCR. Ces résultats ont été ensuite analysés en fonction du poids de naissance des nouveaux-nés, répartis en trois groupes normal pour l'âge gestationnel (AGA), petit pour l'âge gestationnel (SGA) et grand pour l'âge gestationnel (LGA). Résultats : Les concentrations d'IGFBP3 dans le liquide amniotique sont significativement plus élevées (p = 0.030) dans le groupe SGA par rapport au groupe AGA, d'autant plus quand les taux sont ajustés en fonction de paramètres tels que l'âge gestationnel lors de l'amniocentèse (ANCOVA analysis : p = 0.009). La distribution du polymorphisme VNTR (variable number of tandem repeat) dans la région promotrice d'IGF-1 au sein du groupe SGA est significativement différente de celle du groupe AGA (p = 0.029). En effet, la fréquence de l'association allélique 19CA/20CA est diminuée dans le groupe SGA. Nous n'avons pas identifié de différence de distribution des séquences polymorphiques d'IGFBP-3 entre les différents groupes. Conclusion : Une concentration élevée d'IGFBP-3 dans le liquide amniotique au début du deuxième trimestre est associée à un risque plus élevé de retard de croissance alors que l'association allélique 19CA/20CA dans la région polymorphique IGF-1 VNTR est un facteur protecteur.


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Macrophage migration-inhibitory factor (MIF) has recently been identified as a pituitary hormone that functions as a counterregulatory modulator of glucocorticoid action within the immune system. In the anterior pituitary gland, MIF is expressed in TSH- and ACTH-producing cells, and its secretion is induced by CRF. To investigate MIF function and regulation within pituitary cells, we initiated the characterization of the MIF 5'-regulatory region of the gene. The -1033 to +63 bp of the murine MIF promoter was cloned 5' to a luciferase reporter gene and transiently transfected into freshly isolated rat anterior pituitary cells. This construct drove high basal transcriptional activity that was further enhanced after stimulation with CRF or with an activator of adenylate cyclase. These transcriptional effects were associated with a concomitant rise in ACTH secretion in the transfected cells and by an increase in MIF gene expression as assessed by Northern blot analysis. A cAMP-responsive element (CRE) was identified within the MIF promoter region which, once mutated, abolished the cAMP responsiveness of the gene. Using this newly identified CRE, DNA-binding activity was detected by gel retardation assay in nuclear extracts prepared from isolated anterior pituitary cells and AtT-20 corticotrope tumor cells. Supershift experiments using antibodies against the CRE-binding protein CREB, together with competition assays and the use of recombinant CREB, allowed the detection of CREB-binding activity with the identified MIF CRE. These data demonstrate that CREB is the mediator of the CRF-induced MIF gene transcription in pituitary cells through an identified CRE in the proximal region of the MIF promoter.


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OBJECTIVE: Inflammatory bowel diseases (IBDs), Crohn's disease, and ulcerative colitis (UC), are multifactorial disorders, characterized by chronic inflammation of the intestine. A number of genetic components have been proposed to contribute to IBD pathogenesis. In this case-control study, we investigated the association between two common vitamin D-binding protein (DBP) genetic variants and IBD susceptibility. These two single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in exon 11 of the DBP gene, at codons 416 (GAT>GAG; Asp>Glu) and 420 (ACG>AAG; Thr>Lys), have been previously suggested to play roles in the etiology of other autoimmune diseases. METHODS: Using TaqMan SNP technology, we have genotyped 884 individuals (636 IBD cases and 248 non-IBD controls) for the two DBP variants. RESULTS: On statistical analysis, we observed that the DBP 420 variant Lys is less frequent in IBD cases than in non-IBD controls (allele frequencies, P=0.034; homozygous carrier genotype frequencies, P=0.006). This inverse association between the DBP 420 Lys and the disease remained significant, when non-IBD participants were compared with UC (homozygous carrier genotype frequencies, P=0.022) or Crohn's disease (homozygous carrier genotype frequencies, P=0.016) patients separately. Although the DBP position 416 alone was not found to be significantly associated with IBD, the haplotype DBP_2, consisting of 416 Asp and 420 Lys, was more frequent in the non-IBD population, particularly notably when compared with the UC group (Odds ratio, 4.390). CONCLUSION: Our study adds DBP to the list of potential genes that contribute to the complex genetic etiology of IBD, and further emphasizes the association between vitamin D homeostasis and intestinal inflammation.


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Spermatogenesis is a temporally regulated developmental process by which the gonadotropin-responsive somatic Sertoli and Leydig cells act interdependently to direct the maturation of the germinal cells. The metabolism of Sertoli and Leydig cells is regulated by the pituitary gonadotropins FSH and LH, which, in turn, activate adenylate cyclase. Because the cAMP-second messenger pathway is activated by FSH and LH, we postulated that the cAMP-responsive element-binding protein (CREB) plays a physiological role in Sertoli and Leydig cells, respectively. Immunocytochemical analyses of rat testicular sections show a remarkably high expression of CREB in the haploid round spermatids and, to some extent, in pachytene spermatocytes and Sertoli cells. Although most of the CREB antigen is detected in the nuclei, some CREB antigen is also present in the cytoplasm. Remarkably, the cytoplasmic CREB results from the translation of a unique alternatively spliced transcript of the CREB gene that incorporates an exon containing multiple stop codons inserted immediately up-stream of the exons encoding the DNA-binding domain of CREB. Thus, the RNA containing the alternatively spliced exon encodes a truncated transcriptional transactivator protein lacking both the DNA-binding domain and nuclear translocation signal of CREB. Most of the CREB transcripts detected in the germinal cells contain the alternatively spliced exon, suggesting a function of the exon to modulate the synthesis of CREB. In the Sertoli cells we observed a striking cyclical (12-day periodicity) increase in the levels of CREB mRNA that coincides with the splicing out of the restrictive exon containing the stop codons. Because earlier studies established that FSH-stimulated cAMP levels in Sertoli cells are also cyclical, and the CREB gene promoter contains cAMP-responsive enhancers, we suggest that the alternative RNA splicing controls a positive autoregulation of CREB gene expression mediated by cAMP.


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Bioreporter bacteria, i.e., strains engineered to respond to chemical exposure by production of reporter proteins, have attracted wide interest because of their potential to offer cheap and simple alternative analytics for specified compounds or conditions. Bioreporter construction has mostly exploited the natural variation of sensory proteins, but it has been proposed that computational design of new substrate binding properties could lead to completely novel detection specificities at very low affinities. Here we reconstruct a bioreporter system based on the native Escherichia coli ribose binding protein RbsB and one of its computationally designed variants, reported to be capable of binding 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene (TNT). Our results show in vivo reporter induction at 50 nM ribose, and a 125 nM affinity constant for in vitro ribose binding to RbsB. In contrast, the purified published TNT-binding variant did not bind TNT nor did TNT cause induction of the E. coli reporter system.


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In the plant-beneficial soil bacterium Pseudomonas fluorescens CHA0, the production of biocontrol factors (antifungal secondary metabolites and exoenzymes) is controlled at a posttranscriptional level by the GacS/GacA signal transduction pathway involving RNA-binding protein RsmA as a key regulatory element. This protein is assumed to bind to the ribosome-binding site of target mRNAs and to block their translation. RsmA-mediated repression is relieved at the end of exponential growth by two GacS/GacA-controlled regulatory RNAs RsmY and RsmZ, which bind and sequester the RsmA protein. A gene (rsmE) encoding a 64-amino-acid RsmA homolog was identified and characterized in strain CHA0. Overexpression of rsmE strongly reduced the expression of target genes (hcnA, for a hydrogen cyanide synthase subunit; aprA, for the main exoprotease; and phlA, for a component of 2,4-diacetylphloroglucinol biosynthesis). Single null mutations in either rsmA or rsmE resulted in a slight increase in the expression of hcnA, aprA, and phlA. By contrast, an rsmA rsmE double mutation led to strongly increased and advanced expression of these target genes and completely suppressed a gacS mutation. Both the RsmE and RsmA levels increased with increasing cell population densities in strain CHA0; however, the amount of RsmA showed less variability during growth. Expression of rsmE was controlled positively by GacA and negatively by RsmA and RsmE. Mobility shift assays demonstrated specific binding of RsmE to RsmY and RsmZ RNAs. The transcription and stability of both regulatory RNAs were strongly reduced in the rsmA rsmE double mutant. In conclusion, RsmA and RsmE together account for maximal repression in the GacS/GacA cascade of strain CHA0.


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CCAAT/enhancer-binding protein (C/EBP) family members are transcription factors involved in important physiological processes, such as cellular proliferation and differentiation, regulation of energy homeostasis, inflammation, and hematopoiesis. Transcriptional activation by C/EBPalpha and C/EBPbeta involves the coactivators CREB-binding protein (CBP) and p300, which promote transcription by acetylating histones and recruiting basal transcription factors. In this study, we show that C/EBPdelta is also using CBP as a coactivator. Based on sequence homology with C/EBPalpha and -beta, we identify in C/EBPdelta two conserved amino acid segments that are necessary for the physical interaction with CBP. Using reporter gene assays, we demonstrate that mutation of these residues prevents CBP recruitment and diminishes the transactivating potential of C/EBPdelta. In addition, our results indicate that C/EBP family members not only recruit CBP but specifically induce its phosphorylation. We provide evidence that CBP phosphorylation depends on its interaction with C/EBPdelta and define point mutations within one of the two conserved amino acid segments of C/EBPdelta that abolish CBP phosphorylation as well as transcriptional activation, suggesting that this new mechanism could be important for C/EBP-mediated transcription.


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Background. Microglia and astrocytes respond to homeostatic disturbances with profound changes of gene expression. This response, known as glial activation or neuroinflammation, can be detrimental to the surrounding tissue. The transcription factor CCAAT/enhancer binding protein ß (C/EBPß) is an important regulator of gene expression in inflammation but little is known about its involvement in glial activation. To explore the functional role of C/EBPß in glial activation we have analyzed pro-inflammatory gene expression and neurotoxicity in murine wild type and C/EBPß-null glial cultures. Methods. Due to fertility and mortality problems associated with the C/EBPß-null genotype we developed a protocol to prepare mixed glial cultures from cerebral cortex of a single mouse embryo with high yield. Wild-type and C/EBPß-null glial cultures were compared in terms of total cell density by Hoechst-33258 staining; microglial content by CD11b immunocytochemistry; astroglial content by GFAP western blot; gene expression by quantitative real-time PCR, western blot, immunocytochemistry and Griess reaction; and microglial neurotoxicity by estimating MAP2 content in neuronal/microglial cocultures. C/EBPß DNA binding activity was evaluated by electrophoretic mobility shift assay and quantitative chromatin immunoprecipitation. Results. C/EBPß mRNA and protein levels, as well as DNA binding, were increased in glial cultures by treatment with lipopolysaccharide (LPS) or LPS + interferon ¿ (IFN¿). Quantitative chromatin immunoprecipitation showed binding of C/EBPß to pro-inflammatory gene promoters in glial activation in a stimulus- and gene-dependent manner. In agreement with these results, LPS and LPS+IFN¿ induced different transcriptional patterns between pro-inflammatory cytokines and NO synthase-2 genes. Furthermore, the expressions of IL-1ß and NO synthase-2, and consequent NO production, were reduced in the absence of C/EBPß. In addition, neurotoxicity elicited by LPS+IFN¿-treated microglia co-cultured with neurons was completely abolished by the absence of C/EBPß in microglia.


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Purpose:To identify the gene causing rod-cone dystrophy/amelogenesis imperfecta Methods:Homozygosity mapping was performed using the Affymetrix 50K XbaI array in one family and candidate genes in the linked interval were sequenced with ABI Dye Terminator, vers. 1 in the index patient of 3 families. The identified mutations were screened in normal control individuals. Expression analyses were performed on RNA extracted from the brain, various parts of the eye and teeth; immunostaining was done on mouse eyes and jaw and knock-down experiments were carried out in zebrafish embroys. Results:Sequencing the coding regions of ancient conserved domain protein 4 (CNNM4), a metal ions transporter, revealed a 1-base pair duplication (p.L438fs) in family A, a p.R236Q mutation in family B and a p.L324P in family C. All these mutations were homozygous and involved very conserved amino acids in paralogs and orthologs. Immunostaining and RT-PCR confirmed that CNNM4 was strongly expressed in various parts of the eye and in the teeth. Morpholino experiments in zebrafish showed a loss of ganglion cells at 5 days post fertilization. Conclusions:The rod-cone dystrophy/amelogenesis imperfecta syndrome is caused by mutation in CNNM4 and is due to aberrant metal ion homeostasis.


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Streptococcus uberis is an environmental pathogen commonly causing bovine mastitis, an infection that is generally treated with penicillin G. No field case of true penicillin-resistant S. uberis (MIC > 16 mg/liter) has been described yet, but isolates presenting decreased susceptibility (MIC of 0.25 to 0.5 mg/liter) to this drug are regularly reported to our laboratory. In this study, we demonstrated that S. uberis can readily develop penicillin resistance in laboratory-evolved mutants. The molecular mechanism of resistance (acquisition of mutations in penicillin-binding protein 1A [PBP1A], PBP2B, and PBP2X) was generally similar to that of all other penicillin-resistant streptococci described so far. In addition, it was also specific to S. uberis in that independent resistant mutants carried a unique set of seven consensus mutations, of which only one (Q(554)E in PBP2X) was commonly found in other streptococci. In parallel, independent isolates from bovine mastitis with different geographical origins (France, Holland, and Switzerland) and presenting a decreased susceptibility to penicillin were characterized. No mosaic PBPs were detected, but they all presented mutations identical to the one found in the laboratory-evolved mutants. This indicates that penicillin resistance development in S. uberis might follow a stringent pathway that would explain, in addition to the ecological niche of this pathogen, why naturally occurring resistances are still rare. In addition, this study shows that there is a reservoir of mutated PBPs in animals, which might be exchanged with other streptococci, such as Streptococcus agalactiae, that could potentially be transmitted to humans.


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The transcriptional transactivational activities of the phosphoprotein cAMP-response element-binding protein (CREB) are activated by the cAMP-dependent protein kinase A signaling pathway. Dimers of CREB bind to the palindromic DNA element 5'-TGACGTCA-3' (or similar motifs) called cAMP-responsive enhancers (CREs) found in the control regions of many genes, and activate transcription in response to phosphorylation of CREB by protein kinase A. Earlier we reported on the cyclical expression of the CREB gene in the Sertoli cells of the rat testis that occurred concomitant with the FSH-induced rise in cellular cAMP levels and suggested that transcription of the CREB gene may be autoregulated by cAMP-dependent transcriptional proteins. We now report the structure of the 5'-flanking sequence of the human CREB gene containing promoter activity. The promoter has a high content of guanosines and cytosines and lacks canonical TATA and CCAAT boxes typically found in the promoters of genes in eukaryotes. Notably, the promoter contains three CREs and transcriptional activities of a promoter-luciferase reporter plasmid transfected to placental JEG-3 cells are increased 3- to 5-fold over basal activities in response to either cAMP or 12-O-tetradecanoyl phorbol-14-acetate, and give 6- to 7-fold responses when both agents are added. The CREs bind recombinant CREB and endogenous CREB or CREB-like proteins contained in placental JEG-3 cells and also confer cAMP-inducible transcriptional activation to a heterologous minimal promoter. Our studies suggest that the expression of the CREB gene is positively autoregulated in trans.


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The mechanisms underlying preferential atrophy of the striatum in Huntington's disease (HD) are unknown. One hypothesis is that a set of gene products preferentially expressed in the striatum could determine the particular vulnerability of this brain region to mutant huntingtin (mHtt). Here, we studied the striatal protein µ-crystallin (Crym). Crym is the NADPH-dependent p38 cytosolic T3-binding protein (p38CTBP), a key regulator of thyroid hormone (TH) T3 (3,5,3'-triiodo-l-thyronine) transportation. It has been also recently identified as the enzyme that reduces the sulfur-containing cyclic ketimines, which are potential neurotransmitters. Here, we confirm the preferential expression of the Crym protein in the rodent and macaque striatum. Crym expression was found to be higher in the macaque caudate than in the putamen. Expression of Crym was reduced in the BACHD and Knock-in 140CAG mouse models of HD before onset of striatal atrophy. We show that overexpression of Crym in striatal medium-size spiny neurons using a lentiviral-based strategy in mice is neuroprotective against the neurotoxicity of an N-terminal fragment of mHtt in vivo. Thus, reduction of Crym expression in HD could render striatal neurons more susceptible to mHtt suggesting that Crym may be a key determinant of the vulnerability of the striatum. In addition our work points to Crym as a potential molecular link between striatal degeneration and the THs deregulation reported in HD patients.


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Staphylococcus aureus experimental endocarditis relies on sequential fibrinogen binding (for valve colonization) and fibronectin binding (for endothelial invasion) conferred by peptidoglycan-attached adhesins. Fibronectin-binding protein A (FnBPA) reconciles these two properties--as well as elastin binding--and promotes experimental endocarditis by itself. Here we attempted to delineate the minimal subdomain of FnBPA responsible for fibrinogen and fibronectin binding, cell invasion, and in vivo endocarditis. A large library of truncated constructs of FnBPA was expressed in Lactococcus lactis and tested in vitro and in animals. A 127-amino-acid subdomain spanning the hinge of the FnBPA fibrinogen-binding and fibronectin-binding regions appeared necessary and sufficient to confer the sum of these properties. Competition with synthetic peptides could not delineate specific fibrinogen- and fibronectin-binding sites, suggesting that dual binding arose from protein folding, irrespective of clearly defined binding domains. Moreover, coexpressing the 127-amino-acid subdomain with remote domains of FnBPA further increased fibrinogen binding by > or =10 times, confirming the importance of domain interactions for binding efficacy. In animals, fibrinogen binding (but not fibronectin binding) was significantly associated with endocarditis induction, whereas both fibrinogen binding and fibronectin binding were associated with disease severity. Moreover, fibrinogen binding also combined with fibronectin binding to synergize the invasion of cultured cell lines significantly, a feature correlating with endocarditis severity. Thus, while fibrinogen binding and fibronectin binding were believed to act sequentially in colonization and invasion, they appeared unexpectedly intertwined in terms of both functional anatomy and pathogenicity (in endocarditis). This unforeseen FnBPA subtlety might bear importance for the development of antiadhesin strategies.


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Background: Chemoreception is a widespread mechanism that is involved in critical biologic processes, including individual and social behavior. The insect peripheral olfactory system comprises three major multigene families: the olfactory receptor (Or), the gustatory receptor (Gr), and the odorant-binding protein (OBP) families. Members of the latter family establish the first contact with the odorants, and thus constitute the first step in the chemosensory transduction pathway.Results: Comparative analysis of the OBP family in 12 Drosophila genomes allowed the identification of 595 genes that encode putative functional and nonfunctional members in extant species, with 43 gene gains and 28 gene losses (15 deletions and 13 pseudogenization events). The evolution of this family shows tandem gene duplication events, progressive divergence in DNA and amino acid sequence, and prevalence of pseudogenization events in external branches of the phylogenetic tree. We observed that the OBP arrangement in clusters is maintained across the Drosophila species and that purifying selection governs the evolution of the family; nevertheless, OBP genes differ in their functional constraints levels. Finally, we detect that the OBP repertoire evolves more rapidly in the specialist lineages of the Drosophila melanogaster group (D. sechellia and D. erecta) than in their closest generalists.Conclusion: Overall, the evolution of the OBP multigene family is consistent with the birth-and-death model. We also found that members of this family exhibit different functional constraints, which is indicative of some functional divergence, and that they might be involved in some of the specialization processes that occurred through the diversification of the Drosophila genus.