981 resultados para correlation matrix


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In this paper we report the applicability of the density matrix renormalization group (DMRG) approach to the cylindrical single wall carbon nanotube (SWCN) for the purpose of its correlation effect. By applying the DMRG approach to the t+U+V model, with t and V being the hopping and Coulomb energies between the nearest neighboring sites, respectively, and U the on-site Coulomb energy, we calculate the phase diagram for the SWCN with chiral numbers (n(1)=3, n(2)=2), which reflects the competition between the correlation energy U and V. Within reasonable parameter ranges, we investigate possible correlated ground states, the lowest excitations, and the corresponding correlation functions in which the connection with the excitonic insulator is particularly addressed.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Progressive interstitial fibrosis and tubular atrophy (IF/TA) is a leading cause of chronic allograft dysfunction. Increased extracellular matrix remodeling regulated by matrix metalloproteases (MMPs) and their inhibitors (TIMPs) has been implicated in the development of IF/TA. The aim of this study was to investigate whether urinary/serum MMPs/TIMPs correlate with subclinical IF/TA detected in surveillance biopsies within the first 6months post-transplant. We measured eight different MMPs/TIMPs simultaneously in urine and serum samples from patients classified as normal histology (n=15), IF/TA 1 (n=15) and IF/TA 2-3 (n=10). There was no difference in urinary MMPs/TIMPs among the three groups, and only 1/8 serum MMPs/TIMPs (i.e. MMP-1) was significantly elevated in biopsies with IF/TA 2-3 (p=0.01). In addition, urinary/serum MMPs/TIMPs were not different between surveillance biopsies demonstrating an early development of IF/TA (i.e. delta IF/TA≥1 compared to a previous biopsy obtained three months before; n=11) and stable grade of IF/TA (i.e. delta IF/TA=0; n=20). Next, we investigated whether urinary/serum MMP/TIMP levels are elevated during acute subclinical tubulitis in surveillance biopsies obtained within the first 6months post-transplant (n=25). Compared to biopsies with normal histology, serum MMPs/TIMPs were not different; however, all urinary MMP/TIMP levels were numerically higher during subclinical tubulitis (MMP-1, MMP-7, TIMP-1 with p≤0.04). We conclude that urinary/serum MMPs/TIMPs do hardly correlate with existing or early developing IF/TA in surveillance biopsies obtained within the first 6months post-transplant. This could be explained by the dynamic process of extracellular matrix remodeling, which seems to be active during acute tubulo-interstitial injury/inflammation, but not in quiescent IF/TA.


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8 pages, 2 figures, to be published in the conference proceedings of 11th international conference "Computer Data Analysis & Modeling 2016"


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The main objective of this PhD was to further develop Bayesian spatio-temporal models (specifically the Conditional Autoregressive (CAR) class of models), for the analysis of sparse disease outcomes such as birth defects. The motivation for the thesis arose from problems encountered when analyzing a large birth defect registry in New South Wales. The specific components and related research objectives of the thesis were developed from gaps in the literature on current formulations of the CAR model, and health service planning requirements. Data from a large probabilistically-linked database from 1990 to 2004, consisting of fields from two separate registries: the Birth Defect Registry (BDR) and Midwives Data Collection (MDC) were used in the analyses in this thesis. The main objective was split into smaller goals. The first goal was to determine how the specification of the neighbourhood weight matrix will affect the smoothing properties of the CAR model, and this is the focus of chapter 6. Secondly, I hoped to evaluate the usefulness of incorporating a zero-inflated Poisson (ZIP) component as well as a shared-component model in terms of modeling a sparse outcome, and this is carried out in chapter 7. The third goal was to identify optimal sampling and sample size schemes designed to select individual level data for a hybrid ecological spatial model, and this is done in chapter 8. Finally, I wanted to put together the earlier improvements to the CAR model, and along with demographic projections, provide forecasts for birth defects at the SLA level. Chapter 9 describes how this is done. For the first objective, I examined a series of neighbourhood weight matrices, and showed how smoothing the relative risk estimates according to similarity by an important covariate (i.e. maternal age) helped improve the model’s ability to recover the underlying risk, as compared to the traditional adjacency (specifically the Queen) method of applying weights. Next, to address the sparseness and excess zeros commonly encountered in the analysis of rare outcomes such as birth defects, I compared a few models, including an extension of the usual Poisson model to encompass excess zeros in the data. This was achieved via a mixture model, which also encompassed the shared component model to improve on the estimation of sparse counts through borrowing strength across a shared component (e.g. latent risk factor/s) with the referent outcome (caesarean section was used in this example). Using the Deviance Information Criteria (DIC), I showed how the proposed model performed better than the usual models, but only when both outcomes shared a strong spatial correlation. The next objective involved identifying the optimal sampling and sample size strategy for incorporating individual-level data with areal covariates in a hybrid study design. I performed extensive simulation studies, evaluating thirteen different sampling schemes along with variations in sample size. This was done in the context of an ecological regression model that incorporated spatial correlation in the outcomes, as well as accommodating both individual and areal measures of covariates. Using the Average Mean Squared Error (AMSE), I showed how a simple random sample of 20% of the SLAs, followed by selecting all cases in the SLAs chosen, along with an equal number of controls, provided the lowest AMSE. The final objective involved combining the improved spatio-temporal CAR model with population (i.e. women) forecasts, to provide 30-year annual estimates of birth defects at the Statistical Local Area (SLA) level in New South Wales, Australia. The projections were illustrated using sixteen different SLAs, representing the various areal measures of socio-economic status and remoteness. A sensitivity analysis of the assumptions used in the projection was also undertaken. By the end of the thesis, I will show how challenges in the spatial analysis of rare diseases such as birth defects can be addressed, by specifically formulating the neighbourhood weight matrix to smooth according to a key covariate (i.e. maternal age), incorporating a ZIP component to model excess zeros in outcomes and borrowing strength from a referent outcome (i.e. caesarean counts). An efficient strategy to sample individual-level data and sample size considerations for rare disease will also be presented. Finally, projections in birth defect categories at the SLA level will be made.


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The previous investigations have shown that the modal strain energy correlation method, MSEC, could successfully identify the damage of truss bridge structures. However, it has to incorporate the sensitivity matrix to estimate damage and is not reliable in certain damage detection cases. This paper presents an improved MSEC method where the prediction of modal strain energy change vector is differently obtained by running the eigensolutions on-line in optimisation iterations. The particular trail damage treatment group maximising the fitness function close to unity is identified as the detected damage location. This improvement is then compared with the original MSEC method along with other typical correlation-based methods on the finite element model of a simple truss bridge. The contributions to damage detection accuracy of each considered mode is also weighed and discussed. The iterative searching process is operated by using genetic algorithm. The results demonstrate that the improved MSEC method suffices the demand in detecting the damage of truss bridge structures, even when noised measurement is considered.


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This paper presents the feasibility of using structural modal strain energy as a parameter employed in correlation- based damage detection method for truss bridge structures. It is an extension of the damage detection method adopting multiple damage location assurance criterion. In this paper, the sensitivity of modal strain energy to damage obtained from the analytical model is incorporated into the correlation objective function. Firstly, the sensitivity matrix of modal strain energy to damage is conducted offline, and for an arbitrary damage case, the correlation coefficient (objective function) is calculated by multiplying the sensitivity matrix and damage vector. Then, a genetic algorithm is used to iteratively search the damage vector maximising the correlation between the corresponding modal strain energy change (hypothesised) and its counterpart in measurement. The proposed method is simulated and compared with the conventional methods, e.g. frequency-error method, coordinate modal assurance criterion and multiple damage location assurance criterion using mode shapes on a numerical truss bridge structure. The result demonstrates the modal strain energy correlation method is able to yield acceptable damage detection outcomes with less computing efforts, even in a noise contaminated condition.


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Spectroscopic studies of complex clinical fluids have led to the application of a more holistic approach to their chemical analysis becoming more popular and widely employed. The efficient and effective interpretation of multidimensional spectroscopic data relies on many chemometric techniques and one such group of tools is represented by so-called correlation analysis methods. Typical of these techniques are two-dimensional correlation analysis and statistical total correlation spectroscopy (STOCSY). Whilst the former has largely been applied to optical spectroscopic analysis, STOCSY was developed and has been applied almost exclusively to NMR metabonomic studies. Using a 1H NMR study of human blood plasma, from subjects recovering from exhaustive exercise trials, the basic concepts and applications of these techniques are examined. Typical information from their application to NMR-based metabonomics is presented and their value in aiding interpretation of NMR data obtained from biological systems is illustrated. Major energy metabolites are identified in the NMR spectra and the dynamics of their appearance and removal from plasma during exercise recovery are illustrated and discussed. The complementary nature of two-dimensional correlation analysis and statistical total correlation spectroscopy are highlighted.


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Background Tumour necrosis (TN) is recognized to be a consequence of chronic cellular hypoxia. TN and hypoxia correlate with poor prognosis in solid tumours. Methods In a retrospective study the prognostic implications of the extent of TN was evaluated in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) and correlated with clinicopathological variables and expression of epidermal growth factor receptor, Bcl-2, p53 and matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9). Tissue specimens from 178 surgically resected cases of stage I-IIIA NSCLC with curative intent were studied. The specimens were routinely processed, formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded. TN was graded as extensive or either limited or absent by two independent observers; disagreements were resolved using a double-headed microscope. The degree of reproducibility was estimated by re-interpreting 40 randomly selected cases after a 4 month interval. Results Reproducibility was attained in 36/40 cases, Kappa score=0.8 P<0.001. TN correlated with T-stage (P=0.001), platelet count (P=0.004) and p53 expression (P=0.031). Near significant associations of TN with N-stage (P=0.063) and MMP-9 expression (P=0.058) were seen. No association was found with angiogenesis (P=0.98). On univariate (P=0.0016) and multivariate analysis (P=0.023) TN was prognostic. Conclusion These results indicate that extensive TN reflects an aggressive tumour phenotype in NSCLC and may improve the predictive power of the TMN staging system. The lack of association between TN and angiogenesis may be important although these variables were not evaluated on serial sections. © 2002 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Black et al. (2004) identified a systematic difference between LA–ICP–MS and TIMS measurements of 206Pb/238U in zircons, which they correlated with the incompatible trace element content of the zircon. We show that the offset between the LA–ICP–MS and TIMS measured 206Pb/238U correlates more strongly with the total radiogenic Pb than with any incompatible trace element. This suggests that the cause of the 206Pb/238U offset is related to differences in the radiation damage (alpha dose) between the reference and unknowns. We test this hypothesis in two ways. First, we show that there is a strong correlation between the difference in the LA–ICP–MS and TIMS measured 206Pb/238U and the difference in the alpha dose received by unknown and reference zircons. The LA–ICP–MS ages for the zircons we have dated can be as much as 5.1% younger than their TIMS age to 2.1% older, depending on whether the unknown or reference received the higher alpha dose. Second, we show that by annealing both reference and unknown zircons at 850 °C for 48 h in air we can eliminate the alpha-dose-induced differences in measured 206Pb/238U. This was achieved by analyzing six reference zircons a minimum of 16 times in two round robin experiments: the first consisting of unannealed zircons and the second of annealed grains. The maximum offset between the LA–ICP–MS and TIMS measured 206Pb/238U for the unannealed zircons was 2.3%, which reduced to 0.5% for the annealed grains, as predicted by within-session precision based on counting statistics. Annealing unknown zircons and references to the same state prior to analysis holds the promise of reducing the 3% external error for the measurement of 206Pb/238U of zircon by LA–ICP–MS, indicated by Klötzli et al. (2009), to better than 1%, but more analyses of annealed zircons by other laboratories are required to evaluate the true potential of the annealing method.


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Matrix Metalloproteinase-2 (MMP-2) is secreted as a zymogen, the activation of which has been associated with metastatic progression in human breast cancer (HBC). Concanavalin A (Con A) has been found to induce activation of MMP-2 in invasive HBC cell lines. Con A effects on the expression of mRNA for membrane-type matrix metalloproteinase (MT-MMP), a newly described cell surface-associated MMP, showed a close temporal correlation with induction of MMP-2 activation. It is surprising that MT-MMP mRNA is constitutively present in the uninduced MDA-MB-231 cell, despite a lack of MMP-2 activation. We have used actinomycin D to demonstrate a partial requirement for de novo gene expression in the induction of MMP-2 activation by Con A in MDA-MB-231 HBC cells. Furthermore, this transcriptional response to Con A appeared to require the continued presence of Con A for its manifestation. The nontranscriptional component of the Con A induction manifests rapidly, is quite substantial, and persists strongly despite actinomycin D abrogation of both constitutive and Con A-induced MT-MMP. Cycloheximide analyses suggest that protein synthesis may be involved in this rapid transcription-independent response. These studies suggest that Con A induces MMP-2-activation in part by up-regulation of MT-MMP expression but has a more complicated mode of action, involving additional nontranscriptional effects, which apparently require protein synthesis.


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Human ovarian carcinoma samples were orthotopically implanted into SCID mice to investigate the contribution of matrix metalloproteases (MMPs) to the spread of ovarian tumors. Mice were inoculated with patient tumor samples, and developed ovarian tumors over a 16-week period with metastasis occurring in some mice. Species-specific quantitative RT-PCR was used to identify the source of tumor-associated MMPs. Membrane-type (MT)1-MMP mRNA was significantly increased in high-grade tumors, tumors with evidence of serosal involvement, and tumors in which distant metastases were detected. The increase in MT1-MMP expression was predominantly from the human tumor cells, with a minor contribution from the mouse ovarian stroma. Neither human nor mouse MT2-MMP were correlated with tumor progression and MT3-MMP levels were negligible. While tumor cells did not produce significant amounts of MMP-2 or MMP-9, the presence of tumor was associated with increased levels of MMP-2 expression by mouse ovarian stroma. Stromal-derived MT1-MMP was greater in large tumors and was associated with stromal MMP-2 expression but neither was significantly linked with metastasis. These studies indicate that tumor-derived MT1-MMP, more so than other gelatinolytic MMPs, is strongly linked to aggressive tumor behavior. This orthotopic model of human ovarian carcinoma is appropriate for studying ovarian tumor progression, and will be valuable in the further investigation of the metastatic process.


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Genetic models partitioning additive and non-additive genetic effects for populations tested in replicated multi-environment trials (METs) in a plant breeding program have recently been presented in the literature. For these data, the variance model involves the direct product of a large numerator relationship matrix A, and a complex structure for the genotype by environment interaction effects, generally of a factor analytic (FA) form. With MET data, we expect a high correlation in genotype rankings between environments, leading to non-positive definite covariance matrices. Estimation methods for reduced rank models have been derived for the FA formulation with independent genotypes, and we employ these estimation methods for the more complex case involving the numerator relationship matrix. We examine the performance of differing genetic models for MET data with an embedded pedigree structure, and consider the magnitude of the non-additive variance. The capacity of existing software packages to fit these complex models is largely due to the use of the sparse matrix methodology and the average information algorithm. Here, we present an extension to the standard formulation necessary for estimation with a factor analytic structure across multiple environments.