997 resultados para computational aeroacoustics


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Capturing and sequestering carbon dioxide (CO2) can provide a route to partial mitigation of climate change associated with anthropogenic CO2 emissions. Here we report a comprehensive theoretical study of CO2 adsorption on two phases of boron, α-B12 and γ-B28. The theoretical results demonstrate that the electron deficient boron materials, such as α-B12 and γ-B28, can bond strongly with CO2 due to Lewis acid-base interactions because the electron density is higher on their surfaces. In order to evaluate the capacity of these boron materials for CO2 capture, we also performed calculations with various degrees of CO2 coverage. The computational results indicate CO2 capture on the boron phases is a kinetically and thermodynamically feasible process, and therefore from this perspective these boron materials are predicted to be good candidates for CO2 capture.


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The reaction of the aromatic distonic peroxyl radical cations N-methyl pyridinium-4-peroxyl (PyrOO center dot+) and 4-(N,N,N-trimethyl ammonium)-phenyl peroxyl (AnOO center dot+), with symmetrical dialkyl alkynes 10?ac was studied in the gas phase by mass spectrometry. PyrOO center dot+ and AnOO center dot+ were produced through reaction of the respective distonic aryl radical cations Pyr center dot+ and An center dot+ with oxygen, O2. For the reaction of Pyr center dot+ with O2 an absolute rate coefficient of k1=7.1X10-12 cm3 molecule-1 s-1 and a collision efficiency of 1.2?% was determined at 298 K. The strongly electrophilic PyrOO center dot+ reacts with 3-hexyne and 4-octyne with absolute rate coefficients of khexyne=1.5X10-10 cm3 molecule-1 s-1 and koctyne=2.8X10-10 cm3 molecule-1 s-1, respectively, at 298 K. The reaction of both PyrOO center dot+ and AnOO center dot+ proceeds by radical addition to the alkyne, whereas propargylic hydrogen abstraction was observed as a very minor pathway only in the reactions involving PyrOO center dot+. A major reaction pathway of the vinyl radicals 11 formed upon PyrOO center dot+ addition to the alkynes involves gamma-fragmentation of the peroxy O?O bond and formation of PyrO center dot+. The PyrO center dot+ is rapidly trapped by intermolecular hydrogen abstraction, presumably from a propargylic methylene group in the alkyne. The reaction of the less electrophilic AnOO center dot+ with alkynes is considerably slower and resulted in formation of AnO center dot+ as the only charged product. These findings suggest that electrophilic aromatic peroxyl radicals act as oxygen atom donors, which can be used to generate alpha-oxo carbenes 13 (or isomeric species) from alkynes in a single step. Besides gamma-fragmentation, a number of competing unimolecular dissociative reactions also occur in vinyl radicals 11. The potential energy diagrams of these reactions were explored with density functional theory and ab initio methods, which enabled identification of the chemical structures of the most important products.


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Proton-bound dimers consisting of two glycerophospholipids with different headgroups were prepared using negative ion electrospray ionization and dissociated in a triple quadrupole mass spectrometer. Analysis of the tandem mass spectra of the dimers using the kinetic method provides, for the first time, an order of acidity for the phospholipid classes in the gas phase of PE < PA << PG < PS < PI. Hybrid density functional calculations on model phospholipids were used to predict the absolute deprotonation enthalpies of the phospholipid classes from isodesmic proton transfer reactions with phosphoric acid. The computational data largely support the experimental acidity trend, with the exception of the relative acidity ranking of the two most acidic phospholipid species. Possible causes of the discrepancy between experiment and theory are discussed and the experimental trend is recommended. The sequence of gas phase acidities for the phospholipid headgroups is found to (1) have little correlation with the relative ionization efficiencies of the phospholipid classes observed in the negative ion electrospray process, and (2) correlate well with fragmentation trends observed upon collisional activation of phospholipid \[M - H](-) anions. (c) 2005 American Society for Mass Spectrometry.


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Unsaturated water flow in soil is commonly modelled using Richards’ equation, which requires the hydraulic properties of the soil (e.g., porosity, hydraulic conductivity, etc.) to be characterised. Naturally occurring soils, however, are heterogeneous in nature, that is, they are composed of a number of interwoven homogeneous soils each with their own set of hydraulic properties. When the length scale of these soil heterogeneities is small, numerical solution of Richards’ equation is computationally impractical due to the immense effort and refinement required to mesh the actual heterogeneous geometry. A classic way forward is to use a macroscopic model, where the heterogeneous medium is replaced with a fictitious homogeneous medium, which attempts to give the average flow behaviour at the macroscopic scale (i.e., at a scale much larger than the scale of the heterogeneities). Using the homogenisation theory, a macroscopic equation can be derived that takes the form of Richards’ equation with effective parameters. A disadvantage of the macroscopic approach, however, is that it fails in cases when the assumption of local equilibrium does not hold. This limitation has seen the introduction of two-scale models that include at each point in the macroscopic domain an additional flow equation at the scale of the heterogeneities (microscopic scale). This report outlines a well-known two-scale model and contributes to the literature a number of important advances in its numerical implementation. These include the use of an unstructured control volume finite element method and image-based meshing techniques, that allow for irregular micro-scale geometries to be treated, and the use of an exponential time integration scheme that permits both scales to be resolved simultaneously in a completely coupled manner. Numerical comparisons against a classical macroscopic model confirm that only the two-scale model correctly captures the important features of the flow for a range of parameter values.


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As the level of autonomy in Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) increases, there is an imperative need for developing methods to assess robust autonomy. This paper focuses on the computations that lead to a set of measures of robust autonomy. These measures are the probabilities that selected performance indices related to the mission requirements and airframe capabilities remain within regions of acceptable performance.


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The collision-induced dissociation ( CID) mass spectra of the \[M-H](-) anions of methyl, ethyl, and tert-butyl hydroperoxides have been measured over a range of collision energies in a flowing afterglow - selected ion flow tube (FA-SIFT) mass spectrometer. Activation of the CH3OO- anion is found to give predominantly HO- fragment anions whilst CH3CH2OO- and (CH3)(3)COO- produce HOO- as the major ionic fragment. These results, and other minor fragmentation pathways, can be rationalized in terms of unimolecular rearrangement of the activated anions with subsequent decomposition. The rearrangement reactions occur via initial abstraction of a proton from the alpha-carbon in the case of CH3OO- or the beta-carbon for CH3CH2OO- and (CH3)(3)COO-. Electronic structure calculations suggest that for the CH3CH2OO- anion, which can theoretically undergo both alpha- and beta-proton abstraction, the latter pathway, resulting in HOO- + CH2CH2, is energetically preferred.


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Molecular biology is a scientific discipline which has changed fundamentally in character over the past decade to rely on large scale datasets – public and locally generated - and their computational analysis and annotation. Undergraduate education of biologists must increasingly couple this domain context with a data-driven computational scientific method. Yet modern programming and scripting languages and rich computational environments such as R and MATLAB present significant barriers to those with limited exposure to computer science, and may require substantial tutorial assistance over an extended period if progress is to be made. In this paper we report our experience of undergraduate bioinformatics education using the familiar, ubiquitous spreadsheet environment of Microsoft Excel. We describe a configurable extension called QUT.Bio.Excel, a custom ribbon, supporting a rich set of data sources, external tools and interactive processing within the spreadsheet, and a range of problems to demonstrate its utility and success in addressing the needs of students over their studies.


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We present results of computational simulations of tungsten-inert-gas and metal-inert-gas welding. The arc plasma and the electrodes (including the molten weld pool when necessary) are included self-consistently in the computational domain. It is shown, using three examples, that it would be impossible to accurately estimate the boundary conditions on the weld-pool surface without including the arc plasma in the computational domain. First, we show that the shielding gas composition strongly affects the properties of the arc that influence the weld pool: heat flux density, current density, shear stress and arc pressure at the weld-pool surface. Demixing is found to be important in some cases. Second, the vaporization of the weld-pool metal and the diffusion of the metal vapour into the arc plasma are found to decrease the heat flux density and current density to the weld pool. Finally, we show that the shape of the wire electrode in metal-inert-gas welding has a strong influence on flow velocities in the arc and the pressure and shear stress at the weld-pool surface. In each case, we present evidence that the geometry and depth of the weld pool depend strongly on the properties of the arc.


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This paper addresses of the advanced computational technique of steel structures for both simulation capacities simultaneously; specifically, they are the higher-order element formulation with element load effect (geometric nonlinearities) as well as the refined plastic hinge method (material nonlinearities). This advanced computational technique can capture the real behaviour of a whole second-order inelastic structure, which in turn ensures the structural safety and adequacy of the structure. Therefore, the emphasis of this paper is to advocate that the advanced computational technique can replace the traditional empirical design approach. In the meantime, the practitioner should be educated how to make use of the advanced computational technique on the second-order inelastic design of a structure, as this approach is the future structural engineering design. It means the future engineer should understand the computational technique clearly; realize the behaviour of a structure with respect to the numerical analysis thoroughly; justify the numerical result correctly; especially the fool-proof ultimate finite element is yet to come, of which is competent in modelling behaviour, user-friendly in numerical modelling and versatile for all structural forms and various materials. Hence the high-quality engineer is required, who can confidently manipulate the advanced computational technique for the design of a complex structure but not vice versa.


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Multiscale hybrid simulations that bridge the nine-order-of-magnitude spatial gap between the macroscopic plasma nanotools and microscopic surface processes on nanostructured solids are described. Two specific examples of carbon nanotip-like and semiconductor quantum dot nanopatterns are considered. These simulations are instrumental in developing physical principles of nanoscale assembly processes on solid surfaces exposed to low-temperature plasmas.


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The present study explores reproducing the closest geometry of a high pressure ratio single stage radial-inflow turbine applied in the Sundstrans Power Systems T-100 Multipurpose Small Power Unit. The commercial software ANSYS-Vista RTD along with a built in module, BladeGen, is used to conduct a meanline design and create 3D geometry of one flow passage. Carefully examining the proposed design against the geometrical and experimental data, ANSYS-TurboGrid is applied to generate computational mesh. CFD simulations are performed with ANSYS-CFX in which three-dimensional Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes equations are solved subject to appropriate boundary conditions. Results are compared with numerical and experimental data published in the literature in order to generate the exact geometry of the existing turbine and validate the numerical results against the experimental ones.


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ESCRT-III proteins catalyze membrane fission during multi vesicular body biogenesis, budding of some enveloped viruses and cell division. We suggest and analyze a novel mechanism of membrane fission by the mammalian ESCRT-III subunits CHMP2 and CHMP3. We propose that the CHMP2-CHMP3 complexes self-assemble into hemi-spherical dome-like structures within the necks of the initial membrane buds generated by CHMP4 filaments. The dome formation is accompanied by the membrane attachment to the dome surface, which drives narrowing of the membrane neck and accumulation of the elastic stresses leading, ultimately, to the neck fission. Based on the bending elastic model of lipid bilayers, we determine the degree of the membrane attachment to the dome enabling the neck fission and compute the required values of the protein-membrane binding energy. We estimate the feasible values of this energy and predict a high efficiency for the CHMP2-CHMP3 complexes in mediating membrane fission. We support the computational model by electron tomography imaging of CHMP2-CHMP3 assemblies in vitro. We predict a high efficiency for the CHMP2-CHMP3 complexes in mediating membrane fission.


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Bayesian experimental design is a fast growing area of research with many real-world applications. As computational power has increased over the years, so has the development of simulation-based design methods, which involve a number of algorithms, such as Markov chain Monte Carlo, sequential Monte Carlo and approximate Bayes methods, facilitating more complex design problems to be solved. The Bayesian framework provides a unified approach for incorporating prior information and/or uncertainties regarding the statistical model with a utility function which describes the experimental aims. In this paper, we provide a general overview on the concepts involved in Bayesian experimental design, and focus on describing some of the more commonly used Bayesian utility functions and methods for their estimation, as well as a number of algorithms that are used to search over the design space to find the Bayesian optimal design. We also discuss other computational strategies for further research in Bayesian optimal design.


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Thin plate spline finite element methods are used to fit a surface to an irregularly scattered dataset [S. Roberts, M. Hegland, and I. Altas. Approximation of a Thin Plate Spline Smoother using Continuous Piecewise Polynomial Functions. SIAM, 1:208--234, 2003]. The computational bottleneck for this algorithm is the solution of large, ill-conditioned systems of linear equations at each step of a generalised cross validation algorithm. Preconditioning techniques are investigated to accelerate the convergence of the solution of these systems using Krylov subspace methods. The preconditioners under consideration are block diagonal, block triangular and constraint preconditioners [M. Benzi, G. H. Golub, and J. Liesen. Numerical solution of saddle point problems. Acta Numer., 14:1--137, 2005]. The effectiveness of each of these preconditioners is examined on a sample dataset taken from a known surface. From our numerical investigation, constraint preconditioners appear to provide improved convergence for this surface fitting problem compared to block preconditioners.