823 resultados para concreto com PET


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采用紫外 -可见光吸收技术分析和研究了 35MeV/uAr离子辐照聚酯膜引起的光吸收改性 .结果表明 ,Ar离子轰击聚酯膜时引起了碳键的共轭体系形成 ,从而导致了紫外 -可见光区域中光吸收明显增加 ,光吸收增加的幅度依赖于离子的照射剂量、离子在样品中的平均电子能量损失以及光的波长 ,剂量越高 ,电子能损越大 ,光吸收增幅越大 ;而光的波长越长 ,光吸收的增加则越不明显 .利用测量到的光吸收曲线 ,同时还定量地研究了各种辐照条件下聚酯膜的光能隙和碳原子团的尺寸 .


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A full-ring PET insert device should be able to enhance the image resolution of existing small-animal PET scanners. Methods: The device consists of 18 high-resolution PET detectors in a cylindric enclosure. Each detector contains a cerium-doped lutetium oxyorthosilicate array (12 x 12 crystals, 0.72 x 1.51 x 3.75 mm each) coupled to a position-sensitive photomultiplier tube via an optical fiber bundle made of 8 x 16 square multiclad fibers. Signals from the insert detectors are connected to the scanner through the electronics of the disabled first ring of detectors, which permits coincidence detection between the 2 systems. Energy resolution of a detector was measured using a Ge-68 point source, and a calibrated 68Ge point source stepped across the axial field of view (FOV) provided the sensitivity profile of the system. A Na-22 point source imaged at different offsets from the center characterized the in-plane resolution of the insert system. Imaging was then performed with a Derenzo phantom filled with 19.5 MBq of F-18-fluoride and imaged for 2 h; a 24.3-g mouse injected with 129.5 MBq of F-18-fluoride and imaged in 5 bed positions at 3.5 h after injection; and a 22.8-g mouse injected with 14.3 MBq of F-18-FDG and imaged for 2 h with electrocardiogram gating. Results: The energy resolution of a typical detector module at 511 keV is 19.0% +/- 3.1 %. The peak sensitivity of the system is approximately 2.67%. The image resolution of the system ranges from 1.0- to 1.8-mm full width at half maximum near the center of the FOV, depending on the type of coincidence events used for image reconstruction. Derenzo phantom and mouse bone images showed significant improvement in transaxial image resolution using the insert device. Mouse heart images demonstrated the gated imaging capability of the device. Conclusion: We have built a prototype full-ring insert device for a small-animal PET scanner to provide higher-resolution PET images within a reduced imaging FOV. Development of additional correction techniques are needed to achieve quantitative imaging with such an insert.


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Tumor radiotherapy was a promising modality and over 100 years. Beams of heavy-charged particles show high RBE advantages and become the optimum tool for tumors therapy. Newly, along with the development of accelerators, scintillators, micro-electronics and computers, the heavy ion tumor therapy has been recognized more and developed.


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A prototype of time-of-flight positron emission computed tomography (TOF-PET) has been developed for acquiring the coincident detection of 511 keV gamma-rays produced from positron annihilation. It consists of two 80.5 mmx80.5 mm LYSO scintillator arrays (composed of 35 x35 pixel finger crystals) with the position sensitive photomultiplier tubes R2487 as the readout. Each array is composed of 2 mm x2 mm x 15 mm finger crystals and the average pixel pitch is 2.30 mm. The measured results indicate that the TOF information has the potential to significantly enhance the image quality by improving the noise variance in the image reconstruction. The best spatial resolution (FWHM) of the prototype for the pairs of 511 keV gamma-rays is 1.98 mm and 2.16 mm in the x and y directions, respectively, which are smaller than the average pixel pitch of 2.30 mm.


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提高癌症患者治愈率的关键是早期诊断,及时治疗。现在,癌变组织的无创伤诊断已成为癌医学诊断的发展方向和潮流,发展一种快速、准确、方便、低廉的医用肿瘤诊断影像设备是非常实际和十分有意义的课题。 本论文描述了构成便携式肿瘤影像探测器的探测单元研制,包括探测器总体构型设计,选择闪烁晶体种类、形状及尺寸、选择与之匹配的读出器件-位置灵敏光电倍增管,设计简化的读出线路。 通过模拟计算和实验测试,确定探测器单元由64块BGO晶体构成8×8方阵,晶体尺寸5.9×5.9×10mm3,探测器性能通过137Csγ放射源测试。探测单元本征位置分辨达到3.12 mm(FWHM),为了提高探测单元的本征分辨,构建了2×2×10mm3 BGO晶体的19×19矩阵探测单元,后续读出不变,本征位置分辨为1.41mm(FWHM)。这一指标接近于目前同类探测器的最好水平。在此基础上用22Na正电子放射源对双探测单元构成的Micro-PET进行成像测试,给出了清晰二维平面影像。 闪烁晶体性能测试和探测器单元性能测试都与Monte Carlo模拟结果很好符合,说明Monte Carlo模拟结果可靠,对设计优化探测器单元有指导作用。该探测单元研制结果和双单元的符合研究,为研制一种快速、准确、方便、低廉的医用肿瘤诊断成像设备—微型正电子发射断层仪(Micro-PET)提供理论和实践经验


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In this paper, we evaluated various parameters of culture condition affecting high-level soluble expression of human cyclin A, in Escherichia coli BL21(DE3), and demonstrated that the highest protein yield was obtained using TB(no glycerol) + 0.5% glucose medium at 25 degrees C. By single immobilized metal ion affinity chromatography, we got highly purified human cyclin A(2) with a yield ranged from 20 to 30 mg/L. By amyloid-diagnostic dye ThT binding and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, we observed a significant decrease in alpha-helix content and an increase in beta-sheet structure in cyclin A(2) inclusion body in comparison to its native protein, and confirmed the resemblance of the internal organization of cyclin A(2) inclusion body and amyloid fibrils.


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以PS、DCP、GMA作为PET/EPDM共混体系的增容剂 ,以DSC和X射线衍射探讨了PET/EPDM共混物的结晶性能 ,以偏光显微镜和扫描电子显微镜探讨了共混物的形态。结果表明 ,PET/g EPDM共混体系的熔点可提高10℃ ,玻璃化温度降低 ,结晶起始温度提高约 2 0℃。共混体系中 ,当EPDM含量低时 ,PLM下观察到的是较为完整的球晶 ,随着EPDM含量逐渐提高 ,观察得到的是不完善的球晶、微晶、晶粒这样一个晶体变化过程 ,结晶完善程度降低。


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利用差示扫描量热仪、X射线衍射仪、正交偏光显微镜研究了成核剂 1,3 :2 ,4-二 (亚苄基 ) -D山梨醇(DBS)对聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯 (PET) /聚 2 ,6-萘二甲酸乙二醇酯 (PEN)共混体系的结构及结晶形态的影响。结果表明 :成核剂的加入 ,使PET/PEN共混体系熔融起始温度升高 10℃左右 ,结晶峰形变尖锐 ,说明加入成核剂后有效促进了PET/PEN共混体系的结晶。实验结果表明 :成核剂含量低于 1%时 ,PET/PEN共混体系晶体的球晶完整。成核剂含量大于 3 %时 ,PET/PEN /DBS共混体系晶体的球晶碎小。成核剂的加入 ,能够有效地减小球晶尺寸和降低球晶的完善性


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Macrokinetic models, namly the modified Avrami, Ozawa and Zibicki models, were applied to study the non-isothermal melt crystallization process of PET/PEN/DBS blends by DSC measurement. The modified Avrami model was found to describe the experimental data fairly well. With the cooling rates in the range from 5 to 20 K/min, Ozawa model could be well used to describe the early stages of crystallization. However, Ozawa model did not fit the polymer blends during the late stages of crystallization, because it ignored the influence of secondary crystallization. The crystallization ability of the blends decreases with increasing the DBS content from analysis by using Ziabicki kinetic model, which is similar to the results based on calculation of the effective energy barrier of the blends.


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Cannabinoid receptors are members of the large family of G-protein coupled receptors. Two types of cannabinoid receptor have been discovered: CB1 and CB2. CB1 receptors are localised predominantly in the brain whereas CB2 receptors are more abundant in peripheral nervous system cells. CB1 receptors have been related with a number of disorders, including depression, anxiety, stress, schizophrenia, chronic pain and obesity. For this reason, several cannabinoid ligands were developed as drug candidates. Among these ligands, a prominent position is occupied by SR141716 (Rimonabant), which is a pyrazole derivative with inverse agonist activity discovered by Sanofi-Synthelabo in 1994. This compound was marketed in Europe as an anti-obesity drug, but subsequently withdrawn due to its side-effects. Since the relationship between the CB1 receptors’ functional modification, density and distribution, and the beginning of a pathological state is still not well understood, the development of radio-ligands suitable for in vivo PET (Positron Emission Tomography) functional imaging of CB1 receptors remains an important area of research in medicine and drug development. To date, a few radiotracers have been synthesised and tested in vivo, but most of them afforded unsatisfactory brain imaging results. A handful of radiolabelled CB1 PET ligands have also been submitted to clinical trials in humans. In this PhD Thesis the design, synthesis and characterization of three new classes of potential high-affinity CB1 ligands as candidate PET tracers is described.