996 resultados para cross polarization


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Origin of polarization sensitivity of photonic wire waveguides (PWWs) is analysed and the effective refractive indices of two different polarization states are calculated by the three-dimensional full-vector beam propagation method. We find that PWWs are polarization insensitive if the distribution of its refractive index is uniform and the cross section is square. An MRR based on such a polarization-insensitive PWW is fabricated on an 8-inch silicon-on-insulator wafer using 248-nm deep ultraviolet lithography and reactive ion etching. The quasi-TE mode is resonant at 1542.25 nm and 1558.90 nm, and the quasi-TM mode is resonant at 1542.12 nm and 1558.94 nm. The corresponding polarization shift is 0.13 nm at the shorter wavelength and 0.04 nm at the longer wavelength. Thus the fabricated device is polarization independent. The extinction ratio is larger than 10 dB. The 3 dB bandwidth is about 2.5 nm and the Qvalue is about 620 at 1558.90 nm.


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An analytic closed form for the second- order or fourth- order Markovian stochastic correlation of attosecond sum- frequency polarization beat ( ASPB) can be obtained in the extremely Doppler- broadened limit. The homodyne detected ASPB signal is shown to be particularly sensitive to the statistical properties of the Markovian stochastic light. fields with arbitrary bandwidth. The physical explanation for this is that the Gaussian- amplitude. field undergoes stronger intensity. fluctuations than a chaotic. field. On the other hand, the intensity ( amplitude). fluctuations of the Gaussian- amplitude. field or the chaotic. field are always much larger than the pure phase. fluctuations of the phase-diffusion field. The field correlation has weakly influence on the ASPB signal when the laser has narrow bandwidth. In contrast, when the laser has broadband linewidth, the ASPB signal shows resonant- nonresonant cross correlation, and the sensitivities of ASPB signal to three Markovian stochastic models increase as time delay is increased. A Doppler- free precision in the measurement of the energy- level sum can be achieved with an arbitrary bandwidth. The advantage of ASPB is that the ultrafast modulation period 900as can still be improved, because the energy- level interval between ground state and excited state can be widely separated.


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Based on the phase-conjugate polarization interference between two two-photon processes, we obtained an analytic closed form for the second-order or fourth-order Markovian stochastic correlation of the four-level attosecond sum-frequency polarization beat (FASPB) in the extremely Doppler-broadened limit. The homodyne-detected FASPB signal is shown to be particularly sensitive to the statistical properties of the Markovian stochastic light fields with arbitrary bandwidth. The different roles of the amplitude fluctuations and the phase fluctuations can be understood physically in the time-domain picture. The field correlation has a weak influence on the FASPB signal when the laser has narrow bandwidth. In contrast, when the laser has broadband linewidth, the FASPB signal shows resonant-nonresonant cross-correlation, and drastic difference for three Markovian stochastic fields. The maxima of the two two-photon signals are shifted from zero time delay to the opposite direction, and the signal exhibits damping oscillation when the laser frequency is off-resonant from the two-photon transition. A Doppler-free precision in the measurement of the energy-level sum can be achieved with an arbitrary bandwidth. As an attosecond ultrafast modulation process, it can be extended intrinsically to any sum frequency of energy levels.


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Based on the phase-conjugation polarization interference between two two-photon processes, we theoretically investigated the attosecond scale asymmetry sum-frequency polarization beat in four-level system (FASPB). The field correlation has weak influence on the FASPB signal when the laser has narrow bandwidth. Conversely, when the laser has broadband linewidth, the FASPB signal shows resonance-nonresonance cross correlation. The two-photon signal exhibits hybrid radiation-matter detuning terahertz; damping oscillation, i.e., when the laser frequency is off resonance from the two-photon transition, the signal exhibits damping oscillation and the profile of the two-photon self-correlation signal also exhibits zero time-delay asymmetry of the maxima. We have also investigated the asymmetry of attosecond polarization beat caused by the shift of the two-photon self-correlation zero time-delay phenomenon, in which the maxima of the two two-photon signals are shifted from zero time-delay point to opposite directions. As an attosecond ultrafast modulation process, FASPB can be intrinsically extended to any level-summation systems of two dipolar forbidden excited states.


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Based on the phase-conjugate polarization interference between two-pathway excitations, we obtained an analytic closed form for the second-order or fourth-order Markovian stochastic correlation of the V three-level sum-frequency polarization beat (SFPB) in attosecond scale. Novel interferometric oscillatory behavior is exposed in terms of radiation-radiation, radiation-matter, and matter-matter polarization beats. The phase-coherent control of the light beams in the SFPB is subtle. When the laser has broadband linewidth, the homodyne detected SFPB signal shows resonant-nonresonant cross correlation, a drastic difference for three Markovian stochastic fields, and the autocorrelation of the SFPB exhibits hybrid radiation-matter detuning terahertz damping oscillation. As an attosecond ultrafast modulation process, it can be extended intrinsically to any sum frequency of energy levels. It has been also found that the asymmetric behaviors of the polarization beat signals due to the unbalanced controllable dispersion effects between the two arms of interferometer do not affect the overall accuracy in case using the SFPB to measure the Doppler-free energy-level sum of two excited states.


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Recording with both parallel and orthogonal linearly polarized lights, polarization holographic storage in genetic mutant BR-D96N film is reported with both transmission type geometry and reflection type geometry. Polarization properties of diffraction light and scattering light are discussed for two different cases, parallel polarization recording and orthogonal polarization recording. It shows that, compared with recording with parallel polarization lights, orthogonal polarization holography can separate the diffraction light from the scattering noise, therefore improving the signal-to-noise ratio. It also shows that, compared with reconstruction with reference light, reconstruction with phase conjugated wave of the reference light can improve the signal-to-noise ratio of the reconstructed diffraction image, and also the wave-front aberration of the object light introduced by irregular phase object in the optical pass-way can also be corrected effectively, which ensures that the reconstructed diffraction image has a better fidelity. The preliminary angle-multiplexed volume holographic storage multiplexed by transmission type geometry and reflection type geometry is demonstrated in the BR-D96N film. Experiment shows that there is no cross-talk between the two pages of images except for some scattering noises.


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This letter presents the effective design of a tunable 80 Gbit/s wavelength converter with a simple configuration consisting of a single semiconductor optical amplifier (SOA) and an optical bandpass filter (OBPF). Based on both cross-gain and cross-phase modulation in SOA, the polarity-preserved, ultrafast wavelength conversion is achieved by appropriately filtering the blue-chirped spectral component of a probe light. Moreover, the experiments are carried out to investigate into the wavelength tunability and the maximum tuning range of the designed wavelength converter. Our results show that a wide wavelength conversion range of nearly 35 nm is achieved with 21-nm downconversion and 14-nm upconversion, which is substantially limited by the operation wavelength ranges of a tunable OBPF and a tunable continuous-wave laser in our experiment. We also exploited the dynamics characteristics of the wavelength converter with variable input powers and different injection current of SOA. (C) 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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In the present work, the cross-over rates of methanol and ethanol, respectively, through Nafion(R)-115 membranes at different temperatures and different concentrations have been measured and compared. The changes of Nafion(R)-115 membrane porosity in the presence of methanol or ethanol aqueous solutions were also determined by weighing vacuum-dried and alcohol solution-equilibrated membranes. The techniques of anode polarization and adsorption stripping voltarnmetry were applied to compare the electrochemical activity and adsorption ability, respectively. To investigate the consequences of methanol and ethanol permeation from the anode to the cathode on the performance of direct alcohol fuel cells (DAFCs), single DAFC tests, with methanol or ethanol as the fuel, have been carried out and the corresponding anode and cathode polarizations versus dynamic hydrogen electrode (DHE) were also performed. The effect of alcohol concentration on the performance of PtRu/C anode-based DAFCs was investigated.


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We investigate the role of dynamic polarization of the target electrons in the process of recombination of electrons with multicharged ions (polarizational recombination). Numerical calculations carried out for a number of Ni- and Ne-like ions demonstrate that the inclusion of polarizational recombination leads to a noticeable increase (up to 30%) in the cross sections for incident electron energies outside the regions of dielectronic resonances. We also present a critical analysis of theoretical approaches used by other authors to describe the phenomenon of polarizational recombination.


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This paper presents a simple polarization encoding strategy that operates using only single element dual port transmit and receive antennas in such a way that selective spatial scrambling of QPSK data can be effected. The key transmitter and receiver relationships needed for this operation to occur are derived. The system is validated using a cross dipole antenna arrangement. Unlike all previously reported physical layer wireless solutions the approach developed in this paper transfers the security property to the receive side resulting in very simple transmit and receive side architectures thus avoiding the need for near field modulated array technology. In addition the scheme permits, for the first time, multiple spatially separated secured receive sites to operate in parallel.


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This thesis presents the Radar Cross Section measurements of different geometric structures such as flat plate,cylinder, corner reflector and circular cone loaded with fractal based metallo dielectric structures.Use of different fractal geometris,metallizations of different shapes as well as the frequency tanability is investigated for TE and TM polarization of the incident electromagnetic field.Application of fractal based metallo-dielectric structures results in RCS reduction over a wide range of frequency bands.RCS enhancement of dihedral corner is observed at certain acute and obtuse corner angles.The experimental results are validated using electromagnetic simulation softwares.


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In dieser Arbeit wird die Wechselwirkung zwischen einem Photon und einem Elektron im starken Coulombfeld eines Atomkerns am Beispiel des radiativen Elektroneneinfangs beim Stoß hochgeladener Teilchen untersucht. In den letzten Jahren wurde dieser Ladungsaustauschprozess insbesondere für relativistische Ion–Atom–Stöße sowohl experimentell als auch theoretisch ausführlich erforscht. In Zentrum standen dabei haupsächlich die totalen und differentiellen Wirkungsquerschnitte. In neuerer Zeit werden vermehrt Spin– und Polarisationseffekte sowie Korrelationseffekte bei diesen Stoßprozessen diskutiert. Man erwartet, dass diese sehr empfindlich auf relativistische Effekte im Stoß reagieren und man deshalb eine hervorragende Methode zu deren Bestimmung erhält. Darüber hinaus könnten diese Messungen auch indirekt dazu führen, dass man die Polarisation des Ionenstrahls bestimmen kann. Damit würden sich neue experimentelle Möglichkeiten sowohl in der Atom– als auch der Kernphysik ergeben. In dieser Dissertation werden zunächst diese ersten Untersuchungen zu den Spin–, Polarisations– und Korrelationseffekten systematisch zusammengefasst. Die Dichtematrixtheorie liefert hierzu die geeignete Methode. Mit dieser Methode werden dann die allgemeinen Gleichungen für die Zweistufen–Rekombination hergeleitet. In diesem Prozess wird ein Elektron zunächst radiativ in einen angeregten Zustand eingefangen, der dann im zweiten Schritt unter Emission des zweiten (charakteristischen) Photons in den Grundzustand übergeht. Diese Gleichungen können natürlich auf beliebige Mehrstufen– sowie Einstufen–Prozesse erweitert werden. Im direkten Elektroneneinfang in den Grundzustand wurde die ”lineare” Polarisation der Rekombinationsphotonen untersucht. Es wurde gezeigt, dass man damit eine Möglichkeit zur Bestimmung der Polarisation der Teilchen im Eingangskanal des Schwerionenstoßes hat. Rechnungen zur Rekombination bei nackten U92+ Projektilen zeigen z. B., dass die Spinpolarisation der einfallenden Elektronen zu einer Drehung der linearen Polarisation der emittierten Photonen aus der Streuebene heraus führt. Diese Polarisationdrehung kann mit neu entwickelten orts– und polarisationsempfindlichen Festkörperdetektoren gemessen werden. Damit erhält man eine Methode zur Messung der Polarisation der einfallenden Elektronen und des Ionenstrahls. Die K–Schalen–Rekombination ist ein einfaches Beispiel eines Ein–Stufen–Prozesses. Das am besten bekannte Beispiel der Zwei–Stufen–Rekombination ist der Elektroneneinfang in den 2p3/2–Zustand des nackten Ions und anschließendem Lyman–1–Zerfall (2p3/2 ! 1s1/2). Im Rahmen der Dichte–Matrix–Theorie wurden sowohl die Winkelverteilung als auch die lineare Polarisation der charakteristischen Photonen untersucht. Beide (messbaren) Größen werden beträchtlich durch die Interferenz des E1–Kanals (elektrischer Dipol) mit dem viel schwächeren M2–Kanal (magnetischer Quadrupol) beeinflusst. Für die Winkelverteilung des Lyman–1 Zerfalls im Wasserstoff–ähnlichen Uran führt diese E1–M2–Mischung zu einem 30%–Effekt. Die Berücksichtigung dieser Interferenz behebt die bisher vorhandene Diskrepanz von Theorie und Experiment beim Alignment des 2p3/2–Zustands. Neben diesen Ein–Teichen–Querschnitten (Messung des Einfangphotons oder des charakteristischen Photons) wurde auch die Korrelation zwischen den beiden berechnet. Diese Korrelationen sollten in X–X–Koinzidenz–Messungen beobbachtbar sein. Der Schwerpunkt dieser Untersuchungen lag bei der Photon–Photon–Winkelkorrelation, die experimentell am einfachsten zu messen ist. In dieser Arbeit wurden ausführliche Berechnungen der koinzidenten X–X–Winkelverteilungen beim Elektroneneinfang in den 2p3/2–Zustand des nackten Uranions und beim anschließenden Lyman–1–Übergang durchgeführt. Wie bereits erwähnt, hängt die Winkelverteilung des charakteristischen Photons nicht nur vom Winkel des Rekombinationsphotons, sondern auch stark von der Spin–Polarisation der einfallenden Teilchen ab. Damit eröffnet sich eine zweite Möglichkeit zur Messung der Polaristion des einfallenden Ionenstrahls bzw. der einfallenden Elektronen.


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In this work, we investigate the limitation of the use of strength coefficients on double folding potentials to study the presence of the threshold anomaly in the elastic scattering of halo nuclei at near barrier energies. For this purpose, elastic angular distributions and reaction cross sections for the He-6 on Bi-209 are studied. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We report the J/psi -> e(+)e(-) and the psi` -> e(+)e(-) production cross sections in the PHENIX experiment at RHIC. The first measurements of the production cross sections of the psi` and the psi` over the J/psi, will contribute to the clarification of the theoretical understanding of the J/psi meson production. The inclusive J/psi polarization through the same decay channel is also presented, showing a trend of slightly longitudinal polarization for p(T) <5 GeV/c.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)